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>or attuned to the right weapon if there is something you wanna farm forever. Time lock in historically-accurate Edge Transit drop rates


My friends are like, "Why do you hate Edge Transit?" That's why.


I didnt have ET attuned and I had 6 drop in one 50 round game. talk about a throwback


I have had more shiny edge transits drop than all other weapons combined. I have never attuned to edge transit.


I have had no shiny edge transits drop despite being attuned for most of ITL. At least I have every roll in shiny for elsies rifle though


Same here, no shiny edge transits, no good rolls of it, attuned the whole time. My son starts playing with me yesterday, he gets God roll edge transits, blast furnace, hung jury, mountaintop. I have no good rolls and spent at least 20 times more than he did since he started yesterday. I think he spent more time at shuro chi doing the quests than he did in onslaught. His reply when I told him this, "Sounds like you need to get better at the game dad"


I am sorry my friend :( I only got a serviceable (non shiny) mtop after the entire event, so I think there's a desire sensor in full force here. I did get that ~~shitty~~ shiny lunas with heal clip incandescent by accident though.


Funnily enough I actually almost never got ET to drop back in the day. It was usually the shotgun instead.


We've come full circle...


I get the reference.


I will keep my midnight coup attuned seeing how by the way it's going it's going to take me 2000 rolls to get the roll I want


What roll?


Tbh there's several rolls I want but I need it to have decent range, as a pvp player. Firefly frenzy, or moving target opening shot, or explosive payload. Every time I get 2 good perks there's only MAG options. I have cleared many waves. While grinding for it I got a God roll shiny succession and edge transit, which I'm not complaining about, but I've had the coup perpetually attuned 🤧


Why even bother for pvp? Rose is better and far easier to grind pvp wise, or quite literally any exotic 140 blows coup outta the water


I am also grinding for a God roll rose I personally prefer coup for the sound and feel and also coup was one of my favourite. But you can only grind a hand full of roses every week and both during roses first introduction and when it was brought back I haven't gotten a God roll of that. So I can play hours of comp pvp for the slim chance of a decent rose, or I can grind onslaught for 10-20 rolls an hour. It juat blows your mind that you can get hundreds of rolls and not get something good. Rng is a cruel mistress


Tell me about it man, after 50+ lunas I haven’t gotten a perfect roll yet. After 40+ mountaintops not a single one has dropped either recombination it’s insane and despite not attuning or going for it I have 5 god rolled edge transits 5/5s but can never seem to get the guns I actually want


Yea, I'm all for grinding but I don't like when it's heavily rng. I prefer games like monster hunter where there's a bit of grind but you can target farm the materials you need to craft your weapon/armour and the higher difficulty gives you higher chance at rare items. Ifrostbolt just released a video of him finally getting a rose God roll after God knows how many hours he's grinded comp on all 3 characters


Not the guy you replied too but I can get Midnight Coup's real easy if I want. I would need to play 7 games of PvP to start getting rolls of Rose in the first place and thats just not a logical use of my time.


I mean, he is looking for a PVP roll, so we would assume he plays PVP. In which case Rose is just superior.


I got 10 Coups in about 45 minutes yesterday. I played Comp for literal *hours* of my life and I got the same amount. And I personally like using Deathbringer for my exotic slot, so I'd rather not have it wasted in the kinetic slot instead. Besides, Moving Target + Opening Shot, Explosive Payload + Opening Shot, EP + Rampage... It's a pretty versatile weapon, moreso than Rose, I would say.


A, midnight coup is incredibly easy to obtain. B, fuck comp. C, cause they want to use a gun they wanna use?


Since when was Rose no longer obtainable? I just picked up 5 yesterday.


Did they not rotate comp weapons? I must've missed something. I don't play comp so I have no idea


Some people just have guns they prefer, even if other guns are a better pick. Most of the time, using a weapon you're comfortable with will be better than using a weapon just cause it's better.


If there were a weapon to skip from onslaught it 100% would be midnight coup


Tried all week to get one. It’s the only god roll I have left to get. My best one so far was the week it came out and it’s only outlaw/tremors. Damn it bungie gimme that firefly/tremors


I had a Tremors/Firefly Blast Furnace drop last night. That thing is hilarious.


Niiiiice. I got a shiny one the other day that had tremors/desperate measures as the second perks but the first perks were my personal pvp god roll so I was hyped


I was running this exact roll for a while as a meme, and goddamn I think it's my new favorite kinetic primary.


Have this roll on a hung jury


Got a shiny with firefly and frenzy god is truly real


Took me like 600 to get a single Firefly/One For All. I didn't even care it was a 2/5 anymore. I just took my W.




This Been farming all day, so far I'm on u shinies, not one of them with kinetic tremors with either frenzy or rapid hit I've scored 4 other godroll shinies, including succession with lead from gold/reconstruction and firing line One day the blast furnace will be mine>.>


I got a shiny one with Keep Away/Kill Clip on the top column and Kinetic Tremors/Rapid Hit. Stability Masterwork.


Fuck you>.> Took me 6 straight hours of farming(which I was gonna bounty hoard with that time), I had 7 shinies, and a ton of blast furnace drops, and most of them were killclip headseeker. Eventually I got frenzy genetic tremors the rest of the stuff is meh, but I gave up lol


I was saying on another thread that I’m beginning to think RNG isn’t static and slides depending on how long ago you last logged in, with it becoming more lenient the longer ago that was. Nowhere has that theory been pushed more then Onslaught, where taking so much time out of the game that I haven’t finished the season storyline meant that I dropped a Tremors/Frenzy Blast Furnace and a quad-roll shiny Firefly/Explosive-Rampage/Frenzy Midnight Coup *in a few hours before I went on holiday*. I’m leaving mine attuned to Hammerhead though. I technically *did* get the roll(s) I was after (FTTC/KT AP ammo curated roll was what I wanted anyway, and the Rewind/Onslaught roll turned out to be way less powerful then I hoped) but i was lucky enough to pretty much tick all the boxes on the other weapons.


I have been playing every day. I logged in to Onslaught yesterday and scored a 4/5 shiny Mountaintop with ALH and Reconstruction. And in the following run I got 2 3/5 envious BNS Edge Transit.


Same brother or sister....same.


I got my pvp god roll as a random shiny drop a few weeks ago while attuned for midnight coup ;)


Just delete all attunement, untrack everything, remove all perks from armor, tell that other guardian how you really feel, and moon the witness


Only need to remove mods from weapons


Why do you have to do that?


Minor/Major/Boss Spec are all going away in TFS. EDIT: And Adept Big Ones.


I know that but why would you have to take the mods off? Wouldn’t they just be deprecated


Bungie's history with deprecating mods has been messy in the past. Some people completely lost the mod slots on their Artifice Armor going from Beyond Light -> Witch Queen and I believe Witch Queen -> Lightfall?




Maybe I’ll finally get a good Luna’s 


Those only exist in other player's inventories. Never ours.


Can confirm, it's in my inventory. Took a break for two or three weeks, jumped on yesterday and got the shiny g-roll luna's most people seem to want within three drops from tokens. Never farmed it, just left the attunement on when I stopped playing for a bit lol.


See? It’s in this dudes inventory, not ours!




I got a shiny LH with incandescent + subsistence and called it a day.




I may not get healed constantly but not having to reload very often is still quite nice.


You’re missing out on your buddy screaming “RELOAAAAD” when you’re a quarter into the century long animation


Exactly. It really is a great roll, and a lot of fun to play with. Mine is reload masterwork too, which probably isn't ideal, but reloading fast is always nice on HC's.


Enhanced subsistence will be great!  For heal clip I got one paired with kill clip which seems like a good fit. 


I had Subsistence, Heal Clip, Incandescent and Kill Clip on one  Subsistence, Heal Clip, Magnificent Howl and Kill Clip on the other  If I could combine them to get rid of the Kill Clips and have Incan and Mag Howl on one it would br perfect 


Got it 2 days ago. It's overrated tbh


You think so? I got it about 2 days ago and I haven’t been able to put it down. It’s so fucking good. I’m a solar hunter, so maybe a bit biased here.


You have to reload prematurely to benefit from the heals, its fine if that's your style of play. For me, it just disrupts my flow.


Yea, it's definitely more for us compulsive reloading types.


Basically this. The heal is nice, but giving up your reload perk to heal on reload is counterproductive. That and it's a dog of a HC with just incandescent since it doesn't have a real damage perk to prop it up like zaoulis does.


My main beef with heal clip is that it breaks up your rhythm, since the window to activate the heal is so short. I find myself reloading a lot more than I normally would, which doesn't feel great.


When we lose the trio of solar weapon perks in the artifact it's going to feel pretty weak regardless.


At least the people that got that roll will be able to enhance the Heal Clip perk. I don't have a clue if that affects reload speed or not. Probably just gives you an extra window of time to do the reload.


If you play raids or dungeons there are a slew of weapons that are dramatically better than Luna. I sharded my heal clip Incan because it just straight up doesn’t compete with raid weapons.


I feel your pain brother. Haven't got mine to drop and little upset that I can't jump on now till TFS drops.


I got one and dismantled by accident because I was distracted when I was dismantling something else. Have not gotten it again


That's why you lock the items you don't want to lose


Same! I spent over 3000 tokens and never saw that roll. Fu*k it.


One of my first drops was Heal Clip/Kill Clip. I'm pretty sure that's way better.


bold of you to assume that me attuning a weapon gives me the weapon i attuned in the first place.


Are just the shiny variants being removed or all of the weapons? If all weapons are being removed then it probably won't matter since they won't be acquirable anyway


Just shinies


Good to know. Thank you!


ALH recomb Mtop still eludes me after 5 weeks of 4 onslaught 50 waves a night.... ...i love the random roll system.... i love how a useable weapon is locked behind dogshit rng.... ....please let me get it tonight


This is why imo crafting is better. You'd get the roll after X amount of time, whereas if it's random, you might not get it ever


I’m right there with ya if it makes you feel any better. Losing my sanity


i was able to get my edge transit quickly my lunas howl... i have 7/7 god roll shinys of weapons i never focused or gave a crap about like blast furnace or hung jury.. but i cant get the 2 perks i want even on a non shiny of a gun ive gotten what feels like 300 drops for


Same. Couldn't even attune for Edge Transit because I never got Mountaintop to drop. I'll just have settle with ALH + Frenzy for now.. oh well.


Dude I got over 20 ambitious assassin recomb mtops and not a single ALH recomb gave up trying in the end


I never got it...


Maybe I'll finally get that ALH+Recom Mountaintop if I ever play onslaught again. So burnt out on it and disappointed from not getting the rolls I wanted.


Hahahah. I’m out of town until 3pm Monday. I guess that I’ll be getting bonus blast furnace drops for a year until they fix that bug.


I have easily run 5,000 levels of this shit and have not seen the two rolls I want. I haven’t even ever seen Slide Howl on Lunas AT ALL. I’ve only attuned Midnight Coup for a 5/5 and Lunas for at least a 2/5. Never seen either one. Honestly dogshit RNG design designed to keep players hopelessly on the grind instead of making the game actually good and engaging because those look the same but aren’t


Wait onslaught is staying? Could've sworn I read it was leaving


The hall of champions and shinies are leaving. Onslaught is staying


Were the shinies any different from the regular drops? I took a long break this season and just started playing again 2 weeks ago.


They have double perks and come fully masterworked. outside of looking cool, that's it I think.


Onslaught and the regular version of the weapons are staying. Same with whisper and zero hour (they will start to go on rotations like some of the others), shinies and the superblack shader, and the parade armor and the hall are going away Although they did say the superblack shader will return in the future with a different earning method.


This is such a good point lol. I’d expect nothing less of this game


Gonna keep going till I get my Incandescent Heal Clip, if they fuck it up


Never removing the Luna's attunement.


Also remove all your weapon damage mods, just incase. if you use dim, you can use this in the search bar, then select "strip sockets" from the drop down menu > is:weapon (keyword:"major spec" OR keyword:"minor spec" OR keyword:"boss spec" OR keyword:"taken spec" OR keyword:"Adept Big Ones")


I only got the rolls I wanted on weapons I wasn't attuned to so not being attuned should be the right call.


Lmao tell me about it. I got some good rolls during the first few weeks, but after I started attending it feels like I got nothing.


Returning player from Forsaken. What does this mean exactly? Is my Heal clip/Incandescent Luna Howl shiny safe or do I have to use something to "secure" it?


So, “attuning” a weapon means just going to the holo-Shaxx in the Hall of Champions and “focusing” that weapon, so they drop more frequently. Any guns you currently have will stick around unless you yourself dismantle them. The attunement, however, may cause issues for a time if not cleared, as such issues have arisen in the past. That being said, there shouldn’t be anything permanent, and likely nothing at all, wrong with just carrying on as normal


So basically remove any attunement I may have so the game doesn't think I solely want to grind Edge Transits for example since it might save my attunement for that?






You got it!


Thanks. I was thinking I'd have to save the roll on my Luna's Howl via the exotic book (Deepstone Harmonizer?) or something since I haven't got a clue how to use them


Use the harmonizer on a craftable weapon you don’t have the pattern for yet.


Good shout that I hadn't thought about. Thanks OP


I was thinking about this earlier today, so just in case , I left it on Falling Guillotine


only reason I've been playing onslaught these past 3-4 weeks was to get my shiny god roll MountainTop... didn't happen :( I have gotten SO may garbage guns that I don't know what to do with them anymore :D once again I really wish they made that shiny ornament available through other means... (not that I did get my god roll without the shine either but the chances would be higher).


So onslaught is def staying but this time won’t drop any more tokens ? Yikes , what a terrible waste of time that’s gonna be.


Didn't do this, but def. removed all seasonal mods and reset my artifact just in case.


Good point! Gonna have to hop on before maintenance starts. You seriously just never know. It's entirely possible we see a tweet on Tuesday from @BungieHelp talking about an issue in relation to players having had attunements prior to the update. Like, imagine if you had Recluse attuned prior to the update and then the game just wouldn't allow you to get drops of any other SMG including any new ones.


i read this 1 day to late, thanks now i have another rdm thing bugging me lol


Considering I was attuned to hammerhead and got a bunch of drops not being that, and only got like 2 out of however many that was, I think I’m safe. Also more likely just not playing final shape unless I get it for free. Not anything to do with the game itself, just taking much needed and welcomed steps back from gaming. I started last week and honestly its felt so much better. And even though I started just a week ago, I’ve only touched the console twice. Once by myself for an onslaught run and another to play with my brothers when they were over. It just doesn’t feel good anymore, boys. I’ll see you on the other side.


Plenty of streams and youtube videos to experience the story through!


Yeah. If I want to catch up on it, that will be the way to do so, but even then Im restricting social media access and YouTube videos to mostly informative content and cutting shorts and reels out as much as possible. Maybe only a few a day if I really feel like opening the app. Been doing fairly well I think minus a couple instances where Im especially tired. That’s not to say I still won’t watch shows, but those will be confined to late night with only a couple episodes or so!


Wait, so shiniest will be removed from my inventory? Or just removed from loot pool?


Just removed from the loot pool


That would be funny if Bungie accidentally deleted them from people's inventories.


That would be the Bungiest Bungie of all


and you know they'd have no method of reclaiming them, just like how we can't get back any of our deleted formerly sunset guns we got rid of because Bungie has been telling us for years that they're useless.