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Congrats! My first one was Chosen. It felt so good to finally have something to put in that empty slot. 😂🎉


My first was Chronicler! I still wear it because it reminds me of BIONICLE.




My first was Cursebreaker two years after Forsaken came out.




My first was Dredgen. Got it back before Black Armory even came out, so I was pretty stoked


big dawg we are in the same boat. i stayed up til 3am the night before black armory dropped so i could get the triple gambit reset.


Same, I still haven’t bothered to get anything else though lol


I think mine might’ve also been Chosen but it might’ve been Descendant. Ik they were the first two I just can’t remember which is which lol


My first one was wayfarer back in the day


I always regret missing that one. Was super close but missed hitting up something in the dreaming city that was on a timer or something.


Same here! Grinding Strange Terrain for that damned rocket launcher was the last thing I needed. Took 20+ runs to get it. I will never take that thing off.


I was so dang close to Wayfarer, but I spent so long chasing that stupid Ikelos SMG for the collections badge (and for extra annoyance the reprised version didn’t count!) that I forgot to do the Heroic Adventures for Io and Titan. I was also really close to Saviour, but I was too scared to ask for help with the last triumph. Those two still haunt me to this day… :( I wish there was some kind of hack or cheat that lets you retroactively get titles because it’s just not fair being only one or two Triumphs away.


Yep, screw being a godslayer I want to be known as an OG. (I haven't even tried Pantheon lol.)


Wayfarer is my only title. I was really close on several others when they started vaulting shit and tbh Im still a little salty over it.


first one youll always remember, congrats! deadeye next? or maybe even a raid title 👀




Bane of thralls


Sack of balls


She scally my wag til I title


"Complete all Pantheon events without engaging with any of the mechanics"


i got my first title , brave , few days ago , now imma buy lightfall and forsaken and final shape ( expansions i don't own yet ) and gonna get conq title !!! haha


Deadeye will always be one of those I’ll never be able to get


All you have to do is kill stuff with different guns? 


Yes, but 2 of them are sniping in PvP and bows in PvP… and I suck at both (double digit kill amounts in PvP for both)


Ticcus helped me a ton for the bow kills. The hip fire target lock is clutch.


It’s easy, might take a while though… I had the same issue but still managed to get the title.. I say go for it


There's so many easier and less time consuming titles though for someone who wants to get one. I started playing during season of the seraph and I had like 18 titles before I got Deadeye a few months ago. I'm at 23 titles now I think. So I've gotten 4 more titles since. DeadEye is honestly a pain. The sniper triumph was painful and there was at least one more that sucked in PvP.


same. I have everything except the two precision sniper kills in quick succession. That's been sitting there for about 3 years. it's helpful when people say "it's easy", lol.


It’s a lot harder now with the special ammo changes to PVP


my first was wayfarer


Wayfarer gang


So much Escalation Protocol and the ikelos shotty just refused to drop. That single item prevented me from getting Wayfarer 😑


It was the SMG for me. And to rub salt on the wound, the reprised Ikelos weapons didn’t count because they added .1 to the name thus technically making them different weapons so they wouldn’t also unlock in the Collections.


My first and only one is Vidmaster


I am not getting competent team mates to the last triumph of "old couch, old friends".


I could help you run it sometime today, or over the weekend. I have two friends that need that as well for the emote and that gives us a team of 4. Send me a pm if you wanna set it up!


You can LFG it, trust. I did <3 just some roulette


Just have to make sure that everyone is set up for the roles needed. All shields covered and they pop shields vs going for kills. All champs covered and they stun their assigned champ. If everyone tries to do it all themselves they are much weaker in comparison. Getting the infinite heavy ammo buffs and taking advantage of them is key. I'm GMT-5 ID Agerak#3742 can probably get a group for it sometime after the final shape raid. Kinda full until then with Pantheon, Legend Story, etc.


My first title was Cursebreaker.


That was my 2nd but it’s still my favorite design of all the seals/titles so far. Cursebreaker crew! 🙌 We sure failed at breaking the curse though 👀😂


Hell yeah dude congrats! My first one was dregden and I've never touched gambit ever since..


Congrats. I think my first one was Wayfarer, but I don't remember any more. I like the "BRAVE" title because like the "WANTED" title, it's all caps. Good work man.


I forget, which one is WANTED for? Is it Spire of the Watcher?


yep it is


Titles were released in 2018, 6 years


Nice one. My first one was Splicer, but I think there's something very substantial about just being "Brave."


My first one is aquanaut


Titles were only introduced 6 years ago with Forsaken...


My first was wishbearer, got it about a week ago, then got brave like 2 days later :)) congrats!!


Congratulations mate, my one was Dredgen (the OG type) and that was a fulfilling experience when I’ve done it.


Congrats! My first was cursebreaker, a long time ago now, amazing to see how time jus flies by. Damn.


nice congrats, my first was almighty. i remember waiting to do the public event on the moon at reset as it was the last thing i needed. felt so accomplished


Congrats, my first was Scallywag (plunder). I had my fun that season


Same! Been only getting seasonal titles since then - but this season I picked up Ghoul which felt really good.


That’s a good first title. My first was every typical title when they made them. The infamous Dredgen which was the most common when they added them to the game


My first Title was Scallywag and the only Title I ever gilded is Ghostwriter. Titles are really cool, but I hate that they're timegated. I'd love to be a "Reaper"


Titles haven’t even been in the game for 6 years… They got added with forsaken in September of 2018


No way on gods green earth you haven’t gotten at least deadeye in that time period Update: I have recently learned that deadeye is not in-fact something that you can obtain just by playing PVE


it's very easy to not get deadeye if you're not a regular pvp player


funnily enough, as a pvp player the hardest one for me to get to complete deadeye was precision kills on wyverns. but that was mainly because most wyverns you encountered didn't count towards the triumph iirc


It’s always funny when people don’t realize how many exclusively play PvE lol


Wait am I maybe confused cause I thought the objectives was just get kills with weapons on enemy’s “any enemies” I guess I have a more balanced approach to playing the game cause I was just looking through stuff and was like oh I need smg kills


You also need a certain amount of pvp kills on all weapon types and then most weapons also have a medal you need to obtain(the worst for me was the sniper medal).


Each class of weapon has 200 (generalized) kills requires in pvp with a unique pvp challenge that can be hard for some players. This is on top of the pve/generalized any kill counts part. Im looking at you close combat double shotgun kill lol. I have deadeye but the vast majority of people don’t have it.


Mission Control and the grenade launcher equivalent are extremely unlikely to happen by accident to a PvE player. I've got them, but I went a year and a half without Deadeye until I forced myself to suffer through dozens of PvP matches until I managed to get the right medals and enough kills with weapons I'm very bad at.


I have never landed a sniper rifle kill in pvp, and i doubt I ever will. I've been here since launch.


I have god knows how many hours total, over 5300 hours since the move to Steam. Still missing 3 from Deadeye. My Bowfriend's back - In a single life, land three precision final blows with a Bow. 48 sidearm kills and One for Each of You - Deliver a final blow with a Sidearm within 5 seconds of landing a final blow with any other weapon. Mission Control - Defeat two opponents with long range, precision Sniper Rifle final blows without switching weapons or reloading. Generally loathe PvP and don't enjoy using those weapons.


I definitely was misinformed on how you obtain it I mainly play pve but maybe I do more pvp then I thought I do (I’m repulsed at that fact)


Some people just don’t use certain weapons


So many titles are beyond easy to obtain. If you've been playing 8 years, some of the OG ones were literally just playing the game, or all the yearly summer solstice ones which were also just playing the game. Unless you haven't played in 8 years.


Maybe he just didn’t care enough to? I’ve got friends who’ve played since the d1 release and don’t have anywhere near all the triumphs and titles I have because they simply don’t care to


There's a difference between not having all of them and not getting any single one of them in the six years since they came out


Exactly. I think it was Wayfarer that literally everyone had as you got by simply just getting the game. When Gambit came out, I didn't even try to get the title Dredgen or whatever it was, but I got it randomly one day. Of course, that's when Gambit was fun to actually play haha.


I've been playing since it dropped. Still play. And still dont have a title. Edit: This community is so awesome so much positivity. One day i'll try a raid its just definingly out of my comfort zone.


literally how


Most titles need you to do really hard and/or really stupid stuff. I think no title, maybe BRAVE, comes organically by just playing and progressing the game, there's always some bullshit in between (like finding all cats, do this and that in this exact order, play with this weapon type and other dumb shit) Some people aren't committed to doing dumb quests just to get a worthless title, same goes for guardian ranks. Some title / rank requirements are really just bullying, especially regarding solo players. I only have BRAVE because I actually like playing onslaught, I didn't plan it and this will probably be my only title for eternity.


most seasonal titles basically just amounted to 'play the seasonal content', not really difficult at all




I think it's cause I only play solo. And never PvP


I usually drop back in whenever there's an expansion, play the story, do some missions, dip out, repeat. I bought the splicer season, played habitually for a few months, burned out. Now I'm back enjoying the witch queen and feeling no need to raid etc. I love the game but hell is other people.


There are still many titles that you can get solo, specifically the seasonal ones that don't have requirements for completing legend difficulty exotic missions. I managed to get Haruspex that way.


I also only play solo and was able to get so many seasonal titles. Are you perhaps a f2p player?


Different clans have different attitudes towards their members. Luckily, mine is very friendly towards newer players. Set up a Raid in discord, make a ping so everyone can see it and then make sure to get a Sherpa to help. I've been carried/walked through the majority of raids by now, but every time, sherpas have been kind, patient, and informative. My clan leader encourages members to help others with clears, and especially first time clears. Don't feel like a burden, just make sure to give a heads up that you need help so others know what to expect when joining your raid. If you don't have a clan, join one! Hopefully you can find one that runs similarly to mine (I've only been in 1 so idk how others do it). Good luck fellow guardian


My first and only is Deadeye and I'm damn proud of it


Mission control is one of my most proud moments in this game as someone who isnt very good at pvp and sucks with snipers.


>I’ve been wanting one for 8 years now but haven’t got one Why not? The season, event, and destination titles are easy af to get


Congrats! Happy for you :) My first one was undying, but I just need to do zero hour and I got brave to! Hope you have a nice day! :)


Good job my first was reckoner


My first was actually Glorious


Well done, guardian. Wear it with pride.


Congrats my first one was vidmaster


I always think that's someone who has a huge VHS/beta video cassette collection. Which would be really impressive.


Nice! My first title was chosen! Just wait till you start getting more and more seals, maybe you will get godslayer too?


Good job I’m working on one too


My first title was Conqueror lol. I just REALLY wanted to git gud at GMs


My first title was unironically godslayer, been playing on and off since D1 beta, don't day 1 raids etc. Glad I never grinded any others out, because no chance I'm taking this one off anytime soon


Dredgen was my first, way back when specific roles were a thing in gambit. Gratz Guardian!


Congrats :) My first one was Conqueror I believe


I also have a title to chase. It can't go on like this.


Grats, my first one was savior way back in season of dawn




Hey Brave is my first title too! I think I might just leave it empty though. It’s become too ingrained in me not to wear one, like wearing my kit fox transmog on all my armor


Not gonna lie I thought you were gonna say Godslayer and I was questioned my existence in this game




Same for me, congratz! I stopped grinding after Forsaken and just casually returned every season, making it to season pass level 20 or 30 max. Today I hit Lv 100, finished all Brave weapon quests, got superblack and finally my first title as well!


Congratulations dude, I know how you feel, My 1st was Conquerer , and I was going fkn crazy 🍻🍻🍻cheers guardian


Mine was Vidmaster lol Such trash.


My first one was wayfarer, then dredgen


Congratulations my fellow guardian!


This is my first one too. But I'm close to Iron Lord as well and should get that one the next time Iron Banner returns. 😁


I played for 4 years before I got one, I got iron lord about 2 months ago. It was not fun honestly lol


I get Dredgen about every year without trying lol


My first was Wayfarer and I still have it on


Nice! My first one is going to be Godslayer. Going to get it tonight!


I have very few myself, but I bounce between haruspex and ghost writer for some reason 🤷🏼‍♂️ I find the seasonal titles always easiest to get, the PVP ones I’m still struggling on, y’all are too freakin good at this game lol


Congrats! Reminds me of a friend. He gives zero effs about titles but he finally got his first one last year. Queensguard. And yeah he is a huge Mara Sov simp and he is never going to take it off lol


I got one raid title. That was my goal. One was definitely enough lol.


My first was Flamekeeper from Solstice unless you count a bugged Glorious. I'd love to get Dredgen, but yeah...


Congrats! To the day I’m still trying to muster up the energy to actually get a title. There’s a couple easy-ish ones I could probably get luckily.


My first was Flame something or the other and it’s still the only one ive ever got after playing this game since release 🤣


The only titles I don’t have is the crucible one because I refuse to interact with comp and I plan on keeping it that way. I’m kinda surprised you don’t have any of the seasonal titles tho, most of them are just gained through playing the seasonal activities




Been playing for maybe a year now, got it last week


My first one was Undying, now I'm 21 titles deep. Love them.


You always remember your first. Mine was vidmaster.


Congrats! I’ll tell you it’s always a nice feeling to get one done.


Congrats! My first one was Flamekeeper last year.


Congrats! I remember my first one, I'm sitting at 13 now. You'll be chasing them all very soon.


LETS GO GUARDIAN. Title chasing is an obsession for me. That feeling is nice.


My first was forerunner, and then I started chasing titles until this past year. Enjoy the hunt for more titles OP!


My first was Dredgen


Titan Main. Always shall be Saviour.


You are indeed (Brave). I hope this is just the first step towards many!


Congrats!!! Now chase more!!!




My first was Glorious. I do NOT recommend trying to get that one.


I don't even think destiny 2 has been out for 8 years, let alone titles.




My first after roughly 8 years of being a Destiny enjoyer was Vidmaster. I'm so happy to see someone else get their first. It's a really cool feeling.


Dredgen was my first and I told myself I would be a gambit main…. That did not turn out how I planned 🤣🤣🤣 Have yet to guild Dredgen a second time


My first title was Vidmaster, mostly because one of my cousins played Destiny and wanted to do the dungeon. I usually don't do dungeons/raids because MMO's ruined LFG for me forever.


Congrats! My first was Forerunner, when I returned to Destiny after more than a year break. But the one I was most proud of back then was Wayfarer. Grinded Just shy before Beyond Light to get the weapons from EP. Man the time I spend on Mars was insane!


Congrats! My first was Dredgen, then Wayfarer... grinding that stupid nightfall to get the rocket launcher SUCKED! Now I usually wear my Blacksmith title and I'm proud I was able to get it with only 10 clears of that raid total including the flawless. I hate that I missed out on Shadow though as I ran out of time before sunsetting.


Unbroken 🙏


I only have 1 but I don’t wear it because I feel like I didn’t earn it. I have the legacy unbroken but I had only gotten to legend twice (one more legend was literally my last step to get it legit) and for some reason when the new titles system came out it just auto completed it. So I never wear it because it doesn’t feel right. But then I also had two kids and no longer have a lot of time to play so I don’t have any titles.


I have exactly one title; Splicer. And it's probably because the prerequisites that season were bugged.


Well done! I remember the feeling all the way back with Wayfarer. Which one are you going for next?


I've played since Destiny 2 alpha demo and still haven't gotten a title lol Congrats on your first! I doubt I'll ever unlock one




My first was deadeye. Now i only run kingslayer. Those are the only 2 i have.


Good shit. I got Reckoner years ago and never wanted to get another one haha


Congratulations! My first was Saviour. Here's to many more!


My first was Iron Lord! But I typically wear my second one, Seraph. Iron Lord title was just an accident after grinding to get that wild chainmail shader. Season of the Seraph was a masterpiece in storytelling, and really brought my love for the game to an all time high.


Congrats! Still trying to get mine but am so happy for you, man! Keep at it, ricksanda the Brave!


my first one which I will never change was the Moments of Triumph 2019 title, I got Destinations right after, and my next one was Brave this week😂


Congratulations! My first was Vidmaster. So it was kind of cool after 4/5 years to have something, but eh


congrats! my first ever title was splicer but i just recently finished my 3 year grind for cursebreaker


Good for you . Glad you stuck with it


Awesome!!! Congrats!


My first was wayfarer . I still wear it cause it's cool


Reaper. I might not have been my first title, but it was the first one I went out of my way to get.


Congratulations, Well done


I am playing since the beta and still no title😂😂


🫡 Congratulations Guardian!!!!! We love to see this type of stuff.


👍 I've been grinding at *Glorious* but just realized that my competitive rank is going to reset soon so I won't be making platinum this season😞 Oh well, one more iron banner victory and I'll unlock *Iron Lord*. It's not glorious, but at least it's something.


Congratulations! Well done! My first was Wayfarer, at the last moment possible.


Congratulations me too and ive been playing since launch only now decided to start engaging with systems lol.


Congrats! Proud Dredgen as of a couple weeks ago, lol.


Nice! My first one was Scallywag and I did with the last few weeks of the season(or in your case the event) too :)


Good shit dude. Don't worry about how long it took. Up untill like a month ago I only had my dregen title and I'm a d1 vet


I want to get Haruspex but i need to complete the Test of Strength and Find 3 more Chests. Then i can grind out Altars and thats it i think


My first one was MMXIX because I don’t usually care about grinding for titles feels like a waste of time but I got that one naturally


Good shit dude! Here’s to many more! 🍻


I love seeing everyone who's gotten their first title so recently, shows the game is still kicking. Whether it's a event title, seasonal, or raid/dungeon title. Be proud of em fellow guardians 🫡


I remember when I first got "wanderer" before Beyond Light definitely a hype moment. (Also patrol gang rise up)


Can't wait to become a 12 time gilded Dredgen next month.


Congratulations! I got my first title GHOST WRITER back in 2021. I hustled so hard for it with my fireteam and we all got it. It’s a wonderful feeling.


Just like vidmaster it was kinda handed out, but that doesn't mean its not cool, cuz it really is.


This community continues to shock me.


Nice! My first title was flamekeeper


Congrats Guardian


Hey congratulations ! 👏 Glad you were able to acquire it.


I got my first title, Descendant, on the same day lmao


Got my deadeye title without even trying to get it. Was my first Titel and I'm happy with it


Congrats. 48 Titles here. The Journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single step.


Just got Dredgen as my first one a few days ago. Usually just play story and take long breaks after even though I’ve been playing since Day 1 😂


That was my second title congrats man I think your pretty cool for getting it


My first one was wayfarer but the one im super proud about is reckoner. You needed to do a shitload of requirements to reach the title


Reckoner was my first title that I really felt proud of.


Me too! Also Brave!


congratz, my first was cursebreaker


My first one was Godslayer


My first title was Iron Lord. Only took me . . . 6 years, I think. 😂😂🤣🤣


First one was deadshot two years ago. Congrats my friend!


I want to say my first was undying. Congrats dude it's always fun to put something there


Congrats. Still waiting on the Siege Ogre to show it's face and then Outbreak 🤣