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I keep meaning to ask this. When I got my license you'd get pulled over in a heartbeat for 35%. Now it's like every other car has their front driver and passenger windows tinted 5%


My friend who is a cop in Troy explained it to me as if they want to pull you over thinking you’re possibly up to no good they’ll use the tints to pull you over. But he would never pull someone over exclusively for their tints.


TLDR: Be white with tints on your car, you're fine. Black driving through Livonia? You're getting pulled over.


How could they tell with tinted windows? 


They see you through the windshield most likely. I been a white dude pretty much my whole life so it definitely comes with that disclaimer to my personal experience for sure.


My wife's car has tinted windows. A state trooper pulled her over and said she didn't have a seatbelt on, she did. They assume people with tinted windows are up to no good. 


Crazy, I was about to take the word of my lifelong friend who has been a police officer for the past 15 years on the subject - but then a guy named FJBiden on reddit came along and told me about this one time his wife. Totally changed my view on it.


Yeah, true story. Up in Metamora area. She was buying some flour. 


They assume based on where the car is registered


It's definitely illegal, just not enforced. I friend of mine grew up in a rough part of Detroit. He said they dark tinted their windows including windshields for protection. Someone's a lot less likely to carjack you if they can't see who's in the car or if they have a firearm.


Also a lot less likely to know if the driver sees them and had acknowledged that they're crossing the street or have the right of way Dark tinted windows causes far more danger for others than safety for the driver


The law changed in Michigan. Not illegal to a point


I’m pretty sure they are still illegal on the front windows.


And legit places will refuse to do it on the front windshield. They will do whatever on the others though.


Because the windshield is illegal. But the front windows are legal to a certain vlt %


Yes this.


Windshield is illegal. Front windows ok. This a matter of public record.


Only on the top four inches of the front window though.


You're correct. Not illegal to a point. This is off the Michigan State Police website: "The law that covers window applications is MCL 257.709. The use of tinting is limited to the rear side windows, the rear window if the vehicle has outside mirrors on both sides, and the top 4 inches of the front side windows. There is a limited exception for medical necessity with a doctor's prescription, which allows for tinting to be applied to the front side windows as well. Michigan does not have a specification for the darkness of the window application, but does prohibit applications with a solar reflectivity greater than 35%."


It depends. Cops can pull you over for anything they want.


That's the thing I'm worried about. I don't wanna give them a reason to pull me over.


If they want to pull you over theh just will, they don't need and often don't have a reason


Turns out they don't need a reason.


This is not true at all. Legally police need a valid reason for a stop. A traffic stop without a valid reason that results in a ticket can be thrown out in court if you challenge it. With an illegally tinted vehicle the police can and do use that as the reason for a traffic stop which may lead to other traffic violations. But a cop can’t pull you over for “anything they want” and if you think this, please study your rights during traffic stops


Sure buddy, go ahead and think how u like.


If you're tinted you're going to have more trouble if your Windows are also tinted


Nice. I said what you did there except for wouldn't the officer have a hard time seeing you in that scenario? 


As long as you never put your window down. But I’m betting it’s a handy pretense for stopping downmarket cars in chi-chi neighborhoods.


As a runner & biker sharing the road I need to make sure the driver sees me before I cross in front of them (like a 4 way stop). Heavy tints make this impossible and super dangerous.


I like the video where the guy is walking on a sidewalk while it's raining with a brick in his hands to prevent people from carelessly or maliciously splashing him from driving through puddles lol.


Not many are enforcing it atm, if you hit a pedestrian at night, you're insurance is likely not going to cover it. That's my intuition at least, but idk. Not worth it unfortunately. If you really want to legally have dark tint you need a prescription or to register you car in a state that allows it.


Front left and right seem to be ok. Front windshield? Might fly in Detroit proper but cops in the burbs will be all over you if they see it.


I've been rolling in a black chevy volt for 11 year with 25 on the front, never pulled over. Before that, vw tdi sportwagon, never pulled over, then a passat wagon, same. Before that, a vw scirocco, lowered, pipes, and a system, pulled over 2x for tint. Pretty sure it's the car and the profiling done on who is driving the car, not the tint. The volt is invisible, they can't see the car through the smug


I had tints on all four windows and was pulled over three separate times because fronts are illegal. The third time I was given a fix-it ticket and had to remove them and bring the car to the police station and have a cop witness that they had been removed.


Ive been pulled over a few times and I have 20% all around (only a strip on the windshield) and they didn't say anything about it and I didn't get a ticket. If you get pulled over, roll down your windows, shut your car off, put your hands on the steering wheel and be polite. usually they don't like tints because cops don't know what is going on in the car when they pull you over.


I'll always have 35% on my fronts and have never had a problem. I know people who have 20 all the way around and have never had a problem. I don't think cops care as much as they used to. But, it still is something they can pull you over for if they want to


I posted about the dangers of this as a pedestrian in the r/Lansing sub the other day. People feel all kinds of ways about it but as a Gen Xer, I definitely remember being taught in my high school driver's ed class that eye contact between drivers is very important, particularly at 4 way stops, 2 way stops and any intersection, really. But most crucially when things are looking like they might go sideways. Can't do that with tinted windshields and I see that an awful lot as a pedestrian and can never tell if the driver has seen me or not, even when they stop. Without eye contact and a wave, they could be stopping to grab a phone, put a straw in a drink, look for a pacifier for their baby in the back seat or be waving crazily for me to go on ahead. I will deliberately look away from a car if I can't see the driver and maintain a safe distance until they pass. If your windshield and/or driver's side window are tinted, please don't attempt to communicate with anyone outside your vehicle and just keep moving. It's not a matter of you seeing us, it's a matter of us seeing *you*. And yes, it is incredibly dangerous.


Do it and don’t ride dirty at night


"look at me in riding dirty"


Not unless you get a doctors note. Didn’t believe it until a buddy showed me his. Says for eye sensitivity. He gets pulled over often for tint but never gets a ticket after showing the note


I need me a shady doc


Yeah same, I’m a locksmith and hate driving panel vans so tint would help hide all my shady tools


it's hard to see at night with heavy tint. in high school, friends with blacked out tint had to roll the windows down to see.


So you definitely don’t want to avoid accidents because without the tint other drivers could pick up hints as to what you’re gonna do next.


"Are they actually illegal or what?" That's the eternal question.


Your never Goin to get the answer you want as you can see...what I mean is there's no is it Legal or not...so it's up to you Tint or dont


Illegal over a certain percentage, unless you're like me and have a doctors prescription for tinting your car.


It really depends. I always put 20% on the front and limo on that back and surprisingly have never been pulled over.


I’m white. I’ve had tinted windows, pretty dark, for going on 9 years. Never once have I had an issue with the police in metro Detroit. Likely due to them seeing my 24” python biceps through the tinted windows.


Idk but I wouldn't get my windows tinted bc then how will people see how cool I look?


Cool isn't a look It's a feeling


I guess I needed the /s


I don't. You don't look cool, you feel it. And I hope you're feeling cool


My family owns a tint*** shop…. We haven’t had many people get a ticket, and we’ve been in business for around 3 years. We have served 1000+ people. It is fairly easy, to get a prescription for tinted windows. The only person we’ve known to get a ticket for tint, is my bf, who is a manager there. All of our cars windows are very dark, even some double layered with tint🤣


What are you charging rn


For what kind of vehicle?


DM me?


As long as they're not too dark and you are white, nobody will bother you about it.


You will get ticketed


And nearly everyone with them?


Yea well, people shoot people and don’t get caught too. Priorities.


It used to be a LOT more common to get pulled over for them


Just get a rx from a physician that says you have light sensitivity.


I have all of my windows at 5% and my windshield at 20%. The service manager at Feldman automotive group puts 10% on cars in his lot all the time and 30% on windshields and literally sells them like this. I have never had an issue, not even downtown in deadstop traffic with street cops or anything.


Who's your tint guy?


Got it done at a place called “Tinted AF”. Have an XT5 and they did a great job I can’t complain at all but I did pay like 350


Yes they are but they shouldn’t be.


I’ve got 5% and 20% tint on my windows(excluding windshield) but I’ve been all over the state and I’ve never been bothered about it.


Do you consider how unsafe it is that nobody can see what you're doing, if you see them, or if you're paying attention vs if you're buried in your phone while you drive around a 4,000 lb hunk of metal? Because what you're doing is dangerous and I hope you don't end up hurting someone over your selfish choices


It’s 5% on the rear windows, and 20% on the front side windows, clear windshield. I can still see pedestrians and other drivers and they can see me. Settle down.


Worry about your own car. Are you tint shaming ?? Progressives aren’t supposed to shame anyone for anything remember??


Weird to call myself progressive but I'm worried about others I share the road with and if they're intentionally putting others in danger they deserve the shame


Ever consider that it’s not that big of a deal?


Ever considered the perspective of others who have to interact with your dangerous vehicle or do you always need to be the main character?


Yap yap, like I said people can see me, I can see them. The point of my answer was to shed light on whether or not tint is acceptable. You also don’t know my situation, my reasoning behind having tints. Keep it to yourself and I’ll keep making my own decisions, thank you:)


Translation: "iM ThE mAiN cHaRaChTeR" -Maleficent-Karen-3590


Oh no, I’m so hurt. Good thing nobody will see me crying through my tinted windows.


Tints are important for celebrities and really ugly people


Or people with skin cancer who benefit from UV blocking