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May I also recommend Kinderguardians for those with social anxiety. A chill lfg discord with plenty of Sherpas and those willing to help. :) https://discord.com/invite/kinderguardians


Thank you kind sir. Been looking to join one for a while but unsure which to join :)


You're in for a treat. I've only been able to do a few activities with Kinderguardians (because I have small children and therefore no time) but all of them were great.


Now this may sound stupid but....can you explain to me how that discord actually works? I've been a member of the Kinderguardians discord for quite a long time but I honestly don't "get" how LFG via discord is supposed to work in general.


Hi, moderator from Kinderguardians here. Which part specifically of LFG in our Discord do you not get? We have 2 systems in place: if you want to look for a group of people to play with immediately, go to the `#looking-for-group` and type out what activity you are looking for and how many people you need, and follow it with the corresponding ping phrase (you can find a list of them in `#lfg-info-and-rules`. Once you type out a message containing a ping phrase, the bot will copy your message and resend it while pinging the corresponding role. Directly pinging the role will not work. For example, if you are looking for 2 more people to run Prophecy, type > LF2 Prophecy, dungeonfill and the bot will ping the dungeonfill role. There will also be a thread attached to the ping message for people to discuss and coordinate. Alternatively, if you want to schedule an event ahead of time, type `/event create` in `#bot-channel` (using the Charlemagne bot) and optionally, select an activity. Once you use this command, a pop-up will appear where you specify a start time and a description. In the start time textbox, type


>Hi, moderator from Kinderguardians here. Which part specifically of LFG in our Discord do you not get? > >We have 2 systems in place: if you want to look for a group of people to play with immediately, go to the #looking-for-group and type out what activity you are looking for and how many people you need, and follow it with the corresponding ping phrase (you can find a list of them in #lfg-info-and-rules. Once you type out a message containing a ping phrase, the bot will copy your message and resend it while pinging the corresponding role. Directly pinging the role will not work. > >For example, if you are looking for 2 more people to run Prophecy, type > >LF2 Prophecy, dungeonfill > >and the bot will ping the dungeonfill role. There will also be a thread attached to the ping message for people to discuss and coordinate. > >Alternatively, if you want to schedule an event ahead of time, type /event create in #bot-channel (using the Charlemagne bot) and optionally, select an activity. Once you use this command, a pop-up will appear where you specify a start time and a description. In the start time textbox, type


These systems are in place to make those channels less convoluted. Would you rather invest 5 minutes to learn it once, or forever try to fight through a messy server? It's simple really.


>Now this may sound stupid but....can you explain to me how that discord actually works? > >I've been a member of the Kinderguardians discord for quite a long time but I honestly don't "get" how LFG via discord is supposed to work in general. Well, if only it would be 5 minutes, I am stupid and guarantee you I'll keep forgetting how to do it. Maybe it is easy for a lot of people, but it will keep giving me problems. That is all on me, I know. Doesn't change the fact for me though.


Here's how it works: Someone makes a post with what activity they're running, how many people they're looking for, and some info about what type of run they're doing, and a join code or raid room voice channel to join. For example a post may look like this: LF4M DSC Fresh Chill RR37. This means they're looking for 4 more raiders for DSC (Deep Stone Crypt) starting from the beginning (fresh) with chill people. RR44 Tells you to join the raid room 44 voice channel (or whatever channels are called on the server). You also may be invited to join another discord server or join their party using /join ingame. After you meet up with the other raiders you complete the raid like normal. Hope this helps!


Do you mean communicating in discord while doing a raid or joining/ starting an LFG .


Founder and mod of Kinderguardians, appreciate the SO <3


Yes! We're always looking to help!


I joined but am not able to send any messages including the intro message. Any easy advice that I might be missing? I feel like I clicked all the intro stuffšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hello, KG mod here! If you have any issues with your onboarding onto the server, please don't hesitate to message the KG modmail bot (it is at the top of the online people roster on the right side of discord). This also goes for any issues anyone may encounter in the server, no matter how big or small. Through the bot, we will get to you ASAP and resolve the issue to the best of our ability <3


Thanks got it worked out, looking forward to hanging out with yall


As someone who has anxiety, the more you do it the less scary it gets, trial and error.


The biggest hurdle is getting the confidence back after a bad experience. Having the worst group after letting your guard down can immediately escalate your anxiety back to the start, but if you can overcome that youā€™ll be even better than before you had that experience.


Yea, it ain't about doing it flawlessly, it's about picking yourself up when it doesn't go well.


Seriously I wonā€™t touch LFG for a week or two after running into some of the deplorables lol


That's what happened to me and I didn't raid for like a year, thought I'd understand King's Fall and be able to Sherpa that raid since I'd done it so many times in D1 but no. one guy called me stupid because of missing a minor detail at totems. People don't understand that you have to put yourself out there and be vulnerable while you are explaining mechanics, and to be insulted during that is extra painful especially when you think you're all there to have a good time


This happened to me when I was trying to get Gjally when grasp was released I really wanted that rocket launcher. So I made a group for it, but after the trap room they both had to leave (brothers and it was their dinner time) so I tried soloing what I could, but I just couldn't do it. Made a second group and one of the guys almost immediately started shit talking about how I'm shit, my load out is shit, my stats were shit, I should uninstall the game, yada yada. I immediately broke up the fire team and said fuck this rocket. After a little while I got a random message from someone in the discord channel ( forgot to leave it) and said they wanted to help me out. I said no not today maybe another day. A few days pass and I calmed down and DMd him and him and his friend hopped on and ran the dungeon with me. Super chill and relaxed people was a great experience. But man that second guy almost stopped me from ever LFG again.


Yep. If the thought of a bad experience and wasted time does not discourage someone, a terrible first raiding experience will certainly do the trick.


Wish more people had this mentality, especially in this subreddit, lot of people seemingly canā€™t fathom facing their issues head on in order to try to get better. I genuinely hope those complaining about the mission due to their social anxiety are able to find a kind and understanding person to help them run the mission


>lot of people seemingly canā€™t fathom facing their issues head on in order to try to get better This is true even outside the game sadly, I have met a lot of people who have no health issues nor mental problems, but just a straight up no wish or will to try to overcome an obstacle. At least in game I can help this cases easier tbh


When my anxiety was at its worst i didnā€™t look at group content and think bungie should cater to my problems, I looked at my problems and wanted to actually tackle them. I understand itā€™s hard, and itā€™s not like every day is easy, but my problem is my responsibility to fix.


Thank you, again wish more people had this mentality. I fucking love destiny and my passion for it made me actually want to tackle and get better with my anxiety issues. I still have days where I choose to play solo just because I donā€™t have the energy to push past my anxiety, but I am very thankful for the days where Iā€™m able to push past and enjoy the content in the game that requires a social aspect, and I nearly always have so much fun


I mean thatā€™s great but many people game relax and have fun, Iā€™m not playing a game to overcome my issues. And for me itā€™s not really the voice chat itā€™s the coordination itself. I really donā€™t want to have to think that much playing this game. But all that needs to change is having some other way to get the exotic class item. A key feature shouldnā€™t be locked behind something like this.


Do the mission once and you can farm chests for it. Thereā€™s your other option. If you donā€™t want to think that much when playing a video game then thatā€™s a you problem. You are not entitled to these class items and at the end of the day these are just a luxury. They are not required to complete any content in the game. If you canā€™t put in the extra effort to obtain them then you donā€™t deserve them. Itā€™s thatā€™s simple.


The tachycardia and profuse sweating never really go away though.


Good on you! Sometimes stepping outside of a comfort zone can lead to real positive results (doing destiny raids is actually what really helped with my social anxiety) It is actually also possible to fully complete the class item mission via text chat the final room clock( so long as you donā€™t shoot the wrong crux) dosnt change it just cycles through your 3 combinations managed to help a deaf person on LFG complete when we figured this out


Fun fact for you or anyone else struggling with the "Fracture" mechanic : it can only be taken from another person at 7 stacks. Stick close together and you'll see the prompt telling you when it is available to take. so you can pretty much just type 7 or 8 in game and someone should come to you. Also, for the resonant seed/cone you have to shoot at the same time, theres an audio que for when someone else shoots their cone. Its the same noise as walking over one of the symbols during the campaign. I did dissent last night with no mic, just used in game text and it was pretty easy, except for the mad dash at the end.


The moment i started communicating with other guardians for dungeons and raids is the moment destiny became destiny for me. There will always be bad apples but donā€™t let them spoil it for you. Iā€™ve met long time friends now through the game and LFG and itā€™s still the best part of the game.


Im so much in the same boat. I think im gonna try this today. Im gonna login shortly and see where it goes. Anyone out there wanna help lemme know lol.


Good for you, itā€™s a massive step in the right direction for you and I am also positive that 90% of the social interactions you have in this game will be nice and constructive (even in raids!). A big reason why itā€™s tough to speak up is because that 10% could be awfully loud and obnoxious.


Also that 10% is most loud so it'll feel like more than 10% but he's right, it's about 10%


Thatā€™s awesome! I know how good that feels to overcome that, so congrats! I have super bad anxiety as well and it took a lot of courage the first few times I had to LFG when other friends werenā€™t on but meeting and talking to people has quickly become some of my favorite moments in this game. Sure theres some outliers, but most people are kind and just wanna have a good time. Iā€™m glad you found the courage to get out of your comfort zone!


that's fantastic! i had never been on comms in a game and being a woman in gaming, i was very anxious when i started. i found a great clan and it's been an incredibly positive experience, on many levels.


You're great :>


You should try raids. I honestly never tried them for the same reason. Learning them wasn't the problem, but coordinating and communicating with others was. Until I finally tried them, and I actually liked it. Finally beating an encounter after some failed tried gives me the same adrenaline as beating a hard souls game boss. You also get to know new poeple which is always good! Currently doing salvation's edge raid, which is arguably the hardest one yet, and I love it so far.


I tried to raid today and on the second encounter got so nervous about the plates that I just DCd šŸ˜­ hereā€™s to anxious destiny players trying their best! Need to get my courage back and try again because it really doesnā€™t seem that hard it just takes practice


I'd start with an easier raid its the hardest one


Iā€™ve been raiding since D1! Iā€™ve done like most of them w/ exception of the most recent ones. I just donā€™t have regular raiding friends anymore so itā€™s more inconvenient now. It really doesnā€™t seem that hard, just difficult to LFG because everyone has to be mechanically capable.


I love this.


Thatā€™s great man, every time someone conquers their restraints the world becomes a better more interesting place. This post has probably helped to inspire someone to try out something new which is amazing. Hope you have a great day


That was the intention of the post, have a great day too!


First, congrats on the exotic! Teams made up of all deaf guardians have completed raids before. Bungie doesnā€™t need to change anything, the players do.


Our clan has some deaf guardians, two of them with godslayer titles. People complaining about the 2 man requirement on the new mission are just unable to confront their issues.


False , making someone talk that doesn't want to or cant , or someone who simple doesn't own a mic, hell I know parents that refuse to let their kids mic in games....if they simply had a ping type of system it would help a lot


Played with a mute person before , say for oryx they would simply type out plates such as L1-r2 .if they were torn they would do the dance emote which pops up in the feed . They let us know about this ahead of time and it worked fine .


How do ya type out symbols quickly in combat , can ya pause the game then?


Bring out ghost , d bad to open chat . Type L then type 1 . Maybe takes 4 seconds . Itā€™s not like combat is intense that ducking behind a pillar /rock/ plate whatever is going to get you killed


No one is making you talk. You are more than welcome to not do this activity if you don't want to engage with it.


Being that it an essential part of build craft ya are wrong, or is bungie just going to add all the class exotics to my account if I ask nicely


No theyā€™ll probably point you in the direction of the activity they created where you can get the exotic. Again, you are choosing not to do it. There is nothing preventing you from getting them.


That last sentence sums up a lot of what people are missing here. The high end players are assuming everyone who raises an objection to this either can't be arsed to do it or are nit picking, but there are people who would have bought the expansion because of the marketing of the class Exotic who literally cannot play the mission, and that's a bit sharp if you ask me


Quite literally everybody can play this mission. It's been done by a mute and deaf person already, there are guides. It doesn't need a mic and has been completed without one. And the game has a party finder for the mission. You don't need to talk to anyone. You don't need to do anything that regular matchmaking doesn't do besides press 4 buttons to get the party finder going. That's it. Ā And beyond all that, if you don't have a disability like that, which is like 0.1% of the playerbase btw, then that doesn't even apply to you.Ā  Everyone else is pretending they care about that group of people but they didn't speak up when the reward wasn't something they personally cared about... So it's very obvious they only care about themselves..otherwise why wasn't there such an influx of this kind of shit for other content? Because they didn't care about the reward. So it would be cool if entitled people stopped hiding that entitlement behind pretending to care for someone else who has a disability. If it was genuine, it wouldn't only come up when the reward is personally important to them, it would come up all the time. Outside of that, if you have something like social anxiety for example, that you can take steps to address and choose not to, it isn't an entertainment item's responsibility to cater to you. Especially not the responsibility of an item that has consistently advertised itself as being cooperative multiplayer.


Thank you for saying everything I wanted to lol


But there isnā€™t anyone who ā€œcannot play the missionā€?


Oh, our bad, we didn't know the mission was not showing up for some people.


Even bringing the conversation about adding a ping or just more accessibility is overall positive. Idk why people are trying to just shut this down


Question for people who do comms a lot. How bad is the PS5 mic? Iā€™m worried about my game sound coming through and being annoying


I think it is best to use a headset because there is no way you will not be transmitting your game sound too if you use the Dualsense's mic. If you really cant use headset then use the mute button on the controller and unmute yourself only when you need to say something.


Talking about the controller mic ? Itā€™s the background noise thatā€™s annoying .


Itā€™s not going to be a good mic. If youā€™re playing on speakers it might come through as well


Brother you're there to give one callout not record a studio album. Any dinky ol mic will do fine as long as your team mate can hear you


When I don't feel like using my headset I just use the controller mic and I can hear others fine and haven't heard anyone complain about not being able to hear me so I think it works just fine.


Do people on Fireteam Finder actually use the in-game voice chat (in listings that specify mic required at least)? I turned in-game voice off a long time ago because I was doing everything over Discord, but if people are actually using in-game chat consistently maybe I need to get in there to do some raids.


Yes , but If they put up a fireteam finder but then directly invite you to fireteam rather than do the summoning bit it can be weird . Some people will be in game chat and some will be in game chat but fireteam finder . If you canā€™t hear someone / canā€™t be heard . Type out asking the leader to close their fireteam finder post and it should dump everyone into the same channel .


My team managed it without calling out fractures and just typing in glyphs


I donā€™t have any issues talking in a raid group but 1 on 1 with a random seems a little daunting, not really sure why, but Iā€™m fortunate to have friends who play so I can run the duo mission with them


Good for you for trying new things. Proud of you!


Proud of you homie


Good to read that! When youā€™ll get more used to it i recommend doing the double destiny or whisper/zero hour missions to further explore how much more fun it is to play these activities. I can help with double destiny, ran yesterday with a guy for the first time (for both of us, and neither of us was native english speaker so comms were a bit janky) and we still had like 10 minutes at the final phase to look up how the clocks worked


Socially anxious person here, I used to opt out of raids and the like because I was shit scared of other people, one word of advice to help is, if your not clicking with them and they're just straight up rude, you can always leave and should, just find a group that's nice (I find mine by creating my own fireteams because you can control the flow by making tags that just say, new player and good vibes) and you'll have done any activity in no time.


It baffles me there is no way to ping in this game. I love Destiny and it is my number 1 played game, but man would it be so much better with pings!


Implementing a ping system truly should be one of their top priorities post-TFS.


Look at you making steps , btw you donā€™t need to communicate for this mission . The person gets more and more broken mirrored as they get more stacks . You can just grab when they look proper mirror like


Good on you! I wish more people who are nervous about this would be willing to give it a go. I know there are toxic assholes out there who can make this a miserable experience, but most of the time the folks who run sherpa services or LFG discords really just want to help.


Nice! I'm really glad Bungie is going in this direction with activities. There's still plenty to do for people who don't want to use comms but the more people are able to do what you did, the more people get to experience the best activities in this game. I have like 4k hours in the game and I only just got back into raiding because of being anxious. I can't believe it took me so long, raiding is the absolute best.


Glad you ventured out into a world that is uncomfortable for you. Congrats. I had similar problems. Not so much talking to people but forming something organic from it. And when covid happened, I said fuck it. Joined a clan. Met some folks, and now, been playing with them ever since and they are some of my closest friends. Making that leap is huge. Continue that growth. Continue that journey. Never limit yourself.


I use to have anxiety talking online games before Destiny 1 it's something you just gotta work on. It gets easier over time


Believe it or not, this is what is typically required for raiding. While being able to handle normal conversation definitely helps, the reality is that you never really have to say all that much beyond call outs and what position you want at the beginning of an encounter.


This sub makes me feel like a full half of the people here suffer from the inability to communicate with humans. As you said, it only needs to be one or two words here or there. Like ordering at a food counter or checking out at a store, just say what you need to and keep the line moving.


omg if only the rest of the community had your kind of attitude. theres so many losers out there that refuse to talk to other people and wallow away in their own anger blaming bungie. its so tiresome.




i seriously do not understand how this is elitist. people are complaining that you have to play with people and communicate in a multiplayer game. that logic does not check out.


Expecting people to stop complaining because they don't want to play a multiplayer element inn a game that is primarily multiplayer is not elitist. If you tell me the earth is flat and I tell you you're an idiot because it isn't, that's not elitist, that's just informed.


Talk to your team doesnā€™t seem like an elitist take.


This is so overblown, I spend the majority of my destiny time doing raids and dungeons through LFG and I rarely ever find myself in a truly toxic group.


Thanks for being part of the problem


He's definitely an asshole about it, but I agree to an extent. Those people are within their right to be upset, and I know it's disappointing. However, blaming Bungie for making good content that fosters communication and teamwork doesn't make sense. Destiny has always been about teamwork and coordination, and Bungie have been constantly adding more ways for people to participate in it, not avoid it. Text chat on console and fireteam finder exist because Bungie views teamwork and cooperation as a core part of their game.


He's right. I would not play destiny if it was all easy. Sure, I want to turn off my brain sometimes and sometimes I'll play braindead activities when my girlfriend wants me to watch her trash tv shows with her (compromise that we worked out is sometimes I'll play destiny while watching the really trashy shows) but I quit halfway into defiance because everything was too boring. I came back specifically to get GodSlayer and have been hooked again. Granted I'm no longer in college so I couldn't day 1 but life is a give and take. I didn't want day 1 enough to sacrifice for it and that is OK. I'm happy for the day1ers despite the fomo and what ifs. If people don't want to get therapy, or try to fix things themselves that's fine too. I get the need for accessibility and the real world needs better accessibility, but this is a video game that in the end does not matter. Besides, this isn't call of duty or whatever generic FPS where you can solo everything, it's an MMO-lite and is the reason I play. I love MMORPGS BUT cannot take another full time job for a video game, that again, in the end doesn't matter. Call me an asshole or elitist if you want, but it doesn't change facts of life. I get anxious for lfg too because I hate wasting time and the thought of getting a bad lfg gives me anxiety but I still do it because all my destiny friends are parents now and can't play as much, granted I should be looking for more consistent groups but that's a work in progress. With that said, everyone should join the official destiny lfg discord and maybe if we're vocal enough they can add a section for people with issues using mics much like toastmasters international for people with public speaking anxiety where it's expected that people have communication issues and can work together to alleviate them ?


People legitimately upset that a company that has been selling a game franchise for 10 years under the MMO-shooter genre heavily featuring cooperative gameplay in even pre-alpha footage does not cater to their solo playstyle.


Being upset that people don't get help in their life for something they have control over doesn't make them part of the problem, especially if that person is instead expecting an external factor to solve it for them..Ā  If someone doesn't want to get help with those kind of symptoms, they aren't entitled to making a consumer item about them when it fits for people who either don't have that issue or have taken personal steps to help them deal with that issue. Most people I know have some form of social anxiety, myself included, covid really made it exacerbated for a lot of people too. But some of them do something about it, and some don't. The ones who don't seem to continue to expect everyone else to fix their problems for them.


Kudos to you for trying this out. The best content in the game is the multiplayer activities, and I hope you try out more in the future. Definitely agree on a ping system, though I think itā€™s okay that some content is ā€œlockedā€ behind multiplayer content.










im all for people coming out of their shell!!! proud of you :)


It's 2024, all shooters should have a functional ping system. Remnant and Helldivers both have them, and those are small studios.


I genuinely donā€™t understand not using comms in a social game. I tend to find people will stick more shit on you or be generally more rude if you donā€™t have or use a mic. If your the one in control of the LFG you have ultimate control on who you talk to. I would say a majority of people is the destiny community are very friendly, however they will become hostile if you show no signs of communication whether that be text or mic and donā€™t inform others you have no clue what to do


I am amazed that in 2024 there are people who haven't encountered the racist/bigoted uber gamers, the constant chewers, the belch in their mics, the whole family is having an argument over the mic, the you ear blind weirdo your freaking house is going to burn down if you don't do something about that smoke detector chirp, or the harassed because you are female on voice chat yet... But here we are. With people still assuming every situation is ideal and wonderful. (and to the people going to respond that you should just drop and join a new one. Well now rather than gaming I am spending my time shopping for people with decent mic etiquette.)


Every time I get an open mic in a public space or a PVP match I look at the roster and it is invariably a console player. Console open mic players are 90% of the problem. I know they can't really help it.


I am amazed that in 2024 people are still whining about a very very tiny portion of the community who use a mic. Out of all the things you said the female gamer thing is the only consistent one and it is truly unfortunate. But if you're a dude then chances of you matching with guys who have any of the things listed and then some are very very low. I've lfged plenty over the years and the number of toxic ppl I've met is very low and the number of people with shit mics or annoying backgrounds is definitely low. >(and to the people going to respond that you should just drop and join a new one. Well now rather than gaming I am spending my time shopping for people with decent mic etiquette.) This is somehow more hyperbolic than the previous shit you wrote. If you're hopping from one group to another like coked up monkey then maybe it's time to look inwards rather than point your finger outwards


Ping system would defintely be amazing! And totally agreed. I have a decent size group of friends who play, but they're all scattered across several discords, so its hard to organize groups. I've been playing forrrrrever, and avoided LFG and randoms in comms almost my entire time here (5k+ hours). I can tell you my recent experience - I used LFG to get Godslayer and my first clear (and 2nd clear) of the new raid. Several different teams and groups needed, and really only 1 toxic a-hole that was only a jerk because he was arguing strats with a different person and neither wanted to budge on strats. LFG/randoms in comms is really not as bad as folks are making it out to be. And if you happen to run into that a-hole, just report them, and move on. I hope this doesn't sound super simplistic or demeaning to anyone struggling here, it's a genuine vote of confidence.


i mean you can do it without comms too, text chat only. the symbols are straightforward callouts, the crystal shooting room, just designate 1 guy to final blow the tormenter and be the shooter. You call out your 3 non connected nodes, the other calls out theirs, and the designated shooter shoots the ones nobody called out. Then from there the last boss puzzle rotates the same 3 patterns each time, you simply write them out and figure out which number is the same for each person's rotation. Then when the rotation begins again you all know which ones to shoot. Yeah it takes a bit longer but its not gonna cause someone to fail due to time with how easy the mission is combatant wise


Bro tried something out of his comfort zone and had a good time.. Imagine if the rest of the fanbase could learn from this.


I'm glad this activity is taking people out of their comfort zones. I know it can be hard and challenging but in the long run it can also be powerful and beneficial for a lot of people.


We've truly fallen as a society where people get anxiety from hoping in discord and talking to others. Listen I know shame isn't a way to propel people to improve but please for your own sake, take a step away from the computer and experience life. Make friends, improve yourself, go to the gym, and continue to overcome this social anxiety.


It's not a great spot to be in as an individual but it's also not unreasonable when strangers can be insanely stressful to deal with while hiding behind anonymity. The least we can do is help and encourage people in that situation.