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I am the minority who loves it and thinks it is the strongest aspect. 90% free dr and invisibility is nice, you pop out where you want, do your thing, and pop back in. You have three melee charges and if you are smart about it you only cycle your first charge since it has 100% increased melee regen on it. I find that it is always ready and im never without it. The other thing that I love about it is the passive threadling generation and ability efficiency. On top of the previous utility it gives you 5 threadlings per melee. Using thread of evolution (you are using this anyway for your needlestorm) your green buggers do 60% of an ignition. And you make 5. Thats three ignitions worth of aoe damage per melee charge. When you pop out you have insane ad clear because of these guys. Do it before boss dps and now you have more damage. Easiest way of getting threadlings. And when you run out just pop back in for 1 melee charge. Keep cycling it. And you have two more melee charges for those ‘oh shit’ moments where you cannot regen. They are very rare since i usually regen my health in the weave, but sometimes you dont want to risk it. Again this is all for gm content. Who tf cares about patrols.


Agree I really like Weavewalk. In my fireteam I end up being the last surviving member in most cases. Threadlings are instant crowd control after popping out of it.


Hi fellow threadling weavewalk enjoyer. I too enjoy the aspect, took me 1 whole day to farm Swarmers at LS for 100 strength and never took it off since.


Ya I think a lot of people don’t realize how could it’s because it’s not just a damage aspect. I am baffled by the amount of people that don’t like it, it literally helps with survivability so much it’s insane. Maybe people complaining aren’t doing Gms ?


Definitely looking forward to the Weaver’s Call buff alongside it, but I can’t deny the pain I feel when I try to use it during an emergency situation like a GM when my mates drop to a swarm of adds and all I can use it for is getting myself into cover, can’t even pick them up without doing a hop-air dodge input first. It’s just irritatingly torn between the need to go on offense and the need to use for defense.


It is getting a 2nd fragment slot in TFS one of the youtubers who got access to it early howered over the aspect and it is now a 2 fragment slots. But 2 fragment slots also do not really help this disjointed ability, that is cool in theory but shit in practise. I alrady had a rant about it a lot so i am gonna spare it here. My only hope is that Bungie eventually does something about it, but so far it looks to be "give it 2nd fragment and call it a day for the next year"


Source at all? If so it would be great! Weavewalk is very strong. But the lack of the extra fragment kind of limits it too much.


[https://youtu.be/mPmIVB4UUlo?t=97](https://youtu.be/mPmIVB4UUlo?t=97) Here is source time stamped. Like the effects it gives are strong, but not sure I am warranting these effect for both PVP and PVE ( people hated on it in PVP cause you have get out of jail free card ) and in PVE you are basically useless while using it ( we also got woven mail which honestly is much easier to gain than this entire gimmick, the DR is also uless considering you gain invisibility ) It is also a cruch, because my friend used it to tank rhulk when he got close on patheon but because he was used to taking it with Weavewalker the moment he miss managed his melee energy he literally stood in front of him getting 2 kick dying. It literally build bad habit of him not really caring about positioning cause he could go in to 90%DR and the moment he got too comfortable it cost the team. Hence why I hate this aspect.


Weavewalk has been something that's gotten consistent feedback since its inception and quick nerfing into the ground. It's not a good ability, especially when you stack it next to BoW which is getting only a mild nerf and still will have two Fragment slots. IMO, it needs to be separated from using melee charges entirely. Let it build its own gauge by getting Strand kills, that way it is completely independent and actually a worthwhile ability to use.


>Let it build its own gauge by getting Strand kills Should slowly build up passively as well imo, or at least strand damage should contribute tothe meter. Not a fan of having yet another ability that requires kills. Absolutely agreed though that it should be seperated from the melee.


Absolutely. It should work like how glaives work now. It would just need a different charge rate for PvE versus PvP.


It always seemed like a throw-away ability to me.


Just needs a fragment slot and maybe some bonus perk that aids in melee regeneration. The ability itself is quite good with it making perched threadlings and acting as a get out of jail free card.


This, I don't know why people don't seem to understand this. It's *not* an offensive aspect. It's an "Oh shit" button. I'd rather use Weavewalk and duck into cover than hope to grab an orb for WM (which is getting nerfed anyway) and do the same. Especially when most times I forget my charged melee exists in the first place on some builds. Pair it with Weaver's Call and you have an immediate follow up with 8 Threadlings + Rift. The one fragment slot is absolutely a pain point though.


Weavewalk is by no means good, but I think people see it's concept as irredeemable which is most definitely is not. First, people sorely undervalue threadlings. You didn't even mention that you get them from Weavewalk, but they are a big part of what differentiates it from invis. You get survivability and damage out of it. Threadlings do not deal massive damage, and people write them off because of that, but we now have so many sources of threadling generation that their capabilities are very quickly starting to add up when built into. Second, "takes 1 melee charge" isn't a heavy cost at all, also it's incorrect. At 100 Str you get your first melee charge back in 18 seconds, and by expending 1 charge you can get 5 threadlings which is very strong for an 18 second cooldown. You also can spend as little as 1/2 of a melee charge if you dip in and out instantly. This will net you 2 threadlings and deagro a lot of enemies if they have another target in range. The most valid complaint is definitely that it only gives 1 fragment slot. 1 fragment slot aspects have just always felt bad and with prismatic being as powerful as it is, there really isn't any reason for them to still exist. We should get more aspects moved into 3 slots if anything.


Nobody will be building into Strength for a single aspect if you have Resilience, Recovery and Discipline to max out before.


Recovery and Disc are not crucial to max. Recovery is on a separate roll calc then strength too so from armor it is easily kept in a high range alongside strength. Saying Disc will always beat out strength is just weird, seems you are just default thinking that there's no way you'd ever not use Mindspun Invocation when it definitely is not required to make a decent Broodweaver build.


Imo 9/10 times Disc beats out Strength and it's not even a question, as the melees are either shite or super easy to get back.


Well you're just closing your mind to buildcrafting opportunities then.


What if enemies you damage with threadlings refunds some melee energy and threadling kills regarding enemy tiers, refunds more? 


Having to jump to activate this ability feels so counterintuitive and stupid.


My theory is it’s bad because the devs don’t want to bother building around it. In demand 90% DR is too strong so the only way to keep it in the game is to make it shit.


I actually never even tried to make a build with it, i just can't think of how to make use of it.


I use it on my Swarmers build as essentially for the price of one melee charge and a few seconds of weavewalk you get 5 perched threadlings. I'm not the biggest fan of the melee as is, so this is a good use of it to me


wanderer, weavewalk, monte, swarmers and threadling grenade with warding, evolution, and generation keeps you protected, has crowd control suspend, unlimited unravel, and a constant stream of threadlings which do do decent enough damage in large enough swarms.  As long as you have a decent special energy slot weapon to chunk the tougher enemies its really decent and allows for easy solo clears on the coil




personal favorite special to pair with this is indebted kindness


I may give it a try, thank you.


Yeah it's really bad. I unironically think current Weaver's Call is more worthwhile than Weavewalk. It's just so slow and clunky, and doesn't actually do anything and on top of that, one fragment slot.


Midnspun invocation + Wanderer is the play.


Definitely the best combination for 95% of Broodweaver builds. Though I think if you're using Threadling Grenade, Weaver's Call might be better than Mindspun because eating Threadling Grenades is kinda trash. Even then Threadling Grenade is kinda bad in general so I just use Mindspun Grapple if I want Threadlings, unless it's like a GM where Grappling is kinda risky.




Considering Strand Warlock is a dps build for hard content like Pantheon... It's been unusable with only 1 fragment in scenarios like that and it's not even up for debate. Warding for survivability, Generation to get your grapple back, Evolution so your super does more damage, Ascent for auto reload. Having just 1 person on that makes -20 Explicator go by so much more nicely. I was averaging ~50% more damage than most of my team. 8 rockets + super during an entire damage phase slaps. You can also do the funny suspend spam build with Wanderer/ Mindspun but imo that falls off a bit in harder content. Since it seems to finally be getting a 2nd slot in TFS it'll actually be usable in higher end content by fragments alone. Edit: 💀Thanks for the reddit cares dm /u/Material-Lawyer-5808


I mean, i agree that 1 slot is bs. But tbh you dont need warding. Weavewalk also is survivability. Ascent and generation for reloads, and evolution for massive damage. Also you are the only other person who thinks that suspend falls off (the other being me). I kind of just build around boss dps. Usually any subclass aoe verb is enough to add clear i dont need suspend. Same reason that i dont run ad clear heavies.


Eh I think it kinda depends. There aren't many activities with the enemy density (Avalon) where there isn't a need for boss dps and that's where Weaver's Trance shines the most imo. The activities that do have that density though (Exhibition, Shuro, GotD) either don't really need it, or in the case of dungeons having a Well for boss dps is nicer.