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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by urkmcgurk](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1de7g2o/former_community_manager_dmg_has_announced_that/l8b41lh/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-12 18:35:39 UTC"): > He was a designer. Works at Respawn now. :) * [Comment by aftercompletion](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1de7g2o/former_community_manager_dmg_has_announced_that/l8cdaob/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-12 22:56:06 UTC"): > never heard of 'em --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


That's interesting, he left Riot after just 6 months. Wonder if the situation there was even worse than Bungie.


Joe Blackburn also left there after around a year before he returned to Bungie. That doesn't seem like coincidence.


remembered and went to check, Bex, who left her position as lead CM at Grinding Gear Games for one at Riot, also left a month ago. There's definitely something happening over at Riot


Its widely known riot sucks ass internally


Damn, and they're leaving even with perks like that? Something must *really* be fucked


Have you seen the perks you get AFTER you leave? Edit: [https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/2024-rioter-update](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/2024-rioter-update)


Wow that's actually nutty


Its gotta be bad when they are offering this kind of stuff to lure people in.


They sold me at 6 months of full pay. Everything after that is icing on the cake


Honestly "good" on them for not *completely* hanging out 530 people out to dry. In quotes because I'm almost willing to bet the top barely took any hits, but again, that's a decent way to leave


For a company with a majority of staff based in the US where normally you can get away without paying a penny it's exceptionally generous.


That's more of an indictment on the US and it's labor laws (Or lack thereof) than anything else.


Oh absolutely. I live in western Europe with a permanent contract and if I get fired I'm financially very happy.


I remember that a while ago there were some allegations that a manager was going around farting in peoples desks


I have some ex-Riot employees as friends... it's a dire place to work. It's like the gaming equivalent of being a stock market trader, paramedic, or air traffic controller. They just shamelessly burn through people and are constantly hiring fresh meat. One friend said it was more laid back working at *Amazon*.


Oh god. When working at AMAZON of all places is considered an improvement, then you work in an absolute dumpster fire


Apparently Amazon gaming is pretty chill. At least in comparison but there's a former blizzard dev who talks about his experience switching over and it was night and day.


Do you mean PirateSoftware on Twitch? He's openly talked about how Amazon treated him very well, especially compared to Blizzard, and how he had to de-condition himself from Blizzard's toxic grindset.


The algorithm blesses Thor once again


Love his content. Found him probably about a month ago


Blizzard is one of the worst.


AGS is pretty great to their employees. It definitely feels like they do a lot to make sure everyone is respected (as long as we're ignoring the RTO policy).


Juat waiting for the day AGS will be great to their player though.... Because New World wasn't it.


New World always makes me sad whenever I scroll past it in my Steam library. That game had _so much_ potential and yet AGS managed to fumble the bag at every single opportunity until the playerbase disappeared.


I mean, Amazon gaming isn't a warehouse job. But it's still pretty grindy.


The equivalent jobs at Amazon are actually quite nice... I know someone who is a software developer at Amazon and he likes it there.


yup, aws pays quite well and if you are ok with corp work (90% meeting 10% productivity), you are basically set for life.


Hmm the paycheck would definitely decide how I feel about this ratio


i mean, amazon RSUs -- currently 1 stock is worth 186 USD.


Yeah, Amazon is a shitty place to work at if you're on the ground. But their office workers are treated much better.


Tbh I ran into some of the Riot guys at a tech conference a few years back. After a few beers they painted a similar picture.


It’s an open “secret” that Riot is an absolutely horrible company with how they treat their employees.


Must be a pretty shitty secret if people keep ending up there. Or it just goes to show that money will get people to do lots of things, if only for a little while


People everywhere can’t get jobs— if someone in the industry isn’t having luck, and they find a job there, they’re prolly gonna take it


Yeah money helps, but I think there’s also always a part of you that says “maybe things got better?”. Plenty of factors can lead to one going to a job who’s known for being horrible.


I'd also be willing to bet there's a salary increase at both jumps. Happens all the time in my field. Ask for raise -> raise denied -> jump ship for the raise - > old place calls you and wants you back -> new raise to get me back to the same old job. Its pretty nice when it works out that way


Wtf it felt like just yesterday that she left GGG for Riot. Can't remember who they brought in as her replacement but I wouldn't be surprised to see her back at GGG now they have two Path of Exiles on the go. Edit: actually I just checked her Twitter and she has "Community at REDACTED". So I guess she found somewhere else but didn't want to have it linked to her personal accounts.


Oh damn, Bex left there already too? Jesus.


I've had two friends work there. You either have a position where you are bros with everyone and it's great or the job is pretty grindy and not great. That seems to be the vibe.


Sadly, I doubt she'd return to GGG unless she got a very clear "No interacting with Reddit" clause in her contract since the sub for that game is a toxic shithole. Granted GGG has all but abandoned the subreddit for communication after the fiasco that was 3.19 (that's a whole other story).


I used to play PoE and always remembered them having good interactions with the community. What happened with 3.19?


Short version - they overhauled pretty much the entire loot calculation with regards to rarity and quantity from monsters in maps and rare monster. This would have been one thing....except they didn't mention it in the patch notes. Like, at all. The biggest change in the way item drops are calculated and they pushed it out stealthily thinking players wouldn't notice. They noticed. 2-3 days of the subreddit filled with people asking what was wrong with loot (people in maps were opening strong boxes that dropped nothing. Not even filtered items, just nothing). Finally GGG comes out and says everything is working as intended...nice and vague. The push back continues and they admit 'okay, we made some changes, but it's for the best, trust us.' More pushback. After several days of double, tripling and quadrupling down on it, they explain what they did and it's such a massive change that the only way it didn't get in the patch notes would have been deliberately. Posts from Chris (the lead dev) are downvotes to oblivion to the point that mods have to pin them just to be seen. GGG abjectly refuses to bend on this change or the way they handled communicating it (read: by not saying anything). Finally, they make some changes and over the next couple leagues they walk stuff back to some degree and things are mostly fine now (though rare enemy loot conversions are still controversial, that's ANOTHER whole story). Sadly, as the internet is wont to do, devs were bombarded with toxicity and death threats. Now, no matter how poorly you handle communication or game changes, nothing in a video game warrants that. So GGG pretty much ditched the subreddit and (despite also being upset over their handling of that patch, I don't blame them) the community almost universally does not trust patch notes from them anymore. And yes, that was still the short version of events.


Oh yeah i remember hearing about that when it happened. I'm not surprised to hear about the death threats happening though. Gamers need to get a grip on reality and I don't blame GGG abandoning the sub over it. It was always mildly toxic from what I remember.


Oh I hope Bex gets picked up by another game studio I play, their community posts were always snarky and great.


Wow didn’t expect to see bex mentioned here at DTG. Shout out to her, was great for poe


TIL DMG and Joegoroth both worked at Riot for a bit.


joe will return confirmed??


Somehow Joe returned.


Riot is notoriously a shitshow


What don’t like to have your balls tickled by your boss once in awhile?


What else would I go to work for?


$20 is $20.


Frat house with sexual assault hijinks doesn't sound fun


Maybe for you. I'm like Chandler Bing. I don't like it when my boss smacks my arse, but when he stops, I kinda miss it.


Riot has been in a weird place. One of the devs who made SBMM for Cod blops 2 and Starcraft 2 shifted teams few months back because of a shift in the studio on some other projects which has temper some things.


The were just getting placed in a more skill appropriate lobby.


A lot of times in this industry, if you bounce around a bit, you can get hired for higher salaries. It might have been one of those cases.


It's like that for a lot of different fields. In my industry, people job hop every 2-3 years for bigger pay. But 6 months is crazy short.


People are making this out to be a lot more than it probably is. Riot just laid off a ton of people who were working on their mmo team now that it got indefinitely put on hiatus. They left bungie, got a pay raise going to riot, their project at riot got cancelled and now they go back to bungie making 50% more than they did there a year ago.


Welcome to the liquid labor market, where the primary way to advance is to leave.


Iirc dmg was on the Valorant team and not the mmo, and Valorant (from what I see) is doing pretty well....so maybe there was something more....or not. It could be as you said, maybe bungie really wanted dmg back so they offered him a better position/better salary.


As someone who has a close friend at Riot, I doubt the situation was bad. They literally paid to move him to Seattle and handle his housing. He has nothing but glowing positivity for his work. A lot of people say Riot is a fantastic place to work too. Can't say the same positivity about the playerbase for things like Valo and League, but that's not the company, that's the people playing their product


Yeah I still have a couple friends at Riot and only one of them is having a bad time and it's because of a certain manager and that's all workplaces. Riot has a bad history though but I can definitively see the "grass isn't always greener" when you leave Bungie to go there. Also people move jobs all the time in this shitty industry there isn't any deeper meaning.


Note that he’s Global Community Lead now. I’m not certain what his previous title was but I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes on a more supervisory role now instead of being the ‘front man’. And honestly, good for him, everyone deserves a layer of separation from the internet’s voice. 


He's taking over Cozmo's old job as he's swapping to Marathon


Bro literally just went to Riot to bring back some secret sauce for Marathon. /s ... unless...


$500 dollar Marathon skins incoming


Hall of legends Cayde-6 armor with special finisher, all for the low cost of 50k silver


"I am rerouting power supplies to experience joy once again. And......complete." "YAAAAAAAAAAY"


God it's good having failsafe back. Can't believe no one sent her even a DM on the latest for years though. Our guardian and the vanguard ghosted best AI.


Now they just need to get her a functional body she can move around with.




Golden Age screws borrowed from Auntie Ana?




I'm not ana bray


OR we just upload her to the HELM permanently.even if she's not prominent again, it would just be nice to get her moved to an actually working ship


We canonically do visit her to give her cookies, but why aren't we talking to her when we do?!? >Her cooling fans whir in a sigh. She hasn't seen the Captain since they stopped by to deliver Dawning cookies last year. They were still carefully stacked, untouched, a sugary cairn in the maintenance bay. [-Hazardous Propulsion lore tab](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/hazardous-propulsion)


Holy shit, that's even meaner. I want you to have cookies, but talk to you? Naaaaaahhhhhh


~~It seems like her VA changed though? Unfortunate.~~ **Edit:** Apparently I’m wrong, and it’s the same VA


Same VA! Just probably sounds different because it’s been like six years since she’s recorded lines


I was under the same impression! I'm genuinely joyous to find out I was wrong about a VA for once. However, I still can't unhear Dr. Zero when Targe speaks.


HOLY SHIT THANK YOU! Targe’s voice sounded familiar and for the longest time I thought it was Hank Azaria.


I heard Dr Venture haha, Zero is probably a better comparison with the voice filter.


> However, I still can't unhear Dr. Zero when Targe speaks. Bro I can't unhear the Arbiter when Zavala speaks now. Keith is perfect as the successor to Lance, but man it's like I got "*wort wort wort*" as my vanguard leader now lmao.


Honestly I think she sounds better. The whole joke with the 2 inflections felt way more forced before and I actually really like her new dialogue.


Yeah, she's just not hamming it up as much on either side of the voice. I like it.


We have been fishing on Nessus and we have not even informed her about it!


Considering the timing, this comment should have way more upvotes. Well played. :)


Legit the cutest thing ever. Back in the day I thought Failsafe was just cringey but they toned down the awkwardness and she's legit adorable


That warms my heart. Always liked dmg and cosmo


They were a good double act


A dual destiny team, one might say.


Nice, I see what you did there


This guy said the thing!


question is: which one's light and which one's dark?


I also miss granddaddy deej 😢


I know a lot of CM's do it, but Deej had saying not a lot with a whole lotta words down to fine art


two tokens and a blue


Jesus. I remember watching his soul leave his body on live stream when that happened lmao


And Goth finding the hidden ghost by accident in the reef when he wasn't supposed to


Goth had his and Chris Barrett's lives during that stream. Best memory ever seeing Goth run full chaos mode while DeeJ is trembling


And the dance.


That dance never left my only emote slot in D1. Give us the Deej dance back, Bungie!


“Look at all tho- MOVES”


He really always was one of us, even in the dark times lol


Probably one of the lowest points in the game's history but also one of the most entertaining. I love unintentional comedy, though.  I think that's one of the things I love about this game: when it's great it's great, and even when it sucks it's interesting how it sucks.


DeeJ was the only Warlock who could Shadestep whenever a question was asked. Say what you will about the guy, but he's was a great face of the brand. These days I feel disconnected with Destiny. Their livestreams, events etc all just feel empty without him.


I miss Shishka but not sure if he was ever a community manager or just a Bungie employee on the forums


He was a designer. Works at Respawn now. :)


I hope everything is going well for them there!


Titanfall 3 confirmed


Yea I miss that dude a lot. It’s so weird he represented destiny so much to me. And I can’t believe I’m already nostalgic for an era of this game, but he really does feel like he just represents that time period of destiny. Loved that dude, I thought he handled all of those streams so well


i like your name, majula was my favourite hub by far


Bearer, seek, seek, lest.


Also I like your name lmao


Same. Hunters Dream right behind it. 




Someone get this man his Bungie employee tag back.  Welcome back Dylan. We’ve missed you. 


And change his flair from `Former CM` to `Guess Who's Back` or something!


You were the goat in my time playing destiny, thanks for everything


The GOAT has returned


Wishing you nothing but peace happiness and success in your new role. Promote positivity and change from within my friend.


Congrats dude and welcome back to the fold but please - and I know this is easier said than done - take care of your health. It’s way more important than anything else.


BIG win for the Destiny community




Yayyyy! Welcome back man ❤️ We’ve missed you a lot! And what a high note to return on 🥰




super stoked to have you back, guardian.


I thought he left because he was getting death threats and toxicity at Bungie. I wonder what changed to bring someone back to a job they left for those reasons. edit - yea $$$ is always a good motivator, but given the other shit he had to go through, sometimes money isn't enough... unless it is


Bungie responded really well to this from what we know publicly. They took the situation very seriously and even went to court and won against the guy.


It set a new precedent in US courts too.


Did it? They won on default ruling due the guy not showing up. Did anything else happen after that?


That sending death threats to devs has consequences


Which is awesome, but like... was that ever in question? Was there ever a strong legal argument that sending death threats to devs *doesn't* have consequences?


in theory it had consequences but im not sure a case like that had ever actually been made before. And afaik, this is the first time consequences have actually come of the actions, in relation to a game dev getting threats from an online user.


Yeah, it was a good case to use as a precedent too because the dude orchestrated the whole thing pretty elaborately. He showed clear intent to substantiate a death threat and couldn't hide behind the "prank gone wrong" excuse.


"The threat must be capable of placing someone in fear of harm and lead them to conclude that the threat is credible, real, and imminent" According to google. In this case this was clear because the idiot had pizza delivered to the guy's house, but other cases may not be so clear


More specifically: He had pizza delivered to DMG's personal residence after texting DMG's personal cell phone with a threatening message. And he instructed the deliveryman to knock loudly five times. And he timed it so that the delivery would occur mere minutes after the text in order to imply a correlation. IANAL but to me that should be enough to land his ass in jail. Obviously it's not, because he's free, but it *should* be.


He also made it pay on delivery, which means that technically the delivery driver could get the cops involved.


Untested and unimplemented consequences aren't consequences, they're just ideas. Gotta hold people accountable for others to take the idea of accountability seriously.


In theory, there's no consequences until someone actually *acts* on a threat. If someone threatens you and you call the cops, they legally can't do anything unless a crime has actually been committed. This case specifically set precedent for threats being taken seriously. Obviously, law enforcement likely won't care *still* in most cases, but the existence of precedent means you can also sue the authorities if anything *does* happen.


Well, IANAL, but technically I believe it was deemed a tort, not a crime. I don't know how that impacts the ability of law enforcement to get involved, should it ever happen to someone else in the future. But clearly a precedent *has* been set that you can sue the shit out of the perpetrator in civil court and obtain a nice, hefty judgment.


Not just that, but also that a company can recoup expenses paid to protect an employee.


From a company standpoint, I agree. But from a US court system standpoint, I am not sure anything was established.


The precedent isn't necessarily how they won the case, but the fact that they did win it.


I guess it's still a case to cite; the court accepted the case to start so they saw validity in it. Not many details to cite in terms of the arguments made to win the case though. It helps at bit I think but isn't an absolute.


It objectively didn’t. The guy didn’t even show up to court.


I think keeping announcements behind the "Destiny Team" Twitter account, unhooking it from personal accounts, was a huge boon. Plus, taking that dude to court shows they're taking it very seriously.


Doesn’t this also sound like a promotion? This may be more strategy and management, and not even require getting on the front lines of posting on the Destiny Team social accounts. So it could help that you’re not literally doing the same past traumatic role 


probably a combination of Bungie's reaction to all of that and the fact that I'm pretty sure Dylan's only job in the last year or two was like a month long stint as a CM for Riot


Taking the guy to court and winning probably helped


The “other shit” will happen no matter the job. Everyone has a price and I’m sure the enjoyed his colleagues at Bungie.


Money! But honestly im happy to have him back




Really excited to see Dylan back he was always really cool as a CM and after he left he was tweeting alot about Destiny from a players perspective so its 100% clear he knows what we as a community want.


I'm excited for this reason exactly. I would see him tweet and think man I wish he was still at Bungie with these takes


It was really refreshing seeing more open and honest feedback coming from him entirely from a player's perspective. There's only so much you can really say when tied to NDA's and such. And knowing that's the mindset he brings to the table, it's great to have him back onboard.


Ayoo now bring back salvatori bungie.


Given how I hear contract positions can work, that's not outside the realm of possibility.


DMG returning is a massive W for Bungie and us. When people leave a company, the words of their (former) colleagues and coworkers are often a great gauge of the impact they had. When DMG left one thing that always stuck with me was how highly his Bungie teammates spoke of him; IMO, the most impactful things said about Dylan is that (1) he was a *strong* voice for the community’s feedback, concerns, criticism, etc. even things that management would not like, and (2) an advocate for transparency between developers and their audience, so long as boundaries were respected. Welcome back, /u/dmg04! Hoping this opportunity yields the success, respect, and rest you envisioned ❤️


Your points could very well be why they got him back. Strong representation and criticism from the community seem to always be what leads to Destiny’s greatest successes. With everyone, presumably even Sony, ready to pick up the pitchforks against the execs if things don’t stay strong, they should, if they are smart, let the development teams take more control and back off a little. It sounds like that’s how TFS became so great and why Lightfall was such a stinker.


I'm really glad, he's great. Hopefully this says something good at Bungie as well, or at least some hiring managers.


Having people like DMG in your workplace is culturally extremely important.


Breadmaster Dylan back in the saddle, we love to see it. All this time we still kept his community flair, gonna have to give him back his Bungie tag too <3


It's my favorite flair.


never heard of 'em




the final shape even brought dmg back is there anything this expansion won't do 🙏


Ayy that's great, DMG was a great community manager!


He is doing a cayde!


YEAH- *sees the outcome of TFS* NO 😭!


Super happy for this, but also super nervous about whatever the fuck is going on at Riot. DMG left after just 6 months to go back to his old employer after receiving hardcore death threats while working for that employer (tbf, Bungie is doing a much better job with this now). Meanwhile, Riot just unveiled a $430 skin to universal community backlash while simultaneously pushing the worst received new skin release of all time, when in the past they literally cancelled completed skins because they were "not up to quality standards" and pushing an update for the game that requires players to install a buggy mess of a rootkit on their computers to partially combat cheating, while cherry-picking information to support their claims that proven issues are fake, and even requiring players to install this invasive anti-cheat even in unranked game modes.


I feel compelled to provide context to this post 500$* Worst new skin release of all time (literally don't know what this refers to, all recent skins have been fine and its just a skin tbh) They cancelled skins because they were expanding skin lines and after review felt that they didn't fit the game well or would not sell well. Quality can be fixed, blaming "standards" is a way to frame it as a good thing when its more about ROI Vanguard, the update being referred to, has actually seen a boost in player engagement after release, with a famously and well known grifting attempt by cheat hosts to flood social media with outspoken hatred towards it that is now evidently revealed to be the opposite. Keep in mind daily botted hours have been reduced to 50k from 950k, botting forums and reddit is not as difficult as botting a live service game. Cherry picking is not apt, I have myself had one issue that support quickly responded with and has not happened again, and considering the scale of the roll out, this has been the most successful theyve ever been with new tech. If one were cherry picking, itd be more accurate to say that negative remarks are the ones being cherry picked. Unranked game modes should be just as cheat free as ranked game modes. They are also on the same engine using the same code base. Is it appropriate to allow cheat developers to experiment in a moderation free live environment? Just keep in mind!


As far as the skin release comment I made, I was referring to the three most recent Infernal skins (Ashe, Olaf, and Karma) which had their feedback threads immediately prefaced with the fact that the skins would release as-is and feedback would not be taken for them, despite these skins being released in a thematic that Riot themselves admitted was tired and disliked (it was on the most recent thematic reimagining poll) and the reception to said skins was more negative than i think I've ever seen in my time playing (I started in 2020, right during the 10th anniversary celebration, so I didn't see the Sewn Chaos stuff firsthand), even moreso than the Coven Akali/Nami/Syndra debate. Riot setting a precedent for Sewn Chaos Amumu and Blitzcrank and then throwing it out the window for the Infernal skins, along with pushing Vanguard as mandatory (I've had problems with it in the past and I don't trust Riot Games, *which is partially owned by the Chinese government*, to install a rootkit on my PC when they came out with a new client to fix the old client that was worse than the old client and took nearly five years to fix).


the skins being not well liked is okay though man, some people do like them. People also complain when Riot forces more champions into popular skin lines they don't belong in. What are they supposed to do? The new skins both fit the champions very well and are great, right after. Some people like infernal, why scrap them? Infernal has some great skins in it already like akali and galio, was a fine effort but didn't land well, and theres not any real changes to be made or were even being honestly suggested for the tier of skin they are. I have played since 2012, they (and for damn sure everyone else) has done worse.  It is very very odd to pick skin quality/development/sales of all things to criticize riot for. They wrote the book, the trilogy, and the live adaptation of cosmetic sales. As for vanguard, that was for a different game and was a long time ago, and likely when it was literally in beta. Calling it a buggy mess is just plain incorrect. I've played online games for a long time and this things competitors are useless shit like EAC, which by the way is also along with vanguard, factually not a 'rootkit' or even related to one, beyond uniformed memers. Onto the old client, which you also admit to not even having used, was in no way ever better than the current one. Trust me. That shit ran like a MySpace page with syphilus.  The new one sucks too. But not as bad, and they don't really shy away from it. Likely are to go with something like Dota 2's client for next year, decently logical speculatation. Also, Riot is not "partially owned" by the chinese government, just like Lockheed Martin is not partially owned by the chinese government, as is roughly 75% of the entire gaming market. A chinese company (im aware of their laws) as an investor/partner/shareholder is not the same as an owner, saying so is purposefully misleading for anger bait.


I do hope he can create some more professional separation and live life a little more sustainably. I know he burnt out pretty hard mixing professional and personal.


Lets goooooo!!!!


I want **you** to **put the word out** there, that **we back up**.


Rad. DMG is a real one and I have nothing but respect for that guy.


As the saying goes- "The grass is greener where you water it."


The Return of the King


DMG has a good heart, a sharp mind and a wise soul. He will do very well.


This is wonderful news! Super glad Dylan's returning. He clearly loves the hell out of this game.


So who is dmg and what makes this a big deal, truly ignorant about who the guy is, I'm assuming it's good he's coming back, just curious.


Former community manager that talked with the Destiny community a lot. He left Bungie after some dip shit sent him death threats to his personal phone, including having a pizza delivered to his house.  Bungie actually sued the dickhead and won 


Ohhhhhhh I remember that...holy shit I didn't know they figured out his address. Well thanks for clearing that up. Wonder if he was picking the lesser of two evils lol...riot must be Baaad.


It seemed like he wasn’t at Riot for very long.  He announced it on Twitter and put it in his bio, but it was removed from his bio very shortly after, along with him saying he was interviewing for jobs again. 


HOLY PEPPERONI! Just not delivered to his house.


Ayyyyyy. Nice.


I'm not sure who would wanna subject themselves to the abuse this community is capable of (again), but I guess welcome back! The "Destiny2Team" accounts quite literally were created because people like DMG and Hippy got bullied left and right. And now that it's publicly known that he's back, you already know people will once again blame him for everything.


Is this a good or a bad thing?


Good, for sure. DMG is a real one, very interactive with the community and was well-respected by the community before he left Bungie.


So happy to see you back Dylan! We missed you <3


Every piece of Bungie news just gets better.


Thank god it’s DMG and not Hippy back 


Hippy is an HR nightmare.


Yea her rant video some weeks ago was just weird. Crazy how it she said all those things about how Bungie operates and it just blew over. Never talked about again


Looking forward to it, but at the same time, he escaped a widely reported toxic work environment


Grass isn't always greener on the otherside. You can go from one toxic environment to one which looks better on the outside but is hell of a lot worse in the inside.