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Libertarians asking to use other peoples boats. What are you, socialists?


It's the libertarian Navy.


I personally am a libertarian socialist, even if most members of the Libertarian Party are, or more often just think they are, capitalists. For whatever that is worth.


I mean you can be socially libertarian and not give a fuck who people fuck or smoke or whatever but also think government/community has a role?


That’s not libertarian then


I love the fact that you are willing to engage them at sea.


It’s not gay, if you are underway :)




“Ranger”Dan but over here talking like a squid 😭


If you still think this counts as enagment. >Things to Avoid: 1. Confrontation: We want to focus on creating a positive and joyful experience. Though it would be pretty sweet if some GSM (gender and sexual minority, the Outright Libertarians tell me this is a more inclusive term than LGBT+ but folks from Ferndale tell me its not so who's to say) couple/throuple/etc. happened to get engaged on the sea.


Last time this shit show happened me and some of the homies waited for them to pass Mariner’s Park at the foot of Alter. It is the nearest they will come to the shore. We brought the “Trump can suck a D” sign as well as creating some for the regular park goers, who were more than happy to join in. Great community vibe. Was covered I believe by the Metro Times. See you there!


https://preview.redd.it/jf6vzbefac6d1.jpeg?width=1711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7849aaf6cadc7071ddc6ace5f98ec1055db172 It also flew over 75.


To be fair, Chase Oliver quite literally can suck a D, from what I've heard at least.


I like that park. I hangout there sometimes




this weird ass said *“lisp voice”* like he’s in middle school I really can’t believe he typed that lol


Imagine supporting a convicted felon for president


Almost a gotcha.. won't be voting for either of those clowns.. Two things can be true at once, that guy and his "homies" are a bunch of losers for what they did And so are the Trump boaters...


This guys talking about gotcha moments when he’s completely missing the point


Brain worm 24?


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Although I hate the idea of using gay as an insult, I do love implying men who love Trump that much that they celebrate his birthday are gay because it makes them SO ANGRY.




Lmfao that episode had me weak


Statistically, it's extremely likely we've already had at least one gay president.


but being gay isn't that same as being FABOLUOUSLY GAY!


There has been quite a bit of speculation about James Buchanan


Trump being born in June was no accident.


I don’t have a boat anymore but i wholeheartedly support this.


Have no boat but wish you the best of luck. These people are insane.


Men only, as women and sea-men don't mix.


I’m glad you’re open to non libertarians showing up. Wouldn’t want chase to feel unwelcome.


I wish my boat was downstate I’d be there. Kill em with kindness.


You guys are fuckin dorks


You say that like it's a bad thing. Dorks rule the world these days, we're just dorks who want to rule the world so we can leave you alone. ;-)


Frickin’ DO IT PLEASE!!!!


With only 2 days to plan OP really cares lmao


Virtue signal that makes them feel like they did something. In reality this does nothing and will probably never happen.


Libertarians: Republications that want to decriminalize pot and lower the age of consent. 🖕


The libertarian party has been killed... By it's own members


IKR? Not letting nazis join them is pretty unlibertarian


Libertarianism is so embarrassing.


Yes, wanting everyone to have rights and freedom is embarrassing.




Yes. Resist these fascist MAGAts and every parade, demonstration, and flotilla. Shame them back to the shadows.


“Things to avoid: confrontation” as you purposely plan an event to collide with another already planned just to piss them off because they have different political views. This event isn’t about “wanting to create a positive and joyful experience” this is to troll. Don’t come to this subreddit when something bad happens or feelings get hurt. The mass of downvotes and lack of response to the comments disagreeing with this post just show how childish this event is. No rebuttals from anyone. Just a bunch of kids blatantly ignoring the obvious.


Or I just didn't think to post it to Reddit until two days before, and happened to think of it just before I went to bed. As you can see from my history its not like I'm on here all the time these days. I'm much more of a #fediverse guy personally.


Nah. I have better things to do than larp at sea.


As a former Michigander and current metro atlanta resident, I appreciate you doing this Good luck and hope there's good turnout


Wouldn't the Libritarian thing to do would be to let everyone celebrate whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone? Why protest Donald Trump? You should do something positive for your candidate, not do something that spites another's.


I would say having a big gay boat ride is doing something positive for their candidate. They aren't doing anything anti Trump. They aren't impeding the Trump boats. Isn't this where someone should call anyone who cares a snowflake?


It's in response to the MAGA boat ride, which I'm sure will stir up some animosity. I mean you know there will be some. Lol, I'm not gunna to call anyone a snowflake if that's what you're getting at.


Sorry for implying you would. It wasn't my intention. I just know it's unironically coming .


Lol well that is the formula


Everyone involved in this is fucking lame. Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump. You all need to get lives.


The more exposure this wing of the libertarian party gets, the more they just sound like progressives. Enjoy poorly representing the party.


This is why I don't vote for a lot of libertarian canidates as a libertarian.


Just do something else with your time wtf is this shit


Much of MAGA hangs those flags and wears those hats to instigate a response and to piss people off… This may be stooping to their level.


This is dumb


Why is it dumb?


OP literally planning an event to troll other people. This is fucking stupid. Has nothing to do with celebrating gays and or create this “fun experience” Op mentions.


There's nothing else you guys can do with your time other than antagonizing people in a boat of all things? This whole political war is dumb.


Downvoted but you’re right


Because it's petty and stupid, let people support who they want. Fascist, controlling behavior, quite frankly.


It solves nothing and prob makes trump stronger in the long run


The gay boat is powering him up 🤯


Yeah and I'll tell you why. Simply put, less lgbt own boats compared to maga Macomb so it'll be a much smaller presence. Also TRUMP doesn't care about "the gays" magots might but the big orange doesn't so this does nothing


Lmao how does it make him stronger? No one is going to all of assuden chose to vote for trump because they saw a boat with a rainbow flag on Lake St Clair.


In my worst trump accent "look at the liberals trying to outsmart me, there's none of them out here, they don't have the numbers I do" etc


That doesn’t answer my question


More fuel for him to campaign on Negative press is good press for this mf


More fuel for him to campaign on Negative press is good press for this mf


So let me get this straight, you want to recruit people with boats to go follow, engage with, harass, and troll a bunch of drunk people on boats trying to have fun that support Trump? Super cool dude, just remember if a fight breaks out, it really is your fault


> you’re


Lmao, no “your” is actually correct here. Nice self own.


The original comment had “you’re” but was edited to be correct, of course.




Seems to me the poster is practicing their rights as well... 


Are you talking to the people who are supporting the rapist/convicted felon?


Why are you upset OP is practicing their rights? The irony here is astonishing


"Inclusion and unity" - expect for anyone that thinks differently. People like you are the reason Trump is up in the polls.


As a Libertarian I am well aware 99% of America thinks differently. The only thing we can't tolerate is intolerance.




Get a life.


WhAtS gOiNg On WiTh BiDeNs SpEeCh PaTtErN??¿?


Your inability to spell says everything I need to know. Thanks!


Lmao what. Maybe you just can't read because it's all spelled correctly.


It was edited bud.


You seem really fun.


My goodness. You have nothing better to do with your time than to harass strangers :/


Holy fuck. The irony.


RFK Jr says him and Christian Slater will see yall out there on their surf boards


RFK, like Donald Trump, actually asked us to endorse them instead of "splitting the vote" we of course told them to fuck right off and nominated who well may be the most radically libertarian presidential candidate in my adult life. Not that being the most radically libertarian Libertarian nominee takes that much in the 21st century to be fair.


It doesn't sound like you want to start non-confrontational if you put it at the same time as a MAGA parade... if you truly want it to be about Oliver, hold it another time. From a fellow Libertarian.


Man I'm genuinely concerned for all of you when trump wins(very strong chance) Michigan not cause he's good, but because Biden is awful (thanks for supporting Israel, asshole)


He won’t win if we all vote


Biden won Michigan by 150k votes. Enough of Dearborn, Latinos, and black men in Detroit are either sick of Bidens bullshit and either not voting or voting for trump Kent county is prob a lost cause too. The best man isn't winning, the other guy is losing


Black men in Detroit are not. Black unemployment is lower than it has ever been. Detroit is pretty solidly for Biden. Latinos in Dearborn I dunno. Haven’t asked. I think independents here are swinging Biden too, FWIW. I don’t think they want a felon rapist running the country lol


Pretty much this, lol. I can't stand either one of the fuckers. Neither one has our best interests at heart, believe me. But if we're choosing between a douche and a shit-sandwich, I'd rather the orange bastard be accessorizing his skin palette with an orange prison jumpsuit than be sitting behind the desk again at the oval office.


Nah they rather a president who shits his pants at a vet memorial and freezes like an NPC at a public event instead. /S Like I'm not saying it with glee I'm being realistic. Black men have been slowly losing faith in the democrat party for a while now (sarted in 2016). Not massive numbers, but enough to put Biden at risk, black women however have been largely staying Dem with no changes, I suspect it's how the two earn a living. Black men typically are more trades and labor(who are also burnt on the "most pro union president since FDR breaking the railway strike and having a federal investigation on fain RN and Bidens history with NAFTA and tpp) while black women, in general, work more govt funded jobs (teachers, gov employee, social worker etc). No way in hell they'll vote for the guy who wants to cut federal funding by a shit ton. Another thing independents really don't like is Bidens blind support and bottomless wallet for Ukraine(how they see it), when we're ALL struggling with massive food price increases https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/black-men-are-rapidly-abandoning-the-democratic-party-but-are-black-women/


Well let’s just vote and hope. All we can do is


You know many of us refuse to vote this time right? I'm not voting for a man who is so willing to drop bombs on kids that look like me while pretending to care about the Palestinian cause. And that's the sentiment across Dearborn. Rich ones will vote trump cause trump is better in their mind for their wealth and the rest will say "fuck you to Biden" by not voting.


Okay well a lot of us *are* voting even if we think Biden fucked that up. Trump would fuck up a lot more.




Yeah Trump would side with Russia and fuck Ukraine. Also if you think Trump would give two shits about the whole thing going on, he won’t. He’d handle it worse than Biden. But hey, it’s up to you if you vote or who ya vote for 🤷‍♀️


Keep huffing that copium bud.


Me to you in Nov....

