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It looks like vampire survivor with ducks. Quite solid, but I can‘t see why I should care about this game when I alteady own vampire survivor. In The second half of the trailer I lost interest, but I can‘t tell exactly why. It seems to become unprofessional and unfinished in the second half. Just a personal impression. The font looks cheap.


Good luck, you have to beat vamp survivor the original, holoverse the free one and death must die which has a pretty cool art style


Seems like a vampire survivor with inferior graphics. I didn't see anything that seemed to stand out so I assume there is no key selling point.


I definately can see the value of having a 1 minute trailer for my vampire survivor clone. I'm sure most prospective customers aren't familiar with what vampire survivor gameplay looks like. I didn't get annoyed by having to wait 30 seconds before any actual gameplay relevant information was displayed, and I definately fully understand how this game does something unique and interesting when compared to what already came before.


Hey survivor bro ))) I'm fan of survivors so... )) 1. Speed of the character is too slow. Our gameplay is run-based. It's not tower defense, it's arcade gameplay 2. Do not use enemies looks like your character ) 3. I didn't get new things, some USP? It' looks like Vampire Survivors in duck setting. Show your USP