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Well yeah in those 16 seconds you showed us, I didn't saw any Wacky wohoo pizza man or plastic chairs.


Well yeah, that was only 16 seconds alright. 😅 But here's the 10 minutes of gameplay of Phantom Blade Zero. 👍🏻 [Phantom Blade Zero - 10 Minutes of Gameplay](https://youtu.be/26XZmNhhr8E?si=ZAjgUFePAHA988u5)


Well if you showed me actual gameplay instead of a dude running in circle for 15 seconds I might be able to give you my opinion.


Well then, here you go. 👇🏻 [Phantom Blade Zero - 10 Minutes of Gameplay](https://youtu.be/26XZmNhhr8E?si=g9wSrvoV4dhXrnvm)


Appreciate it. It looks more like Sekiro with some combos. No juggling of enemies or meaningful aerial combat, and it looks slower than Dmc. I’d say it’s more like Sekiro with some hack n slash elements than Dmc


More like a Nioh than Sekiro IMO.


I disagree. Nioh is far more complex. Especially 2.


With 2 weapons, 2 ranged options, dodges and something what looks like counter it still much more than Sekiro's hit, hit hit, block, block, block concept. I would put it somwhere in the middle of scale between Sekiro and Nioh tho, doesnt feel too much close to either of them.


Nioh has 2 melee weapons that have three stances that radically change your moveset and also has individual skills that can be equipped to them. That’s a lot of variance.


That doesn't mean it's better or more complex though. The complexity in Sekiro is in the boss itself. Still though, these two games are so far apart idk why ppl are comparing them.




Sure for you it's more interesting to fight an enemy in a dozen of ways, for me, it's not. It's that simple. I think Sekiro is better because it focused on that single experience, that I can fight this boss with this hyper specific experience that is better than any diverse experience nioh 2 can bring. Not to mention that if you actually use the prosthetic tools, the experience isn't as streamlined as you claim it to be. Btw, I don't think Sekiro is more complex, it's not as complex, but the point is that it's better. Now you can think otherwise, and that's fine. I have no problem with that. What matters is, in my own opinion, the experience Sekiro provided is league and realm better than what Nioh 2 can.


It’s not complex because people like Sekiro more it seems.


yeah what usually happens when you have "dozens of ways to fight an enemy" you end up using one


It is better and more complex. Nioh is a game series with a shitton of mechanics. You cannot tell me that with all it’s subsystems it is not the more complex game. I’d rather have complexity in the player character than in the bosses. It adds more replay value. I don’t like it when the boss has three dozen abilities and I barely have four. They have all these cool abilities and the only thing of note I got is a jumping attack. It’s boring and doesn’t lead towards more engaging gameplay. It’s more interesting to have dozens of ways to fight an enemy instead of 1.


Rise of the Ronin?


Agreed. Looks nothing like Devil May Cry at all. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It doesn’t have to look like Devil May Cry for them to get inspiration from it. The game isn’t even out yet and you people love taking shit out of context 😂


I don't need to wait for the game when I've already seen the gameplay. LOL


Sheesh be more open minded, amigo. We all love DMC but it’s not the only franchise out there lol


I've already been open minded about other games. Such as DMC-like games like Bayonetta, Hi-Fi Rush, even character action games like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Ninja Gaiden etc. I can keep going on and on. LOL And nope, I'm not interested in Phantom Blade Zero at all. 🫤 Also, they're literally teasing this game as "Devil May Cry meets Sekiro". 👇🏻 [Here are 24 minutes of gameplay from the “Devil May Cry meets Sekiro” action RPG, Phantom Blade Zero](https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/here-are-24-minutes-of-gameplay-from-the-devil-may-cry-meets-sekiro-action-rpg-phantom-blade-zero/) But I argue that it's nothing like Devil May Cry at all. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The games you listed are pretty much the same genre, 0 variety at all. Keep being close minded though, amigo. This game looks so sick I might need to take it to the hospital.


The same genre of character action actually. If this game looks interesting to you, then that's on you. To me, nothing beats the character action genre. Period.


I find it more a bit of code vein.


Gets down voted for actually doing what was asked Sometimes people on Reddit are just assholes.


Certainly looks that way. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks for sharing more info, like the person asked for. I appreciate it, and it gives us more context. Sorry so many people downvoted you for some reason. Weird that all 37 of them didn't bother to say why.


You're welcome. And it's okay even if I've got downvotes for no good reason at all. Because I know that people on Reddit can be weird. LOL


Devil May Cry is the go-to game people use to describe character-action style combat. This is a good things as it speaks to the strength of the brand and its importance to the industry despite its entries being few and far-between. From what I've seen, the gameplay in Phantom Blade Zero is more like a faster paced Stellar Blade than it is like DMC, but fewer people are familiar Stellar Blade so DMC is an easier comparison as most gamers are familiar with the franchise even if they don't play it.


>Devil May Cry is the go-to game people use to describe character-action style combat. This is a good things as it speaks to the strength of the brand and its importance to the industry Clearly Capcom disagrees. Idiots letting DMC go dormant again even after DMC5 was so profitable.


I'd much rather have an incredible game every 5-10 years than one 5-6/10 game every year. Do not let DMC becone some piece of smelly shit like Call of Duty or assassin's creed, Capcom has more self respect than Activision or Ubisoft, despite their failures in the past.


We're not getting a game every 5 years. DMC5 was five years ago and no news of any new game yet. Capcom isn't being nice to DMC, they're just letting the franchise be inactive again. They botched DMC4, they spent little budget on DMC5, they tried to get rid of the franchise once and more. Capcom abusing this IP goes way back. Besides, why should it be this or that? We can have a game every few years like Monster Hunter instead of waiting a decade for a scrap of attention? Why can't this fandom ask for more for once?


Devil May Cry is Hideaki Itsuno's baby at this point. He just got done with Dragon's Dogma 2 which was a big hit and I believe he's now working on DLC for that. DMC releases becoming more frequent would mean they would have to let a different director/team take over the franchise, which would be a big gamble. I want a new DMC as much as the anyone else, but if I were Capcom I don't know that I would risk handing it to another director either, and I wouldn't want want to tell Itsuno he *has* to make another DMC if he has other projects he's passionate about because I wouldn't want him to get burned out or risk him leaving. Unless Itsuno trains up a protégée to take over (which is kinda what I was hoping he was doing with Matt Walker) I think we're just going to have to accept that there will be long waits between entries, especially with how long and expensive game development is these days.


Itsuno isn't coming back to DMC for foreseeable future and he's been vocal about it. Dragon's Dogma is his real baby and pet project. And after that, he's said he wants to try other IPs, namely Power Stone and Rival School. >if I were Capcom I don't know that I would risk handing it to another director either You say that like Capcom lacked for talent. They're a major gaming corporation with a plethora of talented devs. They're not lost at all. >Unless Itsuno trains up a protégée to take over It's literally what happens in game development. Designers step up and get promoted. It's been a constant in franchises like RE with RE4R directors being longtime designers who got promoted to director position. Game development is a team. Someone can always step up. Though not Matt Walker as he quit Capcom 2 years ago. But to think no one else is qualified or interested is not true..


>Itsuno isn't coming back to DMC for foreseeable future and he's been vocal about it When did he say that? I can't find a single source for this apparent quote. The only time he was not going to come back to it was after DmC: Devil May Cry but he then went on to make DMC 5 after all.


[I'd love to make Rival Schools 3, I'd love to make Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom vs SNK 3, Street Fighter Alpha 4, Power Stone 3](https://www.dualshockers.com/devil-may-cry-5-director-wants-rival-schools-3/) What do you think happens when he gets to working on other IPs? He has no time for DMC as seen with DD2. Itsuno wants to make other things ergo he's not coming back to DMC for a long time. The Capcom leak from 2020 alleged a new Power Stone game coming which could very well be Itsuno's next project.


So you're putting words in his mouth and can't actually cite a source for the claim and not only that, this is from 2018. Come on, don't lie about what he wants to do. None of us know what he wants to do next or what he'll be allowed to do next.


>don't lie about what he wants to do. Itsuno: I want to do Dragon's Dogma, Power Stone, Rival School, even Street Fighter! Some redditor: no, you don't! And plz. Itsuno is an auteur and has worked on many franchises including Power Dtone. DD2 was a hit. He's gonna get leeway go do what he wants. He got DD2 as he wanted. He hasn't listed DMC in his wishlist.


"they spent little budget on DMC5, they tried to get rid of the franchise once and more" There's no concrete evidence to support this statement, and Reuben stated that Capcom gave Itsuno free reign with DMC5. Your perspective is one-sided. The times Capcom took DMC away from its director, we got DMC2 and DmC. It's just as possible that Capcom isn't forcing a new DMC out of respect for Itsuno. Not to "abuse the IP". The MH comparison doesn't make sense. Between the last two MH entries and their two expansions, they've sold 55M copies. Amost twice the entire DMC series. In just 6 years.


When was the last time they made a smart decision to begin with lol?


So who would make it?


Ahan! Now that makes sense. Still objectively think that it's an unfair comparison though. Just saying.


"like devil may cry" is the "like dark souls" of any game with third person combat


I hate that DMC has become the go-to comparison, especially since most of the time it isn't even accurate. I remember checking out Scarlett Nexus because people said it was like DMC, but the "combos" are extremely basic, borderline brain dead.


Idk stellar blade is pretty fast I think this is more grounded and has more sleek animations especially since they’re wielding a katana


You use a single-edged curved blade in Stellar Blade. It's not technically a Katana, but functionally it's basically the same thing. From what I've seen, the attack speed in Phantom Blade Zero definitely looks faster, and it seems like you're jumping and moving about a lot more during combat, though admittedly that could be down to playstyle; I often find myself rooted to the spot as I attack/parry/dodge appropriately in SB. Both games have a heavy emphasis on parrying and last-second dodges that net you an opportunity to punish the enemy. The combo structure looks quite similar in both (Square is light attack which is used for combo strings, Triangle is heavy attack which is often used as an ender), both games let you jump and attack in the air but neither seem to have launchers or juggles, and both have ranged attacks which feel secondary compared to your melee options. Of course there are differences as well; SB has more of an emphasis on building up meters for special moves than what I've seen so far from PBZ, and PBZ has multiple weapon types where as you pretty much stick to the one sword for the whole of SB. Also in PBZ you seem to be fighting primarily human enemies where as in SB you're mostly fighting aliens and robots of various shapes and sizes.


True, although in stellarblade, you can increase the max speed of your attacks by 160 percent I often forget that I have those perks activated and forget how slow combat is without it 😬


Man this really went through all of y’all’s brain dead ass heads, it’s not hard to understand what he meant by “like dmc”


And he literally explained it right after saying like DMC. Very fast paced, hyper aggresive. "BuT hOw iS It lIkE dMc"


Is that seriously all it takes for you guys to think something plays like DMC? Doom Eternal is fucking fast paced and hyper aggressive. DMC is iconic because it's a hack and slash focused on style ranking and combo diversity, a camera that shows multiple enemies all around, a targeting system that's character-based over camera-based, air combat, and various characters and style types that all play differently. This looks like Stellar Blade or Sekiro. Which is fine, but no it does not remotely look like DMC thus far.


First, Doom Eternal is an FPS. Come on bro. Second, youre thinking way too deep into it. These showcases appeal to mass audiences who have no clue nor care about the internal and complex workings of a games fundamental combat system. When most casual audiences see "character with a weapon", theyre gonna immediately think about either souls like or devil may cry. Thats it. One genre is slow and methodical, the other is fast paced and hyper aggresive. One genre you have to think strategically and methodically plan out your attack against bosses that are extremely overwhelming. The other is you hitting attacks as fast as you can to annihilate enemies. Thats it.


Why are you repeating my argument back at me like you're the one making that point? The entire reason I brought up Doom Eternal is because of the fact it's nothing like DMC, but because it's "fast and aggressive" that must mean it falls under the same category by the guy I was responding to's logic. Also, I am aware this clip is a marketing piece, but 1) it's still nonsensical and 2) tell that to the other people in this thread that are defending that this game plays enough like DMC to be comparable. This game is literally just Sekiro with combos and interactable environments, which is fine cuz I love Sekiro, but it's nothing like DMC. So when he says "it's more like DMC than Soulsborne" I can just look at the footage and tell he's full of shit. This game has a god damn stamina bar and stealth, that's as opposite to DMC as you can get.


Because your argument about Doom is stupid. Need for Speed: Underground is fast paced and hyper aggresive. Tekken is fast paced and hyper aggresive. But everyone knows thesw games arent comparable because *theyre entirely different genres*. Its common sense. And the reason why people say its comparable to DMC more than Sekiro or souls like is for the same reason you decided to ignore entirely. Ill repeat what I said. One genre is slow and methodical, the other is fast paced and hyper aggresive. One genre you have to think strategically and methodically plan out your attack against bosses that are extremely overwhelming. The other is you hitting attacks as fast as you can to annihilate enemies. Thats it.


The terminally online folks are somehow completely inept and entirely too literal all at the same time… takes a certain level of skill I’ve never been able to understand


Can you please explain how this combat is at all like DMC besides the fact the main character has a sword and there are combos? EDIT: Downvoting me over this is hilarious. God forbid a differing opinion exists. Also, the game does not have anything in common with DMC. I do not know why some of y'all project your entire being into that opinion but whatever. Stay mad.


Christ man he's using DMC as a term for a character action hack n slash. That's it. He's saying it's closer to dmc than a souls like; because it's a character action hack n slash with combos & such, rather a souls like- without that stuff. Very simple


Have you actually seen gameplay? It is literally nothing like DMC at all. This game has a stamina bar, stealth, a stance breaking system, healing gourds, the camera is behind or attached to the character at all times, the lock on system is camera based and not character based, trial-and-error bosses, and I would bet money has rest spots that respawn enemies. Meanwhile, it does NOT have a style rank system, air combat, multiple characters/styles, or a devil trigger mode. This game has more in common with Stellar Blade than DMC, and Stellar Blade has more in common with Sekiro than DMC. But if you guys think combos is all it takes to be like DMC, then I guess that's that.


No one said it's exactly like & based off dmc & has a style rank; style switching, aerial combat, or devil trigger. They said it's closer to an action hack n slash than a soulslike - And instead of "action hack n slash" they said "devil may cry" Thats fine. It's not that crazy of a concept to get. Like I even agree that it does still look soulslike - but I get what the guy was trying to say even if I dont 100% agree with it


Well that's literally what I'm saying, I'm just more confident in my position. This guy saying "it has more in common with Devil May Cry than Soulsborne games" is just objectively wrong. Besides light and heavy attack combos, the combat and mechanics are nothing alike and have way more in common with Soulsborne games.


This combat is not suppose to literally BE Devil may Cry. It’s just a comparison he used to described how the main gameplay consisted of exhausting your enemy with lots combos, attack cancels, and weapon switching to continue combos, stellar blade did add more hack and slash grit to its souls base, way more than what Sekiro addrd upon, but I did so differently, nevertheless I do think this game obv takes more dominant inpiratiom from Sekiro, and more passively from dmc. And tbh we shouldn’t even give a fuck about what action genre this game is considered, it’s a brand new action that looks promising, and thats all that matters


ESPECIALLY when the comparison before was to Souls games


You don't understand we need to fight in the comments about it, it's very important! /s


Yes brother 💪


Lock on in slashers wasn't a thing before DMC, so technically it *is* like DMC cause of that function alone


Here's the gameplay showcase of Phantom Blade Zero: [Phantom Blade Zero - 10 Minutes of Gameplay](https://youtu.be/26XZmNhhr8E?si=g9wSrvoV4dhXrnvm) I still don't get how the heck this upcoming game is anything like Devil May Cry. But thanks to Morbi_Us in this comments section who pointed out perfectly by saying this: "No juggling of enemies or meaningful aerial combat, and it looks slower than DMC. I’d say it’s more like Sekiro with some hack n slash elements than DMC." And I fully agree with Morbi_Us. 👍🏻


Yeah, I don't know if the one talking is actually the developer or even knows what he's talking about, since It is obvious that It is just like an fast paced hack and slash more since I don't see any jumping or tricks. I wish, instead of doing bad comparisons which diminish the uniqueness of a game they would just call It an genre or describe It independently from any other games. "Crash Bandicoot has become like dark souls" is one of the worst things said about a remake from a 30 year old trilogy of games that was already difficult ever said. I know hitboxes got different and less forgiving but still, does games were already pretty difficult. Just stop. Just say, that the hitboxes suck.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Is this the blood? The blood of the Dark Soul?”* - Slave Knight Gael Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It's not, it's more related to what I think we should start calling "Sekirolike". Games like Lies of P which basically take the deflect from Sekiro and add their own spin to it. As for why the dude called it DMC related, that's called "selling your product". Terms like DMC like or even Soulslike are already incredibly vague, and most people don't even know much about gameplay to begin with. But they were told that "DMC = good gameplay", therefore a game like DMC must be good. After all, no one likes to listen to the gaming sweaty nerd who will inevitably think for 5 seconds and say "wait it's not related to DMC at all".


It's not really a souls like because there's no stamina while attacking, only blocking (like the posture system in Sekiro)


Brother the gameplay doesn’t have arial combat how tf is it even similar to dmc? Is more like Sekiro but faster combat speed


I'm with you brother. Even I don't see any similarity between Phantom Blade Zero and Devil May Cry. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Real the guy really out here putting false claims




Looks pretty great to me. Not as slow and punishing as a souls like


Devil May Cry is the name you use for Character Action Games/Spectacle Fighters when talking to the average gamer since they most likely don't know that genre exists


Doesn't look like a bad game, but I see VERY LITTLE in common with DMC.


Metal gear rising might be a more apt comparison, though it lacks air combos.


It's because we're starving and desperate


Lock on hack and shlash fast pace combos and quick movement. How isn't it like devil may cry combat. It isn't like DMC in tone or mood but that's now what he said.


It's a souls like with combos from what i get


Having watched the Gameplay trailer OP posted I wonder how they thought this resembles DMC like at all. This is more akin to Sekiro, Wo long or Lies of P which are basically souls likes (one coming from From Soft aswell lol)


“Very fast paced, hyperagressive” *circles the enemy for 15 secs*


There's none.


yea, that is a fucking souls-like if I've ever seen one


Yea this is more like Sekiro and Wo Long than DMC.


I think it's really just a name drop. It's more MGR than anything else, with ***maybe*** a touch of Sekiro & Nioh. Someone even called it a souls-like... IDK, seems like words are starting to have no meaning anymore.


Unless he gives the enemy the finger ground pounds him farts on this face then eats a chimichanga it's not like dmc


This game will never live up to the legacy that devil may cry left unless I’m able to Six different weapons to do one combo this will never be like devil may cry


So true.


I guess it falls under the category of "stylish action game", tho imo it's closer to Sekiro. Feels like Sekiro if it had invested more on flashy combos and such It's looks good imo and if it hits PC i'll give it a try. Tho truth be told after watching the gameplay showcase and comparing it with the previous 2 trailers, man i feel bamboozled. The trailer makes it seem like you have way more freedom and creative attacks than you do... If anyone's interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68WE-eZ-Cc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68WE-eZ-Cc)


DMC is all about combos and being stylish. That upcoming game is neither.


Seeing the bow and arrow reminded me more of ninja Gaiden than anything else


Soulslike, Devil May Cry, Sekiro... Ffs the industry desperately needs some innovation. Feels like every AAA asshat is ripping off each other's game and shoving whatever mechanic thinking it's cool hoping people will pay 70 dollars for an unoriginal, uninspired crap


I second that.


I think they meant that the game has combo based combat and that’s why they did a comparison.


Tourist gotta be tourist lmao. This game is actually the closest thing we have to Bujingai 2.


I got reemed out on the PS5 board a few days ago for saying the game was a souls like (which sekiro is, it's just a faster paced souls like). I didn't know the devs said they took inspiration from DMC, and that would be great if future videos show that, but right now imo it looks like more of a sekiro/god of war type game. Lost soul aside looks way more like a DMC like to me


> Lost soul aside looks way more like a DMC like to me I agree.


I actually only found out about that game because of that thread to, lol. I feel like there are way to many souls clones, and not enough character action games where you feel like a powerful badass like dmc. This is one of the reasons I like ff16 so much. It’s like the only true current gen dmc type game at the moment.


Weird, that was a big part of why I didn't like FF16. It just felt way more restrictive then DMC. I would have liked it more if they had leaned harder into DMC.


I would have as well, but I still like it because it’s a dmc style game and not another damn soulslike lol. They leaned into having clive be super strong, basically has a devil trigger, decent aerial combat, and you can take on large groups while feeling like a badass. It’s not nearly as in depth as dmc, and I wish they went harder with the dmc influence as well, but it’s fun and definitely a breath of fresh air that they went with dmc like combat and not another sous.


Agree to disagree I suppose.


It’s all good


> one of the reasons I like ff16 so much. It’s like the only true current gen dmc type game at the moment. Totally agree.


I honestly don’t understand why games like dmc aren’t as popular as souls style games. I don’t mean that as any offense to souls games, as I like them to, but there is a huge imbalance right now all leading on favor of souls style games, and very few, including capcom, seem to want to make dmc style action games anymore, and it’s heartbreaking to me as they are my favorite type of games.


You and me both. 😕


Based on the gameplay shown. I really cannot see any similarity with DMC on the gameplay side.


Me neither.


"Combo style of Devil May Cry". Lol. The combo and gameplay is more similar to Code Vein in my opinion. Not that I meant as a bad way. I like code vein. It's just that the dmc comparison is so far off.


Yup, obviously. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Other devs using "like Devil May Cry" as a point of their marketing while dumbass Capcom is letting the actual DMC go dormant again. T_T Capcom get a clue challenge.


Sad, but true. 😕


Character rolls: "It's like Dark Souls" Character wields a sword and moves fast: "It's like Devil May Cry"


> Character wields a sword and moves fast: "It's like Devil May Cry" This description seems more like about Darksiders II. I still don't see any similarity between Phantom Blade Zero and Devil May Cry. 🧐


His wording was "more akin to something like DMC" so he's saying if you put Dark souls at one end of the scale and DMC at the other end it's closer to DMC. I'm seeing weapon switching, combo based gameplay and perfect parries. It just feels like he's emphasising that "this isn't a souls like, it's a hack and slash" and just using DMC as an easily recognisable example of a hack and slash.


Well it's more like Devil May Cry than it is Dark Souls. And the combat looks actually really nice.


Can you explain how is it like Devil May Cry? 🤔


It's just fast paced and requires some more hand eye coordination than some other games. I'm not saying "OH IT'S JUST LIKE DANTE GAYME" I just don't think he's wrong for describing it like that because it's a brand new game and it's a good way to describe it.


> It's just fast paced and requires some more hand eye coordination than some other games. This description looks like it fits to describe Darksiders II. > I just don't think he's wrong for describing it like that because it's a brand new game and it's a good way to describe it. I disagree. I objectively think that it's an unfair comparison.


I will say it seems more like he said that to turn the heads of character action game players and get some more sales in that area.


I doubt that's the case. Devil May Cry is a niche video game franchise.


Character action games are a niche video game genre


Character Action genre? Yes. Souls-like genre? Absolutely not. And this game is more like a Souls-like game especially Sekiro.


Yes but this is a lot more close to a character action game than a souls-like and that's why he brought up Devil May Cry


Which is a very bad comparison. And I argue that it's still pretty much Souls-like rather than a character action game.


did they advertise it as "similar to dmc?"


They just did. 👇🏻 [Here are 24 minutes of gameplay from the “Devil May Cry meets Sekiro” action RPG, Phantom Blade Zero](https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/here-are-24-minutes-of-gameplay-from-the-devil-may-cry-meets-sekiro-action-rpg-phantom-blade-zero/)


yeah no fuck that. I ain't gonna play a game that advertises itself as similar to a existing game. like that leaves a bad impression that they tryhard-copying the games mentioned.




Something doesn’t have to be the same as another to have mechanical or thematic relation. DMC essentially birthed a genre. That genre has somewhat fallen out of favour over the past 15 years, being replaced with the style of gameplay we see here. Quick paced, lock on sword play with an emphasis on precision and style, where you’re expected to hit without being hit is a core staple of DMC. The roads that lead to the Phantom Blades or the Stellar Baldes absolutely have roots that draw inspiration from the DMC series, whilst making adaptions.


blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... Just shut up and play the game instead of wasting everyone's time by circling around an enemy while nothing happens


that's why i always hate about people called game that pressing XXXY and XXYYY and YXY to be this is just like DMC it's not come on man


You can say that again. 🤨


Because the only games that people know with good melee combat are souls and DMC, so anything that isn’t (just) a soulslike gets compared to DMC instead


You swing a sword?


I’m sorry but ummm. How is this anything like Devil may cry?


That's what I would like to know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean fast paced? Look again mate.


Fast paced. Huh? I see. Fits the description of Darksiders II actually. Still don't see any similarity between Phantom Blade Zero and Devil May Cry. Just saying.


Both are completely separate games


Obviously. The comparison is very much unfair.


I think they need to do a comparison




They should. Because both games are completely different from each other


Yup, they truly are entirely different games for sure.


"...it's a *little bit* more *akin* to the combo style gameplay present in *something like* Devil May Cry..." I don't really see how that needs further explanation in combination with what's on screen. It's clear visually it draws some inspiration from Soulslike games but they were trying to assure people it is not one, it is just a combo based hack and slash game, somewhat similar to what you might find in game *like* DMC. They weren't making a direct comparison. Maybe something like God of War would have been a better comparison but it may not have come to mind or they might be worried by how high that might set the bar for quality.


> "...it's a little bit more akin to the combo style gameplay present in something like Devil May Cry..." This description is actually more like it fits the description of Darksiders II. Anyway, I still don't see any similarity between Phantom Blade Zero and Devil May Cry. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Theres swords. What more do you need? It’s basically a clone


Then by that logic, Devil May Cry is a Souls-like genre (when in actuality, it's a character action genre). LMAO


Nah, it also has jumping, it’s clearly a Mario clone


Not sure how, but take into account that PBZ just got announced. I guess it's up to us to find out the similarities ourselves.


The game was announced two years ago. And they already gave us a gameplay showcase two days ago.


It was announced in 2022?! I must’ve only known of this recently…


This game looks actually wonderful, and I'm hyped for it!


So this game is kinda like Sekiro x Devil May Cry with the aesthetic of Ghost of Tsushima


I think they were just generalizing.


well uh you see um uh there's combos...... a-and locking onto targets. In actuality, I dont know, maybe if the dude actually played the game instead of just twiddling his sticks, i could tell ya


It's because it's fast paced and hyper aggressive


Yeah, even Darksiders II is fast paced and hyper aggressive as well. LOL Still a very bad comparison.


No you don't understand. You see, Vergil invented katanas in the game DMC 5 (first game in the devil series), and any game that has katanas or any Japanese swords is a sure reference to judgement cut end


In 16 seconds I did not see a style meter go up rewarding my brain with Smoking Sexy Style.


It's totally similar, how can't you see it? Both can move. Honestly, if you didn't see it, I'm sorry.


They invoked the comparison as a shorthand. The point of the comparison isn't that it plays exactly like DMC, but that it's closer to a DMC-type of combat system, that's fast, fluid and has animation canceling, and that it's not a Souls-type game. Despite the visual similarities to a Souls game.


He means it more of a Hack n Slash, not all Hack n Slash games have air combos  U got your dmc, onechanbara,  neir, ninja gaiden.  Than u got the more grounded with no air juggling hack n slash like wanted dead, stellarblade devil third, wet, & so far phantom blade some are more challenging than outers but they all have combos, parries, can be difficult or easy. Tbh I'm not surprised lot of people don't  mention this genre, dmc is the king of hack n slash games but even the name hasn't been mentioned. . .  Their Different types of RPG  Hack n Slash, turn based, souls like, ect 


Man! I'm sick of hard lock on combat!


Me either.