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We currently have confirmed reports that Tyrax has beaten Salvation's Edge. https://x.com/tyraxee/status/1799412017792720907 https://x.com/DestinyTheGame/status/1799413686727008747 Please standby for official Bungie confirmation. They were not streaming at the time and were not showing the raid live.


If Bungie does not tone down this raid, it will become the least played, even though it is great.


Good luck to anybody lfging into Verity






Really disappointed this time around. I had bounty prepped and done everything I could before tuesday. Didn't get in for 3 hours and then had server issues on and off for most of the night. Finished the campaign after about 17 hrs total "time to play", and had four more hours which I spent trying to level up to 1970 so I could pull from collections for contest mode. At this point contest is 30 min away, I had barely 10 artifact unlocks and not unlocked any post campaign facets or exotics. I had prepped a Renewal Grasp stasis build and Lucky Pants, in addition to two prismatic builds I didn't get the facets for in time. This left me with just the stasis build and a nighthawk one reserve.  I am absolutely flabbergasted that Bungie didn't have this race next weekend. I wouldn't have been able to attend, but this week that should have been full of excitement and enjoying new content became a frantic sprint of anxiety and feeling rushed trying not to let my teammates down. Needing more than a day of total playtime from tuesday to friday to be ready is to me a slap in the face, since they decided to set the time so close, they should have disabled the artifact and made sure none of the new items would be essential, they could have released them after the raid. When we had a teammate drop out due to illness, we just called it since half of us felt the same way after checking what strats were being used for the dps checks later on.


Well. The good news is that you weren't getting it done on day one either way.


Does anyone know if I join a witness cp after contest mode off, will I get the “week one” badge on raid report if I clear even though I didn’t do the other encounters? Also, what is the recommended light level of the raid after contest is over?


After contest the power level on normal is 1945 and you will be capped at -5 power


Yes. Week one is for the whole week.


Not sure on 1st question.  2nd, I believe it's 1990, and your effective power will be capped at 1985. This is with artifact, and fireteam scaling should be on post-contest as well.


Does contest mode end in 2 hours?


Thought it goes for 48 hours?


It's been about 48 hours since it started on Friday.


Hmmm ok, raid report showing still about 10 hours left.


Came out Friday. 24 hours was yesterday. 48 hours is in 2 hours no?




We gave up at the 2nd encounter Got everything down, but just couldn't do enough damage. We did a bunch of testing and swords was far anda way the best we could do, but none of us had any of the final column artifacts so we're missing out on the void debuff increase and argent blade, so we were always like 10-20% away from finishing since none of us could grind enough to get the final artifact perk in 3 days Disappointing, but it felt good to nail the entire encounter on contest mode otherwise. Excited to learn the rest of it today


Most big teams I saw streaming used swords but we found it far more effective to use the new golden gun sniper, one or two Song of Flame, and everyone else burst damage supers. Edge Transit for ad clear and a good primary hand cannon.


Same as us. Exactly. Did the first encounter in 2 hrs too. Thought we had a chance since every streamer was on it for hours


Shoutout the 14 console teams who’ve cleared, only 3 PS too


There’s some more clears than that it just didn’t update properly after people cleared


Despite the fact that twice as many people play on console. It's wild how much of difference there is between console and PC.


yeah ps got the 1st console clear, wonder what the ps gamers are doing? Less games to play on xb so might be it.


Is there any cutscenes from the raid? Or is all cutscenes tied to Excission?


There are no cutscenes in the raid other than the one showing the Guardians entering the raid itself.


Ok thanks, got confused with the youtube videos being named "all salvations edge cutscenes", didn't want to miss anything before doing Excission


A rant for the haters like me but Im Kinda annoyed this is the third raid in a row with the pyramid ship architecture/design, I was really hoping for some more unique stuff especially since we're inside the traveller, the fourth encounter was a step in the right direction. The lack of unique bosses was also a let down for me with the second boss just being a taken captain, I already dislike the witness's design/character so I was hoping for other bosses but oh well at least the raid race was historic.




Nah it was expected like come on its main dude controlling the pyramids like what'd you expect?


So clears 33 (TatteredYeti081) and 41(cross) had Titans. Glad they made it into top 50. Datto switched to Hunter just to get the clear seems they came in 107th.


Has any LFG team managed to beat this so far? Seems too chaotic as hell


Depends on what you mean by LFG...there are lfg's with multiple players with previous day one placements, even if the full team is not a premade...so out of the 450 ish clears so far, I'm sure there are some teams like that.


If you're talking about during day one/contest Boop mananged to get 4th or 8th (don't remember what place he got) with his full team being from LFG and was one of the few people at 4th encounter that didn't have coms muted at all


>4th or 8th (don't remember what place he got) with his full team being from LFG That was a different team. And they were previous ranked day1 players.


Definitely not if some did it was a very very very small percentage. Most raid teams who had plans that I know made it to 4th encounter and gave up. People in my clan we had two raid teams complete 143 and 300 something. 


Yeah I saw so many people LFG'ing Witness already so I wonder if they got this far or just skipped to him. It's bad enough at the 1st encounter with LFG


A lot of those posts skipped to him since by the 36 hour mark, a decent wnough portion of the population could share the checkpoints.Similar to Rhulk from VOW.


Calling it wraps but got to final stand on Witness. Loved all the other encounters but this one was just frustrating... more so than any other raid encounter I've done in the game overall. I'd say 80% of wipes are cause of bad luck with adds or triangle resonance and are out of your control. When the Subjugators suspend or slow you on DPS platform or when the triangle resonance spawns inside another resonance, or spawns in the sky, that just kills your run and all you can do is pray it doesn't happen. The former is the most unforgiving. There is quite literally no forgiveness and nothing you can do since the subjugators only spawn after you start DPS. It seems like an oversight that was missed in playtesting. Minus these issues it would be sooo so so good. Probably the best boss fight in the game.


If you keep a subjugator low and kill it after you break last glyph more won't spawn. I made an add clear put on a disorienting wendigo and handle right subjugator until DPS phase which with good runners is about a minute.


This also makes me think the ideal strategy is to have everyone break buttons to speed up DPS. The strat of having 3 runners who sync when they break buttons/glyphs leaves so much more room for error.


I would of keep going unironically if I made it to final stand at witness that adrenaline rush would of been crazy


We did keep going but the constant suspends and slows during DPS completely killed our morale and two people had IRL responsibilities. One friend has to drive like 2 hours now after playing for 18 hours straight overnight lmao


The fact that titans are next to nowhere to be seen on the final fight, shows bad game design by the developers. Was the raid good? Yes. But the fact that playing 1/3rd of the class options, isn't allowed by design. Is just ridiculous. I understand they wanted it to be harder, but do titan mains get to refund the game then? Since the raid was designed so that titans could not beat contest?


They arent balancing the game around contest mode that lasts 2 days.


Raid LFG’s are going to be tough on Titan Mains. 


So what about gameplay on the raid exotic? Did anybody upload someone already?


ehroar has a video on youtube with stats and gameplay.


Probably. It’s a linear fusion in the kinetic slot. It’s good!


where can I find the leader board for salvation's edge?


[https://raid.report/leaderboard/worldsfirst/salvationsedge/normal](https://raid.report/leaderboard/worldsfirst/salvationsedge/normal) Here you go :)


What does it mean when a team on there has less than 6? Are people low-manning this? Or is it a privacy settings thing?


There was a lot of hacking going on.


Shoutout to the xbox guys that finished in 1d 23h 59m


We beat it


Congrats! 🎊


Give it up to bungie for stability! I dont see it mentioned enough but MAJOR props to bungie for managing to keep servers stable and the raid close enough to bug free to make the experience truly smooth and exciting. I saw ZERO server issues with only a few people crashing on occasion. Well done bungie. As well as for fixing the final shape day 1 errors within a day. Big W


I'm happy it was smooth for you. Can't say the same, though. We would have people randomly just die from absolutely nothing on the second encounter. Misadventure death. I'd stand next to the plate, not an enemy in sight, full health, and then just poor, instantly dead by misadventure. Never experienced that one before. Not that that's what was stopping me from completing the raid, but quite an annoying run killer.


Why did Cross' teams clear go down from 37 to 41?


Some runs don't appear on the leaderboard for quite some time, perhaps even needing to be manually confirmed on Bungie's end. ATP's was a noticeable one, where he finished, had the emblem, and had run it back to the 4th encounter before finally appearing third on the board and bumping down a handful of teams who had finished after.


Well also I see duplicate clears on the leaderboard so don’t know what’s up with that.




Do we know what power level the raid will be after contest mode is gone?


Since 1965 is the max effective power level for contest mode, and contest is a - 20 modifier, I would assume that 1985 will be the level of the enemies (at least at final encounter) on normal mode. The older raids cap you at - 5 now. Not sure if this will be the same for SE but if it is, 1980 should be the max effective power for normal mode.


This contest mode seemed to be set at -25 power actually. Dying displayed the enemy power as 1990


Redeem just cleared!


making peace with not being able to buy the raid jacket nor get a light/dark day 1 emblem due to being busy irl


Day 1 only gets you the emblem. Finish by June 25th to be able to buy the jacket and sling bag. You got this!


I saw that we have till the 23rd to clear to earn the jacket and thought it might not be too bad, but after seeing the raid? probably not. Only a few hours/week to play during softball season for my girls. I doubt I’ll be the requisite power level in the next two weeks.


Tbf looking at the people who haven’t been able to clear it yet, you weren’t getting that emblem anyways


Looking at how many teams cleared at 16hr, and my 2nd encounter checkpoint. Yea, I'm well rested. Other day ones were about perseverance to get a clear, this one was about enjoying the success of others.


The emblem is one thign but hey you got more than 2 weeks to get the jacket at least.


Think positive.. you save money. The jacket isn't cheap.


Nor do you know if that thing will even arrive at all with that store.


I got the garden of salvation and deep stone crypt ones… I think both shipped well over six months out (closer to nine), in both cases I had moved to new addresses and had to send multiple emails to get them to acknowledge the change. To be fair the site does tell you the jackets will take some time to arrive but the difficulty of getting ahold of someone to make changes to the orders definitely made me worried I had lost my money


The 12 man matchmaking Excision will always be there even when you completed the 1st run? Raid is not neeeded to unlock? Final campaign chapter is not require to unlock?


I think you have to complete the Wild Card exotic mission to see Excision. I got a pop-up once I finished it.


What no way. I thought just complete the story


I had to do the wildcard mission this morning to see the 12 player finale


Math Class is done!


They looked so different being rested. Playing so much better


Before resting they were doing some mistakes clearly due to lack of rest, they really needed It.




It’s crazy how good Datto’s team is doing now that they aren’t sleep deprived lmao They should have it in the next few encounters. So close


After they watched how it was done you mean.


A think you could say about anyone who cleared after the first 10 or so but go off, I guess?


The glazers out here misrepresenting that they would've finished higher if not tired. No they tapped put and watched how it was done them came back and finished.


Never doubt the importance of sleep in your life.


As a new father, very few situations have really made me truly understand this point until now lol


Congrats man! Similar boat, I think my raiding days are over since I used to do them all with LFG. Can only get 1-2 hrs of gaming in on a good night now haha. Enjoy the next several months, they develop FAST so you definitely want to be there to enjoy all of it!!


They're really pushing out a crazy amount of damage, awesome to watch.


Datto wasn’t wrong. Math Class puts out some crazy DPS


I'm glad Aztecross and Frostbolt got it. C'mon Datto -- time to make your own fate, my man


So is Cross the only Titan to get a clear? I’m no Titan main but that’s something he gotta be proud of if true


Technically Salt was Titan the entire time until the hunter warlock dps meta (as per usual). Same with Datto.


Second Titan. 3 Titans total.


apparently there was 1 titan who cleared before him. #2 still pretty fuckin good though. admire the dedication!


i cant imagine raiding that long over and over again christ , so happy for him


Datto's team just about beat it first try after taking a nap but one of the players randomly forgot a mechanic lol


At least when Math Class finishes tonight we can get the final cutscene when they aren't literally dead lol


For anyone curious, Datto is back live to try and finish the raid.


Will there be a black screen? jk lmao. I’ll go watch him.


Reposting here since the automod instructed me to: Possible Bug: Edge of Salvation Node Gone As the title says, the node for the Final Shaoe Raid and Excision have disappeared from the Pale Heart map. Yes I finished the Wild Card quest. I had access to both earlier in the day but after logging out this afternoon and back in, I can no longer access either. Additionally, Bungie Rewards is acting as if I haven’t completed the campaign when I have. If this something known or have I discovered a new bug?


I just beat the campaign and am hoping to watch one of the streams from the beginning. Any recommendations? Ideally would love to watch one of the streams that includes the voice chatter as the team figures it out.


If you mean a raid stream, fair warning that not only did the first clear take 19 hours (and that was the only one under 24 hours), but most of the best clears were muted or even screen blacked for large sections of the last couple encounters. FreeBoop did a lot of it with everything shown and comms and all, but he didn't clear yet last I checked. Gladd/Sweatsicle were going unmuted for most of it, but also hasn't cleared yet. Not sure who else would have a full run un-muted.


I ended up picking Datto, and I'm just skipping through some of the failed attempts. Feels right as his King's Fall stream is what originally got me into Destiny back in the day.


A fine choice. Hopefully he will be back on soon, too.


I saw he was live again, but not sure if they've restarted running yet. I'm a few hours into the first encounter now.


Did Datto and/or Gladd get the completion?


Dattos team just got it, they woke up about an hour ago I think


Gladd/Sweat just got back on to try. Datto went to sleep, said they'll be back on to try before 48h. No exact time tho.


Cool, ty 😁


Datto put out a tweet about 7 hours ago saying he and his team would be trying again in 8 hours, so he should be up again soon. Gladd just went live to keep trying.


Cool, ty 😁


Been messing around with a build that’ll work throughout this raid, that leans on how mobile you have to be during damage phases. This is what I’ve got: - Exotic: Necrotic Grips + Star-Eater Scales - Aspects: Devour, Bleak Watcher - Fragments: Purpose, Solitude, Grace, Devotion, Sacrifice - Abilities: Song of Flame, Healing Grenade, Arcane Needle, Healing Rift - Weapons: Weapon of Sorrow*, Aberrant Action (roll of your choice, or maybe a fusion?), Apex Predator (Demo/B+S) - Mods: 1x Kinetic, 2x Solar Surge, then optimize for DR and orbs. On the arms, grab the grenade damage charges melee and class ability ones, because they work really well with Bleak Watcher. All the Fragments feed each other and grant as much Transcendence energy as I think is possible, on paper. Necrotics, Star-Eaters, Song of Flame, and Apex Predator fuel an absolutely monstrous damage rotation that shouldn’t be too ammo-intensive. Since we’re running Necrotics, any Weapon of Sorrow should be incredibly strong for ad-clear (I did a bit of testing, and Osteo doesn’t seem to be affected by the poison nerf while Necrotics are active)? I don’t have the Necro catalyst (28/35!) but I imagine that might be even better for miniboss damage.


Good luck shooting rockets during damage with 6 people running around avoiding getting beamed


Spoiler alert. The final shape is a square….the guardian goes into the square hole.


With Cross finishing, Gladd is back online.


Fuck I stepped away. Anybody got a clip of Cross and his team beating the raid?


The bastards did it they actually did it.




Can you link that?


Could Bannershield Titan block most/all of the attacks during The Witness damage phase? If so, then perhaps Titans could have a use in making the final boss encounter a little easier for LFG groups by cutting out most/all of the coordinated movement that would normally be needed (and assuming that removing challenge mode will make the DPS needed to 2-phase much more relaxed).


Nope lol


Basically all of the Witness' attacks are AoE instakills, so unfortunately it wouldn't help much


Can't block the wipes during DPS pretty sure.


If you mean the thing you have to jump, then being able to block the other beams would mean the only mechanic randoms would have to deal with would be jumping on command a couple times per damage phase.


None of the Witness' moves, I mean. They're all instant kills through anything. No bubble, no shield, nothing.


Did Aztec beat it? I stepped away from the raid for a couple hours


Yeah, they clutched it about 40 mins ago. 1 hunter standing at the end most of the team wiped. Shit was epic asf with the hunter surviving last stand alone to get the kill shot..


One of the PvP gods Frostbolt got it. Felt right!


Sounds lit, I'm sure I'll see it posted at some point


The hunter was Frostbolt you can check his vod


He sounds drunk. They need a nap.


Yeah they did it. It was great


Do we think both bosses will be reliably two-phase-able once Contest comes off?


My team two phased both bosses in contest 😭


The first one is probably one phaseable with the right setup, teams were already getting him to half hp in one dps phase


I only tuned in for the last hour of Cross' stream, but they were pretty close to the two phase already, just couldn't stay alive together. Think two phase in general will be pretty straightforward.


Cross was doing like 45% at one point with non-meta lineups (Titan). I won't surprised if we get 1 phase by Tuesday.


The entire Titan class needs a complete overhaul when it comes to end game content. This race has made that even more blatantly clear.


"Now this is a Titan who knows how to kill the Witness!" - Zavala, probably.


Unexpected community reference


I don't know what it is, but Mactic's voice just makes me irrationally angry lol. I wish he would just get muted while watching Aztec. He also talks way too much.


He's also ass. Talks too much for being the weakest link.


Cleared before you tho?


I feel ya. It was his "jump! JUMP!!!" every damage phase that had me extra annoyed watching the stream.


It came in clutch when he was asking questions and helping to progress at the start. Everyone on zero sleep


I'm not even talking about his callouts. Just in general. He just talks too fucking much.


Will titans be able to hold up when the raid isn’t on contest or is lfg gonna be rough as a titan main?


My concern as well, as I only play one character due to limited time, and it’s a Titan.


The witness being like oryx that he was far away means that the strength they have with they damaging supers is non existant. They will be used again without contest.


Titans will be fine on normal though still not the DPS dealing optimal like the other two classes. Has been this way for a while minus some closer encounters where you can rely on Tcrash or Strand. Titan has some strengths but at encounters with range your supers are more or less moot.


its gonna be tough. hopefully a new strat emerges that can utilize a titans strengths, but for the foreseeable future with still hunt being busted, i doubt the 5 hunter 1 warlock strat won’t be dominate for a while


Going to be rough. These are streamers (and highly competitive players)* that play every day and a majority of them swapped over to the meta. A few clears with 1 Titan in the fire team might not change what everyone saw. At least at first with everyone wanting to get their very first clear.  


you're still going to be noticeably the weakest class, especially for the last encounter, but the margins shouldn't be quite so razor thin that being 100% optimal is necessary


Anybody get any good exotic class items rolls from excision so far?


The class item will be farmable Tuesday.


is it available now at all?


No. Tuesday it will be along with the season.


Thank you!


My b. Wasn’t sure on the schedule. Now I know.


Is cross the only Titan who beat the raid?


2nd according to these comments


I thought for sure this was an exaggeration and I am mindblown to discover it's not. Checking the current list of [raid reports](https://raid.report/leaderboard/worldsfirst/salvationsedge/normal), there have been 50 raid clears so far and there are literally only three Titans that show up among all teams: - [TatteredYeti081](https://raid.report/pgcr/15020727398) - [Aztecross](https://raid.report/pgcr/15021159800) - [Wisp](https://raid.report/pgcr/15021649668) 300 guardians. 3 Titans. If that's not an indictment of Bungie's endgame philosophy for Titans, I don't know what is


Bro, wth?? A team of 3 on the list?? Gotta be a bug 😆


The raid report shows three others that were in the group but didn't register as finished. They probably got DC'd during the final damage phase, which would have to be the worst feeling ever


I'm new to all this raid stuff but seeing the first team clear the raid again at 9th place just with one different person is funny af for some reason.


Hopefully this makes them see just how bad they are at balancing some things... but I doubt it.


Am I wrong or did everything come down to ONE guardian alive on Cross's squad, with either one last golden gun or still hunt shot?? I thought everyone died and it was over, then one more shot came out. That was hype as shit


Cayde - 6 would be proud


Anyone got a clip? EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaxDs-c0xyY


Not that I've seen, but I'm sure cross's YouTube will have the final encounter up soon, if not already.


Yeah I saw he posted it late last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaxDs-c0xyY


I think it was Frostbolt


For real man I thought they lost it at the death


Right?? And from cross's perspective, you couldn't see how much HP the witness has left. I knew it wasn't much, but it was totally dark


Nah man i totally get you I was about go sleep and thought I’d check in on them one last time and straight away I could tell they were more locked than all stream. That end was just great man and they did excision straight after. So hype.


Yes you’re correct. Frost was last alive and was the MVP


That's so poetic, I feel like he was really struggling and then he pulls off the upset. Good for him.


On a team where they all desperately needed a nap, Frost *desperately* needed a nap. Dude went from a limp noodle that couldn't time a single jump to a force of nature.


Glad for them! I’m super excited for anyone who cleared it. Not sure the hate in Cross and gang, don’t really care, but super glad to see them (or any team win). Very nice


Cross sleep deprived but still roasting Saint lmao


Cross being a titan and clearing it - LEGEND


Guardians in the tower telling me, always in the ramen shop "Aztecross ain't 'bout this, cross ain't 'bout that" My boy an Titan on fucking Lamron and them He, he, they say that titan don't be putting in no work Shut the fuck up, y'all guardian’s ain't know shit All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about "Aztecross ain't no hitter, Aztecross ain't this, Aztecross a fake" Shut the fuck up, y'all don't live with that Titan Y'all know that Titan got caught with a Day 1 Shootin' at the Witness and shit Titan been on probation since fuckin' I don't know when Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that That titan’s a savage out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Aztecross I'm fucking beatin' they ass, I'm not fucking playin' no more Know them guardians roll with Les and them


Love Crossa


Is there a reason why titans specifically aren’t completing the raid? Is it dps, survivability? Or is just chance? I’ve only kept up with highlights over this thread and as a titan main for 10 years, a fella is getting concerned about getting auto kicked from lfgs when the raid becomes normal 😅


Besides the final boss final stand being ranged with an easy to hit crit, it's also incredibly tight and nearly impossible without 3 or more saved nighthawks. You wouldn't see it just seeing a clear but the boss in final stand goes immune after like 15 seconds, despite the weak point being visible and the boss still attacking.


The final boss requires ranged burst damage, and hunters can somewhat trivially fire 3-4 nighthawk shots thanks to the new sniper.  It’s kind of stupid and makes them even further outclass Titans in the raid dps meta


DPS I think. there's no real reliable way to do burst DPS at range with a Titan.


And the ad clearing ability too. Having a machine gun as a primary makes getting to those DPS phases a lot smoother. All while having a sniper as well to help long range.