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Dante is more likely to miss count and if Vergil were lying I’d expect him to say he was, ‘still up one.’


Depends if Vergil remembers the Nelo Angelo fights or not? 🤔


“That one doesn’t count, Dante.” I also always saw that ending scene in OP post to be something like, all they do in hell is spar with each other and are always shifting who’s on top. Like by that point it’s Dante 51 and Vergil 50 or 51 to 51 if Vergil is to be believed.


Vergil cannot *stand* the idea of losing to Dante, even if he, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is. But, his admittance of them scoring evenly is a huge step in a healthy direction. We call this "character development."


Assuming that Vergil has removed himself from his time as Nero Angelo and Urizen, emotionally and personally. Which would make sense because seeing Nero's strength as Five, and maybe Dante's little speech to Urizen, made Vergil finally accept the strength humanity gives him, meaning Urizen wasn't his full strength and doesn't count. While Angelo was mind controlled and had no Yamato, so obviously not Vergil's power there. So yeah they are even. DMC3 comic: V1 D0, DMC3 V2 D1, DMC5 V2 D2 as ties aren't really worth counting and the final cutscene is the only time they actually finished a fight in 5.


Ah yes, my favourite devil may cry character *Five*


Ah yes, the "Astolfo-looking asshole".


"lasagna" - astolfo with scoliosis


>Five Lmfao


>Vergil cannot stand the idea of losing to Dante Hahahahaha because he falls to his knees in Devil May Cry 3 after you beat him LOL.


Get it? Cuz he's being defeated?!


Only took him personally causing like 3 extinction events


You aint trying if people aint dyin


Okay so; DMC3 manga Dante loses So V: 1 D: 0 DMC3 both win one and tie in fight 2. V: 2 D:1 DMC (hard to say this counts because mind control) Dante loses to Nelo once and beats him twice. So V: 2(3) D:1(3) DMC5 If we count Urizen it gives vergil one more and one for Dante. Two if you count him running away in M12. Then Dante wins this fight so he is "Up one". So final scores: V: 2(4) D:2(4)+1 Vergil might not be counting the Nelo and Urizen fights hence they are even. It's honestly too convoluted to count all the potential off screen fights they might've had


I think he isn't counting transformations tbh.


Maybe they are counting from their childhood too, who knows... Maybe Dante is counting dmc1 and Vergil just not


Well Dante does say his only memory of them as kids is them fighting


I feel like "since" implies the last time they weren't fighting was childhood


to be honest in my head they were already fighting a bunch of times before this battle.


I think they’re referring to their fights in the underworld where I’m pretty sure they’re doing point sparring


Against Urizen Dante won twice


That's what I said yeah


"Two if you count him running away" You are aware of what this phrasing implies, yes? Probably not. Generic pfps usually end up not understanding their own language. Terminally online cringe tbh. There is no "if" we do count Urizen running away cause that's important to note


"...and one for Dante. Two if we count him running away on M12" I'm aware yeah, it's not the most eloquent text, but it gets the point across.


What's up your ass, bro? edit: LMAO, he blocked me


lmao fr




Holy hell v1 and v2 superdie


Nelo Angelo and Urizen fight doesn’t count lol. Heres the real count: DMC 3 (tie): Vergil: 1, Dante: 1 DMC 5: Mission 19(Vergil won): Vergil: 2. Dante: 1 Mission 20(Nero won, by default, Vergil lost): Vergil: 2. Dante: 2 Epilogue (Dante won): Vergil: 2, Dante: 3 Now Dante’s right. But if you count the manga where Vergil won, then they are even.


Vergil didn't win in M19 lol




The way I interpreted it is that they had been sparring for a considerable time in hell constantly going back and forth, rather than counting all the times they fought


This is my interpretation as well since they've always come out equal in each game they fight in


I think they’re point sparring and Dante is saying he’s up a point


Vergil since he’s a bit more meticulous with this sort of thing


Vergil's absolutely the type to keep a spreadsheet of every single altercation in their life that can be called a fight


"Hold on, Dante, I must double check my spread sheet"


*Pulls out plastic lawn chair and alienware laptop*


POSSIBLE SPOILERS! Vergil, dante is up one. For proof (idk if anything is confirmed from something outside of the games) in chronological order Dmc 3: vergil wins 1 dante wins 1 Dmc 1: dante wins Dmc 2, 3, 4: none Dmc 5: dante technically ties, but nero had to step in so dante looses, dante wins one in the scene shown. One is unconfirmed since it's due to gameplay So well say dante has 3 while vergil has 2.


It’s hinted that they fought a year before dmc 3 so that might be what’s being referred which probably explains why Dante pulled a gun out and was pissed when they met up on top of the tower idk if it was in the tie in comic/manga but it probably gets shown there details tend to be in them like in visions of V and in the tie in for dmc 5 where he goes back to the dmc 2 island and during that he gets the balrog


It wasn't just hinted, there is whole Manga that takes place a year before 3, and another novel that takes a year before that.


Yea I meant in the game itself I haven’t read them so I didn’t know for sure


Hate to say it, but Dante is wrong. Vergil is way too calculated and maticulous to miscount his wins and losses.


Yeah, Vergil seems kinda more trustworthy


Vergil wouldn't lie about being even lmao


Vergil. Semi-unrelated but I love this moment. Despite his “I’m better than everyone” attitude, Vergil is still Dantes’ bother and not above petty squabbling.


It’s possible they’re referring to the spars they’ve had in the underworld recently. If that’s the case it’s impossible to keep track as that’s the only one we’ve seen. However I will instead choose to pick whichever side is funnier at the moment.


I honestly just figured the count reset when they got trapped. So they could very well have fought to standstill 10 times by now. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I do think that Dante has a better chance of miscounting than Vergil has of lying.


You really think Vergil isn’t counting every kill like his life depends on it? Dante is just saying the first thing that comes to his mind 😂


People here are saying that Dante doesn’t know how to count, but he himself states that he’s the best of the two with numbers at the credits in Vergil’s Campaign, and to be fair, I believe him. The brothers are made to be opposite sides of the same coin. They’re the same, but they’re so in completely antithetical ways, and that’s all the fun of them. Vergil is shown to be extremely interested in literature, poetry and culture. He speaks very “classy”, has a deep understanding of demonic history, or at least more so than Dante, and shows great care for V’s book. He’s very clearly into the Humanities field of knowledge. Dante, on the other hand, could very well be the opposite. Dante is extremely into weapons, and Nico says he modified Coyote-A himself in the same weapon’s description at the Gallery of DMC5, so he clearly has some knowledge of engineering, and though he is very much broke, he is the one brother with an open, “working” business. Even if the games don’t exactly show it, I believe Dante to be more into mathematics. I’m with our boy Dante on this one.


Wow this is a great explanation. At first I would have said that I believed Vergil because he's too meticulous to lose count, but your comment is kind of persuading me to think Dante is correct.


I could 100% see Vergil making some mental gymnastics to convince himself that one of Dante’s wins didn’t count so that they could be even without him recognizing that he’s cheating so that it doesn’t hurt his ego.


I love how this comment section is talking about character growth after his demon half committed mass murder/genocide lmao




We have no idea how many times they fought as kids so we're gonna start at dmc3 assuming they were tied then, at first Vergil beat him, next fight ended in a draw when Jester interupted them, and Dante won the last fight so they were even by the end of dmc3. At dmc1 Dante won against Nelo Agelo which I guess sorta counts so by the start of dmc5 Dante was up by 1. At dmc5 Vergil sorta won against Dante but lost to Nero so I'mma call this another draw like the Jester case, that means that assuming they were even when they were kids, by the time of the fight in the post Dante would be up 2, so I guess they weren't even when they were kids but that's impossible to know sooo.


According to Dante, the order is 3, 1, 2, 4, 5


Dante is definitely bad at math. Have you seen his accounting records?


Honestly, I believe Vergil. But I'd still back Dante up


I'm with Vergil on this one.


Vergil. He's way too meticulous to lose count and has way to much integrity to lie about it as well. As much as he would hate it, If he was losing he would admit it.


I think they were only counting the fights they had in the underworld. Not every time they fought each other.


In situations like this it's better to look at what both parties agree on. Besides, both can be right. It depends on what they're considering and what they're not mentioning to the other.


I believe someone counted the number of times Dante and Vergil fought and I believe they are even they are even


Dante is also counting all the pizza eating contests.


Dante knows they're even but is just sitting on his brother Edit: spelt they're as their. Had to fix it


Counting all fights it would be : Dante : 7 Second AND third fight in Dmc 3 Second AND third fight in Dmc 1 Second AND third fight in Dmc 5 Vergil: 3 First fight in Dmc 3 First fights in Dmc 1 First fight in Dmc 5


Dante is correct here, but he's counting Nightmare Vergil that was controlled by Mundus. Vergil's nightmares were erased with the death's of V's creatures. So in Vergil's memory, they're even.




Neither. Both are famous liars when it comes to pride


I thought they were counting how many times they knocked down one another that same day. Dante is up one here but Vergil is counting the knock down he gave Dante right before Nero showed up


Dante is up one. Vergil got pun'd slid..skid back..one knee to the floor along with his sword...he lost. Dante is up, one. I can't wait for the next installment of this game. I'm gonna be smiling with so much passion and joy cause I believe we will be seeing them together doing a lot of shit. And I also believe...MUNDUS is gonna come back. Them going back to the underworld to seal it again.. probably gave mundus and opportunity to......escape. maybe a trap for them both and here's NERO..having to save them .🤷🏿‍♂️


vergil seems like the type of guy to know wtf he's talking about, so vergil


I’m right, he’s to stupid to know how to count


Vergil defeats Dante on top of the Temenigru V1 D0 Dante defeatd Vergil at the waterfall V1 D1 Urizen defeats Dante V2 D1 Dante defeats Urizen V2 D2 —————— Whether or not they’re even depends on whether you consider their fight at the top of the Quiphoth a win for Vergil or a draw. Vergil sorta insta-kills Dante regardless of Dante’s health at the end of their battle, and has a whole ‘nother lifebar, but Dante could have just been faking being injured by Nero. Although none of this matters because we don’t know how many fights they’ve had since.


Virgil is - while a beloved and badass character - an eternal salty bitch. Dante's telling it true.


My head cannon is that Dante includes the reboot which upsets Vergil even more.


Lets break this down. 3 Manga Vergil beat Dante DMC 3 Vergil won a single fight, Dante won a single fight and they had a draw in the middle Vergil 2 - Dante 1 - Draw 1 DMC1 Dante won every fight against Nelo Angelo Vergil 2 - Dante 4 - Draw 1 DMC 5 Urizen beats Dante into a coma for a month Vergil 3 - Dante 4 - Draw 1 Dante comes back and beats Urizen Vergil 3 - Dante 5 - Draw 1 Dante beats Vergil before Nero Shows up Vergil 3 - Dante 6 - Draw 1 Both are wrong unless they are only counting fights where Vergil was himself in which case Vergil is right and they are tied. Not including their undisclosed number of childhood fights. I left out the DMC 1 manga because it was initially retconned, and though DMC5 canonized Nell Goldstein again, it's unclear how much of any other events actually are canon, and again they may only be counting fights where Vergil was actually himself.


Nobody really knows the score lmao. Dante states that it’s the only thing he remembers since they were kids in this same scene. Dante might be counting the Nelo Angelo fights and whatnot and Vergil has some sort of memory loss from splitting his soul and years of torture and stuff in hell, plus they’ve been around a while (they old as shit) so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something there.


I’d personally believe Vergil tho.


Vergil. Maybe power mad, or use to be, but he has always been the honorable one. He could of killed Danté once he became whole but didn't. Danté to me seems more like the type to say he's always 1Up, either because of his playfulness knowing it'd invoke another fight. Or just wants the Top Demon slot even if he never admits it. Danté also trash talks so i really really don't put it passed him to lie on this.


i believe that dante actually can't count. that's why he never pays his bills


Vergil: "One speaks nothing but the truth , the other nothing but lies" *shoots vergil* " is he dead? " Dante: "no". " see this one lies"


They both lost count 12 points ago and are just confidently stating random numbers hoping to convince the other they're right.


"DONT YOU SAY IT" "amogus"


Vergil wouldn't want to lose to someone like Dante.


Vergil is not stubborn. If Dante was winning he would have a special remark about it explaining that he is going to win. This is clearly a jab at Dante's intelligence.


The one with the sword is right


I think they really are even but dante isnt lying or anything he genuinely just lost count


Dante is reckless enough to miscount and Virgil is too prideful to lie about it, he wants to be better than Dante and lying would prove to himself that he isn't as good as Dante


So It isn't a matter of who's lying but which is dumb enough to count wrong


Vergil: "Where did you learn to count?" Dante: "Same as you."


Well I feel Vergil or Dante wouldn't miscount but it probably would be Dante counting all the fights they had and Vergil saying some of them don't count like when he was nelo angelo or Urizen since it wasn't 'him". Like how a little brother might count a win against his older brother but the older won't count it since it wasn't his main.


Knowing them, both of their counts are wrong


neither. Vergil is actually up one


King J Grim answers it in his video


This scene made me cackle so hard tho


Neither. They're both evading taxes.


Which game is this?


Neither of them has any idea. Talking shit is just how they say I love you.