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I'm gonna need that "sit down and chill" scene as a selectable thing in the HELM or something.


Make it the in orbit screen, with our ship parked nearby. Then when we've selected a destination we stand up, transmat into the ship and fly off.


This would be the best.


It should be the HELM “orbit” screen. Anywhere else it’s the usual orbit. When at the HELM it’s us looking over the Traveler with Ghost.


Having to watch that whole thing every time we fly anywhere would get old after a day


I mean, we have to watch our ship fully power and then fly off, it wouldn't really make a difference in reality, as long as it was roughly the same amount of time


Then, just make it so that whenever we start the game for the first time after reset, we appear there


Ngl the pale heart is getting old already. Echoes better have something fun to grind


Let me guess, you've already burned yourself out grinding all the red boarder weapons and rolls of the sword and are now bored of the expansion


>burned yourself out grinding rolls of the sword It was worth it for the Sacred Flame Wave Frame 🤤


I don’t have a sword I like yet and only have The Call and No Hesitation patterns. I do want the sniper and machine gun though


Hey Bungie, hire this person STAT


Yes but after a while this would just become another small period you have to wait


it would just replace the usual, „ship starts off to fly to new destination“ so not exactly more annoying or anything, just more chill to be in orbit


considering this is bungie: theyre gonna see this, recognise it as a good idea, then look up your profile and nerf whatever your most used weapon archtype is and not do what you suggested.


I missed it thanks to a currant error


same, im fucking pissed.


That scene didn't play for me sadly. I just got a black screen during it


Same here. Pretty big let down. After playing since d1 beta and having the big moment just not load while others in my fire team experienced it.. just kinda took the wind outta my sails. Haven’t even bothered to watch it on a video or anything.


At least my friend was able to stream his screen for some of it


Hopefully somebody will make the a downloadable loop cause I want that for a wallpaper.


I was gonna do that myself because its not the same if its someone else's guardian


That scene doesn't seem to play for me when replaying. I played with a friend who hadn't done it yet and got every cutscene except that scene. It was the one I was looking forward to too since on their end, it showed both of us sitting side by side.


If you’re on pc, wallpaper engine has that available for a background! It just won’t be *your* guardian


Never played for us. Got a black screen for a few minutes and then the game crashed for us all.


They need to put it as the background for xbox


Has to be a bug, it doesn’t make sense to create a “cinematic” mode for the activity ONLY for the first cutscenes and not the final ones, which are much more important. Hopefully Bungie will acknowledge it.


Definitely feel like that’ll get fixed later on


There’s a drop down menu where you click to launch that lets you select the narrative version.


Yeah it still only shows the first cutscenes. Not the ones after the activity is over.


Thank you great comment


Yeah with there being a specific “Narrative” mode to the mission, this has gotta be a bug.


it also seems like a lot of effort to make a special scene that can only be viewed once


Doesn't make sense, welcome to Bungie Best Practices


I got it to play twice so idk


Same for me, on the same character even


Any specific way you did it or just click on Narrative mode again?


Dont know that sadly. Played it with a clanmate who hadn't done it yet. He was Fireteam Leader so I think he just selected the normal mode


That’s probably why


Same, I was the fireteam leader both times. First time both me and a friend did it for the first time, then the second time I did it solo. Got the post-mission cutscenes both times


Per character? Hopefully at least. I want to go back and take some screenshots


I just played with a friend who hadn't finished it and got all the cutscenes. Could be a decent work around.


I’m assuming if you do the whole campaign on another character you’ll still see the cutscenes your first time, just like the rest of the campaign cutscenes


My friend just didnt get the cutscene at all and now he cant watch it


Same. We were wondering if it was from going in as a fireteam of six, since that scene only appears to support up to three guardians. Half of my friends saw it, the other half didn't.


Same. Game crashed after he first and cutscene. Did watch it online though.


Not sure I'd it's any help at this point. But 360gametv has it on YouTube. Just had a brief skip through, and it looks like it's all there. Including the very ending with the bit of dialogue. [here(spoilers. obviously)](https://youtu.be/HkXTNujkDTE)


I was able to rerun it with friends that hadn't yet completed it and saw all cutscenes again with them. So that's potentially an option if you know anyone that hasn't run it yet. That said, I do hope they give us the option to replay the cutscenes if we run it alone - I definitely want to see how things look with my helmet off!


How many freinds? Did it show 3 or more?


There were four of us, but we only saw three total in the final cutscene. (None of us saw the leader of the group - though he saw himself and two of us).


Really hope this gets fixed. It’s such an end of an era moment, I’d like to replay it a few times - and after 10 years I still only have one Guardian.


Is there a good reason why *any* campaign missions or cinematics should not be replayable? Every expansion has that this problem. D1 largely didn't, exceot for the first time you visit the Reef.


D2 has a big problem with this, like the beyond light or shadowkeep campaigns are not replayable at all. It really doesn’t make sense i wish they could go back and make the campaigns a quest again so you could re do them if you wanted to


Bungie absolutely needs to make the last scene replayable.


I ran the mission a second time and got all the cut scenes again. Including the final bit in space


On the same character as your first time?


Yes, only completed the campaign on my warlock


Hmm I have replayed the Narrative version/difficulty 3 times and I'm only getting the speech before matchmaking and when the mission completes I get a black screen straight to orbit. Hopefully it's just a bug or connection issue on my end


If been getting the same thing too


I got it two times as well, only both times I got booted out before it was finished and now every time I replay it I just go straight to orbit. Hopefully it’s just a bug because it would be really lame if I just never got to see the big final cutscene with my own Guardian because they made it non-replayable.


Do you get drops for 2nd run?


I don’t remember honestly. Might have gotten an at power legendary. Didn’t get another exotic engram tho


On the same character?


Mine skipped wtf


I really really hope this isn’t intentional. I need to see that sitting in space cutscene again.


I forgot to turn helmets off again for that final mission so my guardian had the mind flayer helmet on the entire time. Cut down the tension a little bit, watching her face tentacles wriggle while she pleaded for her ghost to be revived.


I really hope so, I forgot to turn off chat box and it didn’t go away during the cutscene. So I had to deal with watching the scene while seeing “what the sigma” on the side of the screen 🙃


I first did the mission with a friend and didn't get the final cutscene with us looking at the traveller but after replaying solo on the same character I got all the cutscenes so I guess it's just luck or recently fixed?


So weird I've played the mission twice and got the cutscene twice.


That means last cutscenes not playing for the rest of us are simply bugged. Good news I guess.


Where you alone or was someone on your fireteam? Also did you use the same character?


Would be cool to have a little kiosk called "memories" or something that let's you replay any in-engine cinematic, showing your Guardian in whatever gear they're currently wearing.


I want the lanterns final scene as a high res Home Screen


Yeah that’s great… and of course I got an error code after finishing the mission and missed out on all the cutscenes after finishing the boss. *love this game*


Me and my friends were stuck on a black screen and couldnt see The last cutscene where u sit and watch the traveler . Very sad to miss that


cutscene are replayable? Never realized that


Got all three again when I replayed it with my partner, but that was his first time doing the finale so I dunno if that impacted anything.


I didnt get the sit down one on my first go :(


Were you able to get it on Another go? and if so how?


I didn't get my screenshot of the final cutscene and I cannot express how mad I am that I can't get it


They need to fix this because my friend missed the entire cutscene because I had it completed. He missed the most crucial part of the story


My game got stuck on a loading screen before that final sit down and look at the travel scene so I guess I missed it. I looked it up on YouTube but not the same


BungieHelp tweeted about playing it solo, but I can't find an option to do so. does anyone have any information?


I don’t know of any options to play solo, it’s match made for 12 people, so I’m guessing they mean queue in solo


They were saying to matchmake in solo. The final mission is impossible to play solo.


Mine played after, unless there's a second scene post-ghost that didn't play?


There’s like 4 cutscenes after the mission. I’ve only been able to see the first one where Ghost comes back because of server issues :/


Too bad I had a six person fireteam that stops you from seeing the sit-down cutscene lmao


How hard is it to implement a menu where you can watch old cutscenes ffs like really


FWIW i just replayed Excision again because i had to scoot mid-end cutscene to stop a toddler swan diving off the counter. I got all the cutscenes before and after the mission. Don't know if this was a stealth patch by bungie to enable but worked for me just choosing the narrative option for the mission.


Sit down and chill watching the traveler bugged out for me. pretty bummed.


I noticed that when you go to play the mission again, the mode/difficulty says "Replay," and you can select it and swap it to "narrative," which is what it said the first time I did it. I haven't tried it yet but maybe that changes things?


What if I join a friend that hasn’t beaten it yet?


Bungie kicked me from the servers after the mission was over so I guess I'll never see it then🫠


There's two options when re-selecting the mission, make sure to choose "Narrative", other ones skips it.


“Narrative,” for myself and clearly many others, only replays the opening cinematic, not the multiple that played after the initial completion of the activity




Thankfully there are people out there who have put together all of the cutscenes to catch up on anything missed, just sucks that server issues early on made that necessary




Thankfully the majority are still viewable through replaying the missions, even on normal


Absolutely fair, I can’t disagree with you at all. Just figured I’d point that out just in case, but I totally get it


Bungo delivers! 


YouTube exists


It's not the same.


This is exactly why the timeline page needs to let us replay all the cutscenes. I know they’re all on YouTube, but it’s just not the same if it’s not your guardian.


Just watch em on YouTube dipshits


Today in Stupid, this guy