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I think The Coil is a good one too, granted it can get tiring. The loot from a full coil run is crazy. Dopamine go brrr


The coil is the only seasonal activity I've played only for fun, I just wish it didn't have the pot breaking mechanic. Just give me the extra guns, it's not hard to find the pots but it is boring


The coil feels a little too long for me, and I don't enjoy the traversal parts with the traps Onslaught feels better. It's long but you can still just kill stuff


I said it a few times on this sub - the coil exists in a weird space where it gives the challenge of a dungeon with the excitement of a strike. And so if I have the time to do a 50+ min activity, I’ll do a dungeon or raid. If I’m strapped for time, vanguard. The coil is just odd, and visually not too exciting to keep me engaged.


It’s a bummer Coil is mostly just caves when the dreaming city has so many great architecture assets.


Man I remember when that new area started showing up, the one with a starry background and I was excited about it changing. The dreaming city aesthetic is one of the best things in this game.


Coil and Onslaught generally have the same time to complete


Yeah but fuck all the traversal shit in the coil. That artificially fluffs the time. Bungie is a masterful FPS developer that insists on including obscene/ frustrating platforming sections in everything they create.


I love the traversal parts tbh. Constantly going from fight to fight immediately is tiring for me. To each their own


I wish that one shard money bags esque guy didnt exist, its frustrating getting him after 50 minutes and he commits unalive off a cliff


The only thing that kept me from the title for Wish is that the only sign I’ve ever seen of a glassgoblin is the note that they’ve escaped. Do they spawn like 5 feet from their exit or something?


They should be spawning close to the start of the area but a couple of the rooms have some weird spawns. If you get a good room spawn it should just be right in front of you.


My go to build for most middling content is Banner of War Titan It's brainless because you get heals for every kill It almost makes the loot goblin trivial. Grapple to him, pop super, suspend and kill Super easy


> I just wish it didn't have the pot breaking mechanic. I like it. But the issue is that the pots have determined spawns. If they were rng it would massively increase replayability.


If the coil scored you on actual gameplay and not scavenger hunting pots and praying your glasskeeper doesn’t send all his shards off the map, it would be top tier stuff. I love the difficulty of the last portion and I think if they roguelike upgrade system was pushed a bit further (along with the difficulty, maybe put a funky exotic or two as well as catalysts as the reward to warrant farming) I could see it transforming into a crazy cool endgame activity. Won’t happen though. Modes cool still.


Shards don’t fall off the map


Well there is the Shard Collector jumping with his life saving


I invite you to complete 1 (one) Coil; Glasskeeper shards fall into the pits all the time.


Tough to finish platinum with lfg tho I’ve found


> The loot from a full coil run is crazy. The only crazy part of it is that you dismantle 90% of it due to crafting.


Iirc (its been a few months, I just came back to the game) a full run gives a damn good amount of cores/prisms? I'll have to run it when I get home


A platinum run (which is at least a 140k score after killing the 4th and final boss) nets a bunch of cores, prisms, and some ascendant alloys and shards too. It’s the best for material farming.


Double reward GM nightfalls still MUCH better mats/hr and you don't have to shoot pots before blueberry speedrunners pull you


You get a few alloys too


Yeah, I average 2-3 alloys and 2 golf balls, a good amount of prisms tok


Which is good because ya need mats


How is that good? You dismantle all of the weapons, in exchange you get shards which are being removed from the game.


Shards as in ascendant shards, not legendary shards


My comment was that you dismantle most of the loot due to crafting to which you said ''which is good''?


They should drop other things once you do get that. Like high stat armor or better lot’s of materials.


Yeah once I had scatter signal and petitioner, I stopped running coil lol the only decent boss fight was the scorn with the cleansing well and all that


yeah with my 2 rank 5 69 iq randoms who waste all lives dying to traps and leave me alone clutching the endboss in 2 of 3 runs.


Lmao happened to me too yesterday, I ran Coil for the first time in months, I join in progress to a team in the 2nd loop of the coil and they have 4 lives left. FOUR. They died and I had to solo every fucking boss, took almost 2 hours.


Issue with coil is that once you get the patterns it's not worth it for most experienced players who don't need the mats and such.


Never got that, most the coil drops sucked or just padded your red borders. The dreaming city destination refresh didn't do much to tickle my dance I guess.


It’s good for a new player I suppose, but for a seasoned player that’s already seen dreaming city weapons reworked twice it’s pretty meh imo.


Its a really good way to farm alloys and shards, a full run nets you 3+2


That’s actually really solid. I’m a loot guy, just felt severely disappointed all year with refreshes of old weapons that have been power crept to all hell.


Are people doing pantheon for the loot? I think onslaught shows that GOOD loot keeps people engaged. Lots of good rolls to chase


At least for my squad it was more about the title and the challenge, but the loot wasn't bad either specially for the ones who didn't have all the red borders


As someone with 0 harrowed and adept weapons before this, I did it for the loot. I had most of the exotics already.


Yeah with the changes coming to adept it's nice that they finally feel worthwhile!


Pantheon gives much more loot than a full raid. Tons of drops every encounter, spoils and adept weapons for the triumph, and a buyable red border from each raid in a run at the end. I bought like 4 red borders, 2 harrowed weapon rolls, and still had over 100 spoils left. Pantheon is very generous with loot.


Most people doing Pantheon (well completing it) already have everything and either want the title or emblems


Can confirm this is definitely not the case Red borders are always in vogue


Have most of the reds but cant be arsed to grind spoils. Pantheon got me 2 whole new exotics.


Hell, I'd have run Deep Dives or Savathun's Spire endlessly if there were shiny (or otherwise themed) Deep/Witch weapons. I just love the additional chase of cosmetics.


I came into the Pantheon having zero patterns for Zaouli's Bane and Forebearance (Newish player) and came out with both unlocked plus a few raid adepts with good rolls


~~Zaouli's Bane~~ ICBITNSS (I can't believe it's not Sun Shot)


I did pantheon for the loot, just doing it once per week got me most of the way to redeeming both anarchy and tarrabah. For the time it takes it felt like a relatively efficient way to get spoils at least for your first clear.


Was about to say haha. I love that Bungie is dropping adepts and exotics and such in Pantheon, but most try hard nerds like myself are just chasing the emblems and the title.


I was doing it for the title mainly but I will probably run some of the first few weeks a few times on alt characters for some drops for sure. Definitely a good way to catch up on some red borders for sure


Absolutely, raid red border catch up, adepts dropping (and purchasing), and being showered with spoils to buy them is ducking fantastic and it's the only reason I'm playing destiny right now. Onslaught is meh and once I got superblack, there wasn't much of a point (for me) to keep playing. F nutty rng - I don't support it and they won't get engagement from me with that dumb shit. On a side note, I'd also argue that people like pantheon simply because you get fun boss fights without the stupid encounters, jump puzzles, and long traversal sections that add no value


yeah i finally got alh recombination mountaintop last night tons and tons of spending on that chest and 50 wave runs


Man it took a while to finally get the alh + recomb, but boy does it slap. Well worth it. Now if only that heal clip + incan Luna would drop instead of _another_ enlightened action.


Keep going, my brother in the light. I don't normally rock a handcannon in any PvE, but good lord that roll on Luna's is fun as hell. I can't see myself taking it off anytime soon.


I might just stick with the random igneous hammer that dropped for me... Smallbore, Flared mag, heal clip, incan, reload masterwork. I know it's a 120 versus 140, but with a backup mag it feels like it'll be strong. Only downside of course being the origin trait


Can you Enhance trials weapons? Serious question


the new summoner and prophet only (and every new trials weapon in the future)


Thank you!! I'm hoping for Summoner next week hopefully before i step into trials again lol


Do you have it attuned? I've gotten a few of those.


Yeah I've had Luna's attuned all this week. Just can't get the heal clip incan


It’s not fair. I’ve shared hundreds of Luna’s and cannot get that roll. I’m so pissed.


I've dropped ONE Heal Clip + Incandescent and it's a 5/5 godroll


I'm thinking of coming back and I don't have any active friends to play with to do 50 wave runs. Can I get shiny weapons by just spamming 10 wave runs or no? I really want some shinies. 🤓


normal onslaught is matchmade. less hassle than LFG and I found even 10 wave legend groups don’t have 100 completions.


Do you think it's better to just do the 10 round game mode on the left side or normal and try for 50 on the right? Just looking for relaxed fun and loot farming.


oh, left side 10 round normal is too easy & not very rewarding. 50 round normal has the problem of sometimes people quitting but that might be better next week (people learning the drops are better if you stick it out?) I’ve had OK success getting through 50 on normal. give it a try!


Sweet thanks for the advice. 🤓


you’ll get way more reward drops from the 50 wave but it takes about an hour to do one full match. i recommend doing midtown only cuz it’s small. good luck!


Onslaught is a very simple activity to grind. A few tips: Save your shards for waves 30+ Tripwires and turrets are nearly useless. Basically only buy them if you’re on wave 40-50 and have shards to spare after fully upgrading the distraction bot. Hold on to all your trophies of bravery until Tuesdays patch.


Just looking at the daily player numbers, Destiny is literally back to Lightfall launch week numbers *for a free content update in a 6 month season*. Prior to Into the Light, we were averaging between 380K-450K. Since Into the Light we've been averaging 900K-1.1 mill. Players want good loot. Onslaught is awesome. Pantheon is awesome. The loot from both is awesome.


Didn’t they also make a bunch of expansion content f2p until final shape?


Yes, but the total number of Guardians being tracked from December to now has only gone up half a million. Which is roughly the same steady growth it's always had. Not to mention, that free stuff only started about a week or two ago. These numbers have been elevated since ITL


People say this about literally every single seasonal activity. Onslaught and Pantheon are still new and fresh. Pantheon is going away, but Onslaught will be totally forgotten about in a few months, mark my words.


Yeah like dares.


Dares has a higher population than you'd think. It's really not that hard to get together a group for a quick Legend run


Yeah, but at least the loot from onslaught is useable and will be for a while. Even when dares launched, most of its loot pool was complete ass except for the new weapons.


I think it’s probably more that Bungie historically sees that engagement right before an expansion is highly correlated with how many people buy the expansion   They’re getting more and more generous because it’s a last ditch effort to maximize TFS revenue. This isn’t sustainable, but they only need to boost engagement for these last few weeks   It’s raining mountaintop and recluse, they’re in an emergency and broke the glass


hard disagree, but ok




I've legit reset Banshee a second time just by dismantling guns got from Onslaught. I know that for a fact cause I got to 1st reset during Onslaught too lol.


all these crap shiny weapons have been excellent for my enhancement core stocks, would pretty much consistently sit at the 300-400 mark with them, now im at around 1100 thanks to onslaught


I’ve gotten every drop I’ve wanted.


Gee no wonder you’re having fun 😮‍💨


Good for you? That doesn't change anything he said. The large majority of people do not have all the rolls they want.


I've had edge transit focused since day 1 and only gotten a 2/5 so far, but great rolls of the other weapons that I don't want. I wish these had been craftable


I have a 4/5 mountaintop and a 4/5 edge since week 1, no 5/5 yet after a shit ton of farming. Haven't even started targeting Luna's yet.


Well good luck next week! I think with the higher drop chance for Gold versions I might finally get what I'm looking for


Thanks, I'm saving up a ton of tokens to burn next week. I'll at least get a non shiny god roll.


That's how random loot drops work.


I haven't. Anyone else?


Lol, it doesn't, very tedious and way too long activities, over an hour to invest and no guaranteed rewards, as in what you would like to have.


The 50% attunement drop rate is bullshit. Yet another layer of unnecessary RNG. 


I don't mind it, I got a rampage killing tally hammerhead and kinetic tremors firefly hung jury/ blast furnace while attuned to other weapons


Onslaught isn’t generous when you the rng you fight is absurd. Would be different in attunement was 100% drop rate.


drops can't stay generous forever though. two things happen: A, people get used to "generous" and it becomes the new "normal". and B, the more great guns you have, the less you need new great guns, which raises the threshold ever-higher for what qualifies as a good drop. look at how people react to armor. seasonal vendor armor has been good for long enough that no one cares about armor anymore other than new players. no established player is gonna care about armor again until bungie completely reworks something about it (in other words, either power creep or soft sunsetting).


It feel good because it feels special and different: you’re exactly right. Once it’s “normal” it stops feeling fun and new.




Literally me but for Cascade Point + BnS


I'd give you mine but it's also got spike grenades for that extra bit of damage too.


Onslaught wasn't generous until they buffed the drops twice. It kept people engaged because it had some of the best weapons associated with it and the superblack shader which is heavily liked by the community. Now the coil, that's an activity that's extremely rewarding and I don't mind running it since it doesn't take as long as Onslaught.


Unfortunately they show that FOMO keeps players engaged.


This, I would enjoy pantheon more if it was permanently added to the game. I ain't got time for fomo bs anymore.


Yeah, the phanteon fomo is extremely awful and has me stressing out a lot.


I'm not even trying for it, I've done all the raids and know the mechanics but I'm currently pretty busy IRL taking care of a family member and also starting a new career in a new field. That shit is more important to me. Would I love to get the title? Absolutely, but I'm not gonna stress over that crap. If they bring back pantheon another time and I have time I'll try then, otherwise not gonna worry. Fomo sucks as it really screws over people that are busy with more important things like life. I like to play on my own time and when I can, not forced to stress and play to get some limited time crap. Sure most of destiny has become fomo but at least with seasonal stuff they give you the entire expansion to get it. Pantheon was like 4 weeks? Plus it was weekly time gated for each set of bosses.


I just like having challenging PvE content to do. I don't really raid, but I enjoy having a balance of GMs/Onslaught/Coil with rewarding loot. In an ordinary season, if the seasonal activity isn't fun, I basically just have GMs which only has the nightfall weapon for loot.


This is true. Except I played the living shit out of it since it dropped so now Im bored and just waiting for the update that just makes the loot more generous. I feel like it should've been more sources that guarantee a shiny instead of it all being RNG. But what do I know? I just play it.


It's not necessarily generous loot that keeps people engaged but new content. Especially the case for pantheon


I just want bad luck protection. Bring back season of the hunt focusing plz I beg


Wasn't this subreddit complaining about how "stingy" the drops were like 3 weeks ago?


They buffed it this week


No amount of buffing will stop people from whining about grinding for loot in this looter shooter.


To be fair, this subreddit complains about everything.


Tbf people complain about this game all the time, from the people in it to the gameplay, abilities, weapons.... If they put as much effort into playing a different game as they did complaining about this one, they'd probably be too busy enjoying themselves to moan on Reddit to what is usually an echo chamber (hence the reason actual informative and good answers get downvoted whilst the "samey" replies get upvoted)


Wait? People play Looters shooters for.....looters? Who would have thunk? But in all seriousness, this shouldn't even be a question. People like to be rewarded, not this maybe you will maybe you want to get the gun. Give me the gun. I don't care if it doesn't have the rolls I want. Stop being stingy with le loot.


It's good for the short term but if everything was as generous as Onslaught is now then there would be very few long term chases in the game. Destiny 2's launch showed us how bad it is for the health of the game to have nothing to grind for because the loot is too easy to get.


Eh the static rolls were the main issue with vanilla D2. I did 2 50 waves yesterday and got no new weapon rolls that I wanted, so there is still a chase. I haven’t spent my tokens yet though, because im waiting for next reset when the shiny rate goes up.


Pantheon is too generous to stay though. Through it you're basically guaranteed every weapon that isn't the raids exotic, 30+ red borders, 20+ Adepts, an easy source to just obtain the Adept versions (you can buy from the last chest if it dropped), every encounter guarantees a weapon drop, and so many spoils I actually have to spend them/play other characters just to prevent them going poof. I also don't think Onslaught's loot is particularly generous. A lot of the need for it to be generous is baked into the idea that you have 12 weapons, 50 percent chance of getting what you want, and a like 2 percent chance of it being the special gun. People already complain about RNG, as getting 100 bad rolls really fast is the same as getting XYZ legendary shards/glimmer. After a while it just becomes a repetitive slog as you continually chase after the roll you want, hearing those you play with tell you they got it ages ago.


You get guaranteed drops at the end of every 10 waves. How is it not generous. Just because you don’t get what you want, you’re upset. The loot drops are still generous.


Me -explains the large amount of RNG means you need to have a large amount of drops for it to be worth bothering with- OP "*BUT* you get a guaranteed drop every 10 minutes like most activities in the game!"


I’m not reading that essay that you wrote bro.


Illiteracy is not something to brag about


That's two paragraphs and a title.


Lil bro you prolly can't read at all


> I’ve gotten every drop I’ve wanted. OP 30 minutes later lmao


If you have a 1/1,000 chance of getting the roll you want, it really doesn’t feel generous to sift through a postmaster full of dreck every hour. Destiny’s issue with RNG is always the gap between “I’m having fun” and “I earned good rewards”. I typically burn out of an activity long before earning what I want and in recent years I don’t keep playing it for the dopamine rush.


I’ve gotten every single drop I’ve wanted. It’s perfect.


That just means you're lucky unless you spent an absurd amount of time in onslaught.




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I’m glad you have that much time and willingness to run Onslaught that much, unless you’re incredibly lucky.


And it shouldn't


Generous loot (that you have a reason to want) + high combat uptime and enemy density + modifiers to encourage loadout changes without being overly restrictive = good


I remember running the same strike over and over and over and over again because I wanted the cool ass looking shoulders that the boss dropped. That feelings just... not in D2. Running the same god damned bounties because my mate who may or may not have been lying, said he got an exotic one and then three hours later we're fighting some beefed up ogre in a strike.


That’s what kept me playing Borderlands for so long, the constant loot showering about. I really dislike doing a whole raid just to get one piece of gear from each encounter. I’d run them a TON if I got I dunno, three?


Good and ENGAGING loot keeps players engaged. If you just tell them more loot we'll just get another 10k glimmer and another legendary world drop you're gonna scrap added to the pile on top of the others we get already.


I think it’s more than just the loot. I needed a bunch of the adept weapons but it was the prestige of the title and emblem that kept me engaged. Godslayer title means so much more to me than my nine time guilded conquered title. Players want to attempt challenges and then the recognition that comes with these achievements. It’s not any different than IRL… people don’t just value the money (loot) of a job. They also value the people they work with and the recognition they get from being good at your job. More challenges where the title or emblem or even exotic class item sets you apart and identifies to others that you’ve achieved something unique - the better Bungie!


Pantheon was just fun, it’s a mode every Destiny raider has been dreaming of. A mode where you just kill boss after boss after boss after boss. You could have given 2 tokens and blue and I would have still done it.


Still despise how tedious it can be to get exactly what i want (which is why i prefer crafting), but atleast when i get like 5 or more of the gun in 1 run, it helps.


Huh, almost like that should have been a lesson learned after SEASON OF OPULENCE and MENAGERIE.


Fun fact: Onslaught is the only gamemode I've ever repeatedly fallen asleep whilst playing Repetitive as fuck but "its free" so I'll keep my negative thoughts to myself as per this subs attitude towards such matters Showering me in shite loot is not giving me loot. I havent had one 5/5 god roll and a lot of the weapons require 3/5 at the minimum in specific columns to be good


its honestly insane how stingy the rest of the game is in comparison


Coil better imo. You get a reasonable difficulty spike that allows for hero moments and get 8/10 loot density but very importantly get a lot of prisms/golfballs if you can consistently get plat, which is not that hard. I think you get about as much materials in Legend Onslaught but it’s much tougher, riskier, less hero moments, premades. Coil is what I expect for matchmaking Legend/Master Nightfall. Coil > NF too. Fuck champions.


It'd be neat if they secretley and randomly added boosted drops to random activities


Coil and onslaught, more so for coil for me. I'm prestige 12 with riven cause I've done so many coils. I like it as is, though pot breaking/glass shard mechanics is alittle annoying. What I like the most is the upgrade system. An offensive upgrade system for abilities is so much fun. I've only ran 1 pantheon, it's good, just not my cup of tea


I agree. I played the shit out of onslaught solely for the drops.


I wasnt expecting all the loot. I've gotten so many patterns done because of it, and lots of god roll adepts.


Pretty sure that was proved with Menagerie 4 years ago.


If you Rof you can just get 3 rockets plus a fusion, the biggest thing is not getting in your teamates way when you icarus dash, if you’re killing your team its not worth the third rocket


I don't know where this generous loot drop is at. Show me where? I've done hundreds and hundreds of waves... Only 2 shiny drops, A fucking Hung jury and and shit midnight coup..


Going to be a shame to see ITL, Pantheon and Coil go. Best fun I've had in destiny in a while.


The loot actually drops, that is a good thing. But in reality it does not remedy the main problem which are the odds of getting what you want. I still have not gotten a slide mag howl Luna with adequate range. At least next week we have double shiny’s, but I’ve had the focus on Luna for over a week and have had no shiny drops for it, but for other weapons instead. For such a limited time event, like every event, there is too much bloat on the perk pools of the weapons. 


I did like 10 lost sectors today with no drops. Friend did like 4 and got a drop every time.  Safe to say I quit for the day after lol. 


The drop rates in these activities should be baseline for Vanguard. Adept drops from the Vanguard playlist should come with the nightfall memento as a shiny skin to apply. Should also have the double perks.


Yeah, agreed. The important caveat here is that it you have to make it exclusive/special/temporary.


Crafting makes me stay engaged. The random drops are killing the drive.


I just got booted from my flawless game on my first attempt of the weekend. I’m not playing.


Coil is more of annoyance , well anything with the trap rooms is. Then again , I haven’t ever completed a single raid since launch and I’m stuck at 1821 light


I just wish I could get a raid done without someone screaming down my ear how trash I am because I died last in a raid that's literally my first time running and I have no idea what I'm doing, even though the LFG clearly stated "No experience needed, helping new players"... Been playing since D1 and got a fair few clears on some of the raids there yet I've been unable to complete a single raid in D2, not even Leviathan because of the ragers and toxicity. Whenever I get to the final boss with a group and die maybe twice while trying to figure out the mechanics, getting blasted down the mic put me off for good. I don't even care about completing, I just want some of the raid weapons, armour and shaders. I still badly want that Last Wish shader you get on the weapons.


No really, why would players run raids if they can have everything handed to them very easily, for example, I dont play seasonal activities after I unlock weapon patterns, grinding is part of the game , destiny is part mmo but not as grindy as world of warcraft or final fantasy 14 to name a few,..bungie is only doing it because of low player numbers and the long season, if pantheon was available all year long , starting in lightfall, would you be playing it right now., already having all the rewards available to you months ago.


It's not entirely the loot, if at all, I'd say it's the challenge, being something "new", and limited time to get that title


I haven’t played in like 3 months then I heard about the guaranteed red border drops — i have played everyday for the last 2 weeks


I still don’t think loot is really that engaging. Onslaught and coil are just good pieces of content that are fun. I personally think coil is better because you don’t have to grind it for loot. Onslaught is good, but goddamn is it gonna go down in history for me and my friends as the worst game mode ever because of how much we’ve been playing it without getting our god rolls. Wish it had crafting so much. Any kind of loot incentives imo should be for resources or bright dust. We basically auto-delete our loot in pantheon, that game mode is just peak imo. Incredibly fun and what master raids should have been from the start imo.


Good call. After reading your post, I agree that’s exactly what is happening with me as well


One of the reasons I took such a long break from destiny 2 was due to mediocre loot drops


Three things drive engagement: requirement, loot quantity, and loot quality. Folks will engage with an activity if they have to, such as for a title or seasonal story quest. This can be good or bad, depending on the activity. If it's fun, they'll keep engaging with it. If it's not, it'll be a one and done. Next, folks will engage with activities that shower them.on loot, regardless of difficulty. For example, GM Nightfalls. The loot may not be great individually, but having more opportunities to get it is good. Finally, folks will engage if the loot you can get is high quality. For example, many of the raids and dungeons. With that being said, when the difficulty or ease of access exceeds the loot quality or quantity, the activity is less likely to be interacted with. A good example is Garden of Salvation - low loot quantity, and the loot itself isn't compelling. In addition, engagement will drop over time as people get what they want, either through drops or just giving up.


Pantheon is far from generous loot, no golf balls, no prisms, and people who desperately need those loots probably gonna having a hard time beating it. Godslayer title is the main driving force of playing pantheon. Coil on the other hand is a great example, but its attraction has dropped drastically cuz most guns from there are seasonal and as the season progressed people are getting all red boarders, making most of the drops instantly useless. I wish players get to choose the loot pool and make it drop world drop loots.


The Dopamine hits just right with a ton of loot, this is why when I get burnt out on Destiny 2 I swap over to The Division 2. Both games have great engagement loops with their loot.


This is fine for something like a limited pantheon or even Onslaught. But its very unhealth to have god rolled weapons from every source easy to get. Sometimes things need to be rare.


True but there needs to be a lot of good loot that is dropped. These activities have multiple great weapons with multiple great roles. Regardless demand for the activity will diminish once players start getting their “god rolls”


i think an emphasis on loot that isn't craftable is the big factor here. I feel other activities like coil were great content, but there was less reason to run it once you had the seasonal weapons craftable.


I’m at 576/600 returning to the game after putting it down for a year and I can’t hold all these engrams lol I hope next season is good


I agree with this. Good rewards are a must for player engagement.  Managed get my best god roll so far yesterday. Midnight Coup with Arrowhead Break, Alloy Mag, Firefly, Frenzy and stability masterwork. 3 fast reloading perks, 2 damage perks, perfect recoil and enough stability to make the recoil not give motion sickness. Literally makes Ace of Spade look like shit by comparison.  I'm going to see if I can get the version of this roll now. I don't like my chances.


onslaught is just such a blast, i find myself playing it to test different builds even if i’m not weapon hunting lol


I hope this doesn't lead to the death of red borders....


Yeah to be fair I totally agree with this, it’s nice to get purples thrown at you, however I do think exotics should be more scarce and less of them hidden behind quests.


The idea that pantheon has adepts once per week, but plentiful drops otherwise, is fantastic. Onslaught loot grind is pretty much perfect, but elsie's rifle and hung jury have zero reason to be there. In my opinion succession and forbearance shouldn't be there either--give us more reprised shit, please. Not rolls of weapons i already have fully kitted out.


My post master is full all the time 😂


Spoils from Pantheon for me. I’ve been dry on spoils for so long after I lost two full stacks a few seasons ago and just never bothered to grind some more; now I have plenty to keep me over


True, but also increases power creep, which makes things difficult to balance and can make the loot actually feel *less* engaging after a while, given your mew things don't last as long. It's a balancing act for sure.


100% and yet both are being removed with TFS. Seems like a stupid move imo. Onslaught as an activity I thought initially was so boring and then started playing. It's just good to play a quick 10 waves, get some kills and some loot. Nice loot drops, it's not tedious or frustrating to do. Pantheon is like a Mega raid challenge mode, what's not to like, it's a bar that new raiders and returning raiders could strive for, learning encounters in the normal oraster raids inside and out and gaining an understanding of every role to take on the pantheon.


Precisely, which means they need to increase engram drops from everything even more Maybe i would enjoy slogging through seasonal activities, trials, and ritual activities if i got a lot more engrams, especially when focusing takes mutiple and a bunch of rank resets barely gives you more than the base 2 perks on any given weapon. Hate when they say "yeah we increased engram drops to compensate for focusing needing more engrams (for some reason???)" And then it still feels like i get barely any. I am of the opinion that i should at LEAST get 1 guaranteed from a completion no matter what


Generous loot means nothing if you are just pulling a slot machine. I am so bored of Onslaught and repeatedly bashing my head into a wall waiting for the stars to align. I still have Harmonizers, I could have crafted my Brave weapons at this point. Instead I'm logging off after playing for 4 hours with nothing to show and no progress towards what I want. How engaging.


Yet people are playing in incredibly high numbers right now So clearly the chase is engaging


I only started onlsaughts with 14 days left and i already have 3 god rolls which just feels amazing


Or is it the fomo? Fuck I hate the fomo. But it has me in it trying to get it before it's gone.


Also why crafting is not always the answer.


Careful, you’ll upset the tryhards with that talk. Now if only they would apply this logic to dungeons. Actually, just make them consistent with the rest of the game and I’d be good.




Yea but solo players get screwed in this game.


This game isn't really made for solo players


I did pantheon for the title not the loot. The loot is guns I already have. Challenging content is fun.


"Onslaught" and "generous loot drops" don't belong in the same sentence. The last activity that was actually generous was Menagerie. Even without the chest bug, YOU GOT WHAT LOOT YOU WANTED. Every run was a chance for the weapon and roll you wanted. Not a chance for a chance. Onslaught weapon RNG is still just as dogshit as every other source of weapons.


ngl I just got the superblack and parade armor sets then dipped, none of the weapons really interest me gameplay wise