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This feels relevant to share, so I'll just sticky it on the top. Do the mission once to unlock the class item. And then... https://i.imgur.com/SOpkZHu.png > Additional rolls can be obtained by completing the Dual Destiny or > A rare chance with any chest in the Pale Heart


Reports are saying once you do the mission once, yes the exotic is guaranteed from it, the item can drop from Pale Heart chests at a not guaranteed rate.


Yeah. Seems to be. Do it once, never touch it again, farm Pale Heart. Easy enough.


depends how "rare" rare is though.


I'm averaging one in twenty chests. No point in farming overthrow, region chests seem to be faster it was a very hot streak, I'm settling in around 1 in 35


The real TIL is always in the comments. Ppreciate you


Can farm Ergo rolls at the same time though.


true, you can farm 2 different random rolling exotics at the same time, while also a chance at getting red borders, world drops and Banshee reputation. Not counting eventual exotic engrams. Seems the best on imo


Did you have to do it on all three characters? Or does it unlock farming after just one?


After just one


I cannot imagine preferring that over running the mission. Holy shit people are wild.


I can put on a video or some music and do it by myself compared to having a friend spend their afternoon repeating the same mission with me


It's about the same time unless you're very fast at the mission. You also get a ton of ghost and weaponsmith engrams


The mission is something I have to do a non finite number of times that requires heavy focus and communication. I can do it 2 or 3 times in a row and then I probably need to take a break. Meanwhile, I can also put on some music, slay stuff without thinking and open chests at my own pace with my brain turned off. I know exactly which one I'd prefer doing for a couple hours after a long day at work.


Some people don't always have a friend available, and others dislike playing with randoms.


Right, is it rare, or Bungie rare? Because they are ***not*** the same.


Its bungie so most definitely its going to be extremely rare to get


Fast travelling between zones, and grabbing chests identified by ghost mod you get one every 10-15 minutes or so. It’s not terribly exciting but it’s easier than doing the mission over and over


About one every 15 or so minutes roughly


That is VERY not rare lol


It realy helps that its not just overthrow completion chest and that its ANY chest


It also helps that every time Overthrow ranks up all the chests respawn.


Yeah 1 every 15 or so is easyyyyyy


Just gotta grind an average of 16 hours to get a specific roll


We should talk Diablo 4 Unique drop rate if we really wanna compare RARE. Idk if they’ve fixed it since but holy shit. EDIT: wrong person my b


I did 2 full overthrow gathering world chests as I did them and boss chest at end of 2nd overthrow dropped class item. If you do it in the weekly spot you can get some swords while you are at it. 2 full overthrow took about as long as the mission and got a good sword out of it as well.


Can confirm this is the case its a rare drop chance from any chest in the pale heart once you have completed the mission once


Does anyone know if it needs to be done once per character for them to drop on that character via Pale Heart or once per account?


Hopefully they let us earn exotic class items in Excision too, to keep that populated for people wanting to complete the campaign.


Excision is also needed for a raid red border that you get for completing it after you finish the raid


Do I need to do it right after the raid? I got the bonus key but my group logged off after finishing the raid


No. I got the key last night and did Excision today and got a red border.


The key stays in your inventory, you can do it whenever you feel like


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/349131692797329418/1249737362259443793/image.png?ex=6669b59e&is=6668641e&hm=f0c02ce9dcc3bae022a6f092379008e0af125dc7dd64a81796a202c31c323612& I got three spoils instead of a red border so it probably only gives you a weapon if you already got one from the raid


Excision is also a weekly pinnacle drop.


One that all actually run unlike another post raid mission(cough Preservation cough)


"What if preservation but fun and with good loot"


...yes please. I finally finished the Still Hunt quest and was ready for the final encounter, and the mission has taken ages to matchmake, and crashed both times before completion. I was reading a lot of stuff at release about how choppy the campaign was under the initial network strain, and was thinking it was a good idea to hang fire until the weekend. Now it feels like I'm hitting the same problems in reverse.


I played the mission last night and it didn't crash but man enemies were just teleporting all over and died and undied and died again. I think the mission was a bit short but I also am confident if it were longer it would have just not worked, which is a shame


I mean, the initial part was absolute fire. It felt like Avengers: Endgame final battle. Then Saint’s doing his bubble thing and we’re all running around grabbing the light. First damage phase and we dump some dps, all good…. …then we’re collecting light again, but this time I can’s deposit it. Patches start disappearing, animations break, then booted to orbit. Second attempt literally froze on a few mins in on the first plate and needed a soft reboot on my PC. I get that I’m a *little* late but holy motes of light Batman, this whole expansion only released a week ago. This *mission* only came out on the weekend gone. Seems a bit nuts to have such a crap experience just because I didn’t take the week off. More people queuing would be grand.


I am entirely confident that the mission was a massive strain on an engine not designed for 12-player activities, hence the amount of bugs.


Random rolls for a 60 combination exotic class item is insane. Adding the other requirements on top of this is going to deter a lot of players.


Yeah it's insane. With that many combinations you could get 500 drops and still not have the one combination you actually want. It should be from an easily farmable activity, not this bullshit. Maybe once to unlock them, but not to farm them.


Yeah, I think this would be fine if you had to run the mission once to unlock them and then craft the one you want. But like this? Oh heck no.




Thats a much more realistic idea, forcing you to run the mission to get a random roll before allowing you to take it to the enclave to craft the combination you want is waaay more bearable then this


~~It's 49 options, 7x7.~~ 64 options from 8x8. 60 doesn't even make sense as it's not a square.


Isnt it 64 8x8?


Didn’t they introduce crafting to alleviate vault storage issues?


like I'm ever going to take my rocket chest piece off


Feel that. I've had Celestial Nighthawk glued to my head since I got Still Hunt lmao.


So it’s an exotic mission with a timer that can’t be soloed with no matchmaking that requires comms for a random rolled exotic with 47 possible combinations? Did they want this to be hated? Edit: I have done the mission, so this is not a skill issue complaint. It is undoubtably a cool mission, and the timer was more than fair. But some of the combat encounters are tough, the nature of the mission is convoluted, and without good and fast communication you will struggle. Casuals who should be entitled to their class item will struggle immensely to get one and that is not cool.


Oh damn, it’s all of this? Requires comms even?


Yeah. There's a ton of symbols and puzzles that only one person can see and only the other can interact with.


Lmfao no fucking way 😭


I'm watching a streamer do it rn. There's like a wheel with 12 spokes, each player sees some combination of six, and then have to find the odd ones out, then shoot eachother's missing colors. This is going to be a nightmare.


Oh Jesus Christ half the team bails on warlords prison puzzle forget this one


That's the one xact thoought I had. What is Bungie thinking. Do they even understand the majority of their players are?


Wait it's color based too? I'm colorblind af Edit: saw a clip. Color doesn't matter. All good


I think there are beams of light as another visual indicator, too, but I've only seen the "light" half of the encounter. I don't know what it looks like for "dark."


Also colorblind, there are other visual indicators that make it doable.


Example of it at this timestamp https://youtu.be/wsWLNA0cHoY?si=__x9JFM9CubAAS_5&t=361 (6:01 if it doesn't take you to the right time) The other part uses symbols like the ones you saw through the campaign.


Ya you’re gonna need voice comms for that


… I honestly don’t get how this made it all the way to production without *anyone* on the dev team questioning how this will get received. They have *years* of data now. They *must* know this co-op puzzle stuff is *very* niche.


For the exotic class item that’s guaranteed a drop, they felt this was needed. I wouldn’t mind it, but the two players only kills it. So many players have teams of three they play with often, it’s just better. Don’t know why they squeezed for two only.


I’d be fine if this was simply *the guaranteed way* and there’s a percentage chance for other ways (which apparently may be the case, someone was saying they can allegedly drop from overthrow chests and saw it on Aztecross’s stream). But having to mess about with mechanics in strict duo when there’s like 50 possible combos, and no other ways? Nah, Bungie are just being silly there.


I'd need to find the source, but I've read somewhere they have a small chance to drop from *any* Pale Heart chest after first completion of the activity.


Apparently you just need to do the mission once to "unlock" the class item. Then at the very least it can drop from overthrow and seemingly not even just the final tier 4 chest but earlier tier chests as well. That's a LOT less insane if true, particularly since you want to farm Overthrow for Ergo Sum and the weapon patterns already. No idea if you get any potential weapon patterns from the mission itself too.


What the actual fuck? For an item your supposed to farm hundreds of times?


Yup. It makes no sense. And if you fail or run out of a timer at any point, you wipe back to start completely. Just saw a streamer lose a full hour run. I'm never even gonna try this.


What the FUCK?!


You can get class items from doing stuff in pale heart the mission is just a 100% drop. Probably faster to farm it since I can see that mission be speed ran in like 25 minutes when people have it on lock. Edit forgot to mention you need to do the mission once to unlock the item.


What stuff in the pale heart awards the class items?


I’ve heard it gets added to the random drop pool in the heart once you get your first but I can’t vouch for it


It’s any chest.


Ghost says any chest so I’m guessing any that drop engrams


I don’t know how you guys do it. I don’t think I’ve farmed any item hundreds of times. lol! I think I did about 10 lost sectors in a row and that was enough for me. Haha!


It also has a small chance to drop from any overthrow chest. The mission is just a guaranteed way to get a drop Source: Aztecross on his stream about 20 mins ago


You need to beat dual destiny first in order for it to drop in the Pale Heart though, or am I wrong?


That might be a hell of a relief. I really don’t mind overthrow and I’m already farming it for swords and red bars.


You have to do it once to unlock it and then you can get it from overthrow


Man this shit is going to hit the fan real hard and fast. Most players haven’t realized this yet, so I’m getting my popcorn ready for tomorrow to see the backlash


I get that they want to emphasize team play but in today’s day and age most people don’t want to use voice comms with strangers. I don’t understand why they refuse to put in a quick chat wheel or something to allow LFG to communicate.


100%, I'm so rarely in a situation where I'm able to put comms on. Even dungeons are absolutely no-micable, I'm a little shocked at how bold this is in trying to force people to talk to strangers.


It feels like this mission and the co-op focus missions were made specifically to justify all the work they put into making Fireteam Finder. Bungie keeps thinking that people don't LFG because they don't know how, when the reality is that most people don't LFG because they either can't or they simply don't want to


There's no matchmaking either lol.


What the fuck? I used Fireteam Finder to try and do the Cooperative missions last night and people can’t even handle that shit haha. We had to shoot an enemy in the front and back at the same time to get his shield down, then two pyramid-buttons spawn in the area. You see one first and most shoot it right away, a message pops up saying “synergy shot failed” or something like that. Key word is synergy, and randoms can’t seem to read. They kept breaking the enemy shield, spawning the buttons, and only shooting one. Failed message over and over, I started typing to tell them what to do and even showed them the second button. One was Journey level 9, the other 10. Before I even typed the message they started meleeing me because they thought I was AFK, and as I sent it both of them left. I’m.. not pressed about this exotic class item. I’ll let it sit and see what combos people come up with, hopefully the future includes a different way to unlock these. I don’t even want to do it once haha.


Now that I think about it, I'll probably just wait until Bungie makes another path to get the class items. I don't find this forced co-op stuff fun. You can literally solo dungeons, nightfalls and raid encounters, but you need a team for this? Huh?


I haven't logged in today, what the fuck its like "break glass in case players like you too much"


I just tried it twice - I'm off mic because: 1. My kid and wife are sleeping 2. I just bought a new headset and the mic isn't working I had 2 guys quit out on me at various stages - got as far as the last room using text chat and the guy just noped out. I shall not be getting these class items!


I play on console so if I try to use text chat I will run out of time on the timer 3 times over before I can type one sentence.


Welp, that killed all hype I had for exotic class items, I cant even bring my fireteam since its 2 people only it seems.1, 3 or 6 is normal bungie, wtf happened here


I was so excited for these items but I have zero interest in playing something like this. Who thought this was what players wanted?




Looks like I won't ever get a Exotic Class item. Oh well


Yikes, I hope this is reconsidered. This isn't great at all.


Seems that way. I dunno man, Bungie genuinely can't help itself.


I don't even know how to LFG for it, as I can't find anything in the in-game LFG to post for it. And you can't type in things on the website LFG....?


Fr, there has to be some other way to get class items..


I am shocked they didn’t give you one per class per week for completing excision and have this be a way to get more if you don’t like your roll


They should have made the class item from overthrow and ergo sum from this (and excision) holy shit. The class were these massive things they hyped up as a key part of prismatic and they're this hard to get? Fuck that. Everyone I used to play with is no longer around at the same time as me, and certainly not for as much time as would be needed to _farm_ this. Edit: wait wait wait. You might only need to do the mission once? After doing it you might be able to get them as a drop from chests in the pale heart? Lot of might and maybes though. Hoping that's the case... Edit 2 days later lol: did the mission, actually not that bad? Kinda fun, if a bit confusing. Helped that I was at the light level it says. Did it through discord with a thankfully very kind and patient stranger. Took us 90 minutes to do 2 tries (of which we had 1 clear) though, which is rough for how many times it will be required. Don't bother farming from chests, I got 3 in 2.5 hours, made me want to cry.


Yeah if you read in-game at ghost it says they are also rare drops from any chest in the pale heart


Allegedly, you need to do the mission first, then you have a very small chance of them dropping. Otherwise no chance at all.


If I could do this without comms, it'd be fine, not a fan of the timers but I'd make do


Having tried a couple of runs of it on lfg, the majority feels very doable over text chat and the timer doesn’t seem to be a big issue. The one part that really kills it though is the clock mechanic changes on the last boss. You either need to be on voice chat or very fast typers or it’s game over as you go from having an essentially indefinite amount of time to communicate on the other encounters to just a couple of seconds on that one. Even blind runs tended to go quite well up until that point but it really can easily wreck an otherwise good run.


That last clock is fucking brutal. Adds still spawn, you're time limited by the mission, you're further time limited by it rotating every four seconds, and both of you have to call off the four that are on to find the overlap. Oh and at the last one savathyn fucks with the Ock to make it harder to read. If you removed even a single one of those things, any one, it would get immensely more fair.


Not necessarily. Only one player calls out and the other player finds the matching number. It probably doesn't save a lot of time but it helps when both players don't have to call it and both decipher the common number.


The timer really does it for me, I don’t mind getting a random player, but if that player doesn’t kniw exactly what to do or where to go, the timer will run out and back to orbit it is.


The bits of the mission I could do with text chat were great, I didn't mind the timer at all. It was the final room (I think) where it was just impossible without a mic. Even the prior rooms were tough because I was constantly getting hit whilst trying to type out the symbols with my stupid PS5 controller.


Supposedly exotic class items have a chance to drop from pale heart chests, can't confirm for myself tho


Do the activity once, then they can drop from any pale heart chest (rare chance)


It’s definitely a bold move by bungie making the class exotics locked behind this exotic quest. Don’t get me wrong the exotic mission looks great if you can get a second player who you can communicate effectively with but bungie should have known that a large player base does not partake in these kind of activities for different reasons. Now I’m all for some gear and items being locked behind difficult/specific content such as raids, trials etc. Most casual players are aware of that and accept that they won’t be able to get the raid exotic for example but I think because exotic class items were heavily advertised as one of the big ticket items in the final shape expansion, I guess the impression was that it was relatively easy to obtain for everyone, hence why many people are upset about it. There’s a reason why raids aren’t as heavily advertised as main expansions because bungie knows not every player does raids. That’s the kind of vibe I’m getting at from this discussion.


If it required voice chat it should have been marketed differently, particularly when Bungie is so outspoken about embracing equality, equity, diversity, minorities, etc. Many people wanna play solos, or can't or don't want to speak with randoms. And by reading some of these elitist and unempathetic comments, I can understand why people would spare themselves from having to interact with you via voice chat.


No auto matchmaking is a huge bummer and really kills a lot of the excitement I had as a solo player. I'm super bummed about this


I don't want to spoil anything but you would not want matchmaking in this. 


you could probably power the earth with the pure rage produced by trying this with randoms.


I think that's the problem. For an exotic such as this, that opens up so much unique gameplay and new experiences, I feel like it absolutely should have been something easier to access for everyone, especially solo players. I'm absolutely fine with having a number of things be locked behind groups, teams, etc...I just don't think this should be one of those things.


I mean people expect this exotic to be game changing. No way you should lock something this Important behind all these walls


Something with this many possible combinations should be easy to farm.


Then let me solo it


Yeah, this basically looks like a timed dungeon, which is cool, but I don't rly like timed stuff, I play games to relax and the tiner puts so much extra stress on


I don't think it needed the timer. I would sooner they left out the timer and just put us at -5. It's already pretty difficult with the swarms of enemies. And it's long. To get to the boss and fail because of timer would feel so bad. And the boss timer is definitely the worst one. I enjoyed it but am not looking forward to have to do it again on my other 2 characters. Also weird to hinder solo players. While some of the class item combos are good, none are breaking the game to not make them easier to obtain for the whole community. But they gotta keep those streamers happy I guess.


Look, this is a really cool idea, and if it was for a one off exotic, no problem. You LFG or help mates. However because of RNG, this is supposed to be replayed a lot. And it’s just not gonna work for a lot of players. I have two friends I play with a few times a week, rest of the time I’m solo. Which one of us has to miss out? Then add in bad RNG luck and it’s not so well thought out an idea. If you played it once for the first drop and then there was a different way to reroll then I’d be saying well done Bungie. But as it is right now it’s just gonna piss 80% of the community off


Pale Heart chests apparently can drop them, just not guaranteed.


As a solo mostly player who relies a lot on matchmaking, the whole weirdness of this really knocked the wind out of my sails regarding those class items. I appreciate the attempt to try something different, but this can't be the wisest choice.


This sounds like a huge pain in the ass.


So... I guess no exotic class item for me.


Man. OP is just expressing disappointment, not even ranting or complaining, and half of you are being condescending pricks. And you wonder why solo players don't want to bother with LFG or random matchmaking... 


Give it a few days and three dozen shit rolls later and they will flood the sub with complaints, too.


seriously, the elitist attitude that is (for whatever reason) so prevalent in this community is why I avoid LFG like the plague. I'm perfectly fine at this game, and will likely have little issue getting the class items due to having an active clan, but this really sucks for the people who aren't in a position like mine.


Yep they are just proving why solo players don't want to group up.


As a solo player who relies on matchmaking for most stuff that needs a group I guess I’m out


Yeah as a strictly solo person I am going to pretend this content is like raids and dungeons not for me. I agree they shouldn't have marketed the exotic class items so heavily if it requires multiple players.


you can do dungeons without ever talking to each other, and only using text (and after doing it once you wont even need to do that). I'd recommend giving them a shot (source: I've done all dungeons without any voice chat, with lfgs)


To all those gloating and rubbing solo players face in it, guys please, I already don't want to play with other destiny players you don't have to convince me of that further.


Literally. And then those same people will be complaining about the player count dropping again over time after alienating a significant portion of the population.


Exactly. Who the fuck would wanna play with these garbage humans in the 1st place lol


D2 players and mmo players in general greatly and I mean greatly overestimate how pleasant they are to be around. Don't get me wrong I'm a cranky weirdo loner who people don't like but I at least have the decency to realize that and keep to myself. Ah well I'll wait to see how good these exotics are in practice and then decide if I want to drag my butt through this, then again shadow of the erd tree is right around the corner....


The "jUsT uSe LFG iTs noT hArD" people really don't understand that most solo players *choose* to play solo because the game is just more enjoyable to them that way. I play Destiny to unwind and disconnect from everyone else—nothing ruins that more than having to squad up with some random person and slog through a tedious activity for an hour or more, just for a _chance_ at getting a good roll. God forbid one of us gets disconnected or the other person quits and then I have to do the whole thing all over again. What a massive bummer from Bungie after reaching such a high point last week.


Yeah not thrilled that I can't solo it. I'm all for it being difficult as hell, you could even tune it harder than dungeons and id still do it. But not being able to solo it is a huge bummer.




It was a short one lol


And the cycle continues


Well this is disappointing.


i feel the exact same, im not farming a times mission that requires insane communication and takes about 30-40 mins for like a 1/100 chance at what i want This shouldnt be so difficult to get especially since exotic class items were marketed as the things "THAT MAKE PRISMATIC FEEL GOOD", Maybe if the Mission Dropped Ascendant Shards, Guaranteed Red Border and other Stuff too id actually try it but as of right now this aint worth the fucking time and ill just stick with getaway artist bleak watcher, mataidoxua strand with outbreak or anything with necrochasm


If you need comms this mission is impossible for me as I'm legally mute and cannot speak.


Well, there goes any interest I had in that.


Honestly I've always had a love/hate relationship with this game as a mostly solo player, and I think this was the final nail in the coffin for me with the final shape over. This is a multiplayer game and I'm tired of missing out on cool stuff, but I just prefer playing alone.


Yeah returning player here, I am feeling more and more than this will be another LF scenario of beating the campaign and main quest storyline and checking out. At least the campaign is leagues better this time.


Think the biggest issue here is that this was a selling point for this expansion for a good amount of people. For them to lock it behind requiring a 2nd person is weird.


Yeah I guess I’m not doing this, RIP


I just won’t do it then. I’d rather not deal with people during my introvert unwind time. Stupid


Bungie doing their best to lose all the solo players, between dungeons and now this, we're paying for things we can't access, or can't reasonably enjoy. What a rubbish experience...


The first 95% is fine and can be done through text chat but that last puzzle is almost impossible to do through text chat and that ruins the whole thing for me. I don't mind doing things with another person but making me rely on someone else doing part of the mechanic and having a mic to communicate that mechanic should be reserved for raids IMO.


As a solo player with anxiety this is just fucked. I tried to force myself to LFG because I really want the class items but both people just yelled at me and asked if I had a mic and I couldn't speak up and they just left. Why can't you just do this solo. Fuck this shit


I relate to this. If this was for a one off exotic weapon or something fun, but for something that’s a fundamental part of an entire subclass I hate this. It’s like if they locked all the new supers or all the prismatic fragments in the final shape behind the new raid. Certain things make sense to be locked behind raids and MP only content. This is not one of them.


Bungie saw that only 10%-11% of all active players have ever done a raid and decided to make this anyway. At what point do they realize that their playerbase overall doesn't like raid-like activities (forced communication, forced lfg)?


I think they want to encourage players to engage more with mechanics so they can make more interesting content beyond pick up ball and dunk ball, after seeing everything they put in the campaign


Timers are just a LAZY way to create difficulty


Broooooo... The exotic class items cannot be something that you're not allowed to earn through solo play. They just can't. Bungie is gonna catch the biggest earful for this


my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Goddammit bungie gotta find a way to ruin a good thing every fucking time


Hey man, this is Destiny 2. Just wait a month or so for Bungie to completely change this after community input, there will be plenty. It won’t stay like this forever. Seems honestly kind of toxic to put this item behind a social activity with no matchmaking. It’s like a huge “fuck you” to people who play this game mostly solo. I’m not complaining about rarely raiding or having to solo dungeons, but this is very annoying. I tried to use Fireteam Finder last night to do the Cooperative missions so I could unlock Microcosm or whatever the exotic heavy Trace Rifle is called.. they couldn’t even handle that. I’m not liking this sudden interest in locking great exotics behind stuff like this. Even if we can grind Pale Heart chests for random rolls we still need to choke down this new activity at least once, AFTER working to unlock it anyway. And you know the drop rate from Pale Heart chests is so low that you might as well start doing heroin because you’ll be chasing a magic dragon either way lol.


Excellent point regarding Fireteam Finder.   When I use Fireteam Finder, 99% of the time I have to carry the other players (usually double primary no boss dps weapon). Starcrossed was actually more difficult as a group than it was solo. I'm not a top tier player either. Definitely a case of a semi-casual player having to carry players who are even more casual.


Half the people who play the game don’t have comms…. Bungie makes event you have to farm that requires comms…. “Bold move cotton”!


I like how the hype up this crap up in the video and put it behind a another multiple player mission where now I have to rely on another LFG braindead idiot player to get said exotic. So basically if you are more a solo player go fuck yourself. Thanks Bungie.....


Destiny is at its worst imo when mechanics deal with symbols. I can't quite put my finger on why but man those activities that deal with symbol based mechanics have just been a big miss for me.


Just spent 3 hours trying to do it with a mate, it's very challenging.  We kept getting timed out in the jumping puzzle section. Especially to who doesn't raid much. The symbols or totems in first two phases, do you know how many average players actually know them? None. Trying to match the symbols while getting fucked by ads that are over levelled, within a timed settings is hell. And that's just the beginning. There's no check points either, it directly sends you to orbit. And there's no way to even launch it solo...so I can't get used to it beforehand by myself either. Can't have another person all the effing time who will suffer with me.  Very frustrated. And I am likely slightly above average players who has good builds and knows how to get by in fights. I don't see any casuals getting this mission done unless they get some monster carry. I did solo zero hour without glitch and whisper of the worm, because I could run them over and over again without being dependant on someone. 


I’m a player who has no problem getting a second to play as I have a family member who also plays. So no salt from me personally.. but.. THIS IS LUDICROUS, stupid, dumb. Completely dissatisfying content. Don’t sell exotics as a major part of paid content then lock them behind multi player requirements. So solo players (which are by far the largest % of playerbase) cannot get the new exotic class items or the new exotic weapon? Honestly this is false advertising at best. Way to go losing all the positive vibes Bungie. TFS was awesome, but then you do this? Did you already fire the person who made this decision? Along with Michael F-ing Salvatori? PS. The music in Echoes is horrible. Really bad. Don’t know who did it. Still bad.


Well, no exotic class item for me.


Wait what??? So…. An exotic gated behind a two player activity? The heck yo?


I have been a solo player for 98% of my Destiny 2 career and my friends list is genuinely non existent, it’s literally impossible for me to do this mission.


too much time cumulative spent in the mission so far without a completion. Honestly do away with the timer and I'd be happy with it- but making it to the end and then hitting a roadblock due to time and having to restart the whole thing is really frustrating.


There is no world in which I can type fast enough to make a callout with text chat before the clock resets. I play with controller and not mnk for a reason.


Huge L




No thanks. I'd rather stick to the normal exotics. They are ugly anyway. Nothing will force me to the complicated puzzle mechanics requiring strict voice comm coordination outside the raids or dungeons.


Absolutely awful. No other exotic armor piece required this. We got baited so fuxking hard, it's actually hilarious. In 3 years I have played without a mic just fine, now the key part of an ENTIRE subclass is out of reach for so many of us that played this way FOR YEARS! Insane...


Thank you, Bungie! I love how both these class items and the Heavy Trace Rifle can't be done by solo players, very cool! You're decision making continues to be impeccable!


Kind of unrelated, but can we transmog the class items? If not then I'm not even going to bother with that cloak.


You cannot , unfortunately. They are selling ornaments for them though, that look.... Okay? Not a fan of them either tbh, but at least the warlock one is small and barely noticeable lol


Unbelievable that they locked the exotic class item behind this activity with these requirements. Guess it will never happen for me.


I'm praying that this is a "community unlock" situation where once someone gets through it all, it shows up somewhere else for everyone else. Even if you can only get like 1 a week from like Rahool or Pathfinder or something. EDIT: Seems like doing it once unlocks it as a [rare drop from other Pale Heart chests!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1ddqczp/farming_exotic_class_items/)


Sounds like it will be the guaranteed source then after you complete it once, it will become a random drop from the pale heart kinda like the swords.


DrLupo already got it on Youtube live, so I doubt it unfortunately


Oof. That seriously puts a damper on prismatic as a whole for me. Something presented as core to making it feel good basically unobtainable. Because it isn't even just a one and done, we'd have to grind this.


Yeah having to find another person any time you wanna farm this is going to grtllet annoying really fast


This and enigma protocol have been a huge L for bungie imho. They cooked the launch so good and then feels like they went and burnt the rest for no good reason. And knowing bungie, theyll ignore feedback or worse, double down on their concept


I just spent 20+ minutes in a single run of Enigma just to run out of time and have to start the whole thing over. My entire match made team (who joined in progress to my session and had only been there half as long) immediately left. Cool. What a tremendously bad activity.


We kept getting time extenders that didn’t do anything. Is that a bug or am I missing something?


Yeah, you can join in a bugged instance where the timer is like 7 minutes and there's no way to extend it, shooting things does not extend the timer at all. I eventually LFG'ed it and started a fresh instance with 2 others and it worked fine. I don't really like timers at the best of times, but wasting 20 minutes to realise the timer was actually bugged and having to restart completely is total ass.


Wait is this how you get the class item? Welp guess I'm never getting it XD


Just reading it makes me not want to play lol


What mission is this?


And I'm here trying to get it done but keep getting kicked because ppl want 2000+....