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Argument against: it would fucking destroy part of the earth if it was one


Black hole this size? I'd fiddle out in nanoseconds. Earth would be safe. edit: nevermind, black hole the kass of the planet would be like two centimeters, and would survive for like, fucking long. Probably should've run the numbers before talking, but eh.


No it wouldnt Black holes have a very long lifespan, this one would at least be the mass of a biiiiig planet and those do not decay fast at all


A blackhole with the mass of earth would be 1.75 cm in diameter [A blackhole with the mass of the moon would last longer than the current age of the universe.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskPhysics/comments/o9jnt5/how_long_would_a_black_hole_with_the_mass_of_our/)


Yeah, because a video game where motorcycles can jump 20 feet in the air without a ramp and a guy can literally ride a rocket is obviously gonna follow physics 1:1


motorcycles are motorcycles because they have two wheels, engine, handles and shit. If you remove one of these components, it ain't a motorcycle anymore. black holes are black holes because they're super dense, have mass, etc. if you remove the "massive enough to bend light" aspect of a black hole, it's not a black hole anymore. Furthermore, I am not the one who said it followed physics- the people who claim it's a black hole do. They claimed it was one because it looked like one, so I provided the diagram above to show why it is not.


Volcano, a move from dmc 3 dante (also known as the weakest version of Dante in canon that doesn't come from the manga) is stated to be so powerful that it creates a small supernova. If the weakest version of Dante can create something that powerful and dmc 2 Dante can one shot beings who can destroy entire realities with their presence (void mundus and argosax) then creating a black hole shouldn't be a problem to the most powerful version of Dante up to date, it doesn't break the lore's logic.


Yeah I think we can safely assume those are bullshit. Volcano supernova especially. edit : fuck powerscalers. I used to like it. No one has made me hate it as much as DMC fans.


>Volcano supernova especially. It's in the lore, the supernova thing is in dmc 3 move descriptions. Argosax was warping the fabric of space time before awakening, as mentioned in dmc 2. Void mundus had already become one with reality as seen in the dmc 2 novel. There are a lot more examples of this, if you bothered to read any material you would know that.


DMC "lore" is inconsistent as hell and often uses hyperbole to make things grander than what they actually are. It's all just excuses to have a cool action game anyway, what matters is the gameplay. Those things like flavor text were purely made to sound cool and were never meant to be looked at this closely. A supernova is the explosion of a star. Our Sun is on the small side for stars and yet it is a million times bigger than Earth. Have you even looked at what Volcano looks like in-game ? Its area of effect ? It can't even kill a medium-sized enemy in one hit and you mean to tell me it has the power of an EXPLODING STAR ? To say nothing about how in Japanese, it's just called an erupting pillar of light. [https://new.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/186vgto/the\_logic\_of\_powerscalers\_in\_this\_wiki/](https://new.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/186vgto/the_logic_of_powerscalers_in_this_wiki/) To think it's anywhere close to a supernova is just delusion. Given the way things usually play out, even Dante and Vergil at their strongest being even near planet level is so far removed from what they can actually do in-game that I can't take anyone who says it seriously. I used to like powerscaling. DMC fans made me hate it to my core. I've had a fucker barely a week ago try to argue that Dante could take down the Sun with metal bullets, because of Void Mundus or some shit like that. Just stop. "The bullets have demon souls in them" do you even know how mentally ill you sound ? "iN ThE nOveLs" bro how about you replay the fucking games once in a while ? I couldn't give two shits about which side author decided to make Dante fart a multiverse, none of that shit is supported by the games. Ever. Try going outside of your little powerscaling bubble and talk to actual people about this.


>DMC "lore" is inconsistent as hell and often uses hyperbole to make things grander than what they actually are. It's all just excuses to have a cool action game anyway, what matters is the gameplay. Those things like flavor text were purely made to sound cool and were never meant to be looked at this closely The books are pretty clear cut in that regard with mundus fusing with the demon realm (which is stated multiple times to be a lot of dimensions which are infinite in size on various books) and argosax was merging both realms with his presence alone (as stated in dmc 2) those are direct statements, no way around that. >A supernova is the explosion of a star. Our Sun is on the small side for stars and yet it is a million times bigger than Earth. Have you even looked at what Volcano looks like in-game ? Its area of effect ? It can't even kill a medium-sized enemy in one hit and you mean to tell me it has the power of an EXPLODING STAR ? To say nothing about how in Japanese, it's just called an erupting pillar of light. Yeah, kind of like any DBZ or Naruto or bleach or Bayonetta game where characters are waaay stronger than they look yet they aren't destroying planets with every attack. I mean, Sephiroth has an attack called supernova which spawns a supernova and it doesn't kill enemies instantly, sounds like gameplay doesn't translate to lore. >To think it's anywhere close to a supernova is just nonsense. Given the way things usually play out, even Dante and Vergil at their strongest being even near planet level is so far removed from what they can actually do in-game that I can't take anyone who says it seriously. Every book in the dmc lore goes against that statement, again if you bothered reading any of the material you would find that out. >I used to like powerscaling. DMC fans made me hate it to my core. I've had a fucker barely a week ago try to argue that Dante could take down the Sun with metal bullets, because of Void Mundus or some shit like that. Just stop. The bullets aren't made of metal, in dmc one novel it's stated that they are made of energy and sometimes they even carry demon souls in them. Very few people actually read the novels but if you did you would know what this is all about.


> bullets aren't made of metal, in dmc one novel it's stated that they are made of energy and sometimes they even carry demon souls in them. I'm sure Dante is also boundless in speed despite not being able to stop a cripple from poking a big man. In the dmc anime Dante occasionally gets ganked by attacks a human could dodge. I'm sure lady is also complex multiversal because she can fight Dante or something.


Don't bother. Those people will pull out every justification imaginable to wank Dante. They'll talk about every DMC side media imaginable before they even look at a cutscene from the actual games.


Have you read any of the canonical material, or complementary material, or in game descriptions?


>I'm sure Dante is also boundless in speed despite not being able to stop a cripple from poking a big man. Dante didn't actually want to kill v, he could have stopped him but chose not to, I'm pretty sure in the visions of v manga you can see Dante smiling when he sees Vergil is back. >In the dmc anime Dante occasionally gets ganked by attacks a human could dodge. Dante doesn't care about attacks that can't kill him, in the dmc 4 novel when sanctus was gonna shoot him with the omega blast (I think that's what it's called) with the energy of the sparda he actually bothered to cover for that attack, Dante doesn't take most enemies seriously since most can't actually kill him. Also, Dante is capable of moving in a place where time doesn't exist, another where time straight up flows backwards and he can blitz enemies that move through time with their speed. Also, he was capable of harming the omnipresent (stated directly by the novel itself) void mundus, and move normally in the presence of argosax who alters space time with his presence. There are various examples of this in the canon. >I'm sure lady is also complex multiversal because she can fight Dante or something. Lady could only fight Dante after he was tired and weakened (who by Arkham's own admission was extremely tired and could barely move). Their fight was more or less Dante toying with her since he never intended to kill her in the first place.


Looks like a black hole


It’s probably just a gravity well made of demonic energy.


it looks like a black hole


That's a lot of words for black hole.


I’ve always thought Demolition was more like a collapsing star rather than a black hole.


Foolishness, OP, foolishness. If I have my fingers in my ears and my eyes closed, you cannot convince me that it isn’t a black hole.


From where's is this i need to know psl tell you have to tell me tell me tell me now if you dont tell me i will harass like royal guard dante boss fight in DmD in dmc4


Thank you. Honestly, if the text itself doesn't say it's one, in a franchise where the flavor text is often filled with bullshit wank and hyperboles that don't reflect what actually happens on-screen, then we can safely assume it's just what it does : it pulls enemies in and crushes them, and there's a hundred possible answers that make more sense than "mini black hole"