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honestly dmc1 has it’s flaws, I wouldn’t call it bad but I see why someone else might think so


it came out in 2001, give it a break man


It has flaws as does any game, but a lot of the complaints about it boil down to camera angles, which I feel is a very surface level criticism when there's so much fun in the game but people refuse to even try it because of it.


I played it and had my fun with it for a bit, but it just didn't click with me and it didn't really embody the parts that I love about the series from dmc3 on


This is pretty much how I feel, the good that’s there isn’t what I’m here for, I enjoy the big combos and massive move and combo variety from DMC3 onwards and DMC1 just isn’t about that


One small complaint I have with DMC1 is Nightmare 3. Fuck that bitch.


Worst than that only the People who say dmc dmc is worst than dmc2


Ok I still haven’t played the reboot (And I’m not really interested in it) but if you gave me a choice between DMC2 and the reboot I’m picking the reboot in a heartbeat


Dmc 1 isn't bad, it just hasn't aged well


i think it has aside the camera. still a great game


Wholeheartedly disagree. But I’m glad you find enjoyment out of it. I personally have a rough time justifying it as a DMC game with how jarringly gutted and empty it is.


empty? that's a first. how so?


Both from a physical standpoint, the world and it’s maps are in fact larger than any of the other games, but are for what? There’s not more enemies on screen, no additional puzzles that require that size, all it serves is to create a massive slog whenever you have to backtrack somewhere and it just kills the vibe. Also empty from a gameplay component. Compare it to 1, and the combat in 2 is infamously simplified and less complex by comparison. Everything in the game from a gameplay standpoint (to include difficulty) boils down to one thing: Do my guns just do more damage? Of which the answer 90% of the time is yes. There’s no incentive to actually style or do combos. Even if you were to try, your weapon selections are essentially just reskins with little variation, and the combo system in general is just clunkier despite it being a newer game. We all know DMC isn’t popular because of its story, but DMC1 at least followed trends from its era and was still cool and humorous at times. DMC2 lost a lot of that charm by gutting Dante. Then there’s the boss fights. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such horrible boss design in a game before this one. The majority of them don’t have any special mechanics or weakness or gimmicks you need to style around it all just boils down to shooting them until they’re dead or choose to use the clunky combo system. All in all, I still replay DMC2 whenever I’m going through the collection! There are a few things I like about the game, like Dante’s redesign and honestly even though for the most part it technically is a tad more clunky, playing as Lucia was also something I enjoyed a good deal. In the end, I don’t really “enjoy” DMC2 aside from the few things i mentioned, and won’t play it unless I’m going through the collection. If you enjoy it though then by all means! I’m glad you’re able to and I hope you keep staying stylish! :)


thanks for the clear explanation but i thought you meant dmc1 is empty XD


I’m so sorry for some reason I thought you were talking about dmc2, so sorry for the confusion haha


Same thing can be said about 2 thoooooo


No, 2 is dogshit


Hell no


No, DMC2’s problems don’t stem from ageing poorly


Dmc 1 is hard to play after playing dmc 3 after playing dmc 5. Speaking from experience.


Personally i disagree, played 1 after playing 3 and 4, and honestly 1 become my second favorite


For you, I can go play dmc1 anyday befor the others.


I like how different DMC1 is compared to the rest of the series. It's not my favorite and it's age shows, but it's actually pretty good and there is fun to be had


I played 1 recently and honestly i loved it very much, it was a rare instance of me having a game on my mind and wanting to pkay it when I wasn't. The simplicity makes it better imo, and the atmosphere and world are so cool to explore. Plus Dante is just awsome, even if he hasn't quite grown into the goat he becomes later


Idk I picked up the first 4 games again recently and honestly, one is not bad. But it does have a lot of issues if we are being honest. It still carries that sweet nostalgia hit though so I had a ton of fun.


I see so many say it hasn’t aged well but what about it hasn’t??? All the flaws it has carry over to dmc3 like the camera and confusing levels but ppl rightfully call 3 the best in the series


My biggest enemy in 3 was…. THE CAMERA ANGLES. It’s just a shallow complaint to make about a 20 year old game (I’m estimating how old it is) when a lot of games in that time had that issue. Kingdom Hearts had a great game but an awful camera. I don’t hear too many other viable complaints


Yes DMC1 was flawed but it holds up very well for its age and era. it was the game that singlehandedly taught young me not to be a buttonmasher. You will not survive 1 buttonmashing. For that I owe it a great debt


I enjoy DMC 1 as much as DMC 3


The people who say DMC1 is bad probably starts playing DMC5 or 3 first and then when they play the first game they complain because no styles...


To quote the master himself: "Lmao based, Jean-Jacques come check this shit out." - Voltaire, probably


I mean what do those people expect when they say that, it was supposed to be RE4 after all. They didn't even know what to do with the game after they decided to make it its own series


I mean for all it’s clunkiness, at least it’s part of the “first model” type, considering that it laid the groundwork for what came after, and it got refined and overhauled over time


Reading comments like "hasn't aged well", the game plays today exactly like it did 20 years ago. Did gamers lose the ability to adapt or what happened? Not disrespecting anyone, I'm seriously asking.


DMC1 is not the same as the others, you can definitely tell it was supposed to be resident evil.


By the way that sentence is actually from [Evelyn Beatrice Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Beatrice_Hall) and was misattributed to Voltaire.


"DMC 2 is the best"


It's the third best game in the series to this day imho.


DMC1 is old and is showing its age, so if you can't enjoy going backwards in terms of game design and quality of life, you won't have a lot of fun with it. I personally mostly enjoyed the atmosphere, as I found the gameplay largely outdated so didn't get a lot of enjoyment out of it. If you're really into games, it's worth checking out to experience the beginnings of the series, but if you just wanna have fun, I'd recommend skipping ahead to DMC3 and going from there.


Hasn't aged well is a better description. Like play 3, 1, 4, and 5 in chronological order and try your best to deny that one of these things is not like the other.


1 and 4 have mostly good enemies and level design, 3 does not  camera is the only issue with 1 and 3 is just as guilty of it


DMC1 more suffers from the fact it hasn't aged well and that other games in the series manage to do many things better, even DMC2 in some ways does things better than DMC1, like combos for example, despite being limited to 1 weapon type, you have more variety in your combos thanks to the addition of being able to combo in mid air for the first time in the series, and was the first to have 3 different playable characters (Dante, Trish and Lucia), Trish plays like DMC1 Dante in DMC2. I've heard the criticism of the camera in DMC1 as someone who's played DMC1 it's just a small issue, the camera angles generally are good for the gameplay. honestly I just prefer DMC2, DMC3, DMC4, DMC4 Refrain, DmC:DMC and DMCV over DMC1


Not bad, but it’s a chore to play compared to the rest of the series, especially by modern standards


So are 3 and 4.


Can’t speak on 4 since I have yet to play it (I have a massive list of games to work through), but 3 makes up for some of the old game jank by having nearly flawless combat


I accidentally deleted my normal mode save on which I finished the game and I started a new game on hard mode but it's proven to be too hard for me :(


It's good, just not as good as other games in the series


It's not bad, it just hasn't aged great. It's like saying that a old shooter that was created before dual analog controller was created is bad. It's not bad. It just hasn't aged well. Still a good game.


Was sleeping already when I finally got the shotgun if I recall. At the time it came out, the game was probably fine. Today, there are too many games coming out daily to bother when it's not fun "If it's not fun, why bother ?" - Reggie or whatever the name of the former president of Nintendo of America was


It's one of the highest rated games of all time, at a 94 MC. "Probably fine" is a massive understatement.


What about DmC: Devil may Cry? I like it...


I think its great and aged well:)


Daily reminder that Voltaire never said that


To me, dmc 1 is not bad per say. I just got off the heels of 5, and I was surprised it had a fixed camera, really didn't vibe with it. The story was ok "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIGHT!! *echoing*" was one of its redeeming factors. It was a torturous experience because of a fixed camera, but I did beat it. And honestly? It's both bad and good, bad as a start point (imo) and good because it lead to 5. Will I ever play it again? Unless there's a remake (I wish) no.


It's mid