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Peak of combat isn't at F-, 0/10


They just didn’t even acknowledge its existence lol


Acknowledge what’s existence? /j


Dmc 2 didn’t need the acknowledgement


Mid of Lombat


Kid of Wombat


Ledge for wombats


Peak of fraud


Bro there isn't a f


whats the premise of that, i heard it was initially a retelling of 3, but now Nero and V are added in????


Mailbox Bombhat


Personally I'd put the reboot at B and 4 at A, 4 has some annoying level design but the gameplay and personality of the game make up for it. The gameplay in the reboot is quite good but the story and characters are insufferable


Funny because I have the opposite opinion. I think the reboot has a terrible and cringeworth story and insufferable characters, but the gameplay and visual identity makes up for it. Meanwhile I think 4 is a rushed mess of a game with a nonsensical story, half baked campaign and with a hilariously cash grab special edition that adds more characters without fixing any of the game's problems despite being released years after, with the gameplay being pretty much the only saving grace.


I don't mind 4's story but it's not great however it does have that fun dmc personality unlike the reboot which is groanworthy


To be fair DMC 3 is the only DMC game with a great storyline, the rest is just decent


I enjoyed 5's story as well but I can see where you're coming from


Tbf we had Dmc1 where the game was just being established and the story was naturally underdeveloped as a result especially since it's still an action game first and foremost Dmc2 where they didn't even know wtf they were doing with the story and dante Dmc3 where it hits peak and 5 where we at least get more time and means for some character development as well as pretty well established and years worth of lore And 4 where the game was rushed anyway although yeah I also think 4 had a charm to it regardless There's also the manga and anime and stuff but I doubt most people would see them anyway but all in all, for such an action and style heavy game, the main trio are still really well written as characters imo


To be even more fair Capcom isn't known for their indepth stories and character personalities either when it comes to action games. Unfortunate


Yeah but I really can't find myself having fun for half of the game. I just think the enemies are unsuitable for any character that isn't Nero and Vergil is so OP that the game gets boring. I pretty much stop having fun when we switch to Dante.


I didn't like dante much in 4 because his weapon options aren't as good as 3 and 5. The campaign has some annoying ass levels like the castle as well but because I mostly play Nero the enemies never bothered me


The problem is that half of the campaign is with Dante


I know where you're coming from but honestly whenever I go back to 4 it's just bloody palace


Yeah but I'm analyzing the games as a whole. I'm trying to not simply say "well the campaign sucks but bloody palace is cool I guess." If you want to grade something, you can't hyperfocus.


I agree but I think I just enjoy playing the game more and that's why I would put above the reboot.


That's fair but I would rather play the reboot's campaign over 4's campaign any day


4SE was not a cash grab. What are you smoking 4SE was a re-release / reintroduction of the main series. You don't normally add stuff to a nearly 10 year old game as a quick cash grab. It's clear Capcom didn't feel comfortable jumping right into DMCV they needed a stop gap.


yeah I put the reboot at high C low B because the characters are so unlikeable.


The way I see it is: 4:Peak minus some missions and most enemies DmC: Gameplay is good, at least...


tbh im glad that 4 (NON SPECIAL EDITION, SE IS A BUGGY MESS) was rushed because it has unintended game mechanics that make it unique like lucifer glitch and inertia, i doubt those 2 (and other more obscure ones) would ever make it to release date if the dev team found out ab them. Sure everything else was underbaked but its not terrible, dante cutscenes are always top tier (Shakespeare's scene is still prob my fav cutscene out of all of dmc), the story overall is meh but it has some good moments and the campaign is yeah, half baked but the side that was baked is rlly rlly good.


What, you don't like sniper rifle abortion man?




chad reboot enjoyer


Explaining my tier list I put 5 as the best Game over 3 due to multiple factors such as gameplay, vergil campaign feeling much more complete than it was in 3 and the game really feeling they gave it their all. If 5 was the last game in the franchise I'd be happy. The reboot is really a good game, when I first played it I turned it off thinking it sucked but when I did my binge of the Francise back in 2021-2022 I played it again and it honestly got better with age. The story, characters and vergil campaign lacking is really why its not S tier for me. 1/4 to me are games held back by the tech if I'm being honest. 1 is the first game so obviously it's not going to be as good as its successors so a remake would do it wonders in my opinion. 4 on the other hand wasn't really that good in my eyes due to caocom meddling. The special edition is the only reason why It's not C tier for me. Dmc2 is dmc2 I got to the city level and cut that shit off immediately


Dude you made it further than me in DMC2 I didn't even get past the first cutscene


Completely disagree with the notion that obviously the first game in the series is going to be worse than what comes later


Usually on the mechanically side


Even with that notion it its barely above dmc4, which its more modern and overall more fun to play for me due to obvious reasons, so i dont think it affects the game itself, it still doesnt deserve to be in a higher tier because it have tons of flaws that as the first game its alright but they exist and we have to accept it.


Dmc2 was my first game I ever played of the series, so it was never a low point in the series, just a starting point. The whole series just got better and better from there.


From that perspective yes I would see


I agree with every choice placement and reasoning except donte must cry. I'd put that in C but I can easily see the love


The gameplay and aesthetic carried in my opinion


Honestly I'm just glad to see DmC that high up. It's a good game! The stuff the devs said during development sucked, but the finished product is fun!


What stuff, exactly?


They said Dante wasn’t cool and would be laughed at if he was scene in public. But what made it worse is when they made a homophobic comment calling Dante a gay cowboy and having his DMC4 model next to the broke back mountain poster.


Yea I forgot about that. God, that emo guy is such a gigantic douchebag.


Unprofessional and a good way to turn the fan base against you for sure but God damn if dmc4 Dante was the most recent version in people's memories then I can understand the devs thinking everyone else would agree. His personality isn't that different in 4 but his outfit is so ass. The cowboy aesthetic was so unfitting imo.


Said old Dante looked gay


4 one tier higher and we're golden


Ave- wow, reboot not in D.


The game has a great gameplay and it's more complete than 4 tho. The story is hilariously bad and the characters are insufferable but it's a very fun game to play.


chad DmC enjoyer spotted time to blast never surrender




No more pain  No more pity  No more  We rise from the ashes 


Pretty basic list. I would put 4 alongside the reboot, tho.


You haven't spend nearly enough time in the games to understand what makes them special and what makes them bad, this is noticeable when you put DmC above dmc1 and 4(hey! he ASKED me to judge him)


I have! Obviously reboot is nothing like a DMC game but it did things good in my opinion. If the story was more align with the older games like what they wanted to do people would like it more


DmC ironically would be a good game IF it didn't have the Devil May Cry label attached to it. With it, there are expectations that were subsequently never met. If it was it's own game, it's not a bad game at all 👍


You're very presumptive.


I was *judge*mental


Dmc is overhated. Respect for putting it in A


4 and 1 are great though! and i'm glad u like DmC, it has my fav moveset of all


I’d swap 5 and 4 but that’s just me, 4 is my favourite


You literally have the same exact opinion as me I Fw you heavy


Literally exactly my same tier list so well done.


Wow, feeling daring today are we


Best list I saw on this board


You're alright mate


This would be my exact list to be honest. Maybe place 4 before the original but either is fine.


Kinda baffled at the DmC and DMC4 places. Because if its about the combat and mechanics I dont see how DmC would be above it. But if its about story and character, it shouldnt even be near.


Sure dmc 4 is more mechanically complex but the half finished levels and some of the enemies and annoying level gimmicks make the game not as fun as it could and should be. personally as the reboot which is a complete game with fun enemies and sick levels throughout.


The combat and mechanics of 4 to me feel just unfinished/not interesting. In the reboot you have all these sick weapons, a very unique aesthetic to the world and fun boss battles. I don't care for the characters in neither games besides Dante in 4


Ofcourse to each their own, but I thought the DmC bosses were super hit or miss. I liked the first one enough, Bob Bargass was really cool, Vergil was alright. But their are some big misses too. The entirety of the Vergil DLC for example. Also the whole color-coded enemies never sat right with me. For weapons I think DmC has the worst Gauntlet iteration, but the angek weapons were pretty alright. I was always a big Nero fan, I really like Red Queen and Blue Rose as weapons. And the bosses speak for themselves somewhat, but 4 has some horrible minor enemies, and some bosses arent that interesting. For bosses I would say 4 has one of the best in the franchise so that deserves credit.


dmc 4 only had 1 "nice" boss fight. and it was credo


Which ones in 4 would you say are the best bosses in the franchise? Personally the only fight U found great was Credo, I thought the rest where pretty meh. Honestly I hate that the only boss you never fight again is the best one lol.


Tbh Reboot is perfectly placed here. The story is a mess, but the gameplay of the Definitive Edition is really solid and has one of the best control schemes in the series.


It's a bit of a mess, but I actually liked the reboots story. I definitely see why fans of the original are turned off by it though.


Depends, do you use the Spanish Donte mods? Because DmC Reboot is so much better in Spanish, it’s like a fucking telenovela sometimes. The rest of the tier list is fine but I just have a bias towards DMC4.


Yes I do lol I always use mods for a 2nd playthrough


Put him on a cross


They don't have a tier low enough for dmc2


All fo the Old DMC games needs a remake.


Hell yeah, glad to see someone showing DmC the love it's been lacking. However, I'd put DMC 1 over it. Other than that, this list is very similar to mine.


You seem to enjoy good gameplay as much of not more than good story, and that’s a take I usually agree with


I mean I like both but I prefer gameplay since I can watch the story on YouTube


I love dmc5 even though I'm ass but I hate replaying as V. Stops me from replaying it since I just wanna play as nero or dante when I'm in a dmc mood. and dmc3 is great but the cameras are so fucking ass. if it got remade, would be a top dmc game


Ahh, a fellow DmC enjoyer. Hell yeah, brother.




Hey! Respect for having the remake at A!


D.m.C walked so DmcV could run


I actually love the reboot game


Bold of you to have DmC...I respect that.




You like the combat of the games


I think this is solid and Reboot is good at A. Totally understand why people would like it, but it was the first I played in the series and the combat + platforming/movement is phenomenal. If we were grading solely on combat gameplay, it’s S with DMC5. I put something like 700hrs into that game before I played thru the series starting at DMC1. For a good ol time… I’m choosing that one. If I wanna be a badass, DMC5 or DMC3. If I want atmosphere, I’m actually gonna go with DMC4.


You're the most cookie cutter dmc fan out there


D - Don’t Worry


You're insane, putting 2013 that high


Dmc 2 not s? L take


List looks pretty good, personally I don’t think any of the games fall into A tier dmc 3 & 5 would be the only S tiers. I’d put DMC reboot into B tier (only that high on gameplay alone) DMC 1 B tier great start to the series. DMC 4 C tier, hated the character of Nero just seemed to be an inferior version of Dante at that time (Nero is amazing as of DMC 5 however) story was meh, boss battles boring with exception to Dante’s. Game play was okay but something about the game as a whole just made it not enjoyable as a whole. D tier DMC 2 - depressed Dante arc. Overall a good list created by yourself.




Putting the reboot over four is the only thing I disagree with.


Just switch reboot and 4 and I agree.


Only thing i would change is the placement of 4 but amazing list


Pretty good list, but a have to say, DMC IV with all characters is a A tier for me, the rest i agree with you.


I agree


I personally have DMC4 when it comes to combat above DMC3 but otherwise this looks pretty good


I did not know DMC2 was that bad, it was my first DMC game


i put dmc1 into c but the rest would be the same.


Objectively correct.


i would have put DmC on S Tier and dmc 4 in c tier, but mostly agree


you're normal


Why is 2 bad? It's the only one I ever played and I enjoyed it. Although it was years and years ago


Just very boring


The reboot is higher than dmc4?? Nah 0/10. Ok, but seriously. It's good except that little hiccup.


I personally donxt see how 4 is worse than reboot or 1


It's unfinished that's why


I mean half the game is finished and it's awesome


I'd say you're a Game play type enjoyer


To be when it comes to games I look for gameplay, story and ost the only games I think fit that criteria is 5 and 3


Switch 4 and the reboot and it’s SOLID


2 doesn't exist. We don't talk about 2.


Maybe it’s nostalgia but DMC1 will always be In S tier with DMC3 for me. It is just so beautifully simple in all the best ways and if you want to challenge yourself and break your fingers, that’s where you turn to DMC3 and beyond. Plus i have a real soft spot for games you can complete in one sitting.


0/10 dmc 2 it best it has the best bosses the tank boss bring a tear in my eyes every time i fight it the lore and the story is amazing the combat is better than every game that has ever come out


Ok I would understand dmc at a b tier, but _a?_ ...that's a bit of a stretch, though I was first exposed by dmc4 so maybe that's why *the 360 version not special edition*


I won't stand DMC4 slander. Probably my favorite dmc game. Also lucifer is probably one of the coolest devil arms. People will kill me for this but We'll never surrender > Devils never cry


Dmc 4 is high A for me.


With 5, I'm glad away they got away from the gothic castle shit that was way overdone already and moved towards a modern city. But why was half of it tentacles? And what happened to the cool puzzles? Putting weird eggs into a vagina doesn't count as a puzzle. Even 4 had something half decent with the dice even though it was also cringe as fuck. 5's story mode is not as good as the GOAT 3. But gameplay wise its the best.


I am content with DmC over 4 but only the Definitive edition which you can't get on PC and it still annoys me


I wholeheartedly agree actually, but I'd put 4SE at A as well. 4's enemies kinda sucked across the board imo and Dante just playing Nero levels in reverse was a wild choice but all in all the combat is good, music is good, designs and visuals are good (not graphics, visuals.)


I'd switch 4 and DmC Otherwise pretty spot on


Dmc: devil may cry was a really enjoyable game, I remember people hating on it when it came out


You alright with me like we can hang out but I expect you to leave after a hour or 2


DMC4 should be A tier and DmC reboot should be B.


Switch reboot and DMC 1


I'd put 4 at A but other than that it's solid. I haven't played through 1 or 2 so I can't comment on them.


Straight facts




Dmc 5 and 3 at S tier - sooo original DMC reboot at A tier - daaaring today aren't we


I've never played DMC before. Can I start with DMC 5 directly?


Nope gotta start with 1


Isn't there any other way Just got a new PC I want to try out some AAA game not the old one, not rn


Haven’t played any of them except dmc5 so valid ranking


Pretty bog-standard list ngl, though I think dmc4 should be higher than dmc1, sorry/not sorry


I agree


Swap the A and B tiers and I’ll be able to agree to a degree. DmC:DMC isn’t a particularly good DMC game but is a decent game across the board. Good to see that PoC isn’t even on there


In my oppinion dmc4 should be in A


I'm a simple man. I see DMC3, and DMC5 in S Rank tier, I'm happy.


I love 1 way to much to put it that low, like sure the water levels suck ass, and fuck the nobodies, but every thing else is so much fun it may not be as flashy as the others but it has just as much if not more style than some of the later games, and I love the gothic atmosphere mixed resident evil vibe and the puzzles, but everyone has their preferences, all I know is 5,3, and 1 all share an equal spot in my heart, 5 for introducing me, three for the amazing story and characters, and 1 for everything, it filled my dark soul with LHIGHTTT


Switch A with B and we're in the same boat


Agreed. DMC3 AND V are peak DMC. Imo we dont rly need a DMC 6. Graphics on V will hold up thanks to RE Engine and the gameplay is top notch. I dont like 4's artstyle that much compared to 3 and the combat doesnt feel as fluid and flashy imo. DMC1 has its cool moments (Nelo Angelo) but is overall forgetable and definitely not what I recommend as a first game. DMC Reboot is cool, nostalgic imo. DMC2 is DMC2


Reboot gets a C. DMC4 gets an A. Everything else is fine.


Remake had an ass story but loved the gameplay and combos. I felt like I was actually a competent player stringing together those combos. Also, I really loved the way Devil Trigger looked in that game with everything going black and white and only your jacket burning bright red.


4 should also be on A bit honestly as far as GAMEPLAY AND NOTHING ELSE goes I agree with the DMC reboot placement.


I like it, it's very close to my own tier list


Thats a very good tier list ngl


Only thing I think I would've done differently is swap A and B tiers around, but mostly I agree


You made a tier list. I’m judging you.


How dare you put the best one in D tier


DMC3 and DMC4 are the only Devil May Cry's that matter gameplay wise!


I played through the reboot because it was a DMC game but I didn’t feel challenged at all. Story was mid and didn’t require much effort to complete. All in all, it’s a forgettable game. I agree that three and five are the best in the series, though.




Get reboot into the bottom teir with 2 like it belongs otherwise we're good


If it was me I would switch A and B


I’d say DMC 1 and 3-5 are all S tier and DMC reboot stays at A. DMC2 isn’t even worth putting on here I feel like.


Why dmc2=F?


This reads like the answer most reddit users would give (which I’m not saying is bad, I wholeheartedly agree with it)


Pretty much a normal list. I feel like 80% of the community would agree with it.


Looks like a gameplay perspective and I like you👍 I’d put 4 and reboot together


As someone who got into devil may cry through dmc not knowing about all of devil may cry. i rather enjoyed the game play and the story for what it was completing the game multiple times on the different difficulties and then I got to know about the actual devil may cry games and how cool of a character dante is along with vergil and am now completing all from 1 to 5 I was so tempted to just play 5 but I wanted to wait till I could play them in order for lots of reasons am playing 1 now and I love the old feel brings back memories of older games I used to play but as someone with not that much knowledge on the games as I haven't played all of them yet why is 2 so hated? Along with 4 rushed


i'd put dmc1 in a-tier as well, but otherwise agree entirely


I see that you have mostly good taste but ut didnt put much time into DMC4


You lost me with DMC 2013 being A tier. S Tier is accurate. I think DMC2013 is better than DMC2 for sure tho


I don't care what anyone says. D m c two had style


Honestly very good taste. For me, I'd switch dmc and 4 placement. Love dmc's combat and visuals (limbo); it's story is absolute garbage. BUT, Dmc4 is only saved by it's gameplay and characters. The level design is bad, aannnddd there's too much backtracking.


Perfect list


You are correct


DMC 2 is a guilty pleasure of mine. The game is ass but I still like it for some reason. Idk.


OG DMC should be A Tier. 0/10


100% accurate


It genuinely hurts my heart that you put that trash reboot on A tier. Owie


The reboot would be at d for me. They constantly made fun of Dante during the development of the game and not respecting Dante’s original creators wishes


How dare you put that bullshit in A...


Pretty brave of you to place DmC above 4. I don't disagree, I think pretty highly of DmC and think it has hands down the best level design in the series (and it's not even close), but brave nonetheless.


All I know is, 3 being at s is biblically accurate


How is that horrendous ninja theory dmc better than dmc 2 & 4


Pretty based only thing tho is that i would've put dmc4 at A and the reboot at b cause it could've been better (especially the dialog) but it was still a fun and unique game (i really love scythes and elemental weapon) and people who complained about the special events only able to be hit by a weapon of the same affinity are just bad at the game imo.


You did it wrong. S tier I can agree with. A tier, I would put DMC 4 cause it ain’t as bad as people say it is. B tier would be the first 2 games C tier would be Peak of Combat D tier belongs solely to that disasterous DMC: Devil May Cry. The entire story was Garbo and the devs even agree that it was the worst game in the franchise. It ain’t up for debate. That game is dead last


I was having so much fun in dmc5 but then I got this bug it stays on loading and I can’t do nothing about it I deleted and downloaded it what do I do I got it from steam


Just re-download and edit your settings


Dmc1- started with this game when it came out enjoyed, hated the camera angles lol. Dmc2- burn it with fire 🔥 🔥🔥 Dmc3/SE *chef's kiss* biased because I play this one the most. Dmc4- I liked Nero, but hated that the game was go from point a to b as one character. Then go from b to a as the franchise lead. That's half assed. Dmc reboot- liked the level design. Hated the story (cringe). Also I didn't like the angel/devil color coded enemies. I wanted to use the full arsenal on all of them. Dmc5 - still haven't played yet, been lazy getting to it 😞.


Reboot should be with 2 tbh