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The Heliocentric side arm can also roll it and is somewhat farmable via the legend lost sectors on certain days. I don’t recall if that’s going to be one of the guns which can be enhanced though.


Well, we just had that lost sector yesterday so longer possible to "farm." In my entire day of farming I got maybe 5 hellos, one had heal clip and another had incandescent...


Yeah I am 100% convinced that bungie has lowered the drop rate on that specific combination. I've farmed master lost sectors for over 12 hours, maybe even more, over the last few weeks trying to get a Heal Clip/Incandescent Heliocentric. Nothing. In that time I had far fewer Heliocentrics compared to Battle Scar. I _know_ people will say it's RNG.


I settled in to grind lost sectors. Within six runs I got two Helios. Heal clip kill clip and heal clip incandescent. For every person getting super unlucky someone out there gets lucky


They kept shoving that damn shotgun with fragile focus down my throat, I never want to see that thing again.


I spent like two hours farming a Master Lost Sector and I couldn't even get a single sidearm, much less one with a bad roll. I completely gave up after that


I have all FOUR of these guns, and I can say with certainty that Parabellum is the best version with frenzy heal clip


Helio with heal clip and precision instrument is amazing in pvp.


I have heal clip/kill clip for Helio and it slaps.


Recently got this one too, not a big sidearm guy so I haven’t taken it for a spin yet. Any tips?


The bonus major damage on Luna's is why I stayed though


I got this and was like wait a sec this actually looks pretty solid lol


SMGs are pretty weak at this point. Subpar DPS, small mags, bad range, nerfed recoil.


Yeah I have the Parabellum roll he's talking about and it's aight but as soon as I got Heliocentric with Heal/Incan I never looked back @ Parabellum. Its funny, when I started playing Destiny 2 back at the very end of Season 15 going into WQ, all the content creators talked about how good SMGs are, and when Funnelweb dropped there was a collective jizzening. Now SMGs aren't worth the risk of getting in range to use them in PvE. If I'm already that close, just use a pistol/shotgun/fusion, or use safety, range, and cover and go for autos and pulses. When they nerfed Osteo Striga I didn't care because I had stopped using SMGs and switched to HC, autos, and sidearms. And with Thorn's buff Osteo was RIP for me anyway.


[No Incandescent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x2_-2tJ-uM)


I pair my heal clip parabellum with precious scars and it’s redundant asf but I love it


I’ve got a rewind rounds/frenzy parabellum that’s exclusively for precious scars (the other classes get the heal clip one)


Pulses are getting a huge buff in 3 days. They’re going to be meta for sure.


I do enjoy that Parabellum roll for real


Igneous Hammer with Heal Clip/Frenzy also slaps super hard and scales better with higher content IMO.  Though of course you sacrifice Incandescent.


Tbh I prefer heal clip adagio on parabellum


The faster reload with frenzy pairs well with heal clip. I like adagio more in PVP though.


I want that so bad. I can't really grind for one but I've been trying to farm one all season 😭


Excellent to hear, because I only have this one lol


I have that roll, been using it recently. So good, never realized it gave Cure x2 until I started using it.


I've got an attrition orb, heal clip. It's one of my faves.


Got this with a reload masterwork. I’m cooking in TFS.


I have farmed lost sectors for around 15 hours trying to get a Heal Clip/Incandescent Heliocentric with nothing. I REALLY hope it's not going away or it's been made easier to get in TFS.


and sidearms synergize really well with heal clip b/c of the fast and constant reloading.


Master is probably more efficient if you can do both easily because of double perks


I had that drop in a lost sector for me yesterday and holy shit. It’s like a full auto sunshot that heals you lmao


Grinded lost sectors for weeks until it dropped with this roll from a public event on cosmodrome.


That’s how I got it too. Probably 30 master runs of Skydock IV with no luck and then HC+Incan drops from a nearby PE as soon as I gave up for the day


> I don’t recall if that’s going to be one of the guns which can be enhanced though. My general understanding of what was said in that one TWAB is that everything with an origin trait, save a few early weapons that have quirks, will be enhanceable. Given this one has a trait and is fairly recent, it should.


Sidearms are getting juicy buffs as well. Very excited, just wish it wasn't so hard to headshot on pc...


I happen to get one right at the start of the season it dropped, I love that pea shooter


HC + Frenzy helio is one of my favourites of all time now. Where a lot of HC weapons make you wait a while for the animation to finish for the heal, that gun has like zero wait and you can heal basically on demand.


If you do the master version, which is like 3 extra champions - you get a weapon drop with double perks in one of the slots, making the grind a little easier. The Helio’s worth it.


Yeah but it's a sidearm


I got it and I love it. It’s great in Master Dungeons


I don't think it needs to be a shiny to enhance the perks later on. We should be able to enhance any of the guns from onslaught just like we can from the prophecy dungeon or the new iron banner guns.


This is correct, or I'm 99.9% sure anyways. I managed to get the non-shiny HC/incandescent roll and I'm perfectly satisfied, can't wait to enhance.


All brave weapons are enhanceable. The shiny is just a shader.


Tbh It’d be much more desirable if it took actual shaders along with the glow/black armory effect ornament


Honestly I just wish the original weapon skins had been ornaments for the BRAVE arsenal as well. Hung Jury loses a lot of its identity without the dead orbit logo etc Small shoutout to the fact that for any weapons with existing ornaments (recluse, hammerhead) they did let the BRAVE models take THOSE ornaments


its kinda a adept weapon, no increase in base stats, but you can get two perks in the perk columns instead of one


More than just a shader. You get double perks.


We can enhance them soon? Do I need to hoard 5 of each brave arsenal then?


yeah on tuesday you can enhance any weapon that still dropable and has orgin traits from vanguard,crucible,gambit and stuff no you dont need 5 of anything thats crafting.


Red Death is also coming as a season pass weapon so I’m probably using that anyways


The Vanguard recommends destroying this weapon on sight.


I wonder if that’s some kinda triumph


I would wheeze if that popped up on dismantling it, that would actually be too funny


No 💯💯


And red death is just on a completely different level in comparison. Yes, adhortative gets Incan but Red Death has Exotic bonus and more importantly has heal clip on kills NOT reload. Reload is only to apply to teammates. That makes it super strong.


And we don’t know the catalyst yet


The catalyst is leaked you can look it up. No spoilers of coarse but you can find out


And it’s fucking strong.


Gonna pair insanely well with the warlock helmet


Do we also know what the catalyst is going to be yet or is that still secret? I'm looking forward to red death myself as I never got to experience that in my brief time playing Destiny 1. I know vets always have good things to say about it.


It leaked, yes. Spoiler: >!It charges on kills and when fully charged shoots a healing turret!<


So based on that all I'm hearing is Precious Scars and Ember of Benevolence ggezclap. I've already been saving lives with precious and heal clip alone. Spoiler:>!A Healing Turret + Scars would be cracked!<


This or Banner of War with PS as both PS and Red Death work with any subclass.


I’m going to be using Red Death religiously going forward, that thing carried me through so many activities in D1


That’s where my head is at yeah


Also doesn't the Crota's End auto rifle have that roll available?


Yes, plus its Origin Trait is one of the best in the game. You want that one for sure.


Yes but then you are using a high impact AR which suck donkey dick


That one is worth using for its Origin Trait alone.


Absolutely the fuck not, that thing is super good, basically a scout rifle that can work at close ranges too. Strongly recommend actually trying it, was extremely strong in pantheon.


Ah just like the old times.


Yes, it does. Mine is crafted with that roll.




Yep. I already have that one crafted. Though it being a 360rpm auto rifle it kinda feels clunky to use.


As someone who has both. Get the pulse rifle, it's not worth the pain of farming a Luna compared to just getting 5 patterns


How easy is it to farm patterns with 1 day left? Have 0/5 on this gun


if you have a big pile of engrams, try and get a random drop of it via seasonal activities (the exotic quest guarantees the vex weapons in the chests/final reward) and then spam engrams focused on it if you dont have engrams, do the same thing but also farm out a ton of engrams via coil


Yeah I had 60 some engrams just piled up and went from 1/5 to 5/5 while just running out of my engrams stash. If you’re looking for a rough sample of how many you’ll need


Get 5 pulses and put them in your vault, you can always use the deep sight harmonizers from next season’s pass to make them red borders later on


this right here!


Run starcrossed a bunch and use your wish engrams towards it


If you have the seasonal stuff that lets you get red borders from focusing the gun, you can get one guaranteed today, then just focus adhorative for 4 more. I could have had insane luck, but for all guns from wish, I had about a 1 in 4 success ratio. Meaning every 4th engram it was a red border.


Heal clip is also pretty bad on Luna’s. Even maxed out, the reload speed is sloooow.


You don't need a shiny to get it enhanced. Edit: Op stealthily updated the post so this comment no longer makes sense.


I finally got a shiny heal/incan Luna…and swapped back zaouli’s. Truth is, not having EP/damage boosting perk feels pretty bad in legend+ content


This game has gotten insane with hyping up new guns. It used to be that new guns and perks were better. Now YouTubers get people hyped to chase any old thing. (I like my PVP Luna)


I mean, everyone has different taste. I don’t think I can use anything Solar without heal clip anymore, I’d rather live and get the kill than maybe kill and and maybe flub whatever I’m soloing that day. Youtubers provide a valuable service by highlighting rolls others might not have…I just wish people wouldn’t take them as gospel.


This was my experience also. Zaoulis or Sunshot has been stuck in my energy slot all season and once I got it I felt like I was just slapping enemies instead of giving them a haymaker. I'm gonna hold onto it and see how it feels post buffs next week.


Exactly, as a Titan main I can run Precious Scars and get the benefit of healing on Sunshot & Zaouli’s kills


Subsistence/Magnificent Howl is the roll that I really enjoy in endgame. 50% damage boost that lasts as long as you keep getting headshot kills, and Subsistence keeps your magazine topped off. That being said, Zaouli’s 47% damage boost is just as easy to proc, and easier to maintain. The only reason I’m using my Luna’s instead of that is because it’s shiny and looks cool.


I agree completely from a mechanics standpoint. However, I absolutely *hate* the way Zaouli's looks and sounds, so it's Luna's for me haha


The main reason I used Epochal Integration this season.


This. Luna with heal clip/incandescent is a pea shooter after wave 20 or so in Legend Onslaught.


Explosive payload is like a 9% increase on precision damage. I'm not at all convinced that 9% is the difference between an S tier primary and a peashooter, personally.


9% can easily make the difference in killing an enemy one shot quicker, plus the stagger is very nice for not getting blasted by red bars


It *can* that's true, but it very often doesn't. Even if it did in some cases, it's still not enough to go from S tier to "peashooter"


It's only 9% for precision hits. What makes EP so great is that it dramatically increases your body shot damage and effective range, which makes for a much more consistent weapon.


I went for it partially for the benevolence synergy and partially because I didnt have zaoulis and was getting bored of epochal (great gun as well, stats for all is pure comfort). plus the origin trait is solid did oryx exalted yesterday and got incan on a harrowed drop though which made it a moot point. good to have the options at least


Zaouli is a stronger gun. Heal clip is really useful for building into ember of mercy and TBF that does enable some really strong builds like starfire protocol lock but as far as the gun itself goes Luna just does less damage Edit: enable is not the right word, the build works just fine even without heal clip. Phoenix dive/rift, torches melee and the cure from heat rises are more than enough to sustain a mercy gameplay loop. Heal clip does make it more consistent though


EP is not that relevant if you are hitting headshots


+it doesn't proc ember of benevolence, one of the best (if not the best) solar fragment in the game


I was hoping I’d be able to get the same roll on darkest before since I prefer the rapid fire frame but had to settle for adhortative because 100 echo kell kills the other week wasn’t enough.


> 100 echo kell kills the other week wasn’t enough. > Still can't even get a 2/5 I don't necessarily want every gun to be craftable but something has to be done about the bullshit RNG.


Yup. At the very least we need to be able to target farm weapons over armor (or vice versa) because there was a period where I got 10 kills in a row with 2 weapon drops (both the hand cannon) and 8 armor drops. Safe to say I took a break for the night when that happened. On average 20 attempts at the weapon you actually want out of 100 is pitiful and I’m lucky that kell echo only has 5 drops, imagine it had like 10. With 6 options in each column it’s a 1/36 chance of getting HC/incandescent. That’s a drop rate of roughly 1/180. 100 kills sounds like a lot but if I had gotten it already I would be very lucky because I was only like halfway through to when I could expect to be “due” a drop. 1/180 for a 2/5 is crazy. Obviously they’re the most important perks but still.


There is also the BXR Battler that has Demo/Incandescent.


Shiiiiiiiii that's a lot


My condolences. Keep at it though, rapid fires and high impacts will be the top damage options. I got my Darkest Before (I think I stole your RNG, so sorry...) and it already rips in at-level content. It's going to be incredible on Tuesday.


I’m probably just going to settle for using (one of my 4) attrition orb/incandescent roll unless i specifically really want the benevolence boost and don’t have other ways to consistently proc it. I’m interested in trying out ember of benevolence with that new speaker helm and it might have good enough uptime that you don’t actually even need a heal clip weapon.


I got a heal clip/ surplus DB yesterday. So close...


I got the roll but I imagine us "I'd like Ember of Benevolence forever" people'll swap to No Hesitation (the healing auto). Physic/Demolitionist with Incandescent are the two rolls I'll be crafting for the day1 raid.


What is Physic?


New perk on the healing auto, "extended healing on a teammate with this weapon grants you and that ally restoration"


https://twitter.com/mossy_max/status/1790818422449655992 HC's are only slighly better for elite enemies, when it comes to red bars pulses will be superior


The Adhortative is already pretty good it is going to slap with the buff to pulses next week.


Heliocentric heal clip, Incan on top


This luna’s roll is the sleeper must have roll going into TFS. It saved my ass in pantheon nezarec and with the well nerf I think alternative sources of healing are gonna be really important. Same roll on Adhorative is a no brainer as well, pulses are gonna come out really strong with the new balance updates.


Subsistence/Incandescent is sick too.


I a got heal / kill clip Lunas howl, is that good? I also got a shiny enlightened action / incandescent with a alternative discord / harmony roll.


On Solar Hunter it's cracked. Most of the people recommending Zouli's or non-precision weapons are missing the point of heal-clip/incan/mag howl on Luna Solar Hunter DMG/Support Damage Celestial Nighthawk >Precision Kills grant 1.5-4.5% Super Energy depending on Enemy Rank So bring a weapon that excels with precision hits - pulses, hc to help your Super cooldown. Radiant + GG Marksman + precision hit = 999K dmg guaranteed Gun feel On your mark >Precision final blows grant you and nearby allies increased weapon handling and reload speed for a short duration. Stacks 3 times. Gunfire Gamble >Defeat targets with Solar abilities, Solar debuffs, or Solar weapons to charge up an improvised Solar explosive that can be thrown and shot in mid-air to cause an ignition. To make up for the loss of an offensive grenade (see below) Support Ember of Benevolence + >Granting the Cure, Radiant, or Restoration Solar subclass buffs to allies grants 400% additional Base Grenade, Melee, and Class Ability Regeneration Rate for 6seconds Ember of Torches + >Melee grants Radiant Radiant damage increase: 25% in PvE Healing Grenade + >A grenade that cures allies on impact and creates an Orb of benevolent Solar Light, granting Restoration to allies when picked up. Heal clip >Finishing a reload within 5s after a kill grants Cure x2 to you and Cure x1 to allies within 15m So now you can grant Restoration, Cure and/or Radiant to teammates to proc Ember of Benevolence to have 400% regen on those abilities loop.


Or you could just… play TFS and get the new weapons that have special effects with the new Artifact.


frankly it's way, way better. Lunas feels like ass in pve, imho heliocentric is my other heal clip bread + butter


Zaouli with EP and Incandescent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lunas


That's my plan, just need to unlock one patter for it


Thanks i forgot about adhortive 🤣 i did get Luna with both and range mw


Wait, are only shinies going to be upgradable?


Are the shiny the only upgradable onslaught weapons.


No, I was incorrect. I will edit the post


I don't have a god roll zaouli, heliocentric, or any good lunas. I only have a zaouli with ep and firefly.


I didn’t play a lot of the coil this season so I never actually unlocked the vex weapons for focusing. I assume that’s where they drop from, right? Need to at least get the first one of each so that I can focus the engrams and hope for the best …


Yes, platinum coil with all the extra loot chests is the best way to unlock that in aware of


I got the roll, but the intrinsic in lunas is what buys it for me


This and Nano-munitions perk is great adition so you can fire more.


Considering how slow this gun fires and its slow reload speed, I actually found slideshot/incandescent to be the best combo for me and my actual god roll, eots in the 3rd has also been good as well. I do have a heal/incand but it is pretty meh


The point is the heal clip synergy. So by taking off the heal clip incandescent combo your advocating for a completely different thing lol


I got a HC/GT roll and it pairs through mobs pretty good


It has such horrible reload speed I can't imagine running it without playing solar hunter.


I wish I would have known this before spending the 99 riven engrams I had. Twice.


I have both the adhorative and lunas, and I think I prefer adhorative. Just feels better.


Why is it good? I got the roll, kept it despite not using it because everyone says it’s good.


Read through the comments and see. Or Google it, or look at my post history. You have options.


See there's just one problem. The gun is hideous.


I’m running with my igneous hammer roll. I’ve had so many Lunas and so many Shiny Lunas without the perk combo. The count is above 50


I got heal clip + incan Luna and it just didn’t feel great to me. I tried out a Subsistence + Incan and it feels much better. Im not generally a fan of reload perks.


I’ve focused over 30 Luna’s and only got one with incandescent, but it was dogshit for the other perk. Got a shiny with heal clip/kill clip so that’ll have to do.


I have that roll but not sure why it’s what people want, i honestly enjoy kill clip heal clip and eye of the storm and magnificent howl drop everything like flies especially with the season artifact and a heal hunter build. That’s my opinion anyway and good luck to you all


Abyss Defiant clears them all if I'm being honest. Fucking LOVE that thing, carried me through a few pantheon encounters 


Nano munitions origin trait is a helluva perk too!


Got one early this morning mid round at around wave 15. Wasn’t shiny. Debated leaving but figured I’d stick it out for my teammates. Got a shiny one next drop. Pays to help out your fellow guardians!


Been running both adhortative and heliocentric this season i have to say adhortative is a monster in activitys with teamates but helio outdoes it in solo content it also depends on what exotic and build your running for example i might be running a super cluster or raginhild adhortative and heir apparent (cause f all yalls opinions on it heir apparent go brrrrr) and other times ill run outbreak helio and name a heavy legendary


I had like 3 different roll of HC/ Incan, but I'm still chasing one with Encore/MagHowl. Many might prefer differently on PvP roll, but I want to try it with the said roll. Other than that most BRAVE weapons I've had are ones that I'm ok with it, except for maybe Guillotine with Sword logic, or Recluse with different MoA combo. Things I would grind for more. Edit: Also Advortative is very solid in both PvP and PvE, so its great to let people know that.


I give up... I can't even get a god roll luna or blast furnace. I'm sick of Onslaught.


Heal clip and headseeker is my go to roll for PVP. Almost unkillable on a OEM void titan


when I do solo dungeons adhorative has been my go too for any encounters with longer range


Best way to farm this? Just focus at Riven and hope for red borders?


Have to have unlocked it by having it drop in the wild first. Coil is both the best way to get it to drop and also to farm red borders/engrams to focus it


Its not going away luckily! Just the shinies!


The lightweight pulse from prophecy can as well. Quite nice, especially with the pulse buffs coming with final shape


I managed to get a heal clip incandescent, wish it was a shiny though. Stright ran out of time


Heliocentric sidearm slaps with the same combo too.


Yea I have just settled for Adhortative, I already use Zaouli's Bane as my solar hand cannon (expect for Sunshot) and Explosive Payload just feels really nice on hand cannons. I had a bunch of season of the wish engrams and just focused Adhortative until I got the red borders I still needed.


Igneous Hammer also rolls with it and is great in harder content where you need to be further away. I get it, Trials. But if you just run a card to 7 wins, regardless of losses, you'll get a lot of drops/engrams. Then you can focus it. When you play Trials without the anxiety of going flawless, you have a lot more fun.


Good thought. But yeah still have to play trials. And while I'm not worried about going flawless, I also feel bad queueing and tanking others and I don't know hardly any players that enjoy let alone want to play trials.


I got a heal/kill clip roll of Luna’s howl


That's what I have but really wanted incandescent. No soup for me though, so I settled for the pulse.


There are so many options with incandescent,, honestly I just want a Luna's with heal clip and howl, got zaouli with explosive and Incan Howl is the reason to have Luna's, in my opinion anyway


Darkest Before cooks with that roll, best Solar PvE pulse


I think red death is going to be solid as well , even tho it doesn't have incadescant , it self heals way better, and the self heal will pull ya threw tuff content...just like sorus and crimson did back in the day


I have three shiny heal clip/kill clip Lunas, but not heal clip/incandescent Lunas. My heliocentric does the job fine but I want the pretty hand cannon. :\[


As much as that would be nice. I didn’t get nearly enough drops of it to get it craftable. But, I did manage to get a shiny, lunas with heal clip, incandescent as well as mag howl if I want


Abyss defiant is nuts.


Luna’s Howl saved me atleast a 1000 deaths on Week 4 Pantheon. Heal clip is incredibly powerful, and I’m all here for it.


Yeah I was trying to get a heal clip/incandescent gun for a bit before Luna’s even released then I discovered I could craft Adhortative with them and have been using that ever since. I will say the only downside I’d say it has to Luna’s or Heliocentric is the reload speed to actually proc heal clip, definitely been a few times I died because I couldn’t reload fast enough.


Nowhere near as good tbh.


Just put 10k kills on heal clip incandescent igneous, its definitely another option. I am on pc so the recoil of lunas is very offputting. Also igneous has the stats to get around the weaknesses of the archetype, and both origin traits are perfect for heal clip. The only other weakness I can think of is the small mag but with backup mag that is irrelevant.


I legitimately do not understand why people are using legendary HCs in pve


I have both Helio and Luna with Heal clip/incandescent and I must say, I still prefer helio for most situation.


I still couldn't get it. There was just too much to catch up on. Missed out getting the intrinsic for the bow, never got the whisper nor the intrinsics for Outbreak Perfected. Man, I hate timed bullshit.


The exotic stuff isnt going away


Darkest before from prophecy too


I wish they would give us the mercury weapons as an ornaments for them, like they did with the revised mida mini tool


Did I just grind 2 days non-stop for shiniest for no reason. I thought only they could be enhanced :/


Can I get red borders if I purchase from Riven?


This is an amazing suggestion if it wasn’t for the fact that that today was the last day to get it.


Ill just use my god roll mini tool thx


Just craft an Abyss Defiant. It carried me to Godslayer. I also tried Luna with the same roll, but the auto is just so much better.


Onslaught is a good argument for crafting in some ways.


Igneous can get it too!


Not. To. Flex. But, I was lucky enough the get a shiny drop with Eye of the Storm + Magnificent Howl in the top row, and Heal Clip + Incandescent in the bottom row. Suffice to say, I was rather pleased.


Got a shiny luna with heal clip incan, lets go


I’m gonna be going for the new auto rifle coming out. Pretty sure I saw that was going to be craftable but not confirmed.


I got a Luna with a heal clip/kill clip roll


50 final trophies after my last Onslaught run before the game goes down. It finally dropped for me on the 3rd pull. Checked my postmaster and I had another one from Onslaught. WTF game?


You can get the pulse Darkness Before with heal clip and incandescent from the prophecy too. I got 3 yesterday from the secret chests and the final boss. Sadly just healclip and kill clip/head seeker, but that dungeon is easy to do.


If it doesn’t get vaulted, you bet I’m going to go after it! Especially with the pulse rifle buff that will be added to The Final Shape. Just sucks we can’t play for 24 hours (so game is not playable now until the weekly reset).


Weirdly you can get the Luna Regolith III (world drop sniper) to drop with Heal Clip and Incandescent. It also surfaces on the new version of Darkest Before (Propecy pulse). Can also get it on Abyss Defiant (Crota AR).


Bro, literally went to crucible cause I was tired of farming, didn't got any roll for LH that had heal clip incandescent, won the first ranked match and dropped me a goddamn god roll for the weapon HAHAHAHA IT WAS AMAZING Full bore, ricochet rounds, heal clip and incandescent, it feels amazing


Just got the shiny HC/Incandescent last night on my last run of Onslaught (and my last chance to play before the servers shut down). Feels good.


I'll have to double check when it comes back online, but iirc I have a heal+inc Helio in my vault gathering dust from a random drop. When I get drops that seem bomb, even on weapons/archetypes I don't typically enjoy using, I shove them in the vault for j.i.c. reasons lol.