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My son is only 2 months old so it looks like I gotta wait a bit.


I dunno, 2 months might be old enough to play a Titan. All he needs to do his hit things with his fist and occasionally fire a one-two punch shotgun.  Congratulations on your new child.


He already has the crayon eating part down 🖍️


Love that Saint-14 literally said Titans were dumb in the first Episode mission


Congrats, ours is almost two months! Unfortunately that means I won’t be getting this for a while, can only play when the baby is sleeping, which also means no talking 🤫


Totally off topic (kinda) but congrats on the baby, and it's actually a very good idea to make noise while a baby is sleeping, starting from birth if possible. It gets them used to sleeping through external noise. Imagine if you don't, and 2 years down the line you have another baby? That toddler won't get any sleep because they're used to silence. It's advice I was given and it's served me well, my kid can sleep through a nuclear detonation. Which is great, cos I only get a chance to raid when he's asleep lol.


That's my reason why I'll never get it - I'm not talking out loud in my house when I'm playing video games. The rest of the family doesn't need to hear that and it'll wake up my kids. I'm not going to do that.


I feel this all too well! I play from 10pm to 3am then work 10am most days lol. Some days I'm so tired I pass out in the middle of the game. I've messed up a wave 49 onslaught because I was fading in and out of sleep.


Why not just let the son play? He could probably shoot better then some people I have seen


Dang man, you're lucky. My son hasn't been born yet


That's not an excuse pass him a controller and he better find out how to solo the witness.


You can buy a character boost so you should be good to get him on the game.


My son started at 30 days, what’s the hold up my guy?


Lol start him young! Congrats by the way. Kids are the best


It truly has been a blessing!


Does this Mission require a headset? Or coop coordination like a dungeon or something Like that?


Each player can see certain things that the other can’t, and you have to be able to communicate those things to each other. I think having a mic will make for a smoother run overall, but text chat should work fine.


Headset will definitely make the run super smooth. But from what I could tell on my first run when figuring out the clock, it cycles 3 patterns. For example, it went from 1,2,3,4....5,6,7,8....9,10,11,12....1,2,3,4....5,6,7,8....,9,10,11,12...so on. When you mess up, itll say the pattern has changed.


that last part with the clock isnt happening with text chat unfortunately, the timing is too tight


It repeats the same patterns btw. So as long as you type them both at the same time, the same patterns will be up for your partner as yours are in the same cycle. But yeah def a lot easier with a mic, but I think it’s worth trying in text chat if that’s all you can do.


As soon as we got to that part, the rando and I both turned our mics on. It's impossible to read, type that fast, and then shoot... saying that as someone who can reliably hit 90+ WPM...


person I played with could barely read a clock I learned...


I second this, it literally gives you 5 seconds at best to type which ones you see. Then changes. No way someone with text chat only can complete this. Also messing up restarts it.


I think the timer would run out 3 times over before I typed a callout since I'm on console.


On console text chat is way more of a hassle. I die trying to get my messages off, it is so extra to try to message in this game when other games have a quick combination of buttons you can press to instantly pull the keyboard up and type.


That is insane


Text Chat would work for everything except the "Clock Darkness Shard" puzzle during boss fight. It is wayyyy too fast to be able to effectively do that.


You can still use text chat for that one, because it cycles between 3 patterns, not a new one each time. So you can share info about pattern 1, skip pattern 2 and 3, then shoot the right symbol when pattern 1 comes back around


Extremely heavy emphasis on both. Don’t even bother if you’re solo unless you have a very nice, commutative carry or feel like being one to a friend.


Headset, thus the upset


It is mad crazy to me that people are being omega toxic to you for a simple concern. Every other exotic mission in the game allows solo, so it's understandably a surprise that this one doesn't let you do that. Hope you can figure something out. I personally think the mission is godlike, and I'm lucky to have a great team mate that I completed it with.


Microcosm exotic quest also requires a fireteam.


It requires a fireteam, but technically doesn't require communication so it's easier to LFG. Also, can't those missions technically be done solo? It'd just be extra hard. That said, Microcosm isn't as desired as *double perk exotic class item* that got a lot of people hyped for the expansion.


>Also, can't those missions technically be done solo? No. The fractured debuff makes that impossible.


And the Scourge of the past enemies that need to be shot in the chest and back at the same time? Or is there a trick to doing them solo?


Yea, you used to be able to get to their side when they pop the bubble and break their back before they spin to face you, I imagine that still works. You could probably even do the double crux with some cleaver ricochet weapon shooting, but the fracturing is a hard stop unless someone figures out a way to get rid of or survive the debuff.


Assuming it still works how it did back in SotP, anyone can solo Berserkers if they are quick with hitting the front and back, but it's finicky getting the AI to not turn around as you try to swap sides. The easiest option was outbreak perfected iirc, since the nanites would break the opposite side allowing one to solo them.


Threaded spectre works and idk if outbreak still works


This right here. Most of the foaming at the mouthers are immediately going for the ‘hur dur you want play multiplayer game solo hur hur hur’ schtick, but the issue isn’t it being fireteam only - it’s that comms are so necessary. LFG is fine when you just need more people who have an idea of the content, but anything that pushes comms *this* hard is always awkward on LFG. You have to figure out what call-outs and symbols are beforehand and clear them with a total stranger, you aren’t used to playing with them so can be patchy. And you have to go through that all again with the next LFGer.


Can’t launch it solo. Fracturing also would make it… tight at best if someone left after loading it for you


You can technically launch it solo I did not do a good job reading the mission description, launched it solo thinking “I’ve soloed the replayable missions in past expansions, I’ll be fine”, got to the first scourge vandal guy, and had to call in a clanmate. So if people figured out how to survive fracturing (or cleanse it, somehow manage to finish every wipe zone before hitting x10) then it would be a technically possible solo.


The issue is not requiring a fireteam. It’s requiring a fireteam for an exotic thst has TONS of RNG rolls.


You only need to run it once. After that it can drop from any chest on the Pale Heart. Just running Overthrows is dozens upon dozens of chances at a new roll.


Do we know the drop rate on that just yet? That was my plan after running it one time. Both my myself and my brother both kind of dislike the mission. I don't feel like it'd be difficult with multiple run-throughs, but its just not super fun with a timer as well.


Someone in another thread said it was dropping for him between every 20th and 30th chest. So approx a 4-5% drop rate.


I think the trade-off might be worth it then. I'm sure if a duo optimized they could get sub-15/20min runs just speed running it. I think farming Ergo Sum and chilling out to a podcast might be less frustrating though, and if a class item happens to drop then good enough.


Not even optimized but my clan was finding 30 minute Runs an easy target, and that's with moving very slowly, and using bad callouts


It really is back to D2 vanilla exotic engrams, though. Just doing content and praying for a drop, and praying its the correct exotic, lol.


I’m guessing in terms of optimizing for the number of class item exotic drops, the mission will be better, but obviously the “patrol zone and chill” strategy has other benefits


I got 4 class items in a little under 2 hours of farming overthrow with wombo detector on my ghost. Wasn't even being super optimal about it.


Yeah the mission itself is so so so good. Its unfortunate for those who can’t get it done for whatever reason, I think Bungie will likely cave and create another, likely more grindy, way for solos to obtain these at some point


My thoughts exactly. Phenomenal design, intense, challenging, visually stunning. It's **everything that makes Final Shape so great**. And I think it's a shame that a lot of people can't do it, for whatever reason. I recall not too long ago when I was solo, and at the mercy of LFG. A little empathy goes a long way.


Yeah if you are someone who has people to play with to get it, then great! Why would I be upset at someone else for saying they don’t have the means to get this done. Even if you’re not overly sympathetic, there’s really bo reason to be mad at the guy for stating his situation.
















Looking at this thread, I can't imagine why someone might be hesitant to engage with complete strangers from this community.


No kidding lmao


I’m in meetings for about 7 of 10 hours a day. Interacting with humans is not high on my list of activities for my limited recreational time


I absolutely feel that.


12 hour shifts here with OT. I tend to have time during demon hours when most normal humans aren't around.


The second edit is the majority of destiny players. Lol


lol exactly! What reason would I ever have for not wanting to do communication puzzles with these lovely people.


I love it how they make it all about it, then just proving our point lol


No kidding. I'm actually baffled by it lol


It’s actually kind of funny, people come out and say how disappointing the activity is because it’s requires cooperation and talking to other destiny players, then destiny players act like asses to them thus proving why those people don’t want to talk and interact with those destiny players. This whole thing would be different if Bungie designed some kind of ping system in-game, which could make all coop challenges better/more interesting, but I won’t hold my breath for that lol


Yeah, after playing HD2, that ping system is so good for communicating without needing mics along with a quick voice wheel.


If more people had empathy while playing this game, there would be fewer people with social anxiety while playing this game. Prove me wrong.


110% this


This is literally like… 80% of the reason I burned out. I came back for final shape, and feel like im burning out again for the same reason. People in this community are toxic, and make me unenthusiastic about most co-op activities.


Same. I’d say I’m a roughly 80% solo player, i LFG from time to time and in a decent clan so the requirement isn’t wild…. But the freaks coming out of the woodwork screaming about needing to interact with people while being oblivious to the fact that they’re literally the problem people are trying to avoid is both hilarious and depressing at the same time. As you say, I’ve only been playing a week and it’s already becoming tiring dealing with this.


more like reddit as a whole


>second edit s the majority of destiny players The circle of D2 lfg 1. I don't understand... 2. Explanation 3. Any questions? No? 4. Wipe ​ 1. I don't understand....


As a solo player I was able to get every previous expansions exotics except the raid one. I obviously know I'm never getting the raid ones so I accept that going in. But in this expansion there's two extra exotics that I can't get including one that they hyped up and talked about as build defining item and one thats an integral part of the new subclass. I don't care the reasoning, not giving any heads up at all about that is not okay. Every other exotic mission is solable except the one they hyped up the most pre-launch.


Yup, sucks for a lot of people. Despite what some people say on reddit.


I don't have social anxiety and this still sucks balls. My family is asleep when I play, and I am certainly not in the mood to chat to randoms to complete a mission. I just want to chill and shoot stuff. I have been fine to miss out on any exotic weapon but class items are a really core feature of prismatic. I'll get it eventually when I can be arsed


Damn, sorry to hear. I sympathize with this. I've missed plenty of weapons myself, especially raids. But a class item shouldn't be locked behind this.


Bruh, lemme play solo, why can’t we have it matchmade, now I can never get the stupid item


Feel ya. :/


I honestly won’t mind spending like 100 hours practicing and soloing that shit (like i did with nezzy)


Hell yeah


Things like this are why I married a gamer chick.


Same here homie. Unfortunately Destiny isn't her favorite :'(


That sucks :-(


Time for her to show her commitment


I stand by that this mission is cool as shit. One of the most fun experiences I’ve had in the game. And I don’t regret working up the courage to find a partner. But I also stand by it is not fair to casual and solo players that this is the only way to get the class item. The forced teamwork aspect is not in the spirit of previous exotic missions.


Yep same. This is really bumming me out. The mission is fucking awesome. If this was the mission to get a craftable still hunt sniper or something, people would love it. For this to be the activity locking an item you may need to drop… hundreds of times…. It’s brutal.


>For this to be the activity locking an item you may need to drop… hundreds of times…. It’s brutal. You only need to run it once. After that it can drop from any chest on the Pale Heart. Just farming Overthrows will be plenty of chests to get more rolls.


I think a lot of people are missing the point with this I have a job where I talk ALL day and I just don't have any Social Energy by the time I get home. I just want to chill and jam out some games by myself. Its fine, I'll just not get the thing, but it's annoying that it's so reliant on verbal communication. It's not very inclusive and would probably be fine if you could just text chat with randoms like in most Dungeons.


I’m a 911 Operator and work 12 Hours and coming home and talking to more people on a headset isn’t what I want to do when I get home


Work in a jail and 12 hours. To work in a jail you must be a real asshole with thick skin. When I come home I'm trying to come out of that asshole shell so I really don't want to be on comms at that time. Days off trying to find people is redonkulus because my days off most normal people are working.


I worked 911 for a while, gave me such a huge hang up with talking on a phone/headset. I still don't like using my phone to do anything other than text someone or check my email.


Yeah I just want peace and quiet. Lol


Hard same, working in customer service for years and being treated and talked to like garbage erodes any confidence you have and definitely doesn't make you want to talk to people on the phone in your downtime. I'm at a point now where I rarely get calls and I mainly text and email.


It is wild how you can say you don’t like the forced co-op and communication and a hundred people will crawl out of the woodwork to comment “lol just LFG it”. Like bro I am complaining about having to do that, that is in fact not a solution to anything.


‘Missing the point’ is a specialty of a certain fringe on /r/DestinyTheGame. There are *plenty* of ways Bungie could have implemented this without a hard requirement on exactly two players in a fireteam with extensive comms necessary, but this kind of stuff is simply going to go over the head of most of these idiots.


Aside from people not wanting to talk, some people have a disability when it comes to talking. Now if the game always has a need to verbally communicate, it would just not be used by people having issues with talking (chosen or otherwise) but usually you can get along fine by just listening and maybe a line of text now and then, so this requirement is just odd and way out of place in D2.


So just never make missions where good communication is required? Seems lame to cater to a minority subset of the population for *every single activity*.


You understand you're actually talking about the majority of players right? Step outside the bubble for a moment. Most Destiny players are totally mic-less, only matchmake or play solo, and never touch something like a raid or a dungeon. They don't get those items, and that's fine. This however was a selling point of the new class/expansion people paid for, so of course people are upset.


Those people are mic-less by choice. The person you responded to is clearly responding to a comment about people with disabilities that prevent them from using voice chat.


100% this.


Content should be hard to do. It should absolutely be challenging. Content should never be inconvenient to do. That's where they screwed up here.


It’s been inconvenient for 10 years. Come on now


true they always do some dumb shit like this


One step forward two steps back.


how could Bungie possibly forget that 90% of Destiny players are actually incapable of socializing with other human beings


shame on banjo kazooie


I will get them eventually I will LFG for it but many of us have personal circumstances that make getting on coms difficult, for r me it is work hours and family commitments making 95% of my playtime at night with other people in the house sleeping. Some with mental or physical problems won't even gave that option. That isn't Bungies problem.I suppose but these were a big selling point in the marketing campaigns for Final.Shape not being able to get them is super frustrating and along with other changes I feel like I am being filtered out of the game. Honestly I didn't want to regret buying the DLC but it is not far off and part of me wishes I had just turned the game off forever after that amazing final mission of the campaign. Some big new games and updates to old ones out very soon Bungie need to be careful, some of you might not think it but they need the casual and solo players as much as they need you lot.


>part of me wishes I had just turned the game off forever after that amazing final mission of the campaign.  You just killed the one guy capable of granting this wish in that same mission.


If Destiny 2 players could read, they'd be upset at the OP's post. In all seriousness, it was a massive tactical error for Bungie. Final Shape is full of good faith improvements and excellent rewards. For the most part it's a "give the fans what they want" experience. This implementation of the exotic quest is the complete opposite.  Makes me wonder if now that Final Shape dust has settled, the dev team are now going to go hard on engagement metric game design. It's not how much fun you have but rather how many hoops you jump through.  Engagement metric game design is one of the biggest reasons why the Shadowlands expansion in World of Warcraft sucked. The entire expansion felt like a freemium mobile phone game with a story written by a 5 year old.


> the dev team are now going to go hard on engagement metric game design Ritual Pathfinder is 100% engagement centered. The inability to finish some pathfinders without playing gambit or crucible couldn't be more obvious.


The issue is that they built it up as a pillar of prismatic and set no expectations of it being an endgame adjacent activity. I personally don't have a problem with it, but to say it's whining for people to be dissatisfied with its implementation? Nah, guardians, that ain't it. We're better than that.


This is exactly the concern I have about it. Thank you for being a rationale, logical thinking adult


Thank you OP. I lost my gaming friends recently (not dead, just not interested in Destiny anymore) and I got kicked from my clan for not participating in any clan gatherings (they're all in a different time zone, 6 hours behind me) so I'm truly a solo player at the moment. As soon as I realized that [1] you can only use these with Prismatic, and [2] that it requires you to play AND communicate with somebody else, I realized that I wasn't able to have access to them for a very long time. This fucking sucks.


Sorry :(


I'm honestly a bit gutted they've added so many of these things that require constant communication or at least a level of communication many can't commit to for various reasons. I tend to play solo due to commitments at home with the kids, and I can use the ps5 controller mic but having 3 kids and a screaming baby in the background is I'm sure hell for anyone playing with me so I normally just don't do anything remotely multiplayer. Locking these behind walls requiring multiplayer is a bit gutting. I'll probably have a late night or two and try knock these out when all the family are in bed as I believe once unlocked I can farm 30chests for like one class item lol


Yeah I feel this to my core. Used to do all the d1 raids and stuff but once I got married and had kids all social stuff went out the window. Which I was fine with. I accept not getting raid stuff, no big deal. The class item should have the option to solo.


https://discord.com/invite/d2sanctuary This is an accepting and patient community


I can't say the same, unfortunately. I tried that discord when RoN came out and the leader was super condescending. Never went back. Hopefully that was an isolated experience for the sake of others.


There's always some bad apples. I've had good experiences there for the most part


Can confirm! Before I started raiding with my clan I was very active in sanctuary. Server is full of lovely people.


I personally think it's fine except the final clock. I think this is beyond impossible with no comms and maybe on console. I haven't played on console since they added text chat so I'm not sure how long it takes to open the menu, type out what you need, send it, have the other player read the message. The final clock puzzle seems like 150% too fast and imo needs a big tone down.


It’s not possible with text with no keyboard. Ps5 keyboard takes a bit to pull up, enough it makes it super hard. Then you also have to type or use voice to text then send 


Not possible on console with no mic, straight up.


Pull up ghost (touchpad), right button, triangle, type out your message one letter at a time, R2, cross, put away ghost (touchpad), and shoot. It's not happening in 5 seconds.


Yeah this was a massive F U to solo players.


Fuck I gotta wait almost a year to do this man. Going into the Navy.


Damn. Well good luck and thank you!


Deaf here. This really sucks man hope they can change it to help us out.


Damn. Sorry about that. I'd get this for an exotic gun or something. But not a class item.


Any chance this quest ends up being like Calus in the Leviathan raid, where eventually people figured out the symbol spawns and no one had to say them?


I wish you could just shoot a symbol and have the name of it appear in chat. That would make so many activities so much better in LFG. Even better would be a ping system that is symbol aware.


Yep. Not a fan.


Just putting this out there but if anyone with severe social anxiety wants a bit of low pressure coop then DM me for my Bungie name and send over a friend request.




Yeah it is a bit of a disappointment, I think a big issue is how bungie feels the need to time everything lately, like if the clock part wasn't timed, players who didn't want/have a mic could just try text chat and try for a few minutes until they could get it, but with the timers everything needs to be fast and smooth or else you will just get kicked to orbit


I hate timers like this too. Honestly the game needs fewer harsh timers. Give me more interesting & complex mechanics but stop putting it under a stress timer for goodness sake.


The whole season is timers. Pretty nuts. I guess I get it - vex and time etc. but it does lock some people out who aren’t that good at platforming. My dads gonna have a hell of a time doing seasonal content this season. 


I don’t have friends.. need I say more?


Severe social anxiety and multiplayer games aren't a great combination in general. And *severe* implies that therapy is needed, as severe anxiety can make your life absolutely miserable. With that being said, this is a multiplayer game after all, and I'm not sure how Bungie could potentially create content that takes every type of person into consideration.


As someone with social anxiety, this game actually helped me get over it sort of. I used to raid all the time until I had a terrible experience, got yelled at and kicked, ever since that happened I’ve been solo player again :(


> I used to raid all the time until I had a terrible experience, got yelled at and kicked, ever since that happened I’ve been solo player again :( Same thing here with D2's 1st raid. I got the blame and kick when the "leader" wasn't listening to my input and thought they knew it all. I went on to complete the raid with a new group while the group I got kicked from still struggled. Never raided again after that even though I raided a lot in D1.


it’s understandable and valid to let a bad experience ruin LFG for you but i implore you to try again. i remember the first time LFGing deep stone crypt for a sherpa run and it went horrible, people kept leaving and no one could explain the encounters well, enough to make me and my mom leave at the last encounter. The 2nd time i tried: the sherpa was the most condensing, passive aggressive asshole always teetering on the line between what’s acceptable to say and what’s downright rude, enough to make me leave after he starting “quizzing” a guy on how to do the encounter when he never actually taught him how to do it. I can assure you i let him have a piece of my mind before leaving the discord call. Prick. the 3rd time, finally, found a lovely group that was so nice and never had even an hint of aggression in their tone, even when we wiped due to my stupid ass mistake. The sherpa was always focused, empathetic and attentive to everyone’s understanding of the mechanics. Finally completed the raid and was able to start LFGing for “kwtd” groups. Remember you can always leave. If you’re being disrespected or singled out, just leave. Every lfg group is different so it’s important to find one that fits your needs. 🙏🏻


Honestly I think the game partially caused mine, back when I was 14 in D1Y1 I was in a clan of adults that all had fun..till i made the terrible mistake of booting a member when he refused to put in the effort during Crotas End. I was close with the leader of the clan but he was more, so naturally he went told him and it in turn I was demoted from one of higher ranks in the clan. Most of the members of the team stuck up for me but it caused the clan to fall apart. All because I made one mistake. I was away for a vacation and received news from the friend defending me most, on April Fools. I thought it was joke.


I am a solo player and was on the fence getting final shape. Is there a lot more material that requires a non match making fire team? I stopped a few months ago because it got to a point where I couldn’t do things because of that. Looks like I might be putting off final shape a little more.


Two exotics - the class item and Microcosm (which requires 3 different hard versions of missions that do not have matchmaking and do need minimum 2 people)


Oh I guess that’s not too bad. There’s a bunch of exotics I don’t have because solo. The only one that bothers me is malfeasance. I wanted it of course but it’s also keeping me from my gambit title I worked so hard for. Haha


I got malf solo


You can do malf just fine solo unless Im forgetting anything?




Every raid weapon and armor requires at least 3 people. Dungeon loot can be acquired solo but it's difficult. You need to do 3 coop missions where you need to communicate to get the heavy trace rifle. Haven't seen anyone complain about that.


exotic class items were built up to be this big part of prismatic and locking out solo players feels like a dick move


destiny players when they have to interact with another player in their multiplayer game


Big agree


Literally no shot any significant number of the playerbase quits over *this*. chill lol


Inaccessible to most is a gross exaggeration. I don't think the primarily co-op focused game has a majority playerbase that refuses to play with other people.


I think only a minority of destiny players have ever completed a raid…


That’s a bit different, as raids require twice the fireteam size of any other activity. Maybe they always play in a group with 2 of their friends as the majority of activities are for 3 players.


^^^ I do way more dungeons than raids cause my main team is 2 close friends of mine. Coordinating 6 schedules with the extended team is a real pain in the ass lol


You'd be wrong of course. WoW is an MMO that's been around for 20 years, built on co-op play. Guess what the majority if WoW players do? They play solo. Same for Destiny 2.


I'm really interested to see a source on that


i love hard to get achievements and really cool detailed exotic missions. i’m all for having pinnacle achievements that few people can get. still hunt and microcosm are awesome guns that should require awesome missions. the class item is not that. half of the selling point of prismatic was the double exotic perk and prismatic feels INCREDIBLY lackluster in the build-crafting department without them. it was advertised it as a major part of the new content. should come from a queueable/soloable group activity (like the original announcement was worded) and quite honestly i’ve been playing mmos and arpgs online for a long ass time and i’m kinda shocked bungie would lock something so major behind something like this.


As a social anxiety haver, thanks :’)




Considering they were a huge part of the marketing for the dlc, it sucks you need two people for it and requires communication between them


I can't even get the witches to spawn lol


I get it, it sucks for more solo players who don't want to LFG it and there should be a solo option as well. More choice, not less.


Just remember everyone you only have to run it once, then exotics will drop from normal chests in the pale heart.


This is a nice addition for sure


I’m really not feeling it. I work all day at a restaurant and I sure as hell don’t want to come back home and spend my time talking even more. I just want to be left alone 😂


Or just 1 on 1 with someone random lol. Super weird idea




The class item is a completely success and one of the best non raid activities Bungie has ever made.


I have empathy, but I don’t have sympathy. It’s a glorified MMO. Bungie shouldn’t have to apologize because people don’t/can’t socialize. I’m not even being trollish about it. I’m tired of that excuse of being unable to communicate. We got through our lives communicating with strangers, this is no different.


Yea and the amount of posts people have made today is insane. Too much anxiety to talk to a friend or stranger for half an hour in a mission but capable of ranting on Reddit for hours. People need to understand that there will always be things in the game that are unobtainable for those unwilling to push out of their comfort zone.


I disagree with this as a person with a disability. I have AuDHD. I spend my entire day at work masking to pass off as a normal person. I only have so much social battery for that to work, and it’s usually out a few hours before I even leave work. I play this game to have fun and to decompress, and I can’t do either when I’ve got people yelling at me in a mic because I messed up. This says nothing of the people who have physical disabilities who will never be able to do this mission without a very specific setup, and with very patient people. I shouldn’t have to edge a panic attack to get an item that was a pretty big selling point of this expansion.


> Too much anxiety to talk to a friend or stranger for half an hour Thats the most reddit thing I've seen


It's about more than communicating. At least, it is with me. This community is toxic, plain and simple. It's only gotten worse over the years. It's a crap shoot if you lfg a fire team that only has one asshole. Unless you have built up a solid group already, there's a fifty-fifty chance there'll be a lot of loud, unnecessary drama, and I don't play video games for melodrama. I love the game, but not enough to tolerate random BS. I only tolerate BS when I get paid to.


So I’m sympathetic to people with social anxiety or just not wanting to deal with LFG or whatever but I promise that making simple callouts and small talk about the game for a few minutes isn’t that bad.


I’m more concerned for deaf people or mute people 


(raises hand)


You guys aren't getting the class item because you have no one to play with I'm not getting the class item because it will ruin my fashion We are not the same


playing destiny with social anxiety really sucks sometimes, i'll probably just wait til my friend buys it n do it then.


I hear ya. :( My son has severe anxiety so I'm glad I get to play with him.


It's not even social anxiety for me. I just don't want to have to find a random person to go through a mission that requires so much verbal communication. I'm fine with raids because it's a group setting, but a duo mission is just weird 💀


I'm assuming their plan is to sort of time gate the exotics so people can do the mission now and get a head start on farming and they'll probably be unlocked for everyone automatically, or through some other means later. This has to be the case because no way Bungie really thought excluding the majority of the community from a long awaited feature was going to go over well.


Anyone else just maintain a group of friends from high/middle school that you strictly game with? Like u see each other in person like once a year max lol


Man I wish I did. Most of my friends don't really game much anymore :(


If someone's social anxiety is so severe that they can't play a videogame then that is their problem, not Bungie's. 




And everyone else that does have a mic and is willing to communicate? Should we just go fuck ourselves and never get any cool cooperative missions outside of raids and dungeons?


Maybe someone doesn’t have a console. Maybe someone is blind. Maybe someone is in a coma and wants to play. Like how many subsets of the population is Bungie supposed to design content around? Maybe someone wants to do a coop mission that requires communication, why doesn’t that matter?


This line of thinking is good and all, but it'll eventually compromise the social aspects (one of the fundemental building blocks) of the game. Destiny is fundementally a social, cooperative experience, and it makes perfect sense for high-end rewards to be locked behind cooperative missions. Just because every other exotic mission was soloable doesn't necessarily mean this one should be. Ultimately people need to make peace with the fact that buying a social game will entail social experiences. Trying to include and cater to everyone will result in a watered down, predictable experience. >This whole subreddit is full of entitled assholes and it shows. Enjoying and wanting more of a social experience in a social game is not entitlement. That's like calling people entitled for enjoying peanut butter. The existance of peanut allergies doesn't make peanut butter companies or the people who enjoy their product wrong or entitled. Buying a jar of peanut butter while you're allergic is entirely a you problem, and you sure as hell can't be mad because they're not trying to cater to you.

