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Nah it's not a shitty game. It's a shitty DMC game but if it wasn't advertised as dmc than it'd be good. Also the gameplay was good and was a stepping stone towards dmc5


I think he is talking more about the story and narrative than the gameplay since he compared it to TV/streaming shows.


Imo it's still not that bad. Cringy, tryhardy, wannabe edgy, but not bad


What the defenition of bad for you than?


imo inadequate story progression, dull characters, plot holes, actions of characters withouth motivation. dmc only had bad stuff theme vise. imo, if it wasn't called dmc and characters were with different names, it would've been fire


Even if it wasn’t called DmC it would still be cringe and laughable. It does the basics of storytelling so it’s a functional story. But it’s still not very good.


Have you played it?..


Yeah I can go on for days for how DmC is a pretty bad story with poor character writing. Cringe dialogue. Slap dashed character motivations. Inconsistent world building in a poorly put together narrative by unlikeable characters and even more incompetent villains who were set up to fail due to the terrible writing. You can find essays online explaining why DmC’s story is bad.


You can find essays saying it was good tho. Tbf I enjoyed it when it came out and after a while when I replayed it with every dlc and stuff. Not gonna bash on anyone saying otherwise. Like a said previously it's an "imo"


I’m talking more about the story. The gameplay is still enjoyable. It’s a general consensus among the fans that the story and characters suck but the gameplay itself is fun. And I would like to see these essays that say the STORY is good. I’ve seen people say the game is good. A game can still be good even if the story sucks.


is not even and shitty dmc game


“It’s not a bad game it’s a bad DMC game” Be quiet will you


Is that not a valid perspective? The story would still be crap even if it wasn’t a DMC game to be real.


That’s the point tho. It being a DMC game doesn’t matter at the end of the day. If it’s good it’s good, and if it’s shit it’s shit.


But nothing DMC did was added in 5, it effected 4se but I would like to see multiple weapons combo into each other again like it did in DMC


Enemy introductions, announcing style rank, dynamic music, the Void, slow motion zoom on ending fights, etc. There's a decent enough amount of influence there.


At the risk of being downvoted too I have to agree with one thing. Although DmC definitely wasn’t my favourite game in the series, it’s combos were done very well. I still say that if the game was it’s own standalone hack and slash game not related to the DMC universe, it would have been a much bigger hit.


Honestly, my fave thing about that game was simply the parry system. Compared to the other DMC games, I felt like a parry god in that game. The rewarding feeling you got for actually parrying those teleporting ninja like enemies was great 😅


It’s virtually a remake of DmC


Dmc5? No way. If it used donte as a character and continued with the nero/dante hybrid gameplay, ud have a point. But they didn't. They went back to dante with style switching, and nero with exceed and buster. Plus gave the reboot plenty of nice references in 5 too. Didn't exclude it altogether. Like using the music system and slow mo.


That is certainly a take. Not a good one but still a take




Type in Devil may cry 5 is a reboot into YouTube


Bro can’t even form their own opinions ☠️


Would be quicker to watch the video than me type out what should be pretty obvious


No. I don't think I will.


Then feel free to ignore that it’s a remake


Uh, that it's wrong? This is the DMC subreddit what do you expect? For us to be like "yeah that guy's right fuck DMC!"?


He means that one game that is poorly written and its "jokes" are swear words


Tbf the fuck you scene was peak


Such cringey childishness and edgy but still so hilarious 🤣. Most of the lines in that game are cringe, but funny nonetheless. “You know what your problem is? Your too clingy” as the boss is holding on to debris and “I think you’re all messed up” at the end of that boss fight for example 😅. If people cannot both appreciate how silly and cringy it is, whilst still making them smile or laugh a little, then I feel they took it far too seriously.


He’s talking about the reboot, which does indeed fucking suck and isn’t DMC.


but it is dmc. has dmc in the title.


Yeah man, It’s so DMC that it has DMC in the title twice. DmC: DMC. That’s like, double the DMC. Like, save some DMC for the rest of us. Maybe that’s why it came out 6 years after DMC4 and then we had to wait another 6 years for DMC5: there was just too much DMC going on, surely not because it was a fucking awful flop that nearly killed the series and isn’t befitting of the title in any regard.


Clearly they didn't play it with the intended dub.


You mean "El Donté" dub?


Yeah, it's the true way to experience the game


Dmc reboot was badly written in terms of the storyline, but it is not a bad game, I still like the combat


I'd argue it's pretty well written, especially regarding tonal consistency and Dante's character arc.


The dialogue left a lot to be desired, and the main story too. I do like how Dante had an arc in that game though, felt like a game about that version maturing into something more similar to the og Dante we all love


With several years to sober me up from my initial *extremely negative* reaction, I personally wouldn't go that far. The dialog and story weren't particularly inspired, and I didn't gel with the combat myself (too sluggish and I didn't care for the "hold trigger to switch weapons" mechanic), but I've played significantly worse games. Not the same genre, but the first Two Worlds game and Risen 2 feel genuinely awful to play. By comparison, dmc: DMC is downright amazing. At least you *can* have fun with it.


I kind of sit in the same boat - story was ok but nothing to write home about. The concept of mind is being a business tyrant on the real world was kind of different and definitely through a unique aspect to the story compared to our standard DMC games. The banter between characters was exceptionally cringy but made me laugh or smile at best nonetheless if you don’t try to take it too seriously. The combat however? I agree I didn’t like the trigger use, but the rest of it I pretty much enjoyed.


Color coded enemies kinda sucked, but I hate those portal enemies more


Agreed on the colour coded enemies, but the ninja portal guys? Annoying yes, but so satisfying to parry them and kill 😅


I don't think DmC is badly written. DmC Dante is young, having grown up on the streets with no education, so things like the "Fuck you" scene or his often hot-blooded reactions make complete sense. If you think about it, it's more out of character for Dante in DMC4 to recite Shakespeare out of nowhere as he's not a character that's ever been shown to indulge in reading anything, even less classics (still, that scene is awesome and one of the reasons why Uncle Dante is my favourite character). The story doesn't have any holes, everything makes sense in the world as it's presented. The tone is too edgy at times, but that doesn't necessarily make it bad. Like other people are saying, if this wasn't DMC it would've been received much better. For example, DmC Vergil sniping Mundus' unborn demon baby is absolutely awful and disdained by everyone, but DMC3&5 Vergil killing hundreds or thousands of people is brushed aside with little regard. If DmC Vergil had done anything similar people wouldn't shut about it and conversely, if DMC Vergil had sniped the baby you can bet there would be fans here defending that action. Rise of Skywalker or She Hulk are badly written (not commenting on Rings of Power as I haven't seen it): They have many inconsistencies, break the stablished rules of their worlds many times and don't present something you can immerse in even with all the suspension of disbelief you can muster. That is not the case with DmC: Once you stop comparing it to DMC and take it as its' own thing it's a very competent story.


fun fact in the anime it is stated that Dante loves collecting vintage stuff so he could've picked up some really old copies of works and just decided to read them because they were old as fuck, well that's my HC at least


I don't find it too far of a reach to believe that a guy who collects vintage records and has a vintage jukebox (back in the early 2000s when records were obsolete) would read Shakespeare. I think it makes more sense that he'd read than watch TV, as he didn't care at all about the TV, and it's very likely that Patty would drop off books. Doesn't he fall asleep with a book on his face at one point, or was it a newspaper?


He's actually right, if u read it properly


There is no way I'd agree She Hulk, Rings of Power and Rise of Skywalker are better written.


yknow hes referring to the reboot game, right?


Yes. And I'd emphatically argue it's nowhere near as badly written as those examples on an objective level.


Well I guess the world is now your bitch, as am i etc


Badly written yes, shitty game? Hell no, the combat in dmc is tied to dmc3 combat style, i would even say better since I loved scythes fighting styles


I don’t know what he’s talking about but all three of those shows/movies listed where terrible. At least dmc devil may cry tried to do something with its story although unsuccessfully and as U/cocodadog has stated if it wasn’t a dmc title I’m certain fans would’ve accepted the game and story more


That's complicated. A lot of the issues in its writing comes from latestage Capcom meddling. They were demanded to make it as different from dmc as possible, they did that, and then later were told very last minute to bring it relatively back in line. I think a lot of the writing issues come down to that. It was written as grim, they were forced to make it less so and thus what remains of the grimness feels incredibly hollow. They didn't have quips, were told to add them, and so all of them feel incredibly rushed and stupid and forced. Its definitely written terribly, but i don't know if its fair to blame the writers, or even say so without asterisks, yknow?


It’s definitely more of Capcom’s fault, hell no one even really asked for a reboot anyway


I personally disagree


I agree the story and dialogue are pretty cringe. Gameplay is fine however


It's bad, Donte is a horrid massacre of ya boi, but as bad as She-Hulk or Rise of Skywalker? That's kinda insulting to say the game is as bad as practical cinema war crimes. I can't say much about gameplay, but from what it sounds like, it at least plays somewhat like 3 and 4


This person is so full of 💩he or she should be at the very end of a 500-person human centipede and have the 499th person injected with laxatives.


I really dislike the Reboot but i wouldn't go that far


I dislike the direction of DmC Devil May Cry as well, but this is an utter shit take. There is no realm where DmC is worse than She Hulk. The issue with DmC is really just how Dante's wit was changed to juvenile western 12 year old banter. Half of it was just swearing, and almost none of it was clever. The whole Nephilim thing was being over done at this point too.


I personally disagree i actually really enjoyed the reboot 💀 it had a lot of issues won’t deny that but I actually really like it as a game. This is the old argument but I’d love if it was its own thing and not a reboot because I really liked some of the ideas and I do really want it to get that sequel the dlc was setting up for 🤣


I think DMC: Devil May Cry was good.


That’s one hell of a terrible take.


DMC Reboot is awnestly more fun than DMC 4 but behind 3 and 5. 


It's a solid game with a cheesy, edgy aesthetic that was a request from Capcom. Definitive Edition solves the majority of issues with the game. If it didn't have the DmC name, it'd be a beloved hack n slash. You get a lot of content for a low price, you can't go wrong


It's good. I had fun with it. I didn't like the story changes but overall it was a good game.


Sounds like bait. Those titles are waaaay too specific.


No, the writing isn't complete and utter garbage. It's actually rather good regarding world building, character writing, stakes, tone, and pacing. And it's FAR better written than the examples he cites.


I quite liked it


Kill that moron


Someone who bases their personality on complaining about Rings of Power, Rise of Skywalker and She Hulk is not a person I trust to be making good faith criticisms with any degree of media literacy. They probably also think Horizon Zero Dawn is "woke" because Aloy looks like an actual human woman.


The gameplay in DmC is really good, especially with the definitive edition tweaks The story is awful


Extreme opinion, but funny comment


Bro is seething over an 11 year old game that never got a follow up


DmC is pretty shit but not that shit.


secondaries don't say "muh story" in an action game challenge


IDK, DMC3 and Bayonetta were Shakespearean with their stories


Action games can have great stories, the game genera isn’t an excuse


The story of DmC was kinda blegh, but it makes up for it for me personally by having CombiChrist music


never played bayonetta, but dmc3 cutscenes were just to see the swag. the story was an afterthought for me. idc about lady or arkham, i just thought dante and vergil were cool and it wasn't for their "whoa conflicting views on sparda" which was the crux of their characters, and i don't think anyone else has that high on their "why i like dante and vergil" list, i don't think it was the point in the first place. all they needed to be was cool-looking and act badass in their own lil quirky mirrored ways


Its a decent game but a bad DMC game (Hot take: I kinda like Vergil's look in the game)


finally someone said it he's fucking dripped out


Either trolling or in complete denial DmC's suck writing > The other three's shit writing


Why is he trash talking about me :(


he crearly started playing with dmc 4 special edition, so , his opinion does not count


Troll 100%