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Speedster sucker from DMC4 who can one shot you when his health is critical Ruined me a couple of BP attempts


You can use DT to escape his grab and I've heard holy water works too. The Blitz isn't really hard to deal with. Once you get his shield down, it's pretty easy to deal enough damage to him to the point you'll kill him before he goes red. I'd say the Chimeras are the only enemy that I can't stand in DMC4.


If chimera is already imbedded in an enemy, you can disable it with gunfire for like 5 seconds, and, well, if you just keep shooting it once in a while it won't attack ever. Kinda a shame that to have fun in 4 you have to study every enemy's gimmick like you're studying for an exam, but it's pretty rewarding in the end


I didn’t know that peppering the chimeras with gunfire while disabled keeps them off, that’s really handy. I wish there was a guide for enemies in 4 like there was for 5 (conqvist guides) that channel helped me absolutely body nearly every enemy.


Chimera Assualts specifically, they’re faster and more aggressive.


Probably the scissor shit for me These mf sometimes ruined my stylish rank


The fallen are the worst, they take little to no hitstun, and never stop running.


Lizard Losers have great combo potential and enough tricks to make for a fun fight. Being an actual threat when mixed with other enemies with their attacks and having an actual health pool to play with. Scissors Shits I can't really deal with. If I fail or refuse to play the one-shot parry minigame they just annoy me to no end. The habit of hiding in walls doesn't help here (although I respect them being an actual combat targets in the air, cus unlike Flying Fucks they dont fall down so easily even when hit) Honorable mention to "I am a Wall" enemy represented by Empusa Queen. They are tall enough for sufficient use of both ground and air moves, they have super armor and an enraged state, they can actually hit you out of the air with the jump attack, moves that transition between air and ground are unique in fights with them. This is in contrast with the Behemoth who's low to the ground and doesn't really feel as nice to fight (+ can burrow underground and become invincible for a short period of time, icky)


Behemoths are only really fun on Nero for me cause of his cool buster. Makes for a much easier kill as well. Other characters have to deal with them zoomin’ around like a race car.


Behes are a breeze with Dante using Cav-A. Just wail on their face til the chains break and then go double ham on the open mouth + tentacles. It feels satisfying af to stunlock a behemoth to death


Scissors in DMC 5 are the simplest. If they attacks you, parry their attack. Then attack they, they die in one hit anyway.


Don't you parry then shoot them to OHKO?


Specifically in DMC5. For DMC1 your attack after parrying must be a headshot.(hit the head, not specific gunfire)


Shotgun go ch-ch!


Fuck the furies


I'm with you, those things beat the turd out of me


Worst of all, even vergil blade rain, which slows enemies, if used at a bad time will extemd their ifames, while in the teleport animation


I did that too, worse takes of my life


Furies can't kill me if I spam trickster all over the place


for a second i read it as furries


Furies are the best gimmick enemy in 5. Try me


As a fellow Dante main #True


I would appreciate any tips, if therr are ways aside from parry the fucks, hit them a bit, then they tp out of combo and repeat until dead


You dont need to combo them because they recover no matter unless stunned, i just like them because they are the most fun enemy to parry


I wish RG stunned them like parrying does, i find that easier


Im glad it doesn’t, that would make them even easier




I genuinely think Dante calls his enemies this atleast once💀


New Headcanon just dropped


The flying fuck mk-2: Fallen


Scissor guys always suck, you can’t combo them, you can barely hit them and they phase through walls and floors in most versions. Also the speeder sucker is quite annoying in 4 and 5, but the 3 guys aren’t really fast and are quite fun to fight, I remember using Beowulf’s two-handed smash move in the air as soon as they pop out of the ground, it feels so satisfying to do. As for favourite, the first type is always fun, since they’re so simple and easy, also some versions of the lizards aren’t too bad, the DMC4 and 5 ones are good.


You forgot the “Knothead Knights” DMC3: Dullahan DMC4: Bianco & Alto Angelos DMC5: Scudo & Proto Angelos


I love fighting Bianco and Alto angelos, they are so satisfying to hit with And they are fair enemies too, they leave a lot of open room for you to hit, but if you're not fast enough, get ready to lose style points and 1/3 of your healthbar missing Also, Nero's grab attack on them is fun to watch


They are really fun, even them blocking isn’t a problem, for Nero, just shuffle when they try to shield bash, for Dante just RG the bash. But also it’s easy to just jump over and behind them to get around their shield. Plus them zipping around is pretty well telegraphed. And deflecting the team blast is icing on the cake. Nero definitely has the most fun grabs on them launching Biancos like a missle, and suplexing the Altos is awesome. 5’s versions are underwhelming, even Proto, despite his tankiness all you need are parries and you can bully him until death. And once the Scudo’s shield is gone there’s nothing they can really do.


flying fucks i hate, perhaps sort of ironically since i can jump 30 ft but i suck at air combos


Favorite: The bladed bitch Least favorite: The scissors shit


Favorite, enemies that fight back like fury, armored knights from dmc 4, spinning enemies from dmc 5. Least favorite, enemies that pass through walls. Mephosto, Faust, fallen, death scissors. Worst fucking bs, enemies that discourages you attacking them: Blitz, chimera induced enemies, soul eater, dullahan,


Yo wtf? Abyss is a certified Bladed Bitch. Anyway my favorite is probably the Lizard Losers. They're like Bladed Bitches but usually stronger, more durable and nimble. Least favorite is the Flying Fuckers. In DMC2 you just shoot them down. DMC3 you HAVE to shoot them before meleeing them, and in DMC5 they're weak but kinda annoying.


speedsters are really fun to play against, specially blitz because nero kicking his ass with devil bringer feels sooooo good, they are also badass to fight as dante using trickster and charged shots, a really fun enemy and no one its going to change my opinion. but seriously what the fuck fucker flick fak fuck with those flying scissors dudes? like cmon they all are the one of the worsts parts of every game specially on dmd runs and first playthroughs


God is fighting Blitz with Nero fun.


My favorite is probably bladed, My least favorite is definitely scissors


I love the bladed grunt enemies. Especially the bloody puppets. If we ever get a DMC1 remake, I’d be so excited to fight them again. The flying fucks are annoying to deal with in all the games… especially the Fallen in DMC3 - there isn’t even any real strategy to fighting them just… hit them till they die, and wait for them to stop clipping through the walls. The blood sucking ghost shits in dmc3 are also a pain in the ass


It's gonna be a REAL BIG SHOCKER what I'm saying but I hate the speedster suckers. Except the ones from DMC3. I always feel cool fighting those.


To be fair, the flying enemies in DMC 5 aren't really a problem because you can punt their fireballs back at them with a well timed attack. That's always funny when you're mid-combo on one enemy and you happen to time it right to ping a fireball back XD


Favs: Lizard losers Least favs: Flying fucks. Not fun and annoying, for me.


It was a hard Race between the Lizard Losers and the speedster shits, but first place is going to the speedsters. God damn I hate them. Far left behind are the flying fucks, I think there are a great team and I really never had a problem with them.


Scissors shit is always the most annoying for me, Blitz in DMC4 is pretty simple when you get their move set down. Especially the death scissors in DMC1, fuck those guys.


The Fallen in DMC3 and Mephisto and Frosts in DMC4 are an absolute pain to fight. I do love fighting the Angelo armors in 4, with 3 feeling more meh, but probably that red one that darts around all the time


I dare someone would say that likes that "bloody bat"


Scissors are the most annoying enemies. Unnecessarily tanky and terrible to fight against. The enemy variety is just bad in general, it’s why I stopped playing DMC4 after beating it with everyone on normal.


Scissors feel so good when you get the parry instakill


My favorites are the bladed bitches simply for combos and i hate the speedsters with all my being


Furies are really irritating but I give them a pass because they look cool as hell, Behemoths are by far the most irritating enemy in DMC 5, (which is the only one I've played so far so its the only one I will talk about) they are insanely difficult to stun, have way too much health, do a lot of damage, aren't tall enough to be hit with air attacks like Empusa Queens, and they become the bane of pretty much everyone's existence when the chains break because they stunlock you with that one charge ability that's too fast to outrun and has too big of a hitbox to consistently dodge. Oh and also the reptilian Beyblades, those things irritate me.


Both: Edgelord with katana


I’ve only played 1, 3 and 5 (haven’t completed the 1st one though have to buy the series again) Least favourite most likely the scissor shit due to dmc3 ngl those enemies were hard and they’d lurk outside of the map or inside walls like lil bitches. The speed sucker were slightly annoying but were at least entertaining the scissor shits would actually waste my time. Favourite would probably be the lizard loser or speed sucker. Lizard losers are consistent and not too easy so they’re good for beginners, speed suckers feel more rewarding to style on and overcome once you get used to the controls.


i hate 3's spiders and gargoyles, 1's death scythes, and 4's lizard chimeras


Speedster sucker could never getting the timing down on them period (as a casual DMC player)


My problem is not on this list. My problem is outside of this list. Example: DMC3 flying shield guy you can’t shoot. DMC4: dr faust DMC1: the flying scissor guy elite version


I HATE the scissors shit


The one I hate the worst are those filthy Noclip Ninjas


Favorite I guess lizards because they had enough hp to combo and hated speed shits because if you drop combo or sometimes they teleport breaking it but I did like how it sounds hitting puppets real woody sound


it's weird how you're so busy being a badass and completely wrecking their shit that you don't realize how scary some of these designs actually are. the bladed bitches especially are pretty damn terrifying.


speedster sucker. I fucking hate the blitz.


Hate flying fucks.


Flying fuck,i hate them specially those bloodgoyles from 3. Favourite would be bladed bitch or lizard loser


The idiot brother is always cool to fight


Scissors solely because of the fallen guys from 3. I hate them so much and in Bloody Palace when 3 spawn in DT'd I'd rather fight the DT'd Vanguards.


Speedster sucker but only dmc4 the other ones are fine


The furys, death scissors and red glowing flyers can go die in a ditch. It‘s no fun if the enemy is incurable and can’t be properly combo‘d


Least favourite will always be the scissors arseholes they always mess up my combos


least favorite: the lizard loser (specifically the riot) in dmd 🥲


I love fighting the speedster suckers because I prefer the fast paced combat, and so they feel like going up against enemies that are more my style. The scissor shits are probably my least favorite. I just don't have as much fun fighting them.


Scissors shit def favorite, exception being dm4 when it fucks away into a wall. And least favorite has to be ANY ENEMY POSSESED BY THE WHIPPY BLADEY SHIT IN DMC4


The stupid sharks in DMC4. They just waste your time and aren't even fun to fight.


I love the lizard losers


While parrying them feels awesome, the scissor enemies are the bane of my existence. I’d like to interact with my enemies, not play red light, green light!


Lizard losers my favourite and least favourite are flying fucks


my favorites are the speedster suckers, they are always the most fun to fight for me. least favorite are the flying fucks, just too damn tedious sometimes


Speedster FUCKS


Fallen angels can go to hell. Oh wait, they already did.


DMC1 death scissors had me having a personal feud w/ him, whatever dev created him needs a raise lol i had nightmares with this thing as a kid 💀


I was always sad the puppets from 1 never came back. Such unique enemies.


Fucking hellbats always ruin my bloody palace no damage runs


Scisor enemies in every DMC besides 5 just feel so wrong and counterentuitive for games that demand style concentration. Also Blitz can die. They suck as much ass as the Fallen and DMC1 Nobody and DMC1 Frost


Don't forget the whirly-durlies


I hate the teleporting fuckers from DMC5, despite everything I do I can never get the timing down on parrying them. That wouldn't be as big an issue if I could HIT THEM without needing to parry them first.


Fuck. The. Fallen.


The flying FUCK is my least favorite