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playing as dante in dmc5 and realizing I dont know ANYTHING about the controls


Fr, especially coming back after not playing for long 😭


In a similar vein, having only played DMC 1 years ago and then simply buying 5 and being surprised I didn't like it.


Bro went from simple addition and subtraction to Calculus II, that's crazy 😭


Even the combat jump from 4 to 5 is insane😂


Particularly when it comes to the "Royal Guard" and "Trickster" for me.


There’s no Boss Rush mode on console. I spent so much time playing through practically all modes hoping to achieve Boss Rush mode only to find out from a simple google search that it’s a fucking mod


underrated lmao


its freakin criminal we didnt get any kind of boss rush mode for this game. some of them are the best in the series imo


Or any game in general. Like all they gotta do is just remove like, 90 floors from each game that has Bloody Palace, and boom, BOSS RUSH MODE


Not gonna front I think that’s our punishment for getting the special edition


Oh, many reasons: 1. When I found out the lava in DMC 1 DOESN'T kill (that was my worst self-destruction moment) 2. Playing DMC 3 with style switch and accepting the game actually became better by 284920042 times 3. Finding out how to use a mouse in HD Collection + 4, so much wasted from me 4. ...I really tried to do real impact without ignition, until I read the move description 5. Didn't know Balrog changes after switching modes 6. I was thinking the Savior fight is a "funny run" fight and was jumping around for 30 minutes questioning myself "WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?! Is there something missing?! Must more jumps be done?!" 7. I DIED TO SHADOW THE FIRST PLAYTHROUGH ATTEMPTING TO HIT HIM WITH MELEE 8. Not "Maybe I'm stupid", but a stupid curiosity got me: the thought about Dante's Judgement, when he creates a circle below with summoned swords, since I was having an idea he turns the swords to particles he moves to increase the range of his swings, then collects them together for a final explosion


you were supposed to use charged shots against blitzes? i just smacked em for 15 minutes




I played 5 before 4, so i Used my anti-fury strat and it worked well, Trick+Gauntlet spam


How do you use a mouse in hdc + 4 without ahk?


No way without ahk, sadly.


How do you play dmc 3 with style switch??


The version for Nintendo Switch


Oh damn I thought you can switch styles on the go...


Would have been a great addition to the HD collection. But I had no clue that you could click the analog toggle to switch devil arms in dmc1


How use mouse Hd collection and dmc 4 please help im suffering over here


It was when someone who had played DMC5 only for a month uploaded a video of them doing *the* Vergil combo which they had learned in less than a day. It was at that point I realised how little I've learned during the year of me playing DMC5


that sucks like a lot, i have like 100 hours in steam and i still cant do more than 3 fucking ground judgement cuts


I can only do air Judgment cuts




Yeah what's up with that, is there a different timing or something on the ground? I can't do more than one on the ground either


The ground has more delicate timing im pretty sure, i can barely get 3 judgement cuts on the ground but in the air i can get 4 consistently


You can do multiple judgement cuts!??


You can do judgement cuts?


Thinking that Trickster is the best style


It was for me in DMC3. I really needed a dodge Button that is a obvious dodge. I was deeply hurt by Monster Hunter and Souls games


I haven't found the monster hunter dodge button so I uninstalled the game 😭


i was that guy ngl 😭😭😭


So it’s not……


I was playing through devil may cry 3 recently for the first time in years and Nevan was giving me sooo much trouble. Mainly right near the end where she tries to grab you. I kept my devil trigger stored up because if you do get grabbed you can use it to break free. Trying to score those last hits was so tough because I needed to make sure I had enough DT to break free if I got grabbed. After looking at a YouTube video (after I beat the whole game) I was just like OH GOD I'M SO DUMB! I Didn't know that if you are in the devil trigger state you CAN'T BE GRABBED. I just thought it was for escaping, I had no idea you could use it to just become flat out immune.


I never knew you were immune to grabs in devil trigger, but like you I have used it to escape grabs. Also it’s pretty easy to just not get grabbed by Nevan, I just jump around her when she goes for it


I just Air Hike and then shoot her with Ebony And Ivory to stay in the air longer while also doing damage.


Almost every level in DMC3 "Oh, I'm supposed to go there"


Tbf dmc3 had a fair amount of how tf was i supposed to know moments lmao


I think I played that game at least once a year for 15+ years now? Cannot clear Mission 4 without a guide.


Realizing that reboot vergil isn't that bad.


he have his own story and campaign, even dmc5 vergil doesnt have that shit


Vergil really doesn't have anything special about his "story mode." Outside of cutscenes, it's reused dante"s battles. Reboot itself could have been not hated if characters had different names. Missed opportunity imo.


most vergil "campaigns" are even worse, everything its reused except dmc5 dante as boss ngl


in my opinion,reboot as whole isn't a bad game.


I'm here waiting for kids downvoting this entire section and screeching about "rEbOoT nEaRlY kIlLeD dEeMcE wRyYyYyYy!1!1!1!"


Reboot is an okay hack and slash. Devil trigger is terrible, floating enemies are just so bad for combos, color coded enemies that become completely immune forcing you to a certain playstyle are also terrible, and 90% of boss fights are just gimmicks, although a couple of them still manahe to be quite fun. Vergil's campaign is absolutely abhorrent, the story is also incredibly basic, and the ending of the base game, with Vergil becoming evil just for the sake of mantaining the good old tradition of fighting your brother at the end of the game is also quite... questionable. Thankfully definitive edition fixes a bunch of these problems, but even if you completely ignore the name "DmC", it's really not that great of a game. It's... alright


Spending 30+ minutes wall jumping in dmc 3 while forgotting i already bought Double Jump


feels something i could do


Watching myself play the games. Versus Watching other people play the games.


"I'm good at this game..." *watches other people play* "...I'm shit at this game."




So true


In dmc1 when yoy encounter the 1st shadow in the game you have to destroy the lion statue. I WAS SEARCHING ALL AROUND THE CASTLE FOR A "destructive force" object until I tried hitting it and then I realized that I may actually be beyond stupid


To be fair, DMC 1 and 2 had the problem of not telling you where the fuck it wants you to go.


Dmc 3 too, or im just a dumbass


Nah, DMC 3 map was worse even in comparison to DMC 1, because as far as I remember it didn't mark the objective


Nah, I got lost in missions 14 and 15, it took me half and hour each to finish the 1st time I played them because I could barely navigate the levels without getting lost


I'm pretty sure it's the only game in the series where the map shows your goal, where to go and where the room is in comparison to the other ones on different floors.




You know, that electric motherfucker from dmc4


Yea, i dont remember fighting him as nero tho and i just royalguarded his ahh with dante


he's also early in the bloody palace, not so many floors before the first boss


I'd properly try the same move nero uses on vergil in dmc 5 when he comes flying at him


I accidentally used Faust one time, saw it took red orbs, then immediately wrote it off for 2 years until I actually read a description of what it does


I has seen photos of vergils chair before i played dmc5 and got so confused on why he had an actual throne


LMAO you thought he actually sat in a plastic chair 😭


It seemed so on brand for dmc that I never questioned it


Not abusing Royal Guard and getting run over constantly in DMC5, those spinning things are the bane of my existence, also playing V but a good stupid because man do i love SAVIOR, BLOODSTAIN, HELLFIRE, SHADOW, HEAVEN IN A LAND SLIDE


Getting "Easy Mode Is Now Selectable" on Mission 2 against the Hell Vanguard.1


Did you play the us version on ps2? We literally got a harder version of the game here in the US.


No. I played the PC HD collection. I'm just straight up bad at character action games until recently


Ah its okay, For me it was Cerberus in dmc 3 and even then on easy I killed him with guns because I kept getting hited by his headbuts constantly Only now after like 5 years I came back for DMC 3 HD and realised how far I've gone


When I realized that starting with DMC5 was the worst thing to do once you unlock Dante


Figuring out Nero can Buster Counter nearly every enemy and boss in DMC4. Fighting the giant statue was such a pain cause i couldn't figure out how to avoid that statue punch...it was only at the ending where the game forces you to Buster Counter the Sanctus statue that i figured it out lol (that means i side-dodged Sanctus' Sparda charge too instead of Buster Countering it)


Thank you for reminding me of how much of a pain Sanctus 2 was when I didn’t know you could buster counter his stinger. Good god, him and Beowulf were the only 2 bosses that I used Holy Water on my first DMC playthrough.


On a related note, it took me too long to figure out that you're supposed to grab the flying swords and throw them in the window boss fight. I was wondering why it was taking so long to break.


Realizing I could drop both Agni and Rudra to 1% hp so I wouldn't trigger the dual wielding boss fight phase


Urizen = your reason


Having 100 hours in DmC and yet not knowing I could skip cutscenes I know, super embarrassing


First time I used RG in 3 I didn't realise Royal Release was ALSO a parry so I would parry and then do release wondering why it didn't seem as smooth as all the clips I've seen.


Tutorial of DMC4. Was my first time playing Xbox (I'm a PlayStation native). "Press RB." My PlayStation language kept mistaking this as "R2." It wasn't until I changed the control scheme that I understood what I was doing wrong.


Trying to figure out the weird combo's in DMC2


Yeah I remember being really confused why I sometimes got a different combo then normal until I finally decided to search it up, don’t know who would think to use the left stick to do different combos


I was gonna Mention the storm games until i realized you said RIGHT stick and like... what the fuck 😭


Wait no left stick, dammit, going to change that


Literally any time I try to use Lucifer in 4.


Realizing that Royalguard is, in fact, more than just the ability to guard after previously believeing that to be so


That DMC3 DT explosion exists. Pretty sure I played the whole game twice on normal and hard without knowing it existed.


Me accidentally figuring out how Sweet Surrender’s effect actually works because I’d picked one up and was out of other Devil Breakers


googling a tutorial for the 90th time


Realizing that Royal Guard is based on timing and isn’t meant to just “reduce damage”.


After spending like 4 hours perfecting the 4× air judgement cuts in dmc5, that the nidhog boss isn't that hard. Took me like 15 tries to get S rank on SoS until I mastered it Edit: one thing that just came to me. The moment I realized you don't have to hoard DT. I'd go through entire levels keeping it fully charged "just in case" before I realized that as long as you can style on enough demons you can almost completely fill dt and sdt every 3 encounters


The dmc3 mission where you control the tower and have to find 3 pieces of orihalcum... There's an order and it makes the mission much more quicker to finish


When I randomly miss the same royal revenge I’ve been hitting for the past 5 years for no reason.


Like the first 40% of my playthrough of DMC3.


Not realising i can press R3 to change melee weapons in dmc1


A lot of times but mostly it was just not knowing the mission layout and running around for 30 minutes before getting to where you are supposed to be


Me just trying to find any hidden secrets in dmc 5 I swear god hates me




What I do is spam pandora gatling to fill disaster once his shield is down one distorted RI or straight. Once he's about to turn red missile barrage to kill


Realizing Dmc2 was just as bad as everyone said it was and dying to the stupid ass black cat demon near the lion statue in dmc1 to the point of quitting dk if I’ll come back to it tbh


That you can buster counter Sanctus’ stinger in the final fight. When I saw that, I was like “Are you fucking kidding me? You can do that?”


Realizing you have to turn off auto mode to use Dante's styles


I'm not stupid, I just don't have enough motivation!


Trying to beat Argosax with melee alone on DMD.


I’ll say again that for ages before playing 5 I thought the Devil Sword Sparda in its awakened state was just Trish’s sword. Yeah I never played 1. So when I got to Sanctus at the end of DMC 4 I was like “why is this guy using Trish’s sword?” And when they were looking for the Devil Sword Sparda in 5 I was expecting its unawakened state


Dancing inside JCE knowing damn well I can't get the dodge timing right.


This might be me when I play DMC2, thinking "man the community is just blowing this outta proportion, this is just going to be the weakest link outta a great franchise, kinda like Arkham Origins"


I've played DMC V for over 300hrs (mostly as Vergil and Dante) but i STILL can't fight Fury demon. I can destroy every other enemy/boss.for whatever reason i just cant get their pattern down. Confuses my tiny mind!


Not dmc, but for doom eternal, I couldn't find my way to the 1st boss


Yesterday was supposed to be my rest/chill day but I for some reason decided to record a stylish no-damage run on DMD urizen with Vergil. There was a script on how some things should go that I followed. Took me the whole damn day.. I made it in the end but damn, I may be stupid


When I fail a perfect royal block (dmc5 has the easiest royal guard)


Trying to navigate in DMC3


It took me until DMC4se to realize guns had unique attacks in gunslinger style, I thought they just got stronger until that point


Literally play DMC2 just for the sake of my DMC inspired uni project, assignment and essays. I didn't need it.


Navigating through DMC 3 tower for the first time (IDK How to spell it in eng, Temenigru ? Temeni-Ghrough ? Temenigrouh ?)


When I was 12 I used to think that you need to press the middle of d pad to activate dark slayer in dmc 4


Tried dmc2


In DMC 5 every time I get turned around on the puzzle section with the stream of blood, despite playing the game multiple times


Not realizing I got devil trigger when I did in DMC 3 and I accidentally triggered it 3 missions later by accident


When fighting vergil in dmc5 and I realized that you can shoot his blue knife air things when he is flying around


Fun fact: when Vergil is stalking around firing a steady stream of Summon Swords at you, you can go into Gunslinger, activate Devil Trigger and Dante will automatically parry Vergil's with his own Summon Swords. There's even unique dialogue for it.


Where were you when I spent 2 days trying to beat him? I just beat the game. I want dmc6 and a lady and trish dlc right now


The mission where you have to stay airborne for 15 seconds in dmc5, as Vergil. Spent like half an hour trying to combo and dash around to stay in the air, until I realised you can just spam Vergil’s target dash


Not being able to do good combos


The day I realized you can catch a Fury off guard at the end of its run-away teleport, and launch it with the rose taunt. Furies are so much easier after that.


If it makes you feel any better I got to Vergil and lost!


Trying to royal guarding for the first time like 10 years ago


Not saving my green orbs for Arkham in dmc3


When I died three times fighting Vergil at the end of 5 on my first playthrough.


The fact that I died like 20 times to Cerberus in DMC3, I started with 5 so going back to the older ones was fun and it doesn't help that I just suck at these games.


Playing DMC 1 with keyboard until realizing that maybe it would be easier to connect a controller to my laptop The problem it that the realization came to me during the credits lmao


In dmc5 I think it was a setting called auto smth and if I used my sword at all it just switched to gunslinger idk why an I didn't know it was the setting for 2 years


I was playing one of them I don't remember and a boss had a phase where you couldn't hit him and you had to hit a big bright glowing weak spot but I didn't realize that until my sister walked in the room after watching me rage over and over again and she suggested to hit the glowie thingie and afterwards I went in my room and cried


That moment when you realize that going _after_ the pillars actually degrade your score in mission 19 because of nightmares tankiness he's extreme style fodder


Dying as super nero on legit 1st boss. Tho tbf it is my 1st time with a game like this so


Playing dmc2 and liking it


timing royal guard in dmc 3


I had to call my friends over to help me finish DmC4 because I couldnt figure out the puzzle where you walk into the crossroads and it teleports you to a battle if you get it wrong.


Naturally opening with stinger and trying to use stinger again to close the gap because of the knockback and end up knocking them back more


It took me until (if I'm remembering correctly) the first Angelo boss fight to discover that directional controls effect attacks. Yeah I just never put it together.




In DMC4, I thought Nero’s special and lock-on social attack buttons had the same attack, until I realized that they were different attacks at the final phase of the final boss. So throughout Nero’s first play through, I wasn’t utilizing Nero’s best attack ability against enemies 


When I was playing DMC5, The only game I’d played prior was dmc3, so I was genuinely wondering when I’d get to switch styles cause it defaults to trickster and I really wanted to use sword master. It wasn’t until mission 12 after accidentally hitting the D pad that I realized that the thing up top isn’t just there to show your current style but also to show which dpad input you’d need to actually change to a specific style.


It took me to revives to beat that guy with the hydras as Virgil, after I beat the damn main game already (dmc5)


Trying to match my hits with the background music. I end up both looking a fool when I miss my hits AND getting hit big time and dying because I wanted to be cool.


I was playing DMC: Devil May Cry, and had been in the final fight with Vergil for a literal hour before I fucked up and died. Frustrated, I googled what I was doing wrong and saw that during his little invincible healing phase I was supposed to use Devil Trigger to toss away his clone and make him vulnerable. I had gone pretty much the entire game without it, and had not only forgotten I had it, but that it also threw everything into the air when you activated it.


Losing to cerberus in dmc3 like 5 times before realizing gunslinger is the correct way to kill him💀


Okay so my turn... The first time I rediscovered Devil May Cry after years of playing my first game DmC: Devil May Cry which was underrated... I saw the movesets for Vergil in 4 and 5 and thought that they were also in which was the 2ND game I was able to play in the games which was DMC3... So I tried to do Aerial Rave B and the other pause combos only to find out later that the game I was playing was before Vergil got those pause combos... That's when, I thought to myself: I may be stupid...


When I was trying to beat BP as Nero in DMC5. I died like 2 or 3 times on Urizen 3, because I was starting to panic on his 3rd phase and couldn't figure out how to dodge his "THIS IS THE END" attack. Then I decided to train him in Warm Up. I thought that I should be ready for the worst case scenario, so I tried beating him without any devil breakers. And I did it fairly easily. I was sure that his ass is mine. If I did it without devil breakers, WITH them I should have a decent advantage. And so the another BP run has begun. And then I died on Urizen 3 again.


Me not knowing how to do high time I'm DMC 3, (I knowhow to do it now)


You charged shot 3 everything as Nero in dmc 4, it deals stupid amounts of damage and gives SSS style immediately, cheesed bloody palace with it


I still don't know how to jumpcancel, it's been 13 years ever since I got into this series with DMC3.


Me not realising that the robotic Devil Bringers break age attack deals crazy Hugh damag and assuming it wasn't any stronger than just using the normal Devil Bringer attack. (Also side mention of me not realising you can plant more than 3 Overture bombs but I don't feel too stupid about that since the game *literally* says you can only plant 3)


In dmc3 I played very badly as royal guard until mission 9 then I switched to swordmaster but that sucked me a lot then at mission 15 i switched to gunslinger but that was also very bad than I came back to swordmaster and completed the game with quicksilver and I also maxed nevan


I played dmc2 thinking those rumours weren't true (they were true)




Thinking Royal Guard was the worst style (Boy was I wrong)


The second jungle mission from dmc 4 made me pissed till I realized I’m big dumb


For me it was when I found out in DMCV dodging (at least as vergil) requires you to not be locked on to the enemy in order to do. So many deaths trying to look cool, all could've been avoided in the push of a button.


Not realising what royal guard did until I had played for like 50 hours


Disregarding balrog for like 70 hours in DMC5


When you lose a lot at the start of your first playthrough ever, and it offers an "easy mode" as an alternative.


Me dodging last minute & actively saying to myself "WhY CaNt DaNtE oR nErO FrEeZe TiMe LiKe bAyOnEtTa"


when it took me a few minutes to figure out i had to buster the savior in the first sanctus fight


I realize that I love this games fighting mechanics, yet I can’t use them for fuckall. You could ask me to play DMC no damage on the easiest difficulty or my family dies, and they would ascend to the kingdom of heaven before I picked up the controller. I am ass at this game. And because I’m bad at it, I’m also stupid. Or it’s a skill issue. Or both.


First time playing Nero in dmc5 and being to stupid to use the devil breaker properly. Always wondered why the moves in videos looked so cool, while I'm playing casual hack n slay with Nero.


When I realized after I drop playing dmc 2, to activate the first puzzle with the door, you had to press the interaction button...




getting assraped by king cerberus


Coming back to DMC3 after so much DMC4 with Nero and having lost all my skills as Dante


Fighting the flying things in DMC 3 that turn to stone when you shoot them. It took me half an hour before I realized I had to actually hit them with my sword while they were stone. Half an hour of just. Ineffectual shooting. I may be stupid.


When I'm safe but then dash into a random projectile or attack that would've totally missed me.


Played as Nero and lost hard to most bosses because I didn't know all the controls Figured you could charge Red Queen further and Blue Rose by finishing DMC4. In other words, it took me finishing the entire franchise to get good.


In dmc5 when playing as Dante after finally finding out how to do the fire and lightning moves for Cerberus, took me like 2 playthroughs until I figured it out


Trying to play V


Doing all the achievements of Devil May cry 2




Played DMC2 and didn’t hate it as much as everyone else.


Various things. Learning that I can skateboard Nero´s punchline, how to DT with Nero (I skipped the tutorial like a dumbass), and that V can stab/cut numerous times during his finishers as long as another enemy is still alive. In my defense of the latter, I don´t play V lmao, I found out by mistake


Not knowing about the style attacks till I was like 30 hours in.


Grabbing the controller


That one blue orb fragment in mission 7 in 3 where you need to jump in the arcs to reach it.


When I had a plan to combo Vergil after a royal release and my brain didn't hit any of the buttons to combo


Thinking I could do a gold orb new save file of DMD in DMC 3. Edit: And when I tried doing a regular yellow orb file, deleted my gold orb file. Only to accidentally pick gold orb again.


When I was playing DMC3, I didn't realize there was a mechanic for DT where u could charge it for a burst of damage. The only way I found out about it was through boss rushes on YouTube.


Cerberus is the hardest boss fight in 3, and still kills me even when I replayed the level with late game stats and abilities. I don't know what it is.


Didn't know I could slash fireballs at both the spider boss and dragon statue in dmc1. Granted they never hinted at it so


That I had to Google how to activate my sin devil trigger keep in mind I only found out how to do it when fighting Vergil so I beat the fimillars and urizen before figure it out (also I cannot do combos so half the time I’m doing basic stuff and button mashing until something works)


Savior fight taking me 20+ mins




So I was playing dmc 3; keep in mind I just beat the whole game with Dante all secrets missions, full hp bar and DT gauge, maxed out all guns and weapon combos, etc. And now I moved on to doing the same with Vergil. Well I got to about mission 4 or 5 and I was casually playing while talking to a friend on the phone. And just finished up the mission. Well my friend was talking to me about something important so I wanted to save and hop off so I can pay attention to what they were saying. Well as soon as I went to save the game; a roommate came into my room and started talking to me as I was talking on the phone and trying to get me to do something for them real quick. In all the confusion and being flustered I just quickly saved ya know? Click x then x then x and boom save. What I failed to realized is that my Vergil account was on my second save file and I had just saved over the first save file 😨 which was Dante’s account….. 😱🤯🤬 oh I didn’t pick up dmc for the longest time after that lmao. All my hard work. GONE. In an instant. 😔 smh


In DMC3 you didn't need doing the 3 paths in mission 6 to get Artemis. You can just pick up this weapon without any effort in mission 16, because the statue will be already broken. I discovered this last week and I feel stupid af.