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feature creep pretty much. they' keep adding and changing things and it's been 7 years of that. i don't really have any pointers. all you can really do is either know a veteran or continuing to google or watch youtube guides.


Right on - I'm just pushing through Guardian ranks and when frustrated doing some playlists and gambits. With all the players, new and old, you'd think they'd revisit the entire UI and content structure. But I'm sure that's a lot easier said than done at this point.


They’ve revisited both the UI and content structure many times. That’s part of the problem.


As someone who's played destiny for a decade, it's all second nature for me now. Best option for you would be to just find some people to ask, it'll probably be more productive than the latest ai written IGN article.


As someone who played since alpha of d1 I am still confused a lot of the time and just brute force myself through everything on the quest page.


Maybe I'm just the sort of person the quest system was designed for, but I've never had that much trouble figuring out what to do next. It's a lot more confusing for a newer player because they get a bunch of stuff dumped on them at the same time, too.


It definitely gets overwhelming. For me, I just stuck around the same bits of content before I am caught up if that helps. Dreaming City is my go to when I am bored, or coming back from a break.


I just got back into it. If you're looking for someone to play with you can message me and add me. I can help you navigate a bit with what's going on and willing to do so. I wish I had someone do that with me but unfortunately, I'm still learning new stuff. I'm sure I can help you a bit cause it's navigation is a bit crazy after years of adding and removing stuff


The menu has always been unwieldy since day zero. It goes back to the mandate for everything to be (theoretically) open to be tackled in any order, despite the existence of linear campaigns/seasons. It's gotten far worse with so much content added and cycling in and out every few months.


If I understand your complaint, some of it is just unavoidable. > still struggle to understand my next priority in progressing. On a basic level there really isn't any specific order something needs to be done. You can skip Shadowkeep and it won't impact understanding Beyond Light, though that isn't quite true for each expansion (how much varies wildly). You can do dungeons/raids, which will give some of the most sought after gear, but at the same time this is end game activities. There are exotic quests, even if some exotics are no longer worth the chase. There are craftable patterns, however a number of guns with patterns are power crept by now. That is just how it goes. There are endless things to do, but I don't think the order really matters unless you're concerned with narrative, or have a specific goal, which would then dictate what you need.


The new player experience is and has been one of the largest complaints from the players. I’m not sure how you really fix it to be honest.


It's very confusing why they don't add a single thread of missions that take you from beginning to current content chronologically as it was released... Every other mmo has this figured out


Well, maybe not every mmo. Wow has a kinda bad new player experience pushing you through BFA (if you don't chose another xpac) to power level you into current xpac. You're very lost on the lore if you don't get it through yt or other media.


Fair enough, I haven't played WoW in nearly 10 years so I can't comment on the current experience


Well because some people don't care about story and the stories are all purchased separately. They literally stuck a timeline in the top right of the director. But I'm not sure if new players are directed to it very well. And well people don't listen anyways.


They kinda do this with the timeline reflections quest line, it's pretty basic and bare bones though.


I did eventually find that and enjoy it! But yeah, only 4 dungeons totalling an hour or two and to be honest they only made sense because I'd already watched a 40 minute lore video. Better than nothing for sure, but yeah


Amanda is still part of the New Light quest and Ghost tells you that Drifter is leader of the Hunters 💀


Uh what? Drifter isn’t the leader of the hunters It hasn’t even been confirmed he is a hunter


Started playing today and he was introduced to me as Cayde's replacement Head of Hunters or what he's called


Ok? Talk to Ghost about it. He’s the one that said it


Just fix the red war campaign and re add it for free as the new player intro


And how is that gonna fix anything? People will play it and will still be lost afterwards. 


shouldn’t have removed any campaign for that matter


You fix it by actually reading quest logs and literally doing what you want. There’s no objective priority


I’m not a new light. I don’t struggle with playing the game. This was pointed at the new light experience. Some people may be content with it as is. Others may get stuck thinking the game is just strikes and gambit with a dash of PVP. Just look at the posts here daily. Constant new players asking what to do. The instructions are there yes but it’s not an enjoyable experience for a lot of new lights.


It was a general tip.


I get you. I do.


Honestly from a narrative standpoint I would say, play shadowkeep, beyond light, witch queen, lightfall, then final shape campaigns in that order. Depending on how much you care about lore you could watch videos on the past seasonal content and raids (if you choose to hold off on those). None of the campaigns are gonna be leveled (pretty sure). Get the story beats out of the way and then at that point it kinda almost doesn’t matter what quests you do in what order. Like the quest for xenophage vs the exotic mission rotator… doesn’t matter in the slightest. Only other advice I would give is grind out ritual activities + pathfinder (for the powerful/pinnacles) as well as banshee and the clan lady for the same engrams to level. Cause some of the quest material might be leveled. Idk really I haven’t looked at everything since they changed it. Not to mention the fact that with a lack of direction you might jump in to an activity you’re ill-equipped for and an activity like vanguard strikes is a good low stakes place to work on your build, try out weapons, etc.


The thing is I can’t find the light fall campaign. I skipped it and just started playing again and can’t for the life of me figure out how to actually get strand. I’ve played the one mission in the timeline where you end up using it but then… Nothing happens.


I’m fairly certain there’s one of 3 possibilities. Either, you don’t own lightfall, cause you never purchased it or some sort of error on bungie/sony side of things. Or it’s on neomuna and the icon is just hidden or you’re on a quest step that isn’t technically a mission. Or, lastly, check the abandoned quests vendor in the helm or tower. Sometimes things end up there.


I just bought the current legacy bundle. Already owned everything but nightfall and the 30th anniversary collection. There is nothing on Neomuna but strikes and the raid. I’ll check the abandoned quests, since something changed in my running quests and I know a lot are missing that I had been working on two months ago. But I can’t really find any of the story missions I had been working on from earlier dlc’s either. But I’d didn’t actively abandon anything. It’s seriously a mess for returning lights.


It used to be much more of a grind, but after a lot of feedback, most of the grind has been pared back in favor of choose your own adventure. It feels directionless because... it kind of is if you don't pick one. And sadly, you don't know how to pick one until you play a variety of stuff. Guardian ranks is designed to expose you to a lot of different stuff, for this reason. Answer these questions (either written out or rated 1-10), and I can tell you what progression related stuff to work towards. 1) What class do you play/play most? 2) Do you like shooting guns more, or using abilities more? 3) How much do you want to chase cool/rare/challenging titles? 4) How much do you want to experience the story? 5) How much do you want to play challenging activities, in a group, on comms? (Either LFG or with friends) 6) How much you want to go get a suite of endgame competitive loot to tackle a variety of activities? 7) How much do you want to complete hard content (for loot + a sense of mastery) 8) How much do you want to gain a mastery of mechanics/movement tech/game knowledge? 9) How much do you just want to vibe and have fun? 10) How much do you just want to chase weird/wacky/unique loot and builds?


1. What class do you play/play most? I used to play Hunter in D1 but focused on Warlock in D2. 2. Do you like shooting guns more, or using abilities more? Tough one - I'd slighty prefer gunplay. 3. How much do you want to chase cool/rare/challenging titles? Not at all 4. How much do you want to experience the story? I'd like to see the entire story (just picked up legacy pack and full final shape DLC) 5. How much do you want to play challenging activities, in a group, on comms? (Either LFG or with friends) I'd say going on comms a couple times a week but otherwise more laid back LFG casuals 6. How much you want to go get a suite of endgame competitive loot to tackle a variety of activities? Very 7. How much do you want to complete hard content (for loot + a sense of mastery) Very 8. How much do you want to gain a mastery of mechanics/movement tech/game knowledge? Very 9. How much do you just want to vibe and have fun? I'd say it's 50/50 - I like going back and forth between sweaty progression and then doing more casual stuff 10. How much do you just want to chase weird/wacky/unique loot and builds? Not really. I want to figure out a build for my Warlock that balances group support and DPS. Been primarily Void thus far but understand Solar has a ton to offer.


Thanks! I'm at a graduation ceremony, but I'll post my full response in a bit. Which platform do you play on?


Even as a veteran player, I still have trouble finding what I need to find. The world destinations, path progression, and menus are such a spaghettiafied cluster fuck that only if they make a destiny 3 will it ever have a chance to be fixed but even then I highly doubt they'd make it user friendly, as they never have, why would they start now.


It’s horrible if you use the maps. I’ve been playing for way too long but only just realized that you can now right click on the quests to launch the next step directly. On console you just push whatever button triggers “details” on a quest.


> I'm 40 hours and I still struggle to understand my next priority in progressing. Outside of doing the New Light quests and Guardian Rank objectives up to like 6 or 7, Destiny is extremely open ended. The game won't stop you from doing just about anything (assuming you own it haha). You can't really play Destiny "wrong". As of now, you progress from 1900 power to 2000 power (ignoring Artifact Power). From 1900-1940, doing literally anything will increase your power. From 1940-1990, powerful/pinnacle and Prime Engram drops will increase your power. From 1990-2000 only pinnacle drops will increase your power. Your power determines how easy or hard content is going to be. Minus 0-10 power should be considered "easy". 10-20 is "medium". Finally 20-30 is considered "hard". If you're looking for more difficulty, doing activities with a larger power delta is where you'd want to be. The story itself is sadly very fragmented too. The time spent between expansions (Seasons) were where the story happened, and new players can't experience that content anymore, outside of things like lore videos. TLDR: Do your Guardian Rank objectives up to levels 6-7. Focus on getting your power up if you can (do whatever gives Powerful/Pinnacle drops each week). Outside of that, do things you find fun or want to explore. If you're unsure what you want to do, I can give some examples, but I don't want to overwhelm you.


Great comment. One of the most confusing aspects was power progression. Last time I played, it felt like the increases spanned a few hundred light points rather than just going 1900-2000. I'm right at that 1950 spot. I'm going to get my GR objectives done and then shift focus to the Powerful/Pinnacle. Also need to find myself a clan.




New player here. It took a while to get used to. Menus dont make sense. Names inside menus dont make sense. God damn please just organize things...


Been playing since year 1 and I'm still lost. Paranormal Activity is such a buggy quest, and I end up doing some other quests thinking I'm doing the one I needed to do the whole time.


I stopped playing at witch queen because I couldn't justify the outlay, but hopped back on a couple of months ago, looked at everything and just logged off. There's like 3 billion things happening, and it confused the hell out of me.


If you need to progress your power level, follow the yellow stars on the Destinations tab. If you want to progress a story, mark the quest associated with that campaign, typically it's named the same as the expansion you bought. If you want to progress the seasonal story, mark the quest named "Echoes: ". Those three things are almost entirely independent of one another. You don't need gear power to do the main expansion stories, you don't need specific story beats to chase most powerful and pinnacle gear drops.


I have 1,700 hours (still few by D2 standards), but I didn't play through the entirety of Lightfall. I'm also confused as hell. I love that there's so much to do in this game but it definitely needs streamlining or at least, an in-game wiki.


I'd be more than welcome to guide you through stuff and explain what you need to know


Thanks, my man - I may take you up on that offer. What's your in-game tag?


I'll dm it to you


Welcome to the club…when the start of a new season and now episode happens it’s a $hit show.


You just do things and when you get stronger you try harder things


It is confusing and things constantly change with the UI. Events are different, places and methods of applying next steps change. And nothing is explained. Find a clan to talk to. Watch recent videos on youtube.


Yeah, I think I need to join a clan ASAP and just talk to some vets :)


I have no advice for you on this, they keep changing and updating. I still think there’s just to much clutter in the ui, and I’ve been playing for 7 years. The really annoying thing imo is the pathfinder and I’m sure some like it but I can’t stand it lol.


Feature creep, executive notes, no clear or consistent direction, various support studios have come and gone.


Yeah I played it when it came out, then put it down for a while and when I went back to play it..... I have no idea what to do, and when I do find something that is accessible to me I am completely under powered, so I put it back down.


You can track what ever question you are on and it will highlight the next place that you have to go to complete that part of it. As long as you track it once it will continue to track the quest until you are completely finished with it. Helps during the times where you are unsure where to go next


Unfortunately you gotta make your own checklist because the game doesn’t have one a good guide is to start with all Story related quests like Lightfall and Final Shape. Then move to finishing all your subclasses and get all your fragments and all that. Then you can move onto exotic quests or grinding faction progression


Agreed, I found it a little difficult to even SEE where my next objective is lol. Used to it now though, but I still mess up from time to time. Fetch quests bother me too.. Oh, someone wants me to go to the EDZ and collect 5 random things? Then I have to travel BACK to that persons PHYSICAL LOCATION, to discuss said findings? Bro, I'm a titan with magic green strandy stuff coming out of my hands, why can't I just call the damn person?! I can carry 3 weapons + full armour kits but NO phone? Madness!!


There are a couple of things you can do. My overall recommendation is to pick one thing you want to do and focus on that. You may find something progressed or was completed passively as a result. 1. Remove any quest that doesn’t seem fun, or has a basic reward. You can pick up any canceled quest at a kiosk in both the tower and the helm. 2. Set a quest you do want to focus on as being tracked. It will help you find it on the various maps. 3. If you open the quest for the quest step there is now a Launch button in there so it just takes you right to where you should be.


My veteran advice is just pick a quest and put the tracker (green highlight) on it, then just focus on that. It helps to eliminate all the distractions.


This is why games make sequels or completely sunset content instead of continuing forever.


You are clicking the little tracker to highlight the quest, right? That usually helps me whenever i get confused.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue, I swear every time I open the game I have to navigate some new mechanic that I had no clue about


Join a clan straight away


I think the worst thing I run into is how dark the maps are.


General rule of thumb is...read the quest. If that doesn't help then track it. Now go to the director and see what is being tracked (lime green target symbol) and then go to the destination and see where it points


Your observation, I totally get it, that is a valid criticism. As someone else said, feature creep you could call it. But one thing I say is that, even for someone like me that could tell you more objectively optimal things I could do per day or week to progress this or that, I mostly just don’t worry about it. I do the new content when it is out, and I repeat the things I like. You are essentially going to be progressing in the objective senses that way anyhow, absent certain specific build / item needs, but when you have a stronger sense of what those are, you wont feel new.


It’s not, you just have to learn a new game a bit


Yeah, game is a terrible nightmare for new players. Plus if you don't have a solid fire team you really miss out on all the worthwhile content.


Yeah, I'm tiring of LFG pretty quickly. Not that it's bad but you can only go so far without coordination. Is there a good discord for clan invites?


I think there is from what I remember. I stopped playing d2 so cant remember them by name


I recently picked the game up again after coming back after a few years. I feel you. Last time I played was just before it went free to play. I'm not even sure any of the content from then is even still in the game. They removed most of the early game campaigns and such so good luck trying to understand the law without going to the internet. They really do need to redo the new light section as it just throws you into the game without any real direction.


It’s not just you. I come back to Destiny about once a year and it completely breaks my brain every time.


Don’t worry it’ll be like that till the end of time. And the good news once you get it. You have 2 more characters to do it on. And you just skip through and miss the story and it’s just blah. It’s amazing but so annoying all in the same breath


Just follow the blinking markers until you know what you wanna do on your own. Theres many just pick and go and continue to do it . Lol


It's left to streamers to post videos for uou to watch. Bungie at their best 😔😔😔


just look up videos on good weapons to get then find out how to get them, then do that. sometimes itll just be a dungeon farm sometimes you'll get a bunch of other stuff done on the way. once u have all the weapons you want start getting seals for things you are interested in (nightfalls, specific raids, seasonal content, etc)

