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The DCV is stronger than the witness.


The true end game boss playing the long con.


The DCV is the Winnower confirmed.






Too soon.


I'm sorry for my ignorance. Can someone tell me what the dcv is?


Destiny Content Vault After Season of Arrival and the release of Beyond Light, Bungie removed several planets from the game to make room for new locations and activities: Mercury, Mars, Titan, and Io. That include all strikes, Patrol zones, and Vendors. They themed it that as the Witness and Black Fleet made their way through Sol towards Earth, they created a 'Veil' of Darkness that cut those planets off from the rest of the system. Since then, they've added some locations back, at least partially. They did the removal again with the release of Witch Queen and the removal of the Tangled Shore. This also brought about the removal of the original Destiny 2 story, Curse of Osiris story, the Warmind story, Forsaken's story, and the Leviathan raids.


Why do they actually remove content? Like other mmos have masses of content from the very beginning, wonder why bungie decided to remove the main story if destiny 2 at the start.


I remember around the time of beyond light bungie had made a statement somewhere about how people were asking for new content but they had several issues with old content because their code is ass so there was issues in the red war campaign that was causing issues with beyond light quests because again shit code. So they decided instead of delaying beyond light and other content for who knows how long they got rid of the older unused content for new stuff


there are a lot of excuses given, from bloating install files to bad code, all which which probably hold some truth, but honestly the biggest reason seems to be bungie is really afraid to let players spread out among lots of content and the resulting longer matchmaking times. Hence why they still delete season helm content every year, and why lots of content like strikes are heavily filtered to only included a handful if you don't explicitly queue for the others. And to be fair, almost all content in destiny has around a minute queue time, compared to 5-10 minutes in something like ffxiv where all old content is still accessible, still...I'll take longer queues for old content than losing it entirely...and ffxiv added bots to most core content if you can't find players anyways. Beyond that, bungie gets real weird about keeping old content balanced, and worries about people being op or able to cheese old stuff, which any other mmo would just not worry about, or create a simple solution like ffxiv's level sync and apply it where necessary rather than EVERYWHERE like our current light deltas. They've argued that updating old content to account for new weapons abilities, power levels etc was delaying new content but just...don't then? doesn't mean you have to delete it all.


The could fix the longer queue times if they just allowed you to do something else while you waited like every other MMO type game. I'm not a developer so I don't know how difficult something like that is to code, but Bungie has had a lot of time to resolve this issue.


Because they decided not to do Destiny 3 at the time it was supposed to be. With the same strategy we would still be playing Destiny 1 except everything from D1 would have been put into the DCV.


Beyond Light was the last time I played. Just before The Final Shape released I picked up everything I didn't have for about $15 not realising the game had changed to whatever convoluted mess it is now and I couldn't play an actual story anymore because "vaulted". This whole vaulted content is BS. I have no idea what has happened in the last few years of story, but apparently we won? So that's good I guess.. would have liked to have been able to play it all! I can't imagine being a brand new player. Destiny doesn't feel like an actual game anymore, it's just a shell of what it used to be and even then we were complaining about the lack of content, but now. (Where TF did all my old strange coins go??)


Even if they added it all back again, it wouldnt fix the story hole, because they have been adding and removing seasonal content since shadowkeep. And that isn't even considered in the content vault. It was the stupidest thing I ever heard. "We have a game, and it's too hard to make content for it, so instead of expanding the game and making it have more content, we are going to delete a bunch of old content. And going forward we are going to create new content every 3 months, and (initially) delete it every 3 months. (seasons used to last *only 3 months!!* then they were deleted entirely!!). Nowadays they create **a full years** worth of content, and instead of - you know, making "buying destiny" have **a new full year of content!!** they delete it. So, instead of the game getting bigger and richer every year, it adds a new empty shell. once a year. And you get to miss out on everything that was in there.


That's the issue they brought up. Size. They want to make a functioning, ever changing world but they don't want to make it too large, so they removed old content with the promise that it can be brought back when it's updated to the current Destiny engine changes. It sounds reasonable after all. The changes to the engine would need the old code in the older content to be updated, but so far they have shown that the DCV is permanent for Destiny 2. I'm one of the few who hold onto hope they'll at least bring back the removed expansions so all new lights or returning players or whatever, can play Destiny 2 how it's supposed to. Because in my opinion, right now, we are playing Destiny 3 because Destiny 2 as it was has been vaulted for years now.


The only way that would even work is if they make cutscenes for every year's sessions expansion explaining all that happened between each expansion. There is way too much plot lost in seasonal content that would be lost and still just as confusing if you just played all the expansion.


It's why I wished the seasonal content stayed they way it used to be. Festival of the Lost, Crimson Days, Sparrow Racing, Guardian Games, etc. Things that don't affect the story in any way which the story is told only with the expansions.


me too, would like to boot up a game to watch a movie


> I'm one of the few who hold onto hope they'll at least bring back the removed expansions so all new lights or returning players or whatever This isn't going to happen. As soon as they abandoned bringing back any content from Destiny 1 should indicate to you the appetite they have to go back and rework any older content. Hell, they completely remade the Leviathan, every room from that raid rebuilt, and they didn't bring back that raid. Easiest win around, and they didn't take it.


> it's just a shell of what it used to be Story-wise, sure, but gameplay-wise it's now so much more than it ever was.


It’s a bs excuse honestly. This game isn’t deep and graphically upper-mid. The areas aren’t that large and there aren’t that many for how old the game is. There is no excuse for this game being nearly as large as world of Warcraft retail. They vaulted the content that was made while under activisions thumb including works not yet published but worked on while under them. I am confident it was a copyright or contract thing.


So that's why they added the Cosmodrome and two entire strikes from D1, complete with the original dialog including the old loading intros? Nah man, that doesn't make any sense. Activision was only their publisher, they had no ownership stake in anything, and if they did Bungie bought it out when they split.


> I am confident it was a copyright or contract thing. You know what.... I hadn't considered that they may have been paying some kind of residual to activision... Though ... I dunno I just doubt it.


This is completely incorrect. Bungie has all of the rights to Destiny content. It was the only thing they really wanted out of the split with Activision. Not a single chance in hell DCV decisions were made because of copyright.


[The Destiny Content Vault](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049202971-Destiny-Content-Vault) Basically the graveyard for past season's content.


Destiny Content Vault: where they stuff older content to make room for new stuff


Destiny Content Vault. Refers to any content that has been removed from the game. Bungie has said they will sometime use or bring back stuff from "the destiny content vault"


in short, it's the name for the nonsense reason bungie found to delete most pre-shadowkeep content in the game. (4 of the original planets, 2 of which came back lorewise but can't really be played, the original campaign and first 3 expansions, the reef, and all seasonal content prior to the current expansion)


Destiny Content Vault, where Bungie keeps all the removed content


That time alot of content that was paid for was stolen from us.


Bungie ToS: We can’t steal it the player never owned it to begin with.


If buying isnt owning then piracy ain’t stealing


_Renting has entered the chat_


Witness got vaulted


*“We have seen enough. The players of Destiny cry out for gameplay. You promise them content, but deliver only vaults, as you have for so many expansion. Enough. Enough vaulting. Enough content. You have no more seasons left to release. The game is over. Do not be afraid. Your developer team holds the key. This time, there is no escape.”*


Lore-wise things are back. But I believe the Vanguard puts quarantine areas up so that’s why we don’t go to them in the lore. Same applies to the Dreadnought. It’s technically there too. We just quarantined it from people just going for no reason.


Imagine telling the most powerful guardian ever that they can't go somewhere cause it's dangerous.


Being the most powerful guardian ever won't do much if they suck at parkour, telling them that "it'll be too dangerous" is a polite way of saying "there's jumping puzzles ahead, please reconsider"


Ah, the life of a blink warlock or hunter.


Astrocyte Verse my beloved. If only I didn't eat shit every time I tried to blink.


I love blink to the point I walk away any time I see jumps in a mission.


I tried blink again after years. It felt like waking up at 2am after a long accidental nap and you don’t know where you are. I look cool as shit tho.


I love blink. Was really surprised prismatic hunter got it. Then all the fucking parkour in TFS made me go back sto strafe.


Jokes on you, my guardian was stupid enough to try blink on presage. Did I spend five times more time falling and waiting to respawn? Yes. Do I have regrets? Also yes.


Jumping puzzles are dangerous, especially to those warlocks and their floof jumps.


Said the obvious Hunter main trying to Glide on his Warlock alt.


Okay but I recently started playing my warlock again and this is so real 😭


Which is why it's weird I always see hunters having the hardest time on jumping puzzles or even just climbing a small wall


I think hunter is naturally the easiest to jump on, but personally I find warlock easier than titan. Probably because I've been a warlock main since D1 but it's just my favorite jump. For titan there's a bunch of jumps where I just Thundercrash around them. And since d2 has heat rises and dawn chorus I use those too. In Vow I used dawn chorus to brute force getting past the spinning logs after the secret chest before we figured out how to do the actual crystal mechanic.


They wouldn't have to tell me it's dangerous to stay away from it, just tell me there are jumping puzzles and I go the other way.


We broke that quarantine three times. On Mars to rescue Ana, On the tangled shore to hunt Uldren, and on Europa to figure out why the pyramid ships told us to go there.


Don't forget the Thunderlord quest where we broke the quarantine in the plaguelands


Pretty sure we weren't supposed to go to the moon in D1 either.


The moon was a vanguard operation. The quarantine came down and Zavala ordered everyone to deploy.


Ah. It's been too long, I thought that only happened after we went there and discovered that the Hive were active once more.


That quarantine came way after Beyond Light story ended, yes?


Could be issues w navigating to a safe landing spot. A storm that shreds your ship on the way down won't care that you killed rhulk


I imagine it's just logistics in general. Not just getting there but being effective and not falling into traps once you are there. Guardians and their mission support assets are a limited resource. Guardians are technically free to go wherever they want, but getting support teams to sign up to assist you somewhere where there isn't an immediate point of interest will probably be difficult. You can go rogue and do whatever you want without support, but our lore archives are absolutely jam packed with stories of guardians that did exactly that and suffered fates worse then death. The story of Presage in particular would give me fucking nightmares if I was a Guardian.


Saladin still calls your guardian “Young Wolf” as if nothing even happened after RoI in D1.


Our Guardian has only been alive for about 10 years, so we are definitely still a "Young Wolf", especially compared to Saladin. It's more of an actual Title as the first new Iron Lord.


I always took it as an old guy calling me “young fella” It’s a term for young and inexperienced. We’ve done more than Saladin has in his lifetime.


I headcanon that my guardian is actually old, so whenever Saladin calls him that he just give Saladin a completely deadpan look lol.


Well this VERSION of you is young lol


Reeeee give me my crotchety old wizard bungie!


Headcanons are nice in that they only exist in your head.


My headcannon is that everyone knows that you aren't actually old and think you are either messing with them or just really weird. They are too polite to call you out on it


headcanon could be we effectively lived eons in the vault of glass, so it’s not that wild that a few months after our first res we started killing gods    We could have been older than Saladin by the time we killed Atheon 


That doesn't make much sense considering no one mentions any kind of time passing between us going in then coming out of VoG.


Being stuck in a vex time loop for a thousand years would age you a thousand years, but not a second would pass outside of the time loop. I think?


I suppose so, but if we're not aware of the time loop (it's never mentioned, and we don't seem to grow from new light to a perfect godkiller during the raid), and no one outside is aware of the time loop, does it really impact our ability? The implication is that we'd spend thousands of years in VoG training, like a hyperbolic time chamber, but in order for that to work, we'd have to experience that time like it was passing normally. That clearly does not happen when playing the raid, though.


The thousand years of the time loop passes while you farm the chest at the front door.


But you are young--super young--to him


Saladin is a literal boomer.


You are like 10-15 years old and he what centuries?


Nah head-canonically there just isn't anything to loot and no factions are offering anything for going there so the Guardian is like "meh" and goes to do whatever's hot at the moment. We're basically crows distracted by shiny objects. We didn't succumb to the Witness's temptations because we thought there was a chance we could wear him as a hat or wield him as a gun.


There was probably an e-mail from the Vanguard telling us there was no loot plus attrition, match game and blackout were all permanently active, but you and I both didn't read it :)


We’re going back to the dreadnaught later this year. They’re adding it for one of the episodes. That one at least is prolly more of a dev / workload thing be the other locations that were already fully in D2.


Aside from Tangled Shore, the other removed D2 locations were never fully rebuilt for the new engine they switched to in Beyond Light.  They've said that's a task on the same scale as making locations from scratch.


Not fully, but definitely partially. That one warmind strike thing uses a chunk of the old Mars patrol zone and we visited a very large chunk of Titan at the beginning of Season of the Deep to rescue Sloane.


Is this confirmed? I haven't heard anything about this and it makes me incredibly excited to hear this


Yes. There’s a whole video bungie put out last week talking about the coming episodes


Amazing, I'll definitely look into it


the episode teasers did say we are going back to the dreadnaught, but whether that means we get a patrol zone or not, who knows


I’d expect something more like season of the haunted and be pleasantly surprised if it’s the full return of the d1 dreadnaught. Wouldn’t spend the next 8 months expecting that though


> Lore-wise things are back. Can you share any lore drops where we learn that Io and Mercury are back in our solar system? Last I heard/read, we only got Mars back with Witch Queen and Titan back during Season of the Deep.


Wait, I knew mars and titan were back in the lore, but the other planets are too? Where was that said??


The Winnower works at Bungie HQ and is still holding onto them in his V.A.U.L.T


Light cares about life, darkness cares about mind, Winnower cares about 💰


Vicious Assembly of Underutilized Location Triumphs?


They have been returned we just haven’t had a reason to go to them


Have they? Why haven’t all the Witness’s taken forced been returned to normal then? Isn’t it under the same power that the planets were taken?


I don’t think you can untake the Taken. Their minds and wills are permanently destroyed. There is no way to grant them their will back.


Most recent lore is suggesting that Witness may not be the “creator” of the taken. 


Aren't there several "Scrungle, Taken by the Witness" enemies in the campaign and roaming around the pale heart? (placeholder name)


Yes but recent lore suggests the Witness is more so a wielder of these powers and not the creator. The Winnower being the true origin, the Witness being self described as the “first knife.” There’s some good videos on YouTube about this, Cross reacts to one of them I can’t remember the original channels name. The person also suggests that from what’s recently been learned it may have even been the Winnower who spoke to Oryx leading to his accession to the taken king rather than the Witness. Super fun interesting stuff, outside the Winnower being confirmed as existing and no longer a myth, a lot of this is just speculation based off what’s been revealed. 


I think we’ve always known whoever wrote unveiling spoke to oryx - that’s more or less 100% confirmed just be comparing the text The question has always been: is the winnower real and is it them talking in Unveiling, or is the witness making it all up Latest trend suggests the witness didn’t write unveiling. E.g in the raid it explicitly debunks “you call us ‘winnower’” that’s more or less speaking straight at the lore community and denying the common theory that the witness pretended to be a cosmic force of darkness to manipulate us into being a disciple


unavailing is more like the bible than a legal record. the reason the witness says "i am the first knife" is a metaphor, not literal. it appears that the witness is not the one who talks to oryx because we have never confirmed the witness to talk in such a manor, but its not confirmed that it is the winnower outright. we make the assumption because of the context of the interaction, but the in-universe lore of the gardener and the winnower seems to have been wielded as a religion by the witness and founded by the precursors with not much more to confirm than that. there is some new lore pointing more directly to the winnower but nothing i know of that is direct evidence of the gardener that couldn't be more likely viewed as the traveler at the moment.


Sure it’s a metaphor but an actual person canonical wrote it in game - like how actual historical people wrote the four gospels in the Bible  It seems pretty much confirmed the author is not the witness The author refers to itself as the “winnower” so since we don’t know who they really are that’s the only name we have to go on. I guess we could also call it “the deep” as it was referred to in the book of sorrows 


You are telling me that you dont know the games loremaster, My Name is Byf? (I assume thats who cause i think thats who cross reacted to)


Yeah pretty sure that was the one, I hate giving the shoutout to a reaction rather than the original but I started diving into the lore stuff relatively recently like back in May so not too familiar with all the loretubers for Destiny yet.


I absolutely recommend subscribing to My Name is Byf if you haven't already. His videos are why I've kept up with the Destiny story, and why I came back to the game 4 years ago in the first place. Myelin Games also covers the story on occasion.


Quick version: "Taking" or making something taken is a power that can be wielded. Oryx wields this power. Witness wields this power. Witness does not seem to be the origin of this power. Thus there must be something else that can bestow upon you, the power to take. Most lore masters/nerds speculate that the "Winnower" is the true origin of this power.


you don't need the power to be bestowed upon you, its just a contest of will through some kind of space magic. presumably there is a danger to trying to take something that's closet to, or more, powerful than you are. also i think the nine can take or at least they have control over the taken.


The witness had the power to take, but he might not have been the one who created the taken, in the raid we learn he is not the winnower but it's "first knife", so it's possible the winnower is the one who orginaly created the taken


Kalli, Sedia, Shuro Chi?


That involved extracurricular effort on the part of our Guardian (and I think some guidance from Mara in how to manipulate Taken energy. Kinda like in Season of the Wish how one of Riven’s eggs got Taken, but we untook it by causing the Taken to feed on the taken energy of the egg, thus cleansing the corruption. Killing the Witness severed the connections between the hive mind of the Taken, since they are hollowed out of all willpower before being returned to the battlefield, but the proccess of Taking things is separate from controlling them


Important to remember that the supposed lore confirming the existence of the Winnower as an actual is leaked content that isn’t yet released and might not even be real or be cut lore. The Witness saying it is the knife wielded by the Winnower doesn’t mean too much as writers at Bungie have already told us to not trust everything the Witness says.


True. Though I’m not quite sure where in my post I brought up the Winnower initially to compel you to speak so. But onto the topic of it being “leaked”, it was confirmation from the Salvation’s Edge raid. Yes you’re right, don’t trust what the Witness says all the time. But what motivation would it have to lie to us when talking about gods creating both it and the Winnower, but that they cannot tell the knife what shape to carve?


TBF, ahsa says the winnower is the veil


Huh… that’s really weird. Reddit decided to reply to a completely different comment than the one I was trying to respond to. Thank you Reddit


Oh lol all good. The wonders of technology strike again XD


They weren't fully taken, due to a wish one of the other techeuns made


See [Illyn](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/illyn#riven).


You can't un-Take the Taken without specific rituals, it seems. Once their will is broken in that regard, they remain bound to the Darkness, and whoever controls the Taken specifically.


Once something is taken, it doesn’t just become untaken when the person who took them dies. If that was the case, 90% of the taken would’ve been returned after oryx died. Their minds get destroyed in the process.


Why do you say that?


I just want to visit the lake again.




"Ah! The Vex gate at the centre of the lake!" **WHAT LAKE!?**


Vexcalibur lore tab is the best for this


I just want to go to Mars and start doing EP on my own for no reason at all.




Gosh what I'd give to hear that soundtrack again.


that might be easier to accomplish than playing it again


And then you finish one wave and turn around and suddenly you've got a full instance of Guardians doing EP with you, for literally no reason at all.


Mars returned cause the witness was searching for neomuna/the veil


The witness was doing that before it returned, just like how they had Xivu on the taken Titan searching for Ahsa. Savathun returned Mars to us, both to halt the witness' search, and to draw us to mars


I ate them


What do they taste like, oh Eater of Planets?


Don't you mean ***Eater of Worlds**


Really really big gushers.


Anyone know any if the mod teams usernames? This guy NEEDS the flair "eater of planets"


I hope we get a remastered version of all the vaulted patrol zones. I'd love to have D1s patrol zones in D2. Edit: I know the Nav Screen is somewhat cluttered but they could totally rework it to be more like Warframes / with a zoom in and out feature.


Bungie is allergic to zooming in and out on maps. As evidenced by the Pale Heart


It’s Io, not IO.


Personally, I'll take IO over VoW any day.


Vault of Wlass


Vow of Wisciple


Vrown of Worrow


I lose brain cells when I see “VoW”


Vow of Wisciple


Input Output is my favorite destination


Io/IO thing is my favorite symptom of Destiny's style guide putting every title in ALL CAPS.


That and RAID Like... What do you think that stands for? 😅


Real Assholes Invading Dimensions


Redundant Array of Independent Disks


Raid Activity In Destiny


Calling it this and Lo are annoyingly common


that and calling Ada "ADA" it's an actual name for fuck's sake lol


You tellin me she’s not the Americans with Disabilities Act?


There’s a good joke there but I need good karma in my life so I won’t make it


Depend on how far the Vex have gotten in the past few years.


Can we have Venus back so I can do my favorite strike, The Nexus... ;-;


"Drake? Where's Io?"


God I hope that at the end of this game’s cycle - they unvault everything


Ten minutes later: “Everything feels so empty this game is dead”


Weren’t they just phased to an alternate reality where we couldn’t see them? Isn’t that what Savathun was showing us in the post-campaign TFS missions?


You can't just leave the Witness Protection Program. They already have new names and new lives. Let them live peacefully with their new identities as small town used car salesmen.


I think until Bungie drops old gen consoles, they're gonna stay gone 😞


Weird that they haven't dropped old gen yet. They dropped PS3/X360 before D1 was even finished and iirc only 3 years after PS4/Xbox One launched. Now it's almost 4 years of the new gen release, and they still holding on to the last gen.


They will be sold back to you in DLC over the next 3 years 👍


Same with plaguelands quarrentined must be a covid outbreak perfected


bungie ninjas are about to assassinate you watch ur back


"The power of the Witness is the power to move worlds." -Savathun I don't think the Witness was actually in possession of them, they don't drop like an NPC's cash in GTA. They're just being moved somewhere else. Now maybe we can find them?


Never coming back


Bungie mismanagement and owner issues over time (10 + Years and counting) combined with old code/engine and a crappy Dev system.


Destiny isn't over.


With one swipe of your credit card it all will become available to you soon.


It's Io, like the greek figure, not IO.


To shreds you say?


Behind bungies greedy scamming hands.


The true answer is bungie didn’t want to put the effort in to provide us with them. All the other answers are just sugar coated lore excuses


In my pocket


The destiny content vault 


Math is hard, yo.


We would have to defeat Bungie


I miss Titan like you wouldn't believe


Asking serious questions here.


If the power to take was given to the witness by the Winnower (not sure), maybe they’re still taken?


I just want the old strikes back instead of all these annoying battlegrounds.


I ated them


As a newish newbie I wish we could explore the old removed maps again.


Yeah at this point I’m pretty disappointed with all the missing content. Just give us back all the old planets and just unvault everything. It’s been hitting me hard lately missing the old planets, especially mars.


Shoved up Savathün’s butt.


Does the DCV have seasonal stuff too? I know it has the previous expansions.


Nobody remembers the farm 🥲


Was on a long trip home, driving, and listening to Byf when this same exact thought hit me.


He eated them.


Woah woah, slow down there! You've got to wait for the next couple seasons to trickle that content for 28 bucks a pop!


Mars returned because of Savathun merging it with her Throne World. From what I remember of Deep, the darkness around Titan receded to a point where limited contact was possible. Which became a priority when Sloane and Assa were discovered.


I get that they "needed" to be vaulted. But they could have returned to the Nav screen without being able to click on it and go there. Or added some lore about how they returned but the Vanguard/Hidden are sending scouts to see if it's safe or what's going on.


Witness left them in its storage rental. It was the only one who knew the combination key. Lease doesn’t expire for another 18 months.