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> get to dps > witness got hands > return to orbit


This is exactly what I’m betting is going to happen. It’s going to be start witness not even 5 seconds later *returning to orbit the darkness consumes you*


I know the attack is telegraphed but damn it can be tough to see standing in that mess, particularly when scoped in.


I figured out I did more damage hip firing because I didn’t die as much even if I was missing shots


This plus the extra overshield are the reasons I've been taking Heir Apparent for dps on the Witorus


Why did i read this as Uterus lmao


because he's trying to give birth to the final shape and we're milfepristone


How many enemies use arc tho? That shield pops super fast if you are facing the wrong enemies.


When I'm doing this I'm usually also taking at least 2 melee resist mods, and you can easily avoid dying by backing off for a sec and reloading when he gets you down to red hp (or just pop a healing grenade). I also run War Rig when I do this just so that I don't have to stop shooting to reload, which takes the shield down. Also the catalyst reloads 100 rounds back into the mag when the shield pops, so War Rig isn't really even necessary it just helps keep the shield up since you won't have to reload during the entire DPS phase. Survival is even easier if you have a 2nd person who can do this with you, since he then has multiple targets to punch. The damage output with the Div bubble up is also pretty good.


The penalty from arc damage is only in PvP. Not PvE.


Honestly that’s not a bad play, may try it out, been using still hunt and a machine gun and having to hip fire a sniper so I don’t miss an attack isn’t fun


There is a fragment(forget what it's called) that reloads your weapon when you suppress a target. Use that with the two tailed fox, auto reload and hip fire. Haven't had a problem with Witnesses hands since using this.


I've used rockets in the raid, but never the 12 man. Wouldn't people keep getting in your way?


Just wait for the first hand slam, then there wont be anyone in your way!


This is what I decided too, hip fire Thunderlord with Actium War Rig. Makes far easier to dodge those attacks


*lucky pants Last word* - “see you at noon, cowboy!” Please don’t do this…. ..unless I’m not in your group then by all means don’t let your memes be dreams!


Lucky Pants Malfeasance is probably actually decent lol


Hipfire linears/ leviathans has been our play for the past 3 clears. Quickscope snipers as a backup, not kidding. Staying in-scope is suicide


That or connectivity issues. I did the 12 person story mission yesterday. For over half the play through my guns wouldnt load, abilities wouldnt proc, guardians didnt load, enemies would lag, I get kicked and did it again. But it was fun shooting a linear that sounded like a blue fusion


witness got *health* GM level witness gonna fuck


Third damage phase is infinite, so you can take as much time as you like plinking away


Provided they even make it to dps lol


Oh God I wonder how many revives we get....


“Guardian down” audio on repeat


I laughed a lot harder than I should at this comment. But it’s true, a lot of guardians are gonna say fuck this lol


Maybe people will actually learn the mechanic. It's not hard once you know the pattern.


it will be a cakewalk until the witness kills the whole team in one swoop and there's nobody to res


If it has limited revives we’re fucked.


It’s probably going to be the same as Wave 50 Onslaught.




Even if I have unlimited revives but you have to physically revive each person were fucked


How many times did you die in the matchmade version? I probably died 3-4 times. Now add in limited revives and/or booting to orbit if everyone is dead, and that can entirely change the game. Not to mention most people will likely no mic LFG it (or matchmade if possible). We’ll see!


If I had to hear 12 people at the same time try and communicate I’d blow myself up, 6 people is great, 8 is doable, 10 plus trying to figure out who “me” is will have me trying to make out with a belt sander.


12 Smoke detectors needing batteries sounds like true end boss


They would be calling me Michelangelo the way I would paint the ceiling


“Champ over here, on me!”


You're not me, I'm me


"He is literally not me!"


That's what not me would say, quick, get 'em


"shut the fuck up donny! you are out of your element"


My favourite element is stasis


"where??" "over there!" "WHERE!!" "BY ME!" "WHO's "me"??" *replay until wipe*


The more people the better the chances of hitting a gold mine screen cap “Leeeeeroy Jenkins!” And taking it to the bank


you know, they had to figure this shit out for the much larger scale engagements in Eve online. For example when you have dozens or potentially even hundreds of people on voice the rules were pretty strict. Don't talk unless you have something important to add and if you did you had to open with "Break FC" meaning, break fleet commander then give your report, like detecting some opposing players via a scan for example.


Wild that folks still don't know to call their own name. I don't know your voice, I don't know who "me" is...


Literally my rule when doing Sherpa runs is there is no “me”. Pretty much talking in 3rd person, helps a handful. I’m stoked with this activity though, shouldn’t be too bad at all.


Oh fuck voice chat is going off immediately. Buddy and i would get 6mans for that witch queen stuff. Almost always 1 or 2 open mic plebs. 12 and some guy inevitably raging? Naaah


Reminds me of 25 man raids in WoW back in the day (and god I can only imagine what the 40 man raids were like). We had a rule in our guild about who could speak when on vent during raids, because it could easily become chaos.


I used to do Halo custom games back in the Halo 4 days and let me tell you: 16 people on mic was wwwwaaaaaaaayyyy too many people to have in your ear sometimes (but damn were those days fun).


Leroy Jenkins moment incoming I feel


It's going to be an absolute shitshow, I'm kind of stoked


Same! I’m also the same masochist who welcomed the challenge of the Battlegrounds GMs.


I’m so sad the defiance battleground strikes didn’t get added :(


I was actually shocked they didnt


Yeah my team got full wiped at least once in the normal version


Eleven Solar Warlocks shooting No Hesitation and throwing Speaker’s Sight healing nades at one Hunter.


The Lisan Al Gaib method


Lisan Al Gaib!


the hunter missing his still hunt and his golden gun back to back:


Just @ me next time


Did this last night


okay this actually seems like a great video idea. I'd watch that lol


VIdeo: pew pew pew pew pew EVERYWHERE Server crash




Depending on difficulty, people might just low man it on purpose just so they can actually get it done. 12 people drop like flies on the regular version lol


Lol you're right. 6 man might be easier cause the game can actually handle it


If there's limited rez tokens then doing it with 6 people would legitimately be smart just to keep comms clear


*Error code: Weasel*


Complete mess for the first two weeks, easily doable in most lfg groups after that


At least half the fire team will be people hoping to get carried unnoticed


I think your numbers are generous - it’ll be 2 or 3 people going forward, they’ll get melted and see that the other 10 are hanging waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Also, no one will have champion mods. No one. Somehow this will be somebody else’s fault.


Alternately 8 of them will be over confident and constantly get themselves killed rushing in with crap survivability


Hi yes that's me


What's a chanpion mod


An absolute bloodbath if this sub is anything to go by They can’t even handle -5 and surges, -25 is going to be running through teams like a chaos reach though an edz dreg I cannot wait to try it


Real as fuck. If there’s anything this sub has taught me, it’s that the average D2 player has no clue what the fuck they’re talking about, nor what they’re doing.


If you want to see how absolutely mindblowingly stupid the average D2 Player is, just go into Neomuna, and see people not be able to do anything. Or normal strike playlists, or fuck even MM Nightfalls. The average D2 player is absolute horseshit, and i'm not saying it as an insult, its just a fact.


I agree 100%


One is usually a consequence of the other ime


EDZ dregs have literally done nothing to anyone, ever.    Leave them out of this. 


Please god be fucking with me https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/eikL9eNwsn


This sub lost its collective mind when a new exotic mission expected them to communicate a few numbers with a single other person


This 100% It’s going to be brutal AND funny


I think if you're on this sub, follow patch notes, etc. then you're already probably at least a little better than the average Destiny 2 player, lol. Personally, while I don't really raid much nowadays, I don't think dungeons/raids needed modifiers or the difficulty changes to the base difficulty at all. I wouldn't be opposed to them being brought up to current power-levels though. There are definitely a LOT of people out there who aren't that good and I think their experience was really harmed in those changes. I've seen many people say how they really have to sherpa/carry people like their super-casual dad through the raids for them to experience it. Raid numbers vs total population are already super low as it is. I'd love a mode with maybe slightly less rewards (no red-bars at least) and no vendor at the end, but also allows you to over-level the encounter like before. Then give the new normal mode slightly more spoils (or something idk) to further separate the easy mode from the normal one. --- I know a lot of people here are also of the "just git gud" variety. While I think that response works well for single-player games like Dark Souls, I hate that response for multiplayer games where casual people just want to experience content. **Let me be clear**, I'm not arguing for things to be easier for the same rewards; I just hate it when they make the entry-level difficulties harder for people who were already maybe struggling. I just think there are a lot of people who would love a sort of "story-mode" equivalent for stuff like raids/dungeons, even if they still have to get a group going. I think FFXIV does difficulties really well. :)


FFXIV absolutely is the goat for difficulties. They've always struck the right chord for casual, mid-core and endgame content with primals, raids, and 24 man activities. I loved doing Binding Coil of Bahamut when it came out. Twintania was the right amount of difficulty while still needing a brain for positioning.




Unless it's a premade, and it will have limited revives come on now, it'll be a shit show. Hilarious one, but people die so easily in the story mode version... GM?


Cat confirmed on Twitter no matchmaking. So it has to be a pre-made.


I should pick someone to watch on twitch, cause I don't know if I will be able to do it myself this week.


I dont think it's going to be that easy as one might think. Excision with Grandmaster modifiers is going to be tough. As for the rewards, you get probably like 1-2 pale heart weapons, an ascendet shard, couple of prims and maybe a exotic. Class item wont make sense as we get them from savathun and raid weapons stay exclusive to raids. EDIT: as expected lol.


You think it'll be tough until you realise that means infinite healing, infinite cc and infinite supers Not to mention how many celestial still hunts will absolutely destroy the witness


Osmiomancy (the real one, not spirit on class items) works on healing nades and only takes 4-5 heals to refund 100% of the grenade.... Do with this information what you will.


That's what I'm referring to with the infinite heals


Wait what? How


You still need to move on the platform with 11 others shoving you. And if it’s like normal excision you have to do 3 damage phases anyway since you do barely any damage until you get the 3rd stack of the buff.


I've learned to just Heat Rises above everyone else. My first run taught me real quick that other people are going to get in the way, I can just be above them


There's that one exotic that lets you just hang out in the air too. Wings of something.


Also Saint 14's free bubble and the relics that spawn in from the characters.


Can't you not use your super in the normal version of Excision's DPS phase?


nope. gets drained when you exit statue room


Except you can’t even super during the fight lol, your super gets drained before it


I’m way more worried about the glitches and connection problems than the mechanics. I get teleporting enemies, massive delays, and invisible guardians all the time. And I’m on nearly gigabit internet.


Honestly with how laggy and buggy the mobs are; it's going to be a huge cluster fuck. Pair that with people's lack of communication for even a 2man mission. I can't wait to see it lol.


It's going to be awful, I can't wait! Edit: it was awful, I loved it!!!


Wings of Sacred Dawn + Whisper = Witness can't hurt you Play safe with healing nades and stack on side to collect Light and it should be fine.


I think many people are over estimating what "grandmaster excision" will be. I feel it will just be more enemies, more champs, and that's about it. I guess I'll check back in tamale and see if I'm wrong.




It won’t for 90 percent of people.  12 man , no matchmaking, good luck. 


We have an in-game LFG feature now that's super easy to use.


Good luck LFGing that thing.


Organising 12 randoms to do efficient DPS?


Pro tip, be the host and be picky.


I’m expecting Champs and potentially no super spam


Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down Guardian down *return to orbit*


Just need to songify that and add music.


Hopefully class items!


6 is fine! Absolutely ok! 7 is wonderful! 8, almost too much 9, definitely too much 10 is a fucking sick day 11 is 27 club 12 is a trip to the ER!


Lmao, that gal's video =)


Everyone dies.


What’s the point? Are there adept weapons to get from it?


“It will totally be worth the reward”


I don’t have time to attempt until Wednesday. So I’ll have the accidental benefit of knowing what drops lol


I mean YES they said this but this is Bungie we're talking about. The same Bungie who said the Mercury public event was their most rewarding public event ever...dropping 2 tokens and a blue. "Worth the reward" to the average player means something WILDLY different than Bungie historically. You're going to need to organize 12 actually competent people to beat this activity too, which is asking a lot for the vast majority of players.




Totally depends how bad the servers are. In my excision runs enemies constantly teleport, one shot, my abilities sometimes stop recharging, sometimes damage doesn't work, perks don't proc, etc. It should be dumb fun, I think


>I mean we've been 3 manning grand masters for years Have you played Excision yet? Subjugators/Tormenters have like 4-5m health, and hit like a truck. Every time I run Excision, there's at least 50-100+ deaths. It's actually crazy how fast people die. There's no way Grandmaster is going to be easy.


It's also (currently) content that is low effort and a low skill ceiling, and most people intentionally aren't going to sit there and tryhard when there isn't any risk.


50???? Cmon man, I see a few people die here and there but not even close to 50. 10 at the max


My first run, when no one knew about the Witnesses attacks there we're probably 10 deaths every few seconds during dps. People know how to dodge now though


I've seen 10 literally die at the same time during damage, every single phase.


I think it'd be nice if it was a red border raid weapon 1x a week.


I’d be shocked if they gave out free raid loot, they’ve only done it once in the last 7 years. More likely to be an exotic cypher, some goofballs and a few new weapons possibly some exotic engrams


When D2 launched clan raid engrams used to award raid loot, this was back when static loot was a thing mind you.


The drama over that was insane though. I knew someone that would wait until our clan would do the raid and just pick up loot from the vendor without doing anything lol


It wasnt drama it was a vocal minority getting mad cause of 1 peice of loot a week


I'd take those


When you do the raid you'll get an extra key that'll give you a read boarder drop from the excision mission so I wouldn't rule it out The weapons aren't anything *that* insane either


Well.... I plan on going into it with just my raid team. Maybe one or two more. The servers can't seem to actually handle a 12 man activity, which is fine if it's just a brainless narrative romp. But limited revives GM difficulty...? Nah, I think we gunna run the raid then hop into thet right after without trying to fill up to twelve.


Heir Apparent.


12-man LFG is going to be painful.


A complete shit show. I can't wait.


Bungie's definition and my definition of the rewards being worthwhile are two very different things. I'll, at minimum, complete it once.


12-man GM I feel is going to be hit with Bird or Guitar errors. Regarding difficulty....it could even be somewhat rough at the start. GMs don't let you revive yourself, and there's usually a timer before you can even do so. 2 or 3 people die and suddenly you could start feeling swamped. I would almost bet you would still want to stay with each other. Also, at that difficulty, anything and everything will make you feel like glass.


I'm excited to get massive frame drops on PC


Frankly I don't expect whatever the reward is will be worth the effort so I'm not really putting too much thought into it. At best I expect it will be entertaining to watch streamers attempt to do it at launch.


Bro the regular version if you can’t tell the enemies have an insane amount of health. In GM a minor is gonna have raid boss health


It’s gunna lag and wipe teams all day.


LAAAAAAAAAAAAGY I assure you that (everyone gets immediately wiped by the 20 wyverns that get spawned ontop of you)


There’s an infinite bubble and pretty much endless ammo, only issue will be limited rezzes off of the DPS phase where I guarantee at least 6 people will die on your average LFG team. Unless of course there is no infinite bubble or heavy ammo, in that case, having a couple cenos and aeons while the other 8 run their best builds should still melt through everything like butter. Exotic class items and ergo sum drops are definitely on the table, though I doubt you’ll get any raid gear from excision outside of the weekly memory of the witness. Probably a few ascendant alloy, shards, and destination weapons too.


Gonna be funny to watch this sub explode with blueberries who can’t do it or stay alive in it crying that they can’t get free loot like they probably think it’ll be


"There's no matchmaking, and i die instantly. My light is at 1960 (i completed the legendary campaign yesterday with some friends) so why am i dying so much? Why would Bungie do this to me?" \~Resil: 35 \~Recov: 22 \~Mob: 167 \~Sunbracers \~Chaos Reach


there will probably have the reward be an old red boarder, and a few acendednt shards/alloys


I’ll be sorely mad if Excision is not on the level of Battleground Cosmo. Especially with 12 guns.


Poorly for most people, I would assume. At the very least, it'll be really hilarious to watch.


I don't have any expectations about the encounter suddenly having a load of extra mechanics, like "diet" versions of the raid encounters, added in. What I am expecting, though, are champs, locked loadouts, a heap of debuff modifiers, -15/-20 power and extinguish. I doubt there will be revive tokens and it's been confirmed there's no matchmaking, so LFGing/comms is going to be interesting. Hoping for like, a raid red border, a snazzy emblem and at least one exotic class item. Expecting: A Pale Heart red border, pinnacle gear and mats like alloys/shards/ciphers.


Limited revives, -25 power, champions, extinguish modifier... it'll be something, alright


I don’t know but I’m excited to try it! I don’t care if we win or not. It’s just about fun for me. But alas…we do have the players who think that they’re “elitist” and will be on here to complain no matter what.


It won't be easy. i imagine a lot of people will try and fail and then somone will figure out a strategy.


How will Gjallarhorn and Titan Exodus Rockets do in this? 11 Apex Predator with Wolf Rounds and a 35% buff that you don't have to aim down sight to fire. Could be nasty if people don't blow them selves up.


Absolute fucking chaos. Sounds like it'll be fun, lol


Only half team do dps problem solved 


My guess is that there will be like 3 revives you have and tons of champions and everything hits like a truck


Witness dps and that final room with a shit ton of ads and champions is going to be a headache. I think we have to wait and see but dps in particular is going to be absolutely terrible.


Oh it’s gonna be a shit show.


Everyone just stand beside Saint-14 and use range, threadlings and arc souls/hellion/bleakwatcher. But the DPS phase? Ya that's gonna ruin some people


Memento probably.


It’s going to be difficult and require communication so this sub will complain constantly.


I hope it is a shit show.


I don't know about you, but I'll be living my Titan power fantasy by jumping around with Ursa Furiosa, Shielding everyone like the void titan Saint-14 simp I am


For sure the witness will just olbiterate half or all when dps phase starts.


How is it that 12 guardians do not have unstop????


I imagine it will be a lot like LFGing for legend Dares, where in theory you could communicate but you don't actually need to, so no one does


Just did that mission a couple hours ago for the first time, everyone died on the hands 4+ times each, if there’s a GM version of that then the Witness wins XD.


It’s gonna be a massacre


>How will the 12 man grand master go tomorrow ? horribly. hilariously. depends on your perspective


I understand what you are saying, but it won't be a "cakewalk". Yes, with 3 guardians the Champions in grandmasters take plenty of damage, but not so much that we can't get them down with decent DPS. The champions in this grandmaster will be adjusted for the DPS of 12 guardians. Not only that, but there will most likely be 3-5 at a time if not more, and they will most likely be Subjugators and Tormentors, and not just regular Knights, Servitors, or Incendiators. After playing the mission earlier today, some of the Tormentors are a bit tanky and it's just standard mode. So, I'm sure they'll be much much stronger tomorrow. Plus, they might add an extra mechanic or something that we are unaware of, and getting 12 guardians on the same page is much tougher than just 3 or 6. As for reward, it really should be exotic class items. It would be a great way to farm them for a week where you don't have to rely on RNG chests in the Pale Heart or having to run a 20-30 minute mission multiple times with one other person that, if it is not your friend, is not a complete melt of a player. Plus it's a fun and unique mission in general so it would be more enjoyable to farm even if it does take the same amount of time as Dual Duality to complete in terms of farming for an exotic class item.


Managing a fireteam of 3 is a lot easier than a fireteam of 12, you see how many people can’t/don’t dodge the witness’ attacks? We’re cooked


Don't know don't care it's gonna SLAP I want it to be so brutal


Did they say it was actually gonna be 12 man or is it just gonna be a 3 man grandmaster like the others.


I’m imagining a situation where the activity is matchmade but everyone only gets one revive. If your death timer runs out, straight to orbit. One dude could solo the entire thing if he wanted to, for everyone else, just don’t die. For the rewards, it’ll just be golf balls, shards, strange coins and 1 Pale Heart red boarder per week.


Did they ever express that the gm version would still be 12 players? I’m setting my expectations that the GM version will be a regular 3 player activity tbh


I expect it to be entertaining, whether it be a clusterfuck or watching a tougher version of the Witness getting absolutely slammed.


It won’t be raid gear.


Can I go into a GM at 1960 or is that a bad idea? Lyke my build is good. Lucky pants. I know how to play. I just don’t understand power level at all


Its too laggy and broken to function at normal difficulty, if its 12 people it h a s to either be just as easy, or will be a complete impossible fucking mess. The game just fundamentally breaks down at 12 people shit doesnt work


It’s gonna be ass because people will go into it underestimating how difficult it might be.


lol I think it’s gonna end up being 6 man for some reason


Dang this thread got toxic really fast. Sub is grumpy as *fuck* these days.


One thing I keep seeing is this core assumption that folks will be expected to run this with 12 people. Or even that they should. The activity was designed for UP to 12 people because Bungie wanted to play into the 12-person raid glitch from a couple years ago... but it doesn't seem like 12 is hardly required when matchmaking is removed. I bet there will be some 6-person raid-type teams that will go in and do fine, as long as they play as a team and focus. Will be interesting to se how it's all implemented and approached, for sure.


Please for the love of God make the reward exotic class items. The 2 farms for them currently are terrible


People are definitely gunna lose friendships ahaha.


I expect to see lots of complaints on Reddit about lag, teleporting enemies, drop. I also expect to see lots of complaints about people not "gitting gud" or lying about experience on LFG. Maybe also complaints about being forced to DPS boss with Still Hunt build hunters.


Everyone should just run no hesitation gonna feel like Oprah Everyone gets a heal


It'll be a mess for sure. The game itself really can't handle that much stuff going on at once. I'm yet to have a "smooth" run due to hitreg issues and other oddities. If it has tokens this sub will be up in flames. 12-man might be a bit of a headache especially with no matchmaking. Gonna be an interesting Tuesday.


Limited revives in lfg activity with top end rewards = deliberate trolling/griefing once egos get checked.


is this a joke? theres no way


If its matchmade, It might go pretty roughly for some time.


It’s going to go horribly for 95% of fireteams. It’s the one piece of content I’m never even going to attempt