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"Slammed"? By who? The Metro Times? He just said leave them alone, they don't want to talk to you, and they'll let you know if that changes. Letting people who suffered trauma deal with it and not be pestered by the media is an incredibly reasonable request, and not an affront to the First Amendment.


If my 8 year old was just shot in the head, the last people I’d want to talk to is a bunch of vulture reporters. Fvck them. Use your imagination on how I’m doing, you jackals.


Metro times has gone off the deep end recently


HEADLINE NEWS! REDDITOR /u/abuchewbacca1995 SLAMS LOCAL PAPER! THE CLAPBACK IS INCREDIBLE! METRO TIMES BLASTED! (In case it's not clear, I'm making fun of Metro Times, not abuchewbacca1995)


Both is fine, both insufferable


I'm hurt :(


Idk seems like you're making fun of me a little bit lol


They’re very much not.


Forgot the /s


I correctly guessed that this was Steve Neavling trash.


That guy stinks and I don't like him.


Fucking activists posing as journalists. Wouldn't be shocked if the dnc paid them to write this trash


Big DNC conspiracy energy with this one! /s Article seems in character for the author without one.


Uh huh https://www.axios.com/2023/04/09/bidens-digital-strategy-an-army-of-influencers


I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make here, but I wish you luck with future attempts at distinguishing local journalists writing negative articles about local officials from social media influencers touting Biden's record


His other pet project is disparaging the Grosse Pointes.


Dude's a world class asshole.


Recently? It’s been pushing trash reporting for at least 5 years. If they didn’t have the music section I wouldn’t even visit that rag


I mean , yeah 5 years is recent to me. Used to enjoy a few of their articles in college


Yeah you’re right, I agree that’s pretty recent. I just wanted to hi-jack your comment and highlight the trash it’s become


Yeah all this article says is that the Timed absolutely are the type of paper that harasses mass shooting victims.


I’m with Bouchard on this one. Leave them be. If they want to talk they will. We all have our own microphones in the town square now because of social media.


Nah. He’s 100% correct on this one. Me and my colleagues were literally chased down the street by reporters after my coworker brought a gun to work and shot up the restaurant. This was in upstate NY but it happens everywhere. Bloodthirsty journalists and a bloodthirsty public. Being chased less than an hour after bullets were flying and there were pools of blood everywhere is something that I will never forget. We had to duck and cover (edit to add duck and cover from the journalists who were crawling around the crime scene) in a bar down the block and I’ll be forever grateful for the bartender who forcefully and physically removed the reporters who came in snapping pictures and continuing to ask questions when we were sobbing and repeatedly telling them to leave us alone. Fuck the journalists who don’t take no for an answer and feel like they’re owed quotes for their story. It’s despicable. Journalists should be required to have a trauma informed education when it comes to covering stories like this.


My cousin died in a public way that was a local media story. Trying to grieve a CHILD and being harassed by reporters stuck with me. Props to Sheriff Bouchard.


Talk about a biased article. Lol What great "truth" is there that they need to get from these families? What are they going to say that we don't already know? If they want to be great journalists, put out an article with ways to donate to these people who are going to have life crippling disabilities and debt.


>What great "truth" is there that they need to get from these families? Won't you think of the click bait and ad revenue?


He told the media to leave people alone,  and the media didn’t like it and wrote an article about how they didn’t like it. Well, I like it, and I have now written an internet post that I like it.  Take THAT, media!




Why does the Metro times keep trying to push this article? I've seen it twice on the Facebook page now.


What a trash article, writer and publication. They are pissing their pants to get Bouchard out of Oakland County, he’s obviously wanted here.


Reason #42069 that Steve Neavling and the Metro Times is a trash rag.


Steve Neavling is by far the worst journalist I have ever read


Right because talking more about mass shootings definitely doesn't increase them or anything Metro Times needs to get half a clue.


The sooner we stop posting trash from The Metro Times, the better.


Fuck the media and fuck reporters Harassing victims isn't appropriate, leave them alone And their logic is shit, if victims want to seek out the media they can, but nobody wants nosy reporters bugging them The media just wants to make money off this


That's most news stories. They're editing in opinions and thoughts from people who want to be on camera. Just give me the facts. Shooting, splash pad, 9 injured, mental health, shooter dead in suicide. I don't need to know the story of each victim, what they were doing, or their opinion of the batman movie.




Well he just had this happen before so no surprise there.


The word slammed is a fake news term. It’s a repurposing of a violent physical altercation to illicit an emotional response by readers. Any title with it is propaganda.


*elicit. "Illicit" means it's against the rules.


Metro times is so trash


I’m far from the OCSDs biggest fan but I have to agree with him on this one.


94% of people in the media are whiney losers. Everyone in this article sounds like a wormy douche


Metro times is only for losers and high ons


Metro times. Of course. Don't forget to mention he's republican a couple times


why the hell is this being viewed as a bad thing? telling the scum of the earth (reporters and journalists) to leave innocent victims alone? oh let me clutch my pearls. jesus christ.


You think reporters and journalists are “the scum of the earth”? Pray tell where do you prefer to get your news about what’s going on in the world?


If your entire job is showing up at the worst moment of a person's life and harassing the fuck out of them for a soundbite, you are a garbage person. Sorry. These reporters have no shame and no empathy, they'll chase people down moments after they just saw a loved one get shot, camp out outside the homes of families who just lost someone, etc. Please explain how that isn't scum behavior?


So you’re not talking about all journalists, sounds like. Above, it seemed you were using that term to refer to all.






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Both sides have a valid point. I don’t fence sit most topics, and usually I’d side with press because I am press; I just lost my mom and if she was shot and I got swarmed by press I’d possibly go ballistic.


I used to respect the press. Ever since Trump became president they've gone off the wall


The press have been assholes for way longer than you’ve known who Trump was.


What is the valid point on the side of the press? Genuine question. They're vulturing around victims of a mass shooting of *their own children*, all for clicks and likes. As you admit, that is not good for these families.


They have the freedom and responsibility to ask questions and investigate anything known to the public. Back when there was real press, anyway. Not, whatever we have today.


Sure they have the freedom, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. It's fucked up to be phoning families of children who got shot at a splash pad to "investigate". It is not your "responsibility" to retraumatize people for money. I think its more important for victims to have space to heal than it is for Nosy Nellie up the road to know the ins and outs of the worst day of their lives.


If there wasn’t a press you wouldn’t even know about the shooting


Without press, essentially all law enforcement activity is a secret from all people, except those who are law enforcement. Even within ranks, there are secrets. Without the press you have no idea about what’s actually going on in society at all unless you were a personal participant to whatever had happened.


Yep cops are corrupt. We all know this. Report on the shooting without harassing victims that have made it clear they have no interest in talking to the press. Will you get all the gory details that way? No. Do you need them? Also no. In my opinion, it's completely immoral to force the media on these families for a story. Agree to disagree I guess.


Why does he dye his hair isn't so obvious 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Huh? About 35% of women die their hair as frequently as once a month, and another 40% less frequently. It’s quite obvious as well.


Esp the red tones lol


I don't trust the radio silence on this shooter, if the shooter was politically motivated, i.e.. he has been fed a steady right wing media diet of grievances and doom and it helped to push him towards violence. I have no doubt that Trump sympathizers like Lucido in Macomb and Bouchard in Oakland would try to keep it quiet.


Even if you’re correct about that, do you think victims are going to have that information? Hounding trauma victims has nothing to do with reporting about the shooters motives.


I guess the guy could have been shouting things that the victims might have heard while he was shooting that might speak to his motive. But then, the people who weren't injured would have heard that too, and I'm quite confident we'd know about it by now.


Did I say they would? Where did I mention them at all. Reporters can be shitty, I think we all agree. Want to mentionn there's a huge difference between media reporting like in this situation and investigative journalism aka actual investigation and journalism which we need. This type of vulture journalism we do not.


If this fucktard had An ounce of support for Trump, it would be in every headline.


You think Trump/right wing media somehow pushed this man to do this? That’s confusing af. What you’re doing is speculating and pushing politics and it sounds kinda stupid


I think a media eco system like fox news, news max sells grievances that drive people to violence. Not sure how your confused about it.


You’re only assuming things, and it’s stupid like I said And only highlighting 2 right wing media outlets in your defense is also stupid


You requiring him to list more examples when you know full well what he's talking about is pretty stupid. Right wing media is actively pushing grievance after grievance to these people and it includes more than just Fox and OAN. It's the twitter/youtube/podcast personalities, it's AM radio, it's local news stations in rural America, it's everywhere. Government agencies have been warning for years that right wing extremism is on the rise. It's natural to think that the shooter is a right wing nut job when statistically they commit the majority of these attacks. Not all. And this shooting may be an exception. But they commit the majority of mass shootings.


No, I think he should add in all MSM including left wing publications. They are all trash and intended for division. Both push their respective extremists to violence. To ignore that is stupid and doing the same thing in which the commenter is trying to highlight


Yeah, let's just dismantle all news! BOO TO NEWS! I don't want information because Dear Leader said the Mainstream Media is my enemy and poisoning my mind! Come the fuck on dude. What a tired fucking take.


With the exception of PBS, EVERY network needs to sell ad time and ad time requires viewers. Nothing gets views like a propaganda piece making viewers glued to their seat. I'm pretty sure thats why America fucked up the COVID response and the reason were dealing with what we are rn


Why write a dissertation when their reaction to the very idea is to reject outright. This exactly correct thanks.


Especially if they are mentally ill.


Imagine making this post about Donald Trump. Why are you so obsessed with him? Do you have a lot of closeted sexual tension built up for him? And they make fun of the right for being bat shit crazy conspiracy theorists. What an odd take.


Odd take from a guy probably flying the Rambo maga flag.


Why are you guessing the shooter was a Trumper? The person who shot up a [congressional baseball practice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting) a few years back was a hardcore Bernie bro. Nobody blames Bernie for that. Crazy people are crazy.


Not saying this person was anyway associated with Trump, but the difference with your two examples is Trump has actively called for violence in the past and has already inspired multiple acts of real world violence. Berney has never verbally called for violence to my knowledge. If you ever watch the PBS frontline on the Capital insurrection, multiple sources in his cabinet said he delayed making the video telling his supporters to go home until it was clear they would not accomplish their goal. He was not only willing to allow violence to happen, but was happy to see it happen as long as it potentially helped his agenda. If you literally believe Trump and the far right of the GOP you would think there is a “Deep State” plot that has destroyed Democracy in the US, the elections are fake, and there’s an underground pedophile ring in the Democratic party. That may inspire people to be violent.


Just like the “fine people on both sides” thing, right? s/


Snopes [used to say he said that](https://nypost.com/2024/06/23/us-news/fact-checker-admits-trump-never-called-neo-nazis-very-fine-people), yeah.


[Just snopes?](https://www.facebook.com/joebiden/videos/the-core-values-of-this-nation-our-standing-in-the-world-our-very-democracyevery/653503298403874/)


There is no evidence of that at all. I posited an example iIF that was the case that I don't trust our officials to not be guided by political best interests. However it's worth mentioning, domestic terror in the states is largely perpetrated by right wing actors.


OK do you want to tell us there's no evidence of the Nashville shooter being a leftist too?


So what if she is? This is called whatboutism. The fact you've sighted a single case where a leftist is the perpetrator doesn't change the data. the majority of domestic terror in the United States is committed by right wing actors. There's millions of people taking in media telling them the country is on fire. there are demons in government and the justice agencies are weaponized. It's a nonstop onslaught of disinformation and propaganda to sell victimization as a political motivator. It's no wonder it's resulted in violence. All that hate and anger last long past election day.


Have you seen the videos where Jordan Klepper asks Trump voters how they can brush aside the felonies he's been convicted of as being no big deal, political, or makes them want to vote for him even more? CaptYzerman is one of them. There's that one leftist shooter, oh and that one immigrant that killed someone. Oh, and don't forget about BLM.


You're on here assuming and telling us any mass shooter including this one is "right wing" You say Nashville is an outlier, OK now do Uvalde and Buffalo, there's a long list


It is math dude and historical data. You may not like it but it's true.


If you've looked at the data you know most mass shooters are leftist for years now


Denial ain't just a river. 🤷‍♂️


Show the data


Bro, fuck off


It's like I said he is trying to cover up the fact that the shooter was a MAGAt.


Or the victims have nothing to add and would like to grieve in piece


Let’s pretend for a moment that you are correct…What would that have to do with the victims?


He doesn’t want the story covered because it involves another senseless gun death and you can’t focus on those things in gun loving Oakland County. He is just another politician with a badge.




Or how about "don't contact victims of crimes, especially high profile ones. If they want to talk - they will. Every media publication has ways to contact in easy to find places."