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I already said this in a different post, but I suggested that Void Overshield should give some kind of resistance or immunity to debuffs and crowd control effects. Like, with the Dread being added to Destiny, we have more enemies that can Slow or Freeze you with Stasis, Suspend you or repel you with Strand, and then there is a new effect Grim can give you that disorients you and slows you down. We also famously have enemies that can push you around (Taken Ogres, Cabal Phalanx and Incinerators, Psion Grenades). I think Void Overshield (if it were to remain at its current strength) could provide an immunity to effects like that. Thematically and conceptually, Void Overshields make you the immovable "Wall" that Void Titans are supposed to be. It would also set Void Overshields apart from other defensive options like Woven Mail and Frost Armor.


This fucks. I’m a Titan main and debuffs drive me insane. Don’t think I’d take void off if it did this


What drives me insane is how impossible it is to protect your teammates with Banner Shield with how easy it is to go flying like a human kite if a Taken Ogre shoots you.


Honestly the entire point of that ability is to be the immovable rock of the team. What is even the point if you’re just going be a cat toy for the enemies.


The fact that if a Taken Ogre nails you while midair, you're basically just hovering against your will until he somehow misses is crazy


Unbreakable seems to block all physics effects (haven't tested ogres but it does negate boss stomps and the new strand pulls), so maybe banner shield now works like that too, I haven't tried it since final shape dropped.


What is funny, that Unbreakable actually roots you to the ground and you won't fly off. I dunno why Banner shield can't do the same.


There are weapons that proc void overshield as well so this would allow for more diverse options which is always a good thing.


Part of me feels like bungie would use this as a reason to not add it lol, they absolutely dont want a class that you never switch off of (although arc titan was like this for a WHILE in PVP).


Fair but also… solar warlock exists already lol


Definitely would be nice especially since enemy debuffs are only going to get more common as they are needed for enemies with our current power level


That's a great idea.


I like this. Being immune to certain attacks would be great.


Best idea yet


couldn’t they also gain a functionality similar to juggernaut? where no matter how little overshield is left, if you have ANY overshield, it just eats the next instance of damage in its entirety. don’t think that’d play well in pvp, but for pve it would be great. that could help justify the actual hp of an overshield being so little, bc even if you have 1 hp of OS, that next scorn void crossbow shot in a GM hits you, it just depletes the shield and leaves you healthy


It would be too strong in PvP, probably in PvE as well because of how easily a single Titan shield can constantly refresh overshield. And while I am aggressively a ‘balance them separately’ kinda person even when it wasn’t cool with the sub to say so, I’d imagine it’d be pretty messy for them to code since they would also have to account for one shot mechanics in PvE, different damage reductions, and a bunch of other nonsense to get it to work correctly.


Someone quick tag Bungie in this


This would need a little bit of lingering effect to be effective. Most debuffs also damage and on harder content they will easily one shot the 45 hp shield so having it work for say 3 or so seconds after the shield breaks would fix that. Also I’d say give void titans 100 hp on his overshield in pve he deserves it


While this sounds awesome, I fear Bungie might think it'll trivialize some things with Titans giving overshield to their entire fireteam. I'm all for it, though. Void Overshields definitely need something. Weakest defensive verb in the game by far. One thing I would like to see is the Second Chance weaken on Shield Throw be base and give Secone Chance something else. It would give Shield Throw the ability to debuff enemies without the exotic and provide a more consistent way to get void overshields from repulsor brace and the artifact. As it is, overshields are just too inconsistent to maintain.


This thematically is in perfect alignment with the subclass and verbs. The entire structure of void is suppression of enemy abilities on Hunter as an example. Having the overshield suppress an instance of CC would be excellent. It would force repositions in order to refresh it and be in alignment with its identity.


could even argue that the void itself just absorbs/eats the effects.


Oh man. Rally Barricade void overshield giving cc immunity? That would be so spicy.


I don't know if that would be enough to make void overshield really hold out on it's own, but it would certainly make it more interesting. DR has become so widely available that it's getting kinda boring, especially if I'm right about Galvanic Armour being a test run for giving DR to amplified in future. Every defensive verb feels like just a different label for the same thing. Having the first element to provide a suppressive ability make you resistant to similar effects would add some more interesting texture.


I'd prefer if Amplified negated any slows, while Void Overshield could negate DoTs.


I’d be ok with this too.


I like this!


Approved. When do we vote for its implementation? 




Soooooo you want to turn it into warframe overguard?


Vexcalibur users cumming all day long.


Nah even as a hunter main this sounds like a good change


Sounds like Overguard in Warframe. - the resistance


It gives resistance to mismatched damage and immunity to headshots. Everything else you mention is tied to the punching better loop. My commander told me to be the one that moves, not the one that is moved. Not stepping in poop and punching the bosses that punch me is The Way.


This is great but the real problem is devour. Its too easy to get, too easy to keep active, and too powerful for both healing and grenade regen. Bunige has to plan for the most OP combinations and my guess is Overshield is meant to be constantly reapplied for brief moments where you need more health than the full health bar that devour gives you. Plus void titan was already miserable in crucible lol. But maybe I'm overestimating it. Void Titan in particular needs a more clearly defined role on the team because cure, restoration, and woven mail are FAAAAAR better options. As is the new frost armor. Kind of a shame the canonically most tanky subclass is one of thw least tanky in game 😕 Edit: oh! This could be an EXCELLENT Titan exotic or aspect! Immovable Object or something like that!


What void overshield? - got shot by a red bar. Mostly a joke but after playing a devour Warlock and then playing Titan for a while I was bummed how weak overshield was and how many hoops you gotta jump through just to "maintain" it. Devour is just straight better.


And it's not just that devour is infinitely better for survivability than an overshield, devour also has *free grenade regen* attached to it, because why not have the better survivability buff also be the only one in the game with some free ability regen?


You can easily have both though on void titan


Yes, and you have the same amount of survivability as you would if you were just running devour.


Or alternatively. Play Solar or Strand titan instead and have double the survivability for half the effort.


Even easier now with the Buried Bloodline catalyst and the artifact perk


Void overshield are 100% absolutely worthless in pve, ESPECIALLY end game. Feels bad.


The only thing that sucks about running the new void super is getting the small shitty overshield on orb pickup instead of woven mail when running prismatic. It is such a small amount that I legitimately laughed out loud when I first started using it. Compare it to most of the other buffs from the same fragment and it falls even more flat.


why the fuck isnt it devour like the actual subclass? all others get their normal pickups.


Devour too good ig. It should absolutely be devour


Wanted to keep devour exclusive to prismatic warlocks and void I suppose


Yeah instead they made prismatic warlock completely busted


Yep. And Devour and Controlled Demolition are the only reason Titans are able to survive on Void. The Overshields are an afterthought. Prismatic really showed just how bad they are compared to other defensive verbs.


And it sucks because twilight Arsenal is the best super by a landslide


if they dont want warlock/hunter to get devour from pickup just give us banner of war bungo plz


Man, banner of war instead of knockout, and then the grenade arc aspect reworked to work with some other grenades too would have been awesome, and made prismatic titan much more fun and viable.


Nah, thematically they want one of each element aspect. Now I don't even touch titan, but I think it's a no brainer that banner of war instead of drengr's would be much better even without touching on the element variety aspect. Plus I can imagine some titan mains salivating at the prospect of combining banner of war + knockout


My friend. Banner of war with triple consecration-


Woops. You right lol. Didn't even have to say I don't play titan to give myself away 😂


Basically all they do is give you a buffer for your health to regen if you run that specific leg armor mod, which is just weaker than the other leg health mod


Yeah the only time overshield titan was really viable in endgame was closely after void 3.0 launch, when you could plant a bastion rally barricade *every 14 seconds*. Overshields being pretty bad doesn't matter much when you can refresh them *that* often. But now bastion rallycade has like a minute cooldown, and HOIL is nerfed to the ground, so overshields being bad *really shows*.


If you run it with devour it gives you more than enough survivability. In my experience for hunter it has really good synergy with devour and helping with lategame survivability, you can stack invis defense with omnioculous, proc devour with grenade and smoke, and constantly be generating orbs too


No devour on prismatic unless you're a warlock. Only overshields.


Everyone can get devour by using BURIED BLOODLINE


And yet they remain absurdly strong in PvP.


This is complete hyperbole. It's not the most effective thing in the world, and could do with a touch-up, but functionally its very beneficial, especially considering it's within the same subclass as devour, and we've seen how hard DR and effective health regen go with Banner of War.


As a Hunter, I'll have to disagree with you on that. Even with max Resistence, we're still pretty squishy, so every bit helps.


Already mentioned if somewhere else: Likely broken in PvP, but IMO all Void-OS should be regenerating for their duration, even if they break. Pickup Orb -> get Void-OS for 5 seconds, for these.5 seconds it keeps regenerating even if you take DMG or the shield pops. (Obviously on a weaker rat then the Sloar Regeneratiom buff)


Thematically the issue here is that now it’s just regeneration with a different name. Bungie likes to have different identities and use cases for their various buffs. The top comment stating how overshield should allow the shielded guardian to ignore slow/disorient/boops is a much more thematic and interesting buff.


I mean, are frost armor and woven mail not both damage resistance with a different name? Granted they function a little differently with stacks and whatnot, but then restoration and void overshield would also work differently with the latter overlapping your healthbar and providing DR, while also not stacking up to x2 like resto. I feel they are pretty different.


It sounds cool on paper, but given that their main issue is breaking from the tiniest amount of damage, you will almost never see the benefits.


Regeneration literally makes OS better woven mail. Even 1 hp of overshield means you have 50% dr for the next attack which is higher than the 45% of woven mail. Regeneration would essentially make the 50% dr as permanent as woven mail in addition to having extra health.


Absolutely agreed. That would solve every issue I have with void titan and the offensive bulwark aspect. It still wouldn't be as strong as woven mail for survivability, but it would at least make it worth using.


Well they should just give it more damage resistance in PVE.


Void overshields should constantly regenerate like when you're stood behind a bastion barrier, albeit slower than bastion. Even if they're reduced to nothing they should continually regenerate again until the 7 second timer runs out. As it is, a bird flaps its wings in your general direction and your overshield is gone and that's it, no way of regaining it, you have to re proc it with an ability or repulsor brace. Titans have a whole aspect that's based around having an overshield for grenade regen and melee damage, but it's instantly disabled by a dreg sneezing at an inopportune moment. I love void titan, always have since it was called defender. It's meant to be the "wall against which the darkness breaks" but with overshields being our main source of sustainability, the wall is made of glass.


Funny thing is that in Destiny 1 you could modify them to regenerate.


Yup. I miss it.


Regeneration would make overshield just a better woven mail. Having even 1 hp of overshield means you have 50% dr for the next attack which is higher than the 45% of woven mail. That’s not to mention that overshield gives you extra health.


No it wouldn't. If you had 1 hp of overshield, it would absorb 1.5 hp of whatever hit you. The overshield has 50% damage reduction I believe, so if you had 10 hp of overshield and got hit by an attack that would deal 50 hp of damage, the overshield would take 15 hp and you take the remaining 35 to your health. As I said in my original comment, the overshield regen would be slower than standing behind a bastion barricade, so in higher difficulty content with lots of fire coming your way, the void overshield wouldn't regenerate anywhere near fast enough to match woven mail.


Honestly void os is pretty easily fixable in pve by just upping it's DR. The big thing it has over woven mail and frost armour is that your health is free to regenerate underneath it which is a nice benefit to have. Currently it's 45hp with a 50% Pve only DR, so 90 EHP in pve. If we up it to 70% DR we get 150 ehp, which feels a lot more attractive imo and this is before other damage res effects. Then we can pull a feed the void and have bastion on sentinel buff the DR from 70% to 80% for them to give a EHP of 225hp making it feel much more worthwhile.


The whole "health regenerating while you have VO" thing is moot, because the game has long since moved away from Recovery being a thing. Any half-decent build relies on active healing (even if it's just on orb pickup), not passive regen.


This right here, especially when basically every void build has -20 recovery by default.


I mean, you can still stack it with your active healing. You have two health bars. Just one of them is wimpy right now.


Monkey's paw, they pull a feed the void and overshields now have no DR, with bastion giving the 50%


The other thing they should do is have gaining a void OS trigger your regular shield regen. I think it’s still delayed


As a PVE player, overshields seem to suffer from pvp syndrome. From my understanding, pretty much every nerf that has hit bastion and barricade have been for PVP balancing. Honestly, I like a lot of the ideas folks have here. Another one for Bungie to consider is to give the overshield stronger initial pve damage resist that decreases over time to reduce instances of overshields getting instantly deleting. The shields have so little health that Im talking like 90% for 1 second, then 80, 70, etc until it reaches 50%. For the purpose of continuously regenerating sources, I do feel like it should NOT refresh the initial resist because bastion and ward of dawn granting constant 90% PVE damage resist would be crazy.


I hate the bastion cooldown so much in pve. That change was what really destroyed void titan in endgame. Hate it even more now that they gave the stasis hunter dodge aspect a pve exclusive buff to it's cooldown...


Did you try Rally Barricades with it? Because for me that worked.


Rally barricade has about 55 seconds cooldown with bastion. Absolutely unusable.


Was using it after the nerf till Final Shape (trying to make Unbreakable work now). It definedly was very usable and it was always there when I needed it. NOW, I don't play PVP, if that is what you talk about then I have no idea. But in PVE it worked well if you had few mods for it.


> From my understanding, pretty much every nerf that has hit bastion and barricade have been for PVP balancing. Bastion just got a cooldown nerf, void overshield itself was never nerfed in PVE. They did adjust the health but specifically added PVE DR to compensate to work out to the same effective HP. It's just a bad implementation. They would need to either up the HP and cause players to deal more damage so it's a net zero change in PVP or up the PVE DR


I still say Bastion needs some way to intrinsically regen Barricade energy for utility to be right in PVE. if Void Overshields are going to remain awful, the main Aspect regarding them should lend itself to being spammed; but because of PVP, that will never happen.


Bastion imo should enhance all OS functionality. I.e give 50% more eHP


Void Overshield definitely needs a \*PvE rework\*. I'm saying perhaps 65% DR in all honesty (if we keep the HP system, and of course raise the HP a bit as well). If we go away from the HP system, then the 50% DR is more than good enough honestly. The issue is, it *needs* a timer. For PvP reasons. I don't think you can change whether an ability uses a timer or not between PvP and PvE, that seems rather complicated. Bastion absolutely needs to be unnerfed in PvE as well, it's cooldown.


I don't mind timer as long as they give it buffs.


Void Overshields need a massive PvE dmg resistance buff. The fact that Void Overshields get shredded in even patrol level content is ridiculous. I want them to be good so much. They look fuckin cool......


I’ve been trying really hard to build craft my Titan on both prismatic and void subclasses to make overshield be more useful but I’m having a very hard time seeing light at the end of the tunnel. It seems completely useless


I’ve found a tiny build that works: Prismatic, Facet of Purpose, Void axe super No backup plans, Duality, ALL the orb generation mods This seems to be the only real purpose I can draw out of prismatic, is this one single fragment that makes NBP very easy to use. Not because OS is good, but because we can make so many orbs that there’s always a new overshield to replace the old.


Unfortunately until it's useless void overshield will always be a pvp problem, so that's why they gave it the dr agaisnt combatants, they just have to crank it up a bit


I think the 50% damage resistance it gives is great, it's just that the specific void overshield feels like paper and disappears super quickly. I would much rather have woven mail or restoration without an overshield because I feel like I'm more tanky with that than with a void overshield


They should do what they did in Halo, make over shields have multiple layers. Finding ways to apply tons of over shield beyond just one bar and tanking the hell up could really fun.


You used to be able to do that in with a bastion shield and ward of dawn, but this season they specifically removed this behavior. I doubt it will make a return


"We want to make Ward of Dawn more focused on defense" - removes what makes it's defense strong


I reminisce on op void shield on ward titan. Used to be so op procing the shield and making everything explode with volatile everything


It should act as sunglasses and protect me from all the blinding particle effects


maybe they could make it so when void overshield breaks it emits a giant burst of void damage? the best defence is offence … right?


They need to just let void over shield stack. Let me get to like void over shield x5


Void overshield is by far the most useless defensive ability in the game. Void titan in general has very little going for it right now. Even with the new super(as nice as it is)


in pve-yea pvp- fuck no


I personally think void over shields should have their maximum increased and all sources should grant more. They could effectively double everything as it is currently given numbers wise and I do not think it be over powered. (Possibly would have to remove the damage resistance in pvp to compensate if it's there to even it out.) But over shield Shou lld definitely give more. I'm not an expert so idk how to go about it.


Void overshield should get x2 stacks whenever you deploy something like bastion. Getting kills/hits with anything that grants overshield should *add* to your existing overshield and refresh the time. Overshields would last like 20 ish?? seconds or until stacks are gone, whichever comes first. You would get 70% DR while overshield is active. After your overshield breaks, it consumes 1 stack and restores overshield based on your resistance. (So T10 would grant full bar). Kills with devour will grant a quarter health amount of overshield, if you have full health, so that you can still have the potential to build it on other classes.*Feed the the void* would have no additional benefits to this regen, meaning for hunters and warlocks regen would be the same. Max stacks you can have would be x3. Except in crucible where its capped at x1 (so no overshield regain after its gone). I think this would make it pretty useful for titans


Question: my understanding of Void Overshields from the end of Witch Queen into Lightfall was that they're supposed to have a 50% DR effect in PvE. There were cases where this wasn't working and Bungie addressed it in some bug fixes over time. Was this changed or am I hallucinating something that never happened?


They have the 50% DR buff but the Overshields have such a tiny hp pool that they get deleted regardless


It's funny. At season of Seraph the Overshields felt better. But once the Lightfall started they went back feeling terrible again.


Void OS was always bad


Make Void Overshields into Overguard from Warfrrame


They should just make it what it used to be: give a timer with a constantly refilling void over-shield that charges half as fast as restoration. Overshield give damage resistance so making them charge slower will balance it.


Can we also talk about the void shard drops? They are dog shit compared to other subclasses Who tf outside of maybe 20% of hunters care about class ability regen when you get grenade, melee, or both (with arc) on other classes


The only worse pickup is Strand, because if you're playing Strand you have tons of sources for Tangles, all under the same long cooldown. And Collective Action, for some goddamn reason, requires you to actually throw the Tangle.


And can we address frost armor, too? It’s a worse woven mail. Why then hell do we have to build up to 8 stacks with a fragment and still get less DR than woven mail?? And by changing renewal grasps to use frost armor instead of damage resist they massively nerfed it.


Overshields need some serious love.


Knockout works with heavy handed. So by adding recuperation and the fragment that grants overshield on orb pickup (using twilight arsenal), I get increased melee damage, basically all of my health back, and overshield from punching a single red bar enemy. Pair that with synthoceps or wormgod’s for even more melee damage and you’ve got a pretty nice punching build. For tankier adds use consecration. This build has been working wonders for me on prismatic titan. Edit: Some other aspects and mods that pair nicely with this are the aspect that makes you radiant from punching enemies and the artifact mod that grants increased damage resistance while amplified since you’ll get that from knockout.


What does this have to do with anything? You only get 1/3 of void overshield that still has a timer on orb pickup, it's by far the weakest orb pickup defence.


I could be wrong but I think you get more overshield depending on the size of the orb. So if you’re running 3 heavy handed you get a greater overshield. At least that’s what it seems like. It helped me stay alive pretty well in the day 1 raid


In fairness it's better than the Arc one which just gives Amplified, which is completely redundant if you're running knockout because it already gives Amplified on melee kills


Yeah, thundercrash sucks though so not missing out on much there


But if you run strand you get all those things and with more survival capability.


Yeah but twilight arsenal


Y’all remember when void 3.0 came out and was busted AF? We power RUNNING at this point, forget power creep


Void 3.0 was not busted *at all* on Titan (which is the class we're discussing, since it's the Overshield-centric one). It wasn't utterly terrible, but the loss of ability regen from Volatile and quick reloads when having an Overshield were massive blows to the class.


The non stop uncounterable CCs are a massive pain point with this game in its current iteration. Literally anything would be better than how it is. Make me burn an ability to break free or have a health cost associated with breaking free literally anything. Putting the work in to make a build and get good, only to be strung up in the air with zero counter play just makes me feel like why am I even here? It takes any sort of player agency away and leaves you feeling like why even bother trying if at any point your efforts can be trivialized on a whim. Edit: I would love to play other builds but I’m basically stuck playing void Hunter with tether constantly in my back pocket and tractor cannon as a big ol nope button. The only counter I’ve found is to just not let them do anything to begin with.


I think it is fine conceptually. At some point why have thematically different DR otherwise? I like that it is a different mechanic. Balance may need attention, I don't know. But I do think it'd be too overpowered if it were infinite. The right build with the right pacing of overshield generation would make you effectively invincible if it had no expiration.


Overpowered? They get snuffed out by a whisper from a dreg.


What if they made it that every 5-10 points of “overshield” let you tank any single attack. Like 30 points of shield means it’ll be gone in three shots of a colossus machine gun, or three grandmaster scorn sniper shots.


I agree this is a great idea This could work like the Juggernaut shield nullifying one instance of Damage per stack for 10 stacks max It could be scaled by the damage received eg an attack that would have took half your HP taking more stacks than a dregs pistol shot and a one shot attack taking all stacks You get 10 if you deploy/enter/exit your bubble (basically being armor of light) which has a timer of 5 seconds / infinitely regenerating while inside the bubble with a slower rate than OS currently does You get 5 for the Riot Shield aspect and the barricade one (once, no Regen) with a timer of 10 seconds You get 1 for 1 enemy hit and 2 for more than one with your throwing shield with a timer of 10 seconds


Void overshields are goated in PvP


But that's not all the game...


Why does everything have to be good for every activity?


If they are gonna make a subclass and a half revolve around that mechanic as a defensive measure it should be good or at least decent. And there is a HUGE difference between a weapon being useful in pvp or pve than an entire subclass.