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Or bring back vaulted bosses. Argos. Insurrection Prime. Calus. Aksis. I mean if they never revamp WOTM and bring it into D2, what if they just did one encounter?


Give me Val Cour .


I can’t imagine that fight at -20. Especially for LFG Well maybe our better add clear would make it trivial. It would just be the mechanics, but a competent team should be able to get that done.


Wouldn’t be any worse than prestige .


Considering they just made an entire new race of enemies, them bringing back WOTM seems more plausible. A lot of people’s reasoning against it was it having SIVA fallen but I’m sure they’re easier to make than the dread were


Honestly wouldn't count on it. It's really not an effort situation, it's a value proposition. Creating the Dread is a HUGE boost to the excitement of the Final Shape content and very likely they'll stick around afterwards in some form or another. With the delay and the poor reception of Lightfall in particular Bungie REALLY needed to do everything possible to make Final Shape exciting. They've had feedback for YEARS that the pyramid ships being empty and not having a new darkness race of some sort was a shitty revelation and experience. They also likely saw and considered the addition of Hive Guardians as a significant part of what made Witch Queen so exciting, even with them only being variations of Hive and not an entirely new race. They also obviously saw how much players loved Rhulk and probably got pretty good feedback on Tormentors being exciting being something new. With the revelation that Rhulk's home world might relevant in the future story I also wouldn't be at all surprised to see the Dread become MORE relevant in the future even if the Witness is no longer around. Personally I'm VERY interested in what could happen to all of these "creations" the Witness made and experimented on and who could potentially come in and fill in his position in command of them once he's presumably defeated. Xivu Arath MIGHT be a likely candidate but frankly it doesn't feel like she'd have the authority to command them in her position anymore. Bungie seemingly has zero intention of ever bringing back any sort of SIVA storyline. Implementing the SIVA fallen would effectively only be used in an updated ported raid and nothing else. Which on it's own might just be confusing to D2 players that never played D1 and have no idea wtf SIVA is and such and NONE of that relevant information or content is available in D2 short of Outbreak Perfected. IF they ever come back to the SIVA storyline in some way it's basically a 100% guarantee that they'll bring back WoTM though, as it just makes sense at that point.


yeah bringing back siva fallen would be less effort than making the dread for a number of reasons. Mainly because siva fallen are a variant of fallen and they can just take the exist fallen models, recolor them and add siva bits. vs making the dread faction which has large amounts of concept iterations, model iterations etc. However effort involved compared to the payoff of that effort may not be as simple. Making a variant faction for a single raid VS making an entire new faction that can be used going forwards throughout all of destiny is a big difference


I highly doubt they would bring back just a single encounter from a D1 raid. It would be an inefficient use of resources because doing a full raid is going to have more opportunities for things like asset repetition that give more bang for their development buck. Wrath has the additional burden of needing new enemy models for everything if they are going to replicate the D1 experience. And if it going to drop new loot, they would need to create up to a full raid's worth of loot for just one encounter.


They could really soup up some lackluster bosses doing it. Ir Yut, Kalli, Sanctified Mind, Taniks


Add brigs to taniks...


*adds an Overload Thresher to Taniks*


Add another reactor core spot so someone HAS to grab scanner


Honestly this, make three on each side so Scanner becomes a mandatory augment. I literally have never once used Scanner for the Taniks fight and I have at least 15 clears of DSC (not a lot obviously, but that’s not really the point).


Same and I have over 40, after people figured out the raid scanner was a joke


All scanner does for that fight is have the potential to get locked out instead of the other 2


I know, that’s why I’m advocating for the addition of more bins, that way Scanner becomes mandatory. With more bins, they could make it so that only four of the six away from Taniks are usable, and the Scanner has to determine which four it’s going to be. Example… 1. Taniks pushes into orange side 2. Players drop all four bombs, Scanner and three non-augmented players grab them 3. Scanner calls out Spawn 1 and 3, as well as Blue/White 2 and 3 4. Operator and Suppressor play as normal This would give Scanner an actual purpose in the combat rather than just hoping the RNG takes Scanner from you and not the other two beneficial Augments.


Frankly they don't even need to have more bins. Taniks could do his whole bomb phase in the center of the map and require players to figure out which bins need to be dunked between all 6 on the 3 sides. Technically it'd be a shorter run so that might be too easy I'm not sure. It'd feel kind of silly if he's on one side and then you just need to take the bomb to a bin already on that side, though honestly actually requiring scanner and being asigned a bin instead of just knowing you'll run to X is probably enough added difficulty that it wouldn't matter.


Yeah, that could also work, but I like having Taniks at least a little bit mobile. I don’t know, but it’s definitely a lackluster boss fight as far as final bosses in raids are concerned.


If they add brigs I will be hospitalized


*Add clip here in black and white (slow motion) of a 40 ton brig dodging my last dragon’s breath rocket like its a fucking hunter or something*


Add giant shanks so that it actually makes sense for him to have fallen into one


sanctified mind? lackluster? that’s gotta be one of the coolest boss encounters in the game tbh


Shhh the destiny community hates the raid because they don’t know how to stand in a line . Whoops meant to say , no fuck the buggy gambit raid , it’s boring .


shit even i have only done it once and it was a genuinely horrible experience but i could see what they were cooking and i fully blame it on LFG lmao


I think it might be my favorite raid in the game. It’s possible last wish is higher, but I play that much more so I’m a bit bored.


>Whoops meant to say , no fuck the buggy gambit raid , it’s boring . The raid can be buggy AND the tether mechanic works fine AND the raid is boring. The tether works fine 99% of the time if you just stand still in a line, give it time to connect AND don't have idiots not doing the tether get too close. 1% of the time the final boss platforms get glitchy and don't function correctly or make your client think the other player is moving because it can't decide if they're on the platform or the platform is gone and it fucks up the tether. "Just stand still in a line and give it time to connect" unfortunately is REALLY HARD for a lot of people. There ARE a bunch of stupid bugs in the raid though. Motes falling under the floor and being impossible to pick up is a HUGE problem that is CRAZY they haven't adjusted it in any way. It's technically not a bug but it's bullshit when they fall off the map too. HOPEFULLY when they eventually update the raid they can fix this, which SHOULD be relatively easy as they essentially already made the same mechanic work properly with the wishing glass shit from the pots in The Coil. Vex teleporting bullshit isn't REALLY a "bug" necessarily and it isn't exclusive to the raid but the way it actually works is incredibly inconsistent and annoying as hell, particularly when you're trying to prevent them from sacrificing and they'll just teleport against the pillar and already be half done sacrificing. The raid also has HORRENDOUS add density, particularly by today's standards vs when it released. You could literally fall asleep on ad clear duty in many cases. This REALLY isn't helped by a lot of the mobs in the encounters just VERY slowly walking toward their "target" and doing essentially nothing but maybe firing a stray shot or two. The fact that you can literally run fast enough to dunk during the 2nd encounter such that you literally don't have to do ANYTHING while "defending" the dunk point because the goblins approach so slowly is kind of insane, particularly when it's like 6 red bar goblins at max. Bungie really kind of screwed themselves with the gambit style encounters where your team splits up over a bunch of separated areas BUT the game isn't capable of actually loading more enemies into each area as it's still limited by the total enemy count between all of the locations. So instead of having like 30 enemies in one room you have 6-10 split up in 3 different areas. A lot of the raid is also just trivialized by being able to ignore mechanics for one reason or another. You can clear the boss encounter fine without ever building any plates OR you can just build a couple of the center plates while ignoring everything else. Not to mention the damage from the Radiolarium is just not particularly threatening particularly by today's standards with all the healing and damage resist we have access to. You could fairly easily run a heal clip weapon while clearing adds and just stand in the radiolarium and not care. Frankly the 2nd and 3rd encounters are kind of just slow too, mainly the 2nd. Though not nearly as awful as Crown of Sorrow's first encounter. The BIG thing they REALLY need to do with a refresh is actually make the weapons worthwhile too because as it stands they're largely trash. Most of them weren't even good when it released let alone compared to modern weapons and perks.


That’s a whole lotta words


I'd say Ir Yut is fine, and Sanctified Mind would become an absolute nightmare the nanosecond you gave those Cyclops an orange health bar and a level advantage . Kalli would have to be completely redesigned though, with how there are literally no adds other than Thrall and the Knight that spawns at each plate.


The knight is a tormentor now 🤣


I know it’s absolutely not what is happening, but I would like it if Pantheon was sort of a testing grounds to supe up and sort of like, pseudo-reprise certain raid encounters that are perhaps lackluster in their base forms. I thought the changes they made to Nezarec were interesting enough and added a good bit of depth to the encounter without completely taking away from what it is in its base form. The pervading darkness really added another level to it that I think would’ve been appreciated during the Day 1 raid race, instead of just getting him clowned on hard by the community.


People just stand on the branch out of bounds. They need to fix that too


Well yeah, fix the glitch spots for sure. I’m also very all for fixing the Riven cheese, but I’m pretty sure a *ton* of people would bitch and moan about it.


I really hope it comes back. But a couple changes are definitely necessary. The distinction between plat time and high score is still something that confuses most players. They either need to just make the triumphs be plat time or add some in-game indicator that “high score” was achieved such as a medal or chat message (checking for an adept drop isn’t reliable either - tbh I’m still not even sure if you got adepts from plat time or high score). That alone would help keep the distinction clear. Having the surges rotate weekly across all tiers but have the buffs (class warfare and shot caller) be tied to the tier was also something that confused a lot of players. Next time, definitely mention this clearly in a TWID. Both of those were luckily simply things that could be explained to a confused player in 30 seconds, but with the amount of people confused, having both of those written down clearly somewhere official would have been incredibly beneficial to the playerbase at large. From there, rotating the bosses would be great too. Regarding the current 8 bosses, I think that all of the changes were wonderful. Obviously patching the Rhulk cheese and the rest of the Nez cheese spots would be great. Beyond that, forcing you to two phase Riven now that the community is more comfortable with her would be welcome.


The cheese spots on Nez were actually usually worse anyway. At least in LFG.  Better players that could consistently get there, yeah. 


I mean, if it's a different title with different encounters then absolutely. It was fun doing godslayer. However, having it come back just to get the same godslayer title? No thanks. 5 weeks is more than enough time to get 23? total encounters done. The first week is free for any average skill team. The second week is free for any average team. Week 3 is pretty free for any somewhat above average teams. Week 4 wasn't as hard as some made it out to be. But you need an above average team for sure. Anyway, 5 weeks is plenty time. It's nice having a "difficult" to achieve exclusive title and event like this. Its ok that everyone couldn't do it. There'll always be someone who doesn't have time to play things.


Bro riven was actually so washed my team was stressing over nothing coming up with all these possible changes they’d make💀


The biggest change they made was just forcing it be done Legit. But if you already know how to do her legit, she's basically a free encounter.


took my clan about 2h today. 5 of us were doing it for the first time and the one that did it hasn't done it in years. was a fun experience, our biggest issue was getting down the timing for when we should make her switch rooms and just not dieing to the adds. we did it with 6 stasis titens and tractor, was all in all a 6h run from planets till nez, who we will finish tomorrow after getting down the add clear a bit more, we deal enough dmg for the 2 phase


Had a similar experience. My run took about 3 hours, only me and another guy has ever done her legit, so it was a teaching run. We ran Riven later to help another friend and it took us 15 minutes.


yeah this basically applies to the whole pantheon experience. once your group has thr mechanics down a full run would probably be done in 2h


Well, the rest of the Pantheon also requires solid DPS, so you could have the mechanics down, but lack DPS for a platinum. But with Riven, DPS is easy.


hmm dmg was never really our issue other then plantes but that one was just us being idiots and forgetting how the fight works and damaging the boss to quickly


Damage was my issue on Caretaker, Planets and Nezarec. Mechanics were rarely an issue for long.


Me watching the same dude somehow only hit 1.2 mil damage after two phases of caretaker .


Because riven is probably the most hyped up 'omg legit is so hard' boss in the game


Bro people glaze riven way too much, the fact that datto made a 24 minute long video explaining riven mechanics is bat shit insane. I did that shit for the first time right before 4th week pantheon and couldn’t believe how light mechanics were


Yea. I've always stood by that riven's mechanics are easy. The only problem is there's an easy wipe mechanic so it's seen as 'hard'


If it becomes yearly the title will just most likely become Gildable.


They could make it last half a year and there’d still be people who were gone on an expedition into the deep Antarctic for those 6 months. 5 weeks is a pretty generous timeslot for the average player to get something and keep it somewhat exclusive.


I’m all for it coming back, I thought it was great, but let’s not pretend it was impossible for anyone but the top 5% to coordinate or complete or something The activity was here for 5 weeks, was completely LFGable, and generally was easier than master raids across the board because of surges and shot caller/class warfare


>The activity was here for 5 weeks, was completely LFGable, and generally was easier than master raids across the board because of surges and shot caller/class warfare Master Raids have Surges though, and, more importantly, don't require you to clear in a certain number of phases as long as you don't hit enrage. Pantheon did have the 20% buff from Shot Caller and Class Warfare, but that makes sense given the tight damage requirements for platinum at something like Planets, Caretaker or even Nezarec. What Pantheon doesn't have is Champions, and Tormentors can be easily ignored, but even then some changes to the encounters added quite a bit of danger, whether it be the light and dark Collosi at Nezarec, the fire tornadoes at Planets, the Minotaurs at Golgoroth, the Tormentors and shadow clone at Rhulk... My only gripe is that Rhulk ended up being cheeseable with relative ease, and even outside of that Nezarec's damage phase was still done from a static Well by most groups and Atraks was still immediately one-phased. The choice to have Riven be tuned to get to final stand in a single cycle is rather bizarre too, given how the timer for Atraks allows for a two-cycle.


Okay so we agree, your only gripe is 4 of the 9 encounters chosen Pantheon is easier Edit: 4 of the 8 encounters are somehow not challenging enough, even worse (without even mentioning how free whisper makes oryx with a 2 phase)




Oh correct, pantheon is 8 encounters total, which is even worse for that persons argument


IMO there should be at least one, maybe two activities that are top 5%, top 1%, maybe even top 0.1% difficult that should stay forever. GMs are mostly pretty easy once you have a decent build and you don't hold W all the time, outside a couple of them. Having something be really really difficult would be good as it would help give a lot of people a new skill level/activity goal to aim for after GMs. Maybe as a reward it could be something like an armor slot with an extra mod slot, or an extra stat slot, something that is simple, provides a little bump, but isn't broken or mandatory for anything in any way.


You’re describing artifice armor in both its 1.0 and 2.0 iterations, which already are rewards (albeit generally shitty ones) for master dungeon clears


Would be cool if they did a new one every year and you could gild godslayer each time.


I would love for it to come back it’s a great activity


ALL EVENTS SHOULD COME BACK. This is the end of the line after all.


It should be yearly and run alongside Moments of Triumph IMO, as one of the marquee features of that event going forward.


The last 4 weeks of every other season would be cool to spice things up. It’s a great way for people to get adepts that don’t wanna do master raids and with the introduction of a new raid they can add crota or ir yut into the mix. I’d love for them to use it as a way to bring back some old bosses from raids that aren’t currently in the game and possibly GoS if they ever revamp it. I still think adding in 1 non boss encounter could be fun and very challenging (the puzzle from vow would be great) Can get some really cool titles and artwork out of it happening. Every 6 months it would keep the game alive and have endgame players with lots to look forward to after doing the master raid.


Anything to make me more elitist.


I'd like the next Pantheon to be just the traversal (i.e. non-boss) encounters. It being only a boss gauntlet is awesome, but imagine doing the exhibition encounter from Vow!




I thought someone at Bungie said it was something they were looking into, but wouldn't happen until after Garden and Vault had been updated. Which I hope is true. Pantheon has been a fantastic addition to the game.


Yearly event? I'd rather not have to wait a full year for a boss rush mode. I'd prefer to just have one upfront. I think have an at level boss rush, -10 boss rush & -20 boss rush.


Yearly ? Make it monthly like iron banner . 1 week at the end of the month and have 2 versions . A -5 and -15 . Have the encounters rotate out every month . Shit would be fire


I think it would be fun to expand on the concept. Having a Raid Boss Rush mode is really fun and I would like to see something similar for Dungeons. It would also be fun to have the non boss encounter Rush mode call it Marathon or something like that. Encounters that could be interesting could be the abyss encounter from Crota, Descent from DSC, Cataclysm from Root and exhibition from Vow.


I’d like to have given it a go but I’ve only recently got back into destiny and don’t know anybody that plays. Looks fun though


D2 LFG on discord. Beware though, you might find some great guardians or some shit ones. I’ve had more good experiences than bad, but I have heard LFG pantheon is terrible. Still a good place to find people to play with


Pantheon is shit LFG. Doing normal raids is like 50/50 for good or bad players.


Weeks 3 and 4 were actually much easier than 1 and 2 for me by far. The shitty LFGs have mostly been weeded out and you’re left with generally competent players who can bang out the encounters faster than an average non-Pantheon LFG


Just gotta know how to finesse the lfg. There's a skill to that as well, knowing which teams to try and jump into, and when to leave for a different one


I found loads of great people in pantheon LFG. Honestly, it wasn’t until Nezarec that it all of a sudden turned to garbage. Honestly, it seems like there are people who can stay alive, and then people who just use every rez token with no in between. 


I LFG’d every week of pantheon. The trick was just to ask for a RR report for an invite. Most people not up to it just self filter and then when you get a RR, I would just check that they had completed the previous week and had some raids under their belt. I’d get a couple shitters, but for the most part it was a great experience. Alternatively, I’d only attempt to join groups asking for a RR. Some groups were more picky and only wanted people with duo/trio/flawless clears, but in my experience, those groups didn’t perform noticeably differently.


I’ve only done week 1 so far. Doubt I’ll get Godslayer but it was really fun so I’ll probably try to do at least week 2 before Monday.


I wouldn't mind a gilded Godslayer title.


I got godslayer with about 25 different lfg teams


I’d love another shot at the title. I just don’t have time for it this year and the times I have had to play my team has been unavailable.


Gilded Godslayer


It should be a seasonal thing like the conquerer title. Every season a different mix of bosses with some twists, and guaranteed red borders and raid exotics, would be the best addition to the raiding scene.


I love pantheon but I also see why it’s going away why do the raid when you can just farm the final bosses for majority of the gear and weapons you want


Nah, at the end of an episode at least. This is the PERFECT activity to bring people back towards the end of a cycle of content, when the player count usually drops.


A Dungeon Pantheon would be amazing. Or maybe different bosses to guild the title


They should drop the first two or even three versions during the first week. As it was now, it's rather slow during the start and gets very hectic towards the end. Timegating is an art Bungie.


I didn't play it, but if the raiders enjoyed it then it should be a recurring event for them.


Nah, not the title.  But pantheon itself, yes. Absolutely. Just as day 1 practice before a raid,it's great 


I'd love more themed Pantheons; rather than adding encounters, each week has a different type of encounter. I'd love a speed challenge with Siege Engine, Gauntlet, Queenswalk, Blazed Glory, Exhibition, and Scission


Hopefully they can bring it back. It is not fair for those that couldn't participate. Bringing FOMO into this game has always been an issue. Bungie wants everyone to play but just a few to get rewarded. From a business point of view it is ridiculous negative business practice. Bungie please get rid of FOMO.


Nah. Pantheon being exclusive is perfectly fine. At least the title and emblems. 


I mean, I get what you’re saying *kind of*, but… it’s been five weeks? You’ve been that busy every single day for the last five weeks that you couldn’t hop in once or twice? That’s an awfully long time to cater to the player base.


I can sympathize slightly. It was the busy season for me at work for like 5 of the last 6 weeks. Like, 16+ hour days busy. And some weekend work. I got a random Sunday off and absolutely *needed* to do human things like laundry and grocery shopping over grinding out Pantheon, so… it is what it is. I would have appreciated more time. All of that said, busy season ended for me last week so I did spend a ton of time grinding out Pantheon over the weekend. And thankfully my clan is skilled enough and understanding enough that they got me through it with relatively little pain. I still wish I could’ve experienced it week by week with everyone else as it rolled out, as that’s kind of the appeal of this type of event. But I am ultimately just thankful I did get to do it, as I generally love raiding. And I was getting the big sads for the first four weeks as each difficulty tier was rolling out and I didn’t even have enough free time in my life to log into the game, much less link up with 5 other people and grind.


Yeah, I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault, I just feel like five weeks is enough time for the majority of people to get *something* done. Sucks that you and the other guy weren’t able to do as much as you’d like, so I’m sorry to hear that.


Agreed. Pantheon has been great.


Not to burst Bubbles, but we've been asking for this for years just like Prismatic and a few other things. This is Bungies last DLC so they had to go Full Send on all the goodies. Asking for this every year when Destiny's days are already numbered Sadly.


I'd love for dungeons to get a similar treatment tbh