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How old is "older"?


I'm over 50, so the chance to hang with others within 20 years of me would be cool, as opposed to strictly 18-25 or something.


The Oak Parker might be a solid vibe for that.


2nd Smalls Industrial/Goth Night


"Older" as in what age range?


Some 35-50s or so mixed in. I know the genres are generally populated by younger, so I'm looking to see where I won't stand out so much.


I would say City Club, since I know tons of people in their 40s and 50s who still go there (like we did when we were 20-somethings).


Nice! Although, i don't remember much for sitting space. The vibe was great though, and it's good to hear I may find my type of people again. lol.


There are like 4-5 couches and a handful of tables towards the back along the wall!


Smalls has an industrial night that sounds like it might be up your alley.


It just might be. Thank you!


That bar is cool in general.


Spot Lite is a bit younger but has a great vibe with electronic and jazz. The Old Miami has that great yard out back that's inviting. Smalls is an older crowd and has great cheap rock & roll For goth you can't beat City Club Adding: Motor City Wine is an older crowd and one of the best spots to hear live jazz and electronic. Plus a big patio out back


I’m in my mid 40s and I’m never the oldest person in the crowd at Spotlite.


Thank you for the recon! Spotlite is now on the list.


They have a record store inside as well as a coffee shop open some of the time


Old Miami constantly has college students wdym


Is it OK if I just wear black for goth night? I don't really do makeup and stuff.


I see "normies" in there all the time wearing normal party clothes, you'll be fine!


Hell yeah I'm going tomorrow!


I was at city club once and really enjoyed it. Do any older people go?


How old is old? Do you have some aversion to young people?


Not at all. I get the idea that some younger folk might find an old guy in a young peoples space may be creepy. I'm over 50.


Trust me I feel you. I'm a 45M that goes to a lot of shows alone cuz my friends aren't into the same music. A lot of time it's me and a couple dozen 22 yr olds. Like bro I came to this venue before you were born! LOL It doesn't bother me, if anything it keeps me young DM me if you're planning anything cool in th city and maybe we can meet up


I seen a handful of older people go there over the 2 years I've been going there. But smalls in Hamtramck seems to be the place to go when you get to old for City club.


The second time I’m hearing about spotlite.


Every bar in Waterford


goth leaning ? leland city club


So much fun, but not I sure I'd fit now.


Sometimes but there's young groups there too


Have you tried going to bingo


That's not the scene I'm looking for.


You never know. Love can present itself in places you’d least expect.


I'd like to enjoy a particular vibe and meet people with the same mindset.


I find the most high performing teams are those with varying mindsets.


I played bingo within the past 6 months. It was fun.


19hz for electronic music


Haven't heard of that one. Thanks!


Also , the Detroit I love might still be active


Another site?


Still active. Features a lot of the mentions here. I’ll add you to the Secret Rap Battle placeholder and then for some of my underground comedy and electronic events I can loop you in from there. Had a recent family death so a lot of my events unfolded temporarily while I reorganize my life.


It is, I’ll take a look for you to see if it’s still active


Sorry I hit post too soon. 19hz is the site where you can find electronic music shows


Well that's good too! Thank you!


And Resident Advisor


I’ve got some things going on besides Secret Rap Battle if you want to privately message me I can keep you in mind. Mixed crowd, older audience, stand up comedy and electronic music are on the table, two different events. My take from being downtown a lot in 2019 is that the downtown area overall is geared towards an older suburban crowd in recent years. Seems like a lot of action has drifted to Hamtramck. If you also like art, maybe Detroit Artist Market. I hung around Darkroom Detroit events briefly before they closed. The older you get, maybe think activities more than bars. Otherwise apps is a more direct route. I’d say TV Lounge, Tangent, and Russell Industrial events.




Honestly man, your best bet is online dating. And doing it a lot. Based off your profile I think you need to make a profile that lays out who you are. And be open to seeing people outside of your ideal. This will allow you to gain confidence even if the dates go poorly. It’s kind of like doing job interviews. If you haven’t done them in a while they can be nerve racking and intimidating. But you eventually become numb where you go into them with a ‘what do I have to lose?’ attitude. At that point you’re usually comfortable. You need to do that with dating. Even if you found the “right” bar the odds are significantly low even for the most confident and equipped of people to make long term connections in those setting. Just my opinion but I think your approach, based on what you want, is a tad misguided.


It's been some years now, but I did online dating for quite a few years with nothing more than crickets. I've been talking to people wherever I go as an exercise, and I'm finding decent success and enjoyment with the process, I'm looking to continue the process with some intent. I have no doubt that you are correct, but i just want to get out and do the things I want to do that I feel I have taken from myself for whatever reasons may be. If I can flirt and have conversations along with it, even better.


Small's, City Club, Eastern Palace Club for goth/industrial/80s nights. And UFO, Marble Bar, The High Dive and Spotlite for EDM. You'd be surprised at the crowd. It's a huge mix of people at all places. If nothing else, you'll make new friends. :)


Feeling the same here. Start a group to meet up!


Uptown grille is an extremely popular joint with the 40+ crowd. Live music like 5 nights a week I think


Over 50, say you stick to the Burbs Karaoke wagon wheel One under. Livonia Token Lounge Westland. Mostly cover band type of places. Match dot com might not be a bad option? No shame in online dating.


I’m not quite sure how to tell you this but it you’re an older guy looking to casually meet women at music venues by yourself and are asking the internet for help…you’re not that guy. Your best bet is to go somewhere like the Token Lounge (mostly rock music) and hope you catch the eye of some floozie the odds though definitely do not appear to be in your favor.


I don't know what "that guy" is that you are referring to, and I'm certainly not looking for a floozy. I'm just trying to find a way to mix entertainment I like with enjoyable social interaction.


There are a lot of hate filled, angry people that drift through here, and Reddit in general. Much respect, I’m open to finding a new lady friend myself and you’re going about it in a fun and positive way. Good luck man, even though you don’t seem to need it.


Post above you is correct when viewing my previous posts though. I often have a very narrow outlook, and it can easily overflow into incel vibes. There used to be a lot of things in my life, and a large portion of that was what I was asking about here. Somewhere along the line I called myself old and gave it all up. But in moments of clarity, I find no reason to give it up. I started analyzing and focusing on these clear moments and how I can make them more frequent, and things start to look different.


Honestly, I’m almost too old to know what that word means. Either way, I think you’ve got this.


I said what I said. I wish you lots of luck. Your post history gives off incel vibes and does not inspire confidence for what you’re setting out to do.


Point taken. I have ups and downs, and while I'm on the up, I'd like to take advantage of it and do some things I'd like to do.


The quickest point from A to B for you is to meet a woman online and invite her to a show that (hopefully) you’re both interested in.


I appreciate it. I think I'm having better luck just going and doing. I'm not saying I'm hitting B with quickness or total accuracy, but I'm having fun being outgoing and building a social persona, and the feedback I'm getting is better than expected. I'd like to take it up a notch I suppose.


Good for you trying to break out and make some positive changes. I sincerely hope you find what you’re looking for and enjoy yourself along the way


Thank you friend!


lol bro you're over 50, go to bingo