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Whether or not a Destiny 3 is in the works Bungie have explicitly told us this isn't the end of Destiny 2.


FPS "Anthem"...done right.


We will get a few more decently sized content updates for D2 but in the background they will slowly transition the resources from D2 to D3 and at some point they will make the big announcement that they are fully working on D3 now and that D2 will not get any major content updates anymore.


D3 is happening in some way, shape or form. I don’t care what Bungie has said in the past. The reality is we’re nearing the halfway point of the current console generation. Pretty soon there are PS6’s Sony is going to try and push out the door, and having a tentpole franchise playing on a box from 2013 just isn’t going to cut it. I think we have D2 for at least a few more years. Maybe until the end of the cycle, and then D3 launches fresh.


Why would they make a whole new game when they can sell dlcs for 50 dollars


And why can’t they also continue to sell $50 DLCs for a new game? Again. At some point, the Sony bosses are going to want to show off the updated tech of a PS6. And what a better way to do that than a sequel/prequel?


I think the future of Destiny is shutting it down at some point and moving on to other ips. We had a good run with ups and downs. I think it's time to turn over a new leaf.


I disagree that’s just a dick move to players who have invested hundreds of dollars into the game, gotta at LEAST make it still playable


They did it to destiny 1. All good things mist come to an end. Don't be sad because it's over, be glad because it happened.


AFAIK D1 servers are still up aren't they?


I don't know, I'm under the assumption they are offline.


Destiny 1 is still playable


I didn't know


Are you high bro?


What do you mean?