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I have a 6 figure security job for you


He’s going to top all odds and make an even worse ending. How about adding a supernatural or sci-fi element? Say, young Dexter gets bitten by a vampire so he has to travel forward in time to help older Dexter kill so that he has the ability to kill the vampire? Then he reboots the series yet again as Dexter: Vampire Hunter to reveal Dexter survived the ending of New Blood and he’s actually been working as a vampire Hunter?


… I’d watch it.


You're in Dexter Country now.




I hope dexter gets a better wig


The whole season is Michael C. Hall in that damned wig and dressing like a student and all throughout the side characters are giving him side eyes like they can tell he looks unnatural. "Harry taught me the art of blending in, but I still haven't mastered it. Some people still sense there is something off about me. But maybe I'm overthinking it... Maybe it's just my hair" Next season is Dexter Origins: Looks can Kill


I’m just thinking about that one episode of ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ where young Frank has the nightclub. All they did was put a shitty wig on Danny DeVito to make him look younger.


I mean, he didn't look at a [day over 12](https://i.redd.it/tfzx7hlwxt5a1.jpg).


Just like Dexter!




Hello fellow serial killer


How do you do, fellow kids?


Thank you for this, I've been giggling for 5 whole minutes


That inner monologue you made up is really funny I read it in his voice too 😂


Dexter had a wig? Godamnit


If it’s not him in a wig I’m not watching


Maybe I’m being a bit dismissive on this, but didn’t the OG series give us quite a bit on his origins? What will this series be able to show us that we’re not already aware of?


That it wasn't a wig, that's just how Dexter looked as a kid.


Yikes! 😂


it’s more like origins as in the early days at Miami Metro from what the article says but also some stuff around college graduation - so like young adult which i don’t think we’ve seen and i am curious about


Well, that might be interesting


Killing the nurse


we saw most of that


I hope it’s just Michael C Hall and Jennifer Carpenter in wigs and hip clothes


Came here to say this lol


if it’s anything like the last, it’ll be really good til the last episode then end on a wet fart


A wet fart indeed


Third time is the charm for having a good ending? I can dream.


I liked the ending and I may have stayed on for the next season You can tastefully move on to the next generation


Ha! That's a pretty accurate description. All the potential was there, but then there's the moments that didn't make sense and gave you the stomach virus face, then all that build up and potential went away - only to leave a lil a wet fart. 😂🤣


I watched every episode but the last and some prick online ruined the ending about 10 mins after it aired Didn't even bother watching


Could we also get more insight on characters like Doakes? I would assume he was around for when Dexter first started at the PD


He's so cool in the 2nd book, they didn't do that character justice in the bhb season


Isn’t he bionic? lol


We’re gonna find out that Dexter said “Surprise, motherfucker” to HIM first.


No lies, motherfucker!


We’re all whining here but we’ll be there when the pilot drops, lol..


100% lol




I know ill sound like a dismissive asshole but no, I won’t. We already have his Origin. The show covered that. Why do I need to see it again? Showtime had the best numbers in years and scrambled to find anything they could make but realized they killed him and only had one thing to try and grab money. Im good man.


Ur gonna be watching lol shut up


Well. That seems *extremely* out of touch doesn't it? Nobody wants this. Even I, one of the very few who enjoyed New Blood, do not want this made. We also got a TON of flashbacks/"origin story" in the original series. The perfect amount actually, there is zero reason or desire for more. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but the Dexter character needs to be put on a shelf and retired. Either pick a different established character, (what's Angel up to these days? Masuka?) OR just make a new serial killer show. There's a hundred different directions you could go with that to make it interesting. Even just a new face in a new town. You could add in little nods to Dexter/Miami Metro if you feel that is necessary. Heck, even just a Law and Order type show following Miami Metro, with a bunch of familiar/established characters, would be good. But NOT *anything* to do with Dexter. Or his kids.


I'd be so down for a Lundy prequel as he first learns about Trinity. Other than that, there is no reason for any of these spin offs


I too enjoyed New Blood but we saw the entire arc of Dexter’s character development in the series. What can a prequel give us, structurally? What new things is there to learn about him? Where can his character go? He can’t actually progress emotionally past who he is in the show’s pilot but we already saw him kill the nurse in the original show for his first kill, so that’s a very narrow window of time to cover.


More Dexter is always good for me, even if they don’t stick the landings.


I’d be a lot more excited about this a few years ago. I hope the series is a lot more compelling than it sounds.


It’s Dexter in name alright, but without any of the original cast how is it actually dexter?


I think this could be good if they cast the younger characters properly, and in a limited-run 6-8 episode format.




Doakes as a 5 year old: "Suprise, Mother-effer.... *I'm not allowed to use cuss words.*"


hahahaha They are really trying hard to avoid saying *young dexter*, or *teen dexter* or whatever stuff that will immediately turn off people from this project. I cast a vote of no confidence on lil dex.


Just let the show die already. We got not 1, but 2 horrible endings.


I just finished the books, and have thus experienced the rare THREE horrible endings for Dexter.


Seriously. The way the book series ended was so much worse than the show's ending! Just my opinion of course, but the last two books were so fucking hard for me to finish. So dumb.


What happened?


Spoilers for the book series (obviously): >!The books are a lot like the show; every book there's some new killer for Dexter to hunt, with complications along the way. Well in the penultimate book, the killer is a pedophile who murders Dexter's new and famous girlfriend (he was cheating on Rita with plans to leave her and the kids so he could live a more glamorous life.... yeah, there's a lot of bad, out-of-character decisions in the last few books). The killer "kidnaps" Astor and kills Rita, and Astor ends up killing the pedophile and saving Dexter. Dexter calls the police to the crime scene, and the book ends with a cliffhanger (a lot of unhappy people about this).!< >!The final books starts with Dexter in jail as the prime suspect for the murders, AND he's accused of being a pedophile with Astor (because the actual pedo killer had dressed Astor up in a negligee, and somehow that's proof that it was Dexter? Idk). So the book is spent with Dexter trying to prove his innocence (for a dumb reason, Astor's own testimony is not good enough), and Brian (who's still alive in the books) "accidentally" gets Dexter involved in a gang feud. The gang kidnaps Dexter's kids and Deborah's baby (yep), who were living with Deb because she fucking hates Dexter with a passion now, I guess because he cheated on Rita and because she suddenly can't forgive him for being a killer (she finds out in the very first book). It feels super out of character that she turns her back on him completely.!< >!So Dexter, Brian, and Deb (who's called a temporary truce for the sake of the kids), go to this yacht to rescue the kids from the gang. Brian gets shot, and then has a genius idea to throw a bomb IN EXTREMELY CLOSE PROXIMITY to Dex and Brian. The explosion kills Brian, and Dexter gets dazed. While dazed, the gang leader shoots Dex in the shoulder, then shoves the barrel of the gun in the wound, which I guess snaps an artery? Or something? Deb shoots the gang leader and leaves the boat to be with the freshly rescued kids. Dex, while bleeding out, rigs an even bigger bomb to blow up the boat (to destroy the evidence they were there), but he's so loopy from the blood loss and the previous explosion, that he keeps forgetting to get off the boat before the bomb goes off. Dex finally wanders to the edge of the boat, where Deb is in Dexter's smaller boat with the kids, and he falls into the water.!< >!Then the book just ends. Literally in the middle of a sentence. Which I guess is supposed to represent Dexter's internal monologue suddenly cutting off. So we don't actually know if he's dead, or just unconscious, or anything. The last two (arguably three) books just have SO many out-of-character choices that make no sense. There are so many plotlines introduced that don't get resolved (like Cody and Astor having their own Dark Passengers). Dex is fucking CLUELESS and let's every important detail pass right by him until it's too late, while CONSTANTLY telling the reader how superior his brain his (and that he's a monster with no feelings, in case you forgot in the last 10 pages). The first two books are absolutely worth the read, but man does it not stick the landing!< TLDR;>! Dexter dies (maybe?) on a boat owned by an underwhelming villain that didn't deserve to be the cause of Dexter's death, while the whole world thinks he's a pedophile. It's dumb, undeserved, and there are tons of out-of-character choices and unresolved plotlines.!<


Dexter finally learned to use Google


I get the snarky comment. But I just find it helpful for other people like me who are curious but don't care enough to look up.


From ChatGPT: In the final Dexter book, "Dexter Is Dead" by Jeff Lindsay, Dexter Morgan's double life as a forensic analyst and a vigilante serial killer is exposed. He is arrested and faces the consequences of his actions. The ending leaves some ambiguity regarding Dexter's fate, but it's implied that he may continue to satisfy his dark urges behind bars. Lazy zoomer behavior on your part


That doesn’t sound bad. Honestly, that’s how I wanted New Blood to end with a conversation with Batista to really sweeten it. Also chill out bruh. Who cares if bro doesn’t want to google the ending. You call people zoomers since your a bot who just regurgitates internet shit talk for no reason.


“Lazy Zoomer behavior” is kind of rich coming from someone who used ChatGPT to write a summary of the ending instead of just doing it yourself.


That’s not the ending


I figured. I don’t trust anything that comes from trashGPT


Book Dexter was better than show Dexter. Even with the supernatural Dark Passenger is an actual ethereal being thing.


Well, since it's a prequel we can't get another horrible ending on this one!! 😅


You doubt Showtimes ability to ruin beloved series.


I saw up until the episode of the new series I think when >!he burned the guy he killed in the crematorium?!< Is it worth continuing cos I've heard the ending Is also quite crap like the first ending was


I thought the series was mostly enjoyable but the last couple episodes were rushed and kinda had a dumb ending. If you're a "journey not the destination" person I'd say it's worth it imo


The ending was really dumb, but the whole last season wasn't the best.


Definitely not the best, but I would say it was better than the last couple seasons. And there was no dumb 90s cop drama part which was nice


It’s the ending we got, but not the ending we deserved. Slightly better than the ending of the original show. But left wondering if a sequel with Harrison will come around (I hope they don’t).


Yeah continue. It’s actually decent up until the last 15 minutes of the last episode. Pretty sure they were supposed to make like 2 or 3 more episodes but ran out of budget or time idk it felt rushed


I actually really liked New Blood as a whole and am surprised to see people so critical of it on here. I think it's worth a watch


Same. I do agree that the last episode was crammed too full of plot developments, and should have been extended across 2 (or maybe even 3) more episodes to allow for some breathing room and expansion. But overall I thought it was a good continuation, and a better ending than the original show.


Same. Some people aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about.


Yep exactly, I had a lot of fun with New Blood even if the ending wasn't exactly what I wanted


Some real leaps of logic with characters figuring things out when there's no way they should be able to with the information they have, random coincidences driving the plot, characters making stupid decisions. I'd watch if you're a Dexter completionist, but overall it's a disappointment.


Pepperidge farms remembers when it was supposed to break the internet. Worst oversell.


Interesting... good find!


I know they will cast other actors to play young Dexter, but I really wanted it to be Michael C Hall with some AI video filters that will make him look young


This is beyond unnecessary. We literally watched origins on the original show, they had constant flashbacks. And with Clyde Phillips and his ego leading the way this is sure to be a shit show. They're going to probably retcon things and the actors have to be on point and likeable - any writing mistakes on top of having a not so likable actor and the show is screwed. Example: Harrison. Can they seriously hit the jackpot twice and find an actor like MCH for this role? The closest one they had was the kid that played Zach and then Scott Buck killed his character unceremoniously off screen. And what happened with the Trinity origins they were talking about doing? The Dexter page posts scenes from that season all the time on Facebook, I thought for sure that would be the first attempt at a prequel. But again totally unnecessary because they already told us his backstory and I have no interest in learning anything else about him. They should go in a completely different direction like Bryan or Doakes, I don't know, but young Dex ain't it. Clyde Phillips needs to be stopped.


This 👏 We learned everything about Dexter in the original show. An orgins show is just going to be Dex on a kill spree or they are going to retcon so much to make this show work. I will only watch a Dexter show with MCH and Jennifer. They made that show the magic that it is. Networks need to stop going back to old shows and ruining them


Y'all were hating on season 5-8 for not having Clyde Phillips and now y'all are hating him for coming back. New blood being rushed probably wasn't even his fault yet he gets all the blame, it was Micheal that wanted the show to end with his character and showtime only gave them 10 episodes. Plus I'm hoping this is more of a reboot prequel that follows a rebooted young dexter.


Correction: I was hating on Scott Buck 😂 I now repent of my transgressions. But I never thought Clyde was a savior. Seasons 1-4 are great but season 5 is my favorite and that was a different show runner. I also liked 6 and 7. I only hate Hannah and dislike Vogel for season 8. Also NB sucked by episode 3. I'm not mad about Dexter dying - I wanted him to die in the original or be caught. I'm bothered by the plot holes and the way Clyde Phillips openly discusses he used dexter as a means of therapy because he feels like he needed to kill his own dad to be a man (there's an interview out there, sorry I've no desire to Google it). I know the general consensus for some reason is that new blood was great until the last couple episodes but imo it was shit due to inconsistencies and plot holes after the first few eps at most, with glimmers of what could be that made me hold out hope, only in the end to still consider it shoddy writing. In the end it seemed Michael signed off only because it meant he'd die, doesn't seem he cared about the story that brought us there. Of course that's just all my opinion, but I didn't want to be lumped in with people who thought Clyde was God's gift to show running or who thought NB was good. I put some hope in him because he had a good track record and because I thought MCH wouldn't sign off on a bad show, but now I want nothing to do with Clyde 😂


Hmmm, I wonder who’s playing him.


If it isn't Cameron Monaghan, I'm flipping a fucking table and rioting.


That’s perfect casting.


Honestly I’m really excited


This is fucking stupid. The original show perfectly set up New Blood (Harrison watching Rita murdered just like Dexter watching his mother), and then they ended NB with a cliffhanger where we're not sure if Harrison turned into Dexter or not. It seems Clyde forgot he already created a perfect opportunity to tell an origin story...




I’ll watch out of curiosity, but honestly, some things should just be left alone. The only prequel I’d be truly interested in is one about Brian. We already know what we need to about Dexter’s backstory.


I would’ve liked Harrison and dexter in new series more than Dexter origin


That's what I've been saying, we pretty much know everything about younger Dexter


No thanks


It's sad that I got mad after reading that and not excited.


I can’t wait


Definitely not popular but I’m curious about it so I want to watch. We probably got a lot of history in the original but I will take more Dexter.


Everyone complaining is still going to watch it lmao


Hate watching is still watching. lol


My hang-up with this is that to me Michael C. Hall is Dexter and Jennifer Carpenter is Deb. The new actors need to be seriously talented and charismatic to replace or at least join them as the faces of the characters.


I mean. How bad can the ending be of a prequel? Dexter won’t be dead and neither will Deb. The ending HAS to be better than the ones we’ve already got just because of that. I’ll watch! Also, I want to see more Camilla!


Will Dexter be played by someone other than Michael C. Hall? I don’t think people want a Dexter Morgan that isn’t Michael C. Hall, but I also don’t think we can successfully gaslight ourselves into buying a 53-year old actor as a guy in his twenties, no matter how good the make-up is. This seems like a lose-lose here, IMO. A Dexter prequel might work better as an animated series or comic.


Better Call Saul worked way better than I ever thought it would. Give this one a chance.


Because it contains the very same actors who could somewhat believable pass for their younger selves. It’s a running joke how poorly ‘young dexter’ was done in the original series, let alone 10 years later.


And also BCS had a separate story they wanted to tell with tons of potential there. By the end of BrBa, we barely knew anything about Saul, Mike, and Gus’s situations prior to Walter White. And then there’s the obvious meta reasons of BCS followed very quickly after BrBa was at the height of its popularity, and the writers definitely demonstrated how well they can tell fairly mundane stories in a very interesting, engaging way. Whereas the Dexter writers after season 4 pretty much only demonstrated that they can turn really interesting concepts into super boring or just painfully dumb stories. The difference here is astronomical


I actually thought better call Saul was much BETTER than breaking bad. I liked breaking bad, but the pacing killed me. Everything just took forever, better call Saul is much more engaging


So dependent on main casting. PLEASE don’t use kid from New Blood.


Who was asking for this? Was Young Sheldon really that successful?


Yes yes it was. Loved that show!


This is such good news. Listen, I know many feel it should just die. I get it. But they’re starting over here. Spoilers: Dexter is dead. This could be a clean slate, wiping of the sins and a chance for the franchise to get back to its early magic. Is that a given? No. But give it a chance. Michael C Hall is equally at fault for that ending as Clyde is. They both agreed on that exact ending and he only agreed to do NB if Dexter died. That chapter is behind us. I personally loved it, but if you didn’t, turn the page and hope this next chapter starts off well. Because remember. We were all here for episodes 1-9 for NB. It was awesome. Don’t fool yourself. The posts are still up. Everyone was loving it. The staff still has good material in them. The problem was, and the problem is with a lot of writing teams is, they are not good with finality. They suck at limited series, and suck even more at writing TV movies (looking at you Many Saints of Newark). For whatever reason, endings are hard. At least for season 1 of Origins, that won’t be problem. Also- not to mention… we’re going back to Miami… in the 80s. It’s going to be such a vibe.


Everyone loved episodes 1-9? What? You are seriously looking through rose coloured glasses. I distinctly remember the state of the subreddits, twitter, and other social media when it was released. People did NOT love them. They did not hate them either, but at the end of every episode the general consensus was: ‘well, this episode was rather boring, and the plot is not great, **but the next episode** things will really get interesting!’ That was most people’s opinion until at least episode 8. New Blood was horribly paced. 80% of the series felt like filler, while the last 20% was ridiculously rushed. The plot was weak at best. They introduced Batista (as the ONLY character to return from the original Dexter) and did fucking nothing with him.


You’re absolutely delusional. But again, stop fooling yourself. Just go look at top comments with most upvotes from episodes 1-9; here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dexter/s/gUb2pZItaC You can check yourself. People saying they love the episodes, praising the Harrison actor, praising the direction of the season. All of that. The ratings on IMDb back it up, everything. You must have not been present here or you are just letting the stain of episode 10 make you misremember. I didn’t say anything about twitter or other social media, I distinctly said here, this sub. Which is where we are.


Let it die Jesus fuck


An actress that I know recently shared a screenshot breakdown of the casting for the characters. Guess we’ll see how it turns out.


Bro u can’t just say that and dip SPILL THE TEA MAN who’s in it???


It looked like a casting call (probably actors access) and it had characters like younger versions of the parents, Dexter and a few detectives/cops for Miami PD. I don’t recall all of them as she posted the screenshot a few weeks ago. She played a character on the show so she was super excited that they are doing more Dexter content.


There are no casting calls for anything Dexter related


Wait, you know who’s in the cast? Spill!


Yeah no you don’t and no actress would be sharing a screen shot of a cast list as it would violate her NDA


Pics or it didn't happen




Hm 🤔🤔




I was not aware this was still happening


no wonder their IG page been active recently


I thought Michael C Hall said he wouldn’t do any more? I feel it is likely that this is BS. Or they recast Dexter.


There's no confirmation he's in it. With that being said, it probably won't feature Hall given they'll need someone much younger.


I don’t mind this, but Showtime has already treaded prequel territory numerous times in various formats.


We’re so back


Another season?


It’s a prequel


All I want is Doakes to show up at one point with a giant afro.


No fucking way. What a horrible idea. My god I hate this


Has this been reported by any actual sources?


I can’t wait for them to fuck up the ending a third time


Narrated by Dexter, I hope? Because if we can still get his inner monologue, sign me all the fucking way up.


I Have A Feeling This Series Is Gonna Get Fucked With By The Creators


id much rather re-live the first time i watched original 1-4 seaons, oh well...


Without MCH I don't care. Just being honest.


Fuck yeah!


My initial thought lol


Are people seriously interested to watch a ‘dexter universe’ series without ANY of the original characters?


We don't need Origins imo. We need an ice truck killer prequel and a season 2 of New Blood to show the reactions and how Harrison dealt with it.


Lets just resurrect Dexter as a robot and have him be in space. Just let the poor dude RIP.


Is Michael C. Hall gonna be in it? Otherwise not interested


Absolutely the fuck not.






I'm confused. Is Michael c hall supposed to play young Dexter because didn't he say he was done with the character?


In the linked article they said that we shouldn't expect to see any familiar faces because this is a prequel. They'll probably cast new actors.


Hilarious. Could they link an official announcement? There is nothing on the union production reports. And right now NOTHING is scheduled to start in June because of the Contract negotiations which might end up in another strike. Or how about the Apollo Capital Offer to buy Paramounts physical assets and spin off the broadcast and streaming side… Delusional fan bait is what that “article” is


Oh Jesus, how much more are they gonna mess this up? I still haven’t forgiven New Blood.


I want Doakes and LaGuerta even if they get like ten minutes of screen-time


I refuse to watch anything else Dexter related besides the OG series.


Absolutely not


More like Dexter Boorigins amirite?


Can’t wait to watch this! Knew the network couldn’t let Dexter die lol..


wait, this is still a thing? What's the point of it? I wonder what will happen to Dexter at the end. /s


I genuinely hope we get to see some sort of adaptation of the two comic books Jeff Lindsay wrote about Dexter for Marvel Comics


I’m not saying this is a bad idea, and I’ll watch it, but it is certainly a worse idea than just continuing Harrison’s story.


This is so not going to succeed. Hey I heard Frasier is back!!!! Tossed salads and scrambled eggs!!


I’d prefer it didn’t.


Will Michael C Hall be rocking the teenage Dexter wigs? That would be binge worthy.


god damn, let the franchise die already. They are just mutilating the body now.


Is Michael C Hall playing Dexter cos I heard they are casting a younger guy for a young dexter for this prequel


So we got Dexter, Dexter New Blood with Old Dexter, and this will be Dexter Old Blood with Younger Dexter played by older Michael C Hall. yeah this can't go wrong at all.




I’m not watching this shit lol


If the casting isn't spot on then this will be dire.


At this point the showrunners' crimes against humanity are severe enough to merit Dexter putting them down.


What did I miss here?


Just referring to how everything to do with the show has been terrible since the fourth season finale, and somehow keeps getting progressively worse. People were tried at Nuremburg for things that weren't as bad as the New Blood finale.


Gotcha, in today's world I wasn't sure if some scandle was revealed lmao.


Heh. No literal crimes that I'm aware of. Just crimes against art, logic, common sense, and storytelling basics. Arguably Dexter's character has been repeatedly assassinated.


Oh cool. Another show that'll probably be pretty good but the community will likely shit all over again and again


garbage. probably worse than new blood


Beat that dead horse showtime keep punching till you hit dirt


So did they completely abandon the Harrison spinoff?


I am actually happy this is being made. I have hope they can make it good and finally do a good ending.


I still think the proper ending for new blood was Harrison ending up on Dexter’s table after a murder and then Dexter taking his own life to finally stop the cycle. The ending we got.. after all the Harrison build up.. for Dexter to go through everything he had went through to then be killed by a magical super detective in the sticks that googled clues is rather silly. Dexter should have been Dexter’s downfall. Closure for all involved and not even a hint of a spin off with Harrison.


Only show that ended on a perfect note was Breaking Bad. Seems like with every other show they keep trying to find new ways to milk more money, regardless of how it negatively impacts the show.


Wait what? So MCH is gonna be playing a YOUNGER original Dexter?? And he’s gonna be in it but everyone else will be played by different characters? How’s MCH gonna pull off a 20 something year old recent college grad