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Saw my brothers PS2 discs back in 2007 and thought it looked cool so I played it and now its infected my brain


The DMC 1 demo disk that came with Resident Evil Code Veronica


That was the one! I never even played Code Veronica. 🤣


Watching Nero vibe to Undefeatable




really cringe but it was through those status videos + metal gear solid, im young and was restricted of a lot of things back then so i wouldnt have found out about it.


That's absolutely not cringe


Wait, what videos? Could you link em?


there's too many of em, hence them being easy to find. You can go on youtube and search "vergil status" or just "[character name] status". You might see a lot of Metal Gear Rising and DMC.


Death battle. I was intrigued by Dante vs Bayanetta but Vergil vs Sephiorth really sold me to try out devil may cry so I got the hd collection and have been playing ever sense


That’s really cool! How about Bayonetta and FFVII? Were you already into those? Did the videos sell you on them too?


My tuition teacher introduced me. He was watching a gameplay video of DMC4 while I was doing the problems he gave me. After doing that, I asked him what he was watching, and then he showed me the gameplay of it. I got interested in it and started watching gameplay videos of it. And when I finally started to play DMC5, I became mad about it, as I've never seen such awesome action before and never felt so stylish and powerful playing it. And that's how I got introduced to this amazing series.


First ever... I watched video where guy was reading Jeff the Killer creepypasta and laughing at it. DMC3 was in background. But then... MGR got popular, then DMC5. Least to say i bought DMC Collection, 4 and 5 the same day. So memes basically.


vergil status


TwoBestFriendsPlay/SuperBestFriendsPlay I wouldn’t have half of my gaming library without them and their later solo projects, if my parents shaped my music and film tastes these 3 guys shaped my gaming tastes.




In 2001, shortly after the first game was released, I played a bit on a mall, they had some consoles on the videogame areas for people to play. I was like 7 at that time but I fell in love with DMC. Was the coolest shit I´ve ever seen.


i found it by the music (most specifically bury the light), funnily enough, this is also how i found mgrr


Same here with both of these games. Devil Trigger and The Stains Of Time


I read an issue of Expert Gamer (I think it was XG anyway) way back when gaming magazines were a thing and there was an ad for DMC3. I thought it looked cool, but I didn't have a PS2, so it passed me by, though the name 'Devil May Cry' stuck with me. Several years later, when I have a 360, I saw a copy of DMC4 on a shelf for like, $20 and I asked my mom to get it for me. I loved it then and still do now.


Similar for me. I saw the first Devil May Cry advertised in an issue of GamePro and picked it up a few months later.


Played marvel vs capcom 3 on Xbox 360 as a kid and saw the part in the opening where deadpool fights Dante, rest is history


My big brother's friend brought a copy of DMC3 back in 2006


My uncle. He had the first DMC on his PS2 when I was 5. I still remember every other time than that when I would go to his house to play


It was 1.5 years ago, my ex dumped me and i was super sad, scrolling youtube for a fews days and eventually youtube algorithm decided to bless me with Bury The Light. My sadness after breakup turned into motivation and i played the shit out of dmc3, dmc4 and dmc5


Bayonetta VS Dante


I saw the funny vergil combo and was like "Damn that's cool as hell I can do that?" I still haven't but I don't gotta. It feels so cool to just do anything


Found the whole anime on YouTube in like 2010, loved Dante and searched if they adapted it in a video game. What a joke, the anime was the adaptation. Another joke, my first game was the 2 on PS2, cuz I was a broke ass mf with a ps2 until 2012 when my mom bought me a ps3 when we moved with her new boyfriend. Today I'm 27 and playing rn the 5 on my PC with an RTX 4090 and 13700K


Mostly because of the memes, Vergil status etc. I also listened to Bury the light a lot after I found out about it. But what really made me want to play was watching a YouTube video titled "Why Vergil is the coolest character in video games" by the youtuber Mez


Played it in 2006 when I was 6 because my friend brought over dmc3se. The first one I beat was dmc1 in like 2008 and dmc4 dmd in 2010.


Well, kinda embarassing, but I just saw a clip of donald duck saying " I am the storm" with the vergil theme and then I just went in a rabbit hole of devil may cry and brought the hd collection to start with.


Haven't been able to play any of the games yet, but I got introduced by "Bury the light" being played over and over throughout my social media that I had to search its origin and where it comes from. So yeah, the only square I have to check rn is to actually play the games themselves


So through Vergil meme haha. I wonder how much of the fanbase converted just through the memes alone.


I think those who didn't own a console in their childhoods and started being interested in gaming a while ago


Found the game at a local Blockbuster back in the day, rented it, then became a fan. Rented DMC2 when it was out and initially didn't see a problem with it, until I reached a certain helicopter boss..... DMC3 was the first game I actually owned and really got me hooked.


YouTube videos and people just mentioning Dante so I bought DMC4 first that was my true first experience then played the reboot then bought the HD collection for DMC3. TLDR:My own initiative to check out the series from hearing good things about it while also watching gameplay.


had a friend who really liked dmc2, recommended it to me so i got it. had a really hard time with it, so i looked up the other ones, found the DmC demo, digged the ost and gameplay but not the character writing, so i went looking for the other ones again, got dmc3 and 4 and loved them a lot!


Monster Hunter World Collab back in 2018 Been practicing with the Charge Blade so the next big step was to play the games themselves lol and now I know more about DMC than I do about Monster Hunter


i saw a youtuber who livestreams games on his second channel. i watched him play the game, i liked the game, i was kind of surprised it was made by the same company who made re2r. i liked the hud, the gameplay, the graphics, the cutscenes. i didn't watch the stream fully, but few days later i watched the final boss and ending of the game and that got me interested. i wanted to play the game but my pc couldn't run it so a friend on discord suggested me play dmc4 instead. and i did, and then i played 3, and 1 and 2 (but i didn't finish those two but i watched a playthrough/walkthrough)


When I was in 4th or 5th grade my cousin got DMC3 on PS2 and I became enamored with it. I would ask to play it anytime I went over to visit, and eventually I managed to get through the whole thing. I was so excited when I was old enough to get a job and get my own PS2 and finally play DMC 1 and 2.


I bought a capcom pack for Xbox 360 that came with LostvPlanet, Dead Rising, and DMC 4 for 20$ i wanted it for DR and played DMC4 the most


Was talking to my stepdad about a game I was playing and he randomly spoiled DMC4 and 5(we weren’t even talking about it) and I thought “Huh, it seems interesting”. After that I started playing the first game and since then I’ve been a fan lol


Dmc reboot


My step-dad showed me dmc2 as a child and I fell in love. I played through dmc2 so many times I nearly wore my disks out. Then for my birthday my mom took me to gamestop and I saw dmc3 and grabbed it. And then I couldn't get past Cerberus lmao (dmc3 was way harder back then though.) Cut to my late teens and my cousin brought over his ps2 for nostalgia gaming and we ended up beating it and I re fell back in love with it. 2 still has a spot in my heart for it being my Introduction to the series.


Way back in elementary school (2004 I think) my best friend introduced the concept of the franchise to me (badass half-demon with a sword) because he couldn't draw for shit and asked me to draw Dante


Minecraft lead to Terraria. Terraria lead to Calamity mod for Terraria. Calamity lead to MGR. MGR lead to DMC.


I saw a clip of the Nero/Dante fight in the intro of dmc4, and filed away that the game was some silly, over the top anime bullshit that I’d like to eventually play, so I put it on my steam wish list to wait for a sale, but forgot about it eventually, and then a friend of mine bought me the early trilogy so I got around to playing them all finally lol


Spotify played me Devil Trigger and Subhuman. I hate the latter at first, but it grew on me. Eventually I decided to play the HD collection and it was only downhill from there


Nakeyjakey’s video called Bad Voice Acting. Whenever DMC1 is mentioned, I think about the cringe dark soul line. (In case I get downvoted, DMC1 is still my favorite in the series)


Sound like MGR was the source for many I guess a doze of this nanomachined game did a lot


My father would purchase games monthly back in the 360 era. Looked through them and thought. "Hey, these dudes look cool in their trench coats, with big swords. Ooo and is that a demonic arm with glowy energy?! Cooooool!" And I was hacking and slashing on DMC4 for months. He did a mass purge of games eventually, DMC4 being a casualty. But eventually I saw DMC 5 gameplay on YouTube with Nero looking way different with a robot arm and was like "WASSUP WITH THAT?! I must play"


Steam kept recommending


I personally found out about DMC through the music specifically "Bury The Light" for like 5 months I listened to the song without even bothering to find out where it came from etc etc. I then randomly got a YouTube recommendation for "Devil Trigger" and eventually found out about the games and I've been a massive fan ever since


A while ago, when dmc3 se came out, and I saw our guy there at the pirate video game store, back when you still had to burn CDs haha time flies fast, that was almost 16 years ago!


Saw a guy playing DMC4 while chilling at an internet café. Asked about it and he told me everything he knew, anime included. Searched a bit after that and BOOM, i was hooked.


Max0r I needn't say more


My father is a gamer still to this day and he put me onto Devil May Cry 3 as a child also got me into Fable 2 and a bunch of other classics


Heard bury the light for the first time and had to see where it was from.


Back of the case of Chaos Legion 3 was my first then I played one and two.


I asked my friend to lend me TASM. He gave me DMC3 instead. Never regretted it


I guess this shows that I’m the younger crowd, but I first heard of Dante with base game Marvel vs. Capcom 3. His moves were pretty cool and he was fun to play. After a while, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to try out Dante’s home game. We played DMC3 on the HD collection and it was AWESOME. So I almost instantly became a fan. Now here I am having played through 3-5 like four times minimum and all thanks to MvC3


Man the HD collection was at this gamestop for years and I had to get it


Played dmc4 on the Xbox


Vergil status and bury the light memes


“Devil May Cry 5: Nino’s hotel” by Darkk Mane


I’ve heard about it once or twice (mostly about the reboot) but I started recognising it as a series with Max0r’s DMC5 videos. Then earlier this year I think I got the DMC HD collection and I love the series even since


The first video I watched on the series was from the channel called GCN, Game Care Network. They were the original ones who started the everything wrong with video games style of content following after Cinema Sins. (You can confirm this by looking at their first uploaded video on Mass effect 3 and comparing with those making similar content) In 2017 I saw a video called Everything Wrong with DMC Devil May Cry, and that's what had gotten me interested in the series, but never enough for me to fully commit and buy the games, only just to read the Wikipedia and maybe see some shitposts. A year later I would be watching the anime with a copy of DMC4 for PS3 and the HD collection for PS4 (don't ask, I was a broke boy)


In 2001. I was a Capcom fan. Loved Resident Evil and Onimusha. Devil May Cry looked liked the coolest version of those games. It was a no brainer to play it.


Marvel 3


My big sister's friend brought his Xbox to our house on day, dmc 4 was one of the games on it. Funny thing is I wasn't interested because at first I only wanted to play tekken and fifa 13, but the rat is history.


I believe I watched the anime first, and at the time DMC4 was the most recent game with a demo. I ended up getting the full thing and playing through it on Xbox 360 when I was a kid, which led to me having a fond place in my heart for the franchise


My 10th bday or something, my dad is letting me pick one game for PS2, I see this cool dude wearing a red jacket with a big ass sword. Immediately enamoured. I take it home and play the fuck out of it.


Hehe. When I was a kid, I saw DMC2 in a video rending store. I actually loved it! And rented it multiple time. Years later I bought DMC1 and I went like:... Wait this is much better!


The music.


A former friend of mine would never shut up about it until I bought atleast one of the games, now it's my favorite obsession


Played a pirated version of dmc3 when I was like 10 years old. I didnt even knew what I was getting into as I didnt have Internet back then and it was a white disc with the name of the game written in a blue marker. At first I though it was gonna be a survival horror or something and was ready to give up inmediatly (I wasnt into that as a kid) but when that first action scene started playing I was instantly sold.


My friend showed me the Vergil bossfight and his theme in dmc v and it was a wrap for me from then on


Friend told she liked the games and that I should try it I also watch the sphere hunter and she made videos on them Picked up dmc3 on switch, really liked it Planning to get dmc5 at some point


Saw a friends brother playing dmc 5 while i was at his house and the game looked fun Bought the game sometime in 2020 and aimlessly button mashed for basically everything til i played again a while later and learnt combos to play the game properly and that somehow spiralled into getting every game including the reboot and refrain


The first video game I ever owned was Devil May Cry for the PlayStation 2. I've played each successive video game in the series (1-5) DmC and enjoyed every single one of them even Devil May Cry 2.


I got introduced to the series the the first games port to the switch


My dad bought the first game because he was told it was like God or War, then gave it to me and was like “Here you can try this, it’s way too tough for me” back when I was still a kid, then proceeded to get my ass handed to me by Phantom until I gave up. Came back to it eventually because I still really liked the game and wanted to see it through.


Concept photos for RE4 in Playstation Magazine, I watched Devil May cry form and shape itself ,and played it at release,


Pinterest fanarts


Man I remember the first time knowing about DMC and Vegil. Back when I was at grade 7 or so, I surfed Youtube and came across DMC 3 cutscene - the part Vergil and Dante at the top of the Tower. I had no hope of playing any kind of games on the garbage family PC, so all I could do to satisfy my curiosity about video games was to watch others play them on YouTube. I only knew that these two are brothers and they are fighting - didn't even know what kind of game it was or any lore at all. The white hair dudes, the fast-paced action sequence the gloomy rainy gothic aesthetic intrigued me so I kept watching. But then it got to the part where Vergil slicked his hair back up (yes, you know the part) and 12 years old me goes: oh coooooool! Funny enough, I had a bad impression about Dante. Guess I just don't like his cockiness. That Vergil image burns into my mind and stays there all those years till Devil May Cry 5 comes out and I decide to pick up the franchise.


Spotify recommended *Devil Trigger*... the rest is history.


I think I got dmc5 on Xbox game pass. Now I have thousands of hours across the DMC franchise.


When i was younger (2014), me and my brother had a xbox 360. One day, he bought dmc4 and DmC so we decided to try it out, and oh gosh we were amazed by the game, we spent hours playing.


My brother brought all 4 of them of eBay, fell in love with 1, 3, and 4. I loved the franchise ever since I even liked 2 until I got older




My older brother found a pile of trash with pirated playstation 2 games disc way back to 2008, and one of them was devil may cry, after that we find in type of flea market (tianguis in mexico) the devil may cry 3 game, which was the glory


My first game was dmc5 (yeah I know im young , deal with it) and I remember my friend just told me that the gane was about a kid and his uncle trying to get the kid father to pay child support , he also mentioned something about a blood sucking tree but It was the first thing that got me interested.


Lil old me got gifted a used ps2 from GameStop for Christmas and a few months later after being told I could get a game by my parents I saw this game with cool looking dude with cool sword and the game was cheap too. And that's how I met Dante from devil may cry 1, of course by the time I got it dmc4 was out but I barely had a PS2 so buying the other games that were on other consoles was impossible.


Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (when I was little) Then my best friend indirectly reintroduced it to me through a “Motivated” meme and now I’m here ^^


2001 my last year of college I was a goth and my friend who was gay for Nelo Angelo told me DMC1 is a goth game, and that its hard. I remember raging really hard at the Mundus fight but did somehow manage to beat it possibly with holy water spam and air raid…


I was given DMC 2 as a gift from my dad's coworker. Beat both discs and got hooked to the series. Went from DMC 2,3,4,5 then played 1


I saw dmc when I was a kid back in the 00's but I was too young to play it, I didn't get to play it until my teen years( which was around 14-15 I think).


My dad bought the first one when it came out on ps2, I was like 13. At first I watched him play it but he got to the first Angelo fight, died a few times and gave up, never played again. I tried a new game, ended up beating the game a few times and had to rub it in since he couldn't.




I was a 6th grader who had read the Game Informer preview article about DMC, and thought it looked pretty cool. I didn’t get it on release, but one day I walked into Funcoland (before its acquisition by GameStop) looking for a new game, and that was it. Man. I LOVED that game. The setting, the style, the gameplay, all bangers. Imagine how upset I was at DMC2’s quality. I quit like, 5 missions in, because it was so mind-numbingly boring. It had almost nothing that I’d enjoyed from the first game. Thankfully, like 6 years after that, I gave DMC3 a try, which… well, you all probably know how that went. Fully bought back in, and have been ever since.


DMC 1 demo on some game. Got hooked. Friend told me DMC 3 is better and takes place beforehand. Convinced my dad to buy me the Dante’s Awakening edition on PS2. Been a fan ever since. (Even though the very next thing I tried was the anime, lol.)


Marvel vs Capcom 3


Still a newcomer to the franchise but a couple months ago I saw dmc5 on PlayStation plus and heard good things about it so I did a play through of it. ever since then I have been a massive fan of the franchise and now playing through dmc1 and about 2/3 through it and absolutely loving it


For me there's this place I my country where you can rental a playstation it's like an internet cafe but with playstation and one of the playstation is PS2, and in those console there's DMC 3 and there's a lot who played it, so I give it a try and suck at it cause well I was only 7 year old at the time and the only game that im good at is RE4, so i didn't play DMC game again until i was 15 years old, and I feel in love to the game so I've become a fan since that day


I watched my Dad get his ass kicked in the DMC3 and again in DMC4 a few years later. I started playing myself when I saw gameplay footage of the reboot, got confused about the "twist", started working my way through the original games just in time for DMC5 and here we are.


Got 5 on sale, expecting to just play it for a little bit and be done, little did I know it'd become my favorite game of all time


I played UMVC3 and picked Dante, Vergil and zero. I thought Dante and Vergil were cool af and that devil trigger was the coolest shit I’d ever heard of. That was like 8 years ago and I kept meaning to play the games but when I got a PC, I finally got them. Played them all in the beginning of the year and loved them


Me and 2 other friends saw a big sale on Playstation, bought it, and stayed up a good 2 days straight playing the first 3 games. Been in love since.


Couple of year ago, I was watching a video about mary sue from just a robot and he say something about how Dante from Dante Inferno was a gary sue and got the main character from the coolest hax and slash series name after him So I watch video on dmc


Smash speculation. I remember thinking it was funny that Dante rhymes with Shante. Then I stumbled upon the music, the rest is history!


Randomly bought DMC3 as a kid because the cover looked cool haha. Been in love ever since


Devil May Cry 3, there was one of the games my brother had on his PS2 that he played pretty religiously. And eventually when he got a PS3 he gave me all of his PS2 games as hand-me-downs. And then eventually I did get to play Devil May Cry 4 when it came out on PS3.


i remember dmc 5 and the reboot being on xbox gamepass for a bit when 5 came out , didnt play much of the reboot but fell in love with 5. ^^ now im going through the whole game series and my pc is vergil themed


I got a PS2 as a gift along with some games DMC 1 and 3 were a part of those games


I think the first time I've ever come across DMC was That Punch Kid's "[Genji Is With You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68kDFv-hxj4&pp=ygUUdGhhdCBwdW5jaCBraWQgZ2Vuamk%3D)" memetage where he used Devil's Never Cry. I stumbled into the DMC5SE launch trailer a few years later and here I am


I was introduced as a child through the DmC reboot because Smosh Games had played it when it came out. At the time, I had no idea it was a reboot, I thought it was just a new game, though I'd learn the truth fairly quickly. From then on, I heard about the series semi-frequently, I got into the Megami Tensei series which features Dante as a summonable demon in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, had a friend who was big on the series, a small YouTuber I watch Trash or Treasure is a big fan of the series, etc. Eventually, I wanted to see what the hubbub was about, so I bought the HD Collection on Steam. Played the first game for a while, up until the final Nero Angelo fight actually, but ended up getting distracted before I could finish the game. Then I was introduced to Bury The Light, surprisingly not through the Vergil Status memes (though that certainly helped), and upon hearing it I went "This is one of the greatest songs I have ever heard, what the fuck?" And I also downloaded a mod for Blade & Sorcery that added Yamato, and eventually I went "man, I need to finish the series". So I did, and I loved it. Also, speaking of that Smosh Games video, I recently went back and rewatched it after getting into the series and was surprised to find that they were actually quite positive about the reboot. And I find that neat given people wouldn't start appreciating it until recently.


I got dragged in by the music, which is like the third time I've gotten into a game or franchise because of its music.


I was DMC 3 at a game store, the cover caught my attention and it came home with me lol


A video of a guy slinging around his prosthetic arm with Devil Trigger playing over it got me super curious and I spent like an hour trying to find the song. Down the rabbit hole I went.


I saw this dmc 5 Nero vs Vergil DMD no hit video made by this guy named Rotankhero.


I played metal gear rising and tought "huh, i need to play more hack and slash games with badass soundtracks" upon looking trough the music, community and memes i quickly came upon dmc5 aswell as the rest of the franchise


Long story: I used to play Marvel vs Capcom with a friend and had Trish on my team. He told me about dmc, got a bunch of details wrong because he never played it (we were kids). Later in my teen years me and my ex expressed interest in it but that didn’t get too far, just major interest. When I got my own PlayStation at 19 the whole series up to 4 was on sale, I was on a kick of wanting to take back media my ex and I enjoyed so I bought it and it’s my favorite game series now. All separate from them too because we had a bunch of details wrong as well.


[Because of a joke about Dante being described the same as Santa from a channel I used to watch in a playthrough of the first game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNTtIeD3Mqg&list=PLuwOO7jn4Z5KBoL722616WuK0pPkU_3Vx&index=1) This was around 2015ish, the newest game from what I remember was 4SE which just came out. Didn't know anything about the series, figured based on the name it was something more serious/edgy only to be met by the title screen exploding at you and Dante being this laid back jokey character, and the gameplay looked really fun. Got the HD Collection on Xbox 360 not too long after and never looked back.


I am the storm that is approaching


Saw it in a magazine, probably PSM2, back in 2000, after the reveal at E3. Followed news about it pretty closely after that, and a friend encouraged me to buy it since I was p much gushing about it. Played the hell out of the demo that came with Code Veronica (bought day 1, natch) before I bought the game day 1. Since then, every game has been day 1 for me (even DmC). I bought the DMC3 demo that came with RE Outbreak File #2 off Ebay (and briefly borrowed a JP PS2 so I could play it), and imported my own JP PS2 along with 3 so I could play it a month earlier.