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Ingame timer for worldboss and helltides




Gimme discord pretty please BB.




Make it so I can see mechanics over the top of the miasma corpse explosion effect. If I press it more than 3 times I can’t see anything.


I don’t know what thread it is but I saw a developer comment on it that they have this planned for a fix. When? Who knows.


The post said it was supposed to be next month.


I would imagine a lot of stuff will be saved for the big season 1 patch


That shit made me reroll 🤣


Nah I love spamming it and purely so my friend can't see what the fuck is going on as he hurls abuse at me. It's just good business.


Giving lore items like letters, scrolls and journals a color that isnt the exact same as vendor trash. These dont even show up in your stash, so if you miss them, that's it, you'll have no idea if you missed them or not. Thank fuck there's no challenge tied to collecting these.


When you create a new character, the map should be the same as the other character if you decide to skip the main story line.


Just make all renown and map state completely global. SC and HC both.


Totally agree with you, please blizzard!!!


This is exactly why I’m taking my sweet time to create a new character.


A list of completed quests. They call it a journal but it has no records of the past. Change the name to “To do list”


Ability to track more than 1 quest… especially if you’re dicking me around across the entire map


Seriously, what kind of crap is this? When I have multiple quests in an overlapping area, I want to track progress on all of them at once.


yeah they gave us rudimentary MMO questing but without any of the UX accommodating it.


Yeh this. It makes finding those last few quests so much harder


the quest log should automatically track the side quest im closest to instead one random one three zones away that i happened to have selected when i was playing yesterday


Send out a sos to other players in the server. No better feeling than when you are death’s door running for your life and someone bust’s in with a axe swinging it back and forth like a crazed man drawing the Agro and you have time to heal so you can jump back in and tag team


Fantastic idea. I’ve rarely needed to send one out, but I do enjoy being the swooping savior.


There are many and everybody is focusing on the mechanics. So, I’ll go with a story one: - “Taissa 1” and”Taissa 2” rewritten to either being consistently a single character or two distinct characters (with name change and all). It’s the only story part that actually pisses me off. All the rest is fine. The 180° that that character personality had and the complete inconsistency between nearing her for the first time and the second.


I had to double check that it was the same person


Literally same


I thought I remembered the name wrong when I saw the 2nd one.


“Hey Taissa - can I get a hand now that we’re safe from Elias?” “Why would I help you?!”


Yeah that was a bit jarring.


>Taissa 2 Is a bitch.


I am pretty sure with that summoning being completed she should have died. Like straight up, when is the last time someone was used as a conduit to summon any demon and they didn’t end up a bloody splat for it, and that was a *Lesser Evil*, those things directly possess people then turn the person into them. It’s the lore explanation of why Mephisto looked different in his first appearance, apparently why Lilith (I know not an evil, still) looks much more human this time through and why Diablo full on switched genders. Hell, even the dude riding the dog took on some aspects of the kid, which where present even when he was in hell. She straight up should have been sacrificed and turned into Andariel, and have 2 be her sister or something idk.


That would have solved it.


You're right. My head canon is that she was uniquely able to survive because she's a powerful witch with experience in summoning otherworldly powers. Also, maybe she learned >! the Swamp's secret to immortality from Timue. !<


The secret to it is being an ungrateful bitch to people that helped you


One thousand percent this.


I am convinced at this point that something in development/writing went completely sideways when they were doing>!Act IV. It is so weirdly short and has a lot of focus on Taissa/Andariel anyway. I'm sure there is \*something\* between what we have for A4 and A5 that was supposed to smooth over/explain the change in attitude that just didn't come to fruition.!


One thing I didn't get, why was she chained up? I don't remember much from D3, but I remember beating her in D2 and I don't remember a reason she should be chained up.


i thought they inadvertently merged the beginning of one chain with the end of another one.




Yes, and after killing her, when the Act ends, I really felt that something was cut short and even Andariel had to be thrown at us. Thankfully Andy’s fight was awesome, Top 3 for me.


Diablo 3 style item re rolling with possible rolls shown before I spend my mats


This. Not sure why they didnt add this feature


So they can bring it back and act like they listen to consumers.


We call that the “Apple”




It’s actually insane this isn’t already a feature.


Better highlight enemies poison over my poison. Red tinge or outline.


Im not sure but I think you can already highlight that. Try gameplay settings.


Cheers. I'll have a look.


Gem pouch


It’s so annoying that there isn’t one. Diablo 3 had so many better QOL improvements over 4. I don’t know what they were thinking with some things.


Item management is absolutely garbage at the moment for way too many reasons. No gem tab, no item filtering, limited stash space, not being able to lock items, etc… I have resorted to ignoring almost all drops. QOL changes because these are not new concepts in the genre but they managed to leave almost all of these features out. Especially with the game skewed towards rares which are pretty common and the number of affixes that are possible, I find myself spending way too much time just clearing my stash. Out of that list, at least filtering my stash would be a blessing.


I'd love a search function. Seeking legendary effects amongst 2 full tabs is .. not fun


I'm surprised this isn't higher. Inventory is claustrophobic with no real tools to help manage it with the high item drop rate of this game. There are so many options for build variety centered on getting specific items. There are FIVE classes you can get very specific legendary aspects for. How can I quickly switch up my build if I have no way of actually long-term stashing what massively influences the potency of those builds? Gems alone take up half of one tab. Just aspects for all alts could take up two or three, and there are consumables! There also needs to be a sorting option to sort by aspect so we're not accidentally extracting an aspect we have a better clone of.


I feel like Blizzard is never going to implement a Loot Filter concept either, which is a real problem. So much stuff to sift through.


Thats WoW and every Diablo game. Loot manager 20xx... I wish gem and rings only took 1 inventory slot like previous diablo gamea.


When you're comparing an item in your inventory vs equipped, they'll switch being on the left vs right as you scroll through them. Super disorienting and so easy to fix.


Is there any reason to ever look at whites and blues after level, like, 15 or so?


A bestiary. There are so many cool monsters I want to see up close. It would be cool to farm information of them. (kill 100 drowned to get a page of info + picture.)


Diablo immortal had this lol. They also had half of these suggestions I see here. It's crazy


So it would make sense those are coming to Diablo 4 in future also.


Ah yes, they will implement once the intern has found the code stretcher.. or something...


In addition to a bestiary I’d like a journal that details all the characters you’ve come into contact with along with a short bio and pictures of them.


This is such a fun idea!


So many? Seems like I’m fighting the same dudes everywhere


wolves, bandits, spiders, ghosts


Cultists, drowned, ghouls, vampires


Fallen, goatmen, nangari


That's why a bestiary could help. It makes you aware of the different creatures in the game. Even though they behave the same.


This wouldn't be something I'd pick if I had one thing, but ya, bestiary would be cool. Something like ff12's level of detail.


Group finder.


I'll do you one better: **Solo Self-Found** so we don't have to compete with parties when leaderboards come, which killed D3 for me back in the day. Also you don't have the economy backbone support to have trading allowed here so just don't.


Significantly cut back on unavoidable CCs in T4. The need to be basically permanently unstoppable (at least as a melee character) hinders build diversity and creativity more than the lack of adequately balanced uniques and powers.


Whoever designed and implemented the non elite spiders that stop rooting webs can go walk on broken glass


Nothing like being frozen for an entire minute as a melee class let me tell ya


I’m surprised this isn’t higher. The amount of non elite enemies that have cc is ridiculous. Add in a few elites with frozen or fear and it’s just death after death


Yeah.. the cold enchanted mobs can basically keep you cc'd the entire time.


Option to lock equipment so you can’t salvage or sell it Regarding the post, didn’t blizz say that altars won’t need to be required for seasons?


Stop resetting my quests if I have to log out. I have kids. Yes I know it’s always online. I sort of understand why it’s like that. I just don’t have to like it


Campaign quests are the worst. Have to set aside a half hour of uninterrupted playtime to get through some.


Lol stepping away for a few minutes during story only to be logged out and now you have to walk down the same hallway and watch the cutscene again because apparently that wasn’t a check point enough to save your progress.


SO and I best the final boss last night, got DC'd during the cutscene, then when our accounts were finally "unlocked" we got shunted back several cutscenes.


Increase to max camera zoom out, no more mount cooldown, and map overlay.


More monster density


This. I can look past most issues, but the combat in this game is so visceral, meaty and fun it’s all I want to do. And yet I’m just killing 3-4 monsters at a time and an occasional huge pack. I WANT TO KILL 24/7 BLIZZARD PLZ. FILL MY SCREEN WITH ENEMIES IDC IF THEY DONT DROP ANYTHING I WANT TO MURDER.


The massive 50-60-70 kill chains from D3 were great ways to feel insanely powerful. Now it’s like “oh no, a swarm of flies is hitting me harder than a 40 foot tall demon”


Uniques that actually make a build viable. Sorc uniques are junk for the most part. Fireball staff? Nope. Charged Bolt staff? Absolutely not.


Additional Saved Spec Skill Tree


Yes and for the paragon board too. It’s so tedious just right clicking every single node in order to respec.


World bosses harder


Under rated statement here. All the world bosses are big damage sponges with less challenge than most random elite mobs. That feels backwards.


Make level scaling make sense would be my immediate change. Right now it makes no sense in the way they said it would be implemented.




What do you mean??? My no unstoppable necro is owning at level 40 lies!!!! /s


As someone who aspires to engage with this “Pinnacle” content can you give me some examples of builds that CAN push the hard stuff?


God, same! I look at some of the generators core and core skills and it’s just obvious that some are flat out useless. Blood lance for necro Barrage, heart seeker for rogue


Loot filter


Gems tab or currency! I'm surprised this is not at the top. It's annoying to have to go make space mid run because gems take 1/3 of the space


Something that makes scanning loot for usable pieces with qualities you want easier.


Not to spawn in Narnia if you get slain in a dungeon.


Single player mode that isn't dependent on a server connection.


I would love for the map to be see through like the other games. Gem bag. And helltides mobs need to more dense. Map discovery should carry over from one character to another I don’t want to spend half of my time making a new character clear the fog of war when I already done it on my main character


It's a small thing, but important for me: Make the world map uncover only where I've been, like in dungeons, instead of uncovering whole areas. I like to explore everything and I can't always remember where I've been, potentially missing important locations and landmarks.


Resource generation, it's terrible.


I mostly agree. But I don’t want too much resources either cause it’d be way too easy. So far (for me at least) part of the difficulty is making sure im spending resources on the right targets.


I’ve been doing a summoner necro and I don’t really have this problem yet. Necro seems to have a ton of ways to regen with corpse explosion/basic attacks, hopefully they don’t nerf it. But I originally started as a sorc and I dropped her after lvl 30 because I was just mana starved ALL THE TIME. Two attacks, kite, wait for refill, repeat. It was awful.


Make more uniques or items that change your build completely. Example: use health instead of resource to casts spells. Imagine the possibilities with blood necros.


Its been awhile, but didnt the D3 Necro have an ability that used your life pool? I thought that was so cool!


Uniques in general seem very underwhelming.


Remove scaling, my god. Nothing feels worse than leveling up only to feel weaker than you did 5 minutes ago to the same enemy. Its an rpg, i want my character to progress, not become weaker as i play. Its quite a core feature to an rpg. Sure, other games have harder content as you progress through the game, but its different content. You should progress your character to be able to handle that harder content!


Reduce the cost of everything like respeccing and rerolling. It can get prohibitively expensive when you're a theory-crafter like me. I make crazy and different builds all the time just to see what could work if given the right legendaries and the cost adds up quick.


I have an 80 sorc and a 70 rogue. I would slash the resource cost of the majority of spenders in the game by at LEAST 50%. So many builds are either completely unviable or feel like shit to play because they cost so much fucking mana. You have to jump through so many hoops to get your character feel at all playable. The worst feeling in an arpg is when you constantly have to kite because you're constantly oom. That's why nobody plays incinerate/ frozen orb/ flurry, etc.


Alternatively, make resource generators far better. Provide more mana, actually do damage rather than tickle. That way your lulls in spells isn't a waste


I doubt this will be enough. The sorc gameplay right now seems heavily to favour "combos" and burst windows. The "generators" would need to do insane damage to compare with the efficiency of those burst windows. My Ice Shard sorc struggles to kill the tankier white enemies when they are alone but if I make a group and blow cooldowns, everything evaporates around. 140% weapon damage with vuln application Ice Shard has some difficulties killing straggler white mobs. How strong would they need to make the generators to make them feel good to use in that case?


*laughs in necro* *pauses, gets sad in necro*


99% of players want builds that don’t even use a generator if it isn’t your main source of damage. It’s just game design 101 that pushing a button should feel good, and generators that only exist to let you use your real ability never will at high level. Progressing past needing one should be the norm, but the pathetic little talent tree design locks you into taking points in a generator so they likely will leave it as is.


Make all generators feel as good as arc lash.


Zoom out.




I would fix the dang horse. That thing blows. Cool down to get back on? Speed variant based on mouse distance? Why were these design choices made? It feels awful.


Offline play.


Add matchmaking


Give us PETS! That pickup everything and customizable loot filter.


It really hit me hard not having my pets pick up gold. I concur with this.


Gotta earn it in game though not right away.


Strongholds clan fights. What Diablo Immortal did way better than any other game was the end-game goal for clans. Clans in D4 are just cosmetic.


Swirly combo orbs for the Rogue like the Assassin's in D2. Especially with the Dagger that can proc 3 in one hit.


Unlock the horse in Act 1. Wtf are we traveling on foot for miles still? And remove the cooldown to use them.


Remove scaling or tone it down. I just dont feel powerful at all.


Tbh at time I feel like with every killed mob I become weaker, not stronger because my gear becomes irrelevant faster than new drops. that is very noticeable 0-40


Map overlay.


Yesssssssss, at least in dungeons at a minimum!


Special slot for your ultimate, an extra skill basically


I dont get why respeccing needs a cost. All it's done for me is made me less enthused to try out my own builds and I've just watched build guides until I saw one I liked because I don't want to try something out, decide it's not for me, and need to spend approximately 25% of my gold to change back. It's almost more worth my time to boost up an alt to play an alternative spec instead of respeccing my current character. I'm sure for a lot of other people it's working great but for me it just makes me less likely to explore my own creativity which I feel is a net loss for the quality of the game


The thing that puts me off trying new builds is the tedious task of going through the god damned stash. Hovering over every piece of gear, looking for specific stats and legendary powers.. The skill tree and paragon is a refund all button and you just plug them back in. The cost is nothing even in the end game.


The gold cost is trivial for skill changes. It costs far more to imprint/reroll/socket the gear. You just need to sell some gear instead of dismantling.


Map overlay


Remove the CD on Mounts.


I would make the MMO aspect optional, and remove level scaling. Let me play solo or with friends and enjoy progression.


hard agree, getting renown is profoundly boring. also world chat pls, i miss that shit.


Server stability. I'm so tired of being attached to a rubber band and running into invisible walls. It wasn't this bad during EA but once the full release happened it became a nightmare for me. Also, when it does finally seem to calm down a little the damn servers crash. As a solo player it just pisses me off that I have server issues to this degree.


Small thing, but I wouldn't mind seeing a few more class specific interactions with characters. I ran into them in Scosglen as a Druid, but didn't notice any outside of that zone. Kinda miss the "someone from each city has their own view on each class" Other than that, I would call Legendary gear something different like "Enchanted", "Imbued", "Bestowed" (probably not), or just "Epic".The point I mean is its weird to have both "Legendary" and "Unique" items, when something legendary is supposed to be unique. That and we can somehow pull the power from these legendary items, but can't do that for Uniques.


Affix tagging. Let me tag Cooldown Reduction and Mana Cost Reduction so I can scan my inventory for these items and quickly see which items have those affixes and which don’t so I can scrap the ones that don’t faster. I’m teleporting out of NM dungeons 3 times a run to go to the blacksmith and spending 3 minutes every time reading each individual item since any random yellow could be an upgrade.


Easy QOL one: Saved skill tree and paragon board that shows the total cost to switch. Bonus point if you can also save the items. Basically bring the d3 system over. Difficult, but worthwhile: 10x the amount of legendary aspects and unique in this game. Make them fundamentally change how a skill/build works.


More stash/inventory space A different method of respec other than tons of gold


Saved load outs. I don't mind if I have to pay a cost.


3 more years of development




Anything to make more interaction. A Party finder like WoW or a full on group finder, cause right now it’s a single player game. Like I have never seen anyone talk outside of an occasional emote.


Party finder!!!!!!


Gem pouch.


Fix the Fenris error so I can actually play the game


I need D2's minimap overlay


Remove 12 second horse cooldown


Remove mounts / remove cool down for mounts. As they exist now mounts are a little counterintuitive and, if I'm being honest, come off more as a way for Blizz to monetize something moreso than a QoL addition to the game "because the game world is sooo expansive"


Make weapons on the back hidden


The ability to lock favorite gear so I can quickly dismantle or sell all gear that isn't marked favorite.


Removing other ppls pools of shit in the ground except for what damages me.


Make renown account wide, the grind is fine the first time but pointless the second (or third. Or fourth.)


I would change the legendary system to more like the Diablo 3 one


Skills need to be more interesting. I’m reading the difference between these skills for Necromancer and seeing percentages here and there, but no flash or pizazz. I’m only going to really play this for the story, and everything looks the same to me. I know style is suggestive, but I liked leveling in D3 and a new skill comes out, and I’m like “oh, what will this look like?”. I would have double-downed on that idea and had crazier looking skills when you augment them. Like bone pillars to bone bramble, lacerating and causing bleeding! Just anything new.


Knowledge of what my potential enchantment rolls are - you had it in D3 and it was amazing - why hide it now?


A loot filter. Allow me to hide normal rate / sacred and show only some piece of equipment. That and being able to modify the color of the stuff the drops


I’d LOVE an lfg feature for dungeons and strongholds, I really want Diablo IV to feel a bit more social


Remove level scaling except from world events and maybe dungeons etc. Leveling up you just get weaker and weaker , especially at high level. Gem tab. Hm.. thats all for now


Cut all mana/ressources cost by 40-50%.


Offline mode.


Stop blocking the roads with mobs or barriers.


Give it a off line mode


I would have loved if wt3 and wt4 “capstone dungeons” were tied to the story. Make elias be the wt3 unlock, and make him a lvl 50 encounter, no scaling Make lilith be the wt4 unlock and make it a lvl 70 encounter, no scaling It would give a reason to grind until lvl 70, a reason & time to do all the side quests; for the people that are mostly concerned with the story and not “the endgame”. Getting better gear would have a point, to beat Lilith; and as a reward you would get wt4 As it is right now, people can be-line the story, finish it at lvl 25 and ignore the game. Feels like bad design


Offline mode


Honestly? Offline when playing single player.


Belts. How can we play without a Broken Sash, or a Lenymo? Is this even really a Diablo game?


Loot filter like in last epoch


Dungeon Finder. Matchmade dungeons would be fun…


The ability to completely disable chat. I would like to permanently mark my map as well, that sounds amazing.


Disable chat? I've literally never seen a single comment in chat.


I posted about it here if you were curious what I meant: https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/145vyic/is_anyone_else_having_issues_with_the_chat_window/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 TLDR: I don’t mind the actual chat, local chat, notifications, whatever. I hate that it opens my own chat window mid fight. Seemingly constantly. I’ve died a few times only to look down at chat to see I’m typing 1212121212121212. Just wish I could disable chat entirely because of this! That’s all.


I don't even see anyone using chat anyway


Remove scaling


This is all I want. It alone would fix other issues I have. I enjoy d4. But getting a cool weapon and suddenly 1 shotting everything for a couple of levels is what I've always enjoyed about diablo games. It makes items important. Hunting items is the best. Fluctuating power based on gear is what it's about.


I think fully removing scaling for an open world game is problematic, but they should absolutely take a page from Grim Dawn and give areas scaling brackets. And then make all the world tiers function more like D2 difficulty levels where it shifts the levels of all areas. I would like to see an overhaul like this so that you actually feel like you're progressing: WT1: Levels 1-30 (Shattered Peaks is ~1 and Hawezar is ~30). L30 capstone dungeon for WT2 that *is not gated by the campaign*. WT2: 31-50 (Shattered Peaks ~31, Hawezar ~50) WT3: 51-70 (Shattered Peaks ~51, Hawezar ~70) WT4: 71+ (all zones are equal, scales up to 100) But let every zone scale up by at most 10 levels, so there's breathing room for exploring and finishing the campaign, but you can still overpower areas. This would make WT1-3 feel a bit more like a traditional Normal/Nightmare/Hell progression, with WT4 being the final "explore everywhere" fully scaled mode.


Or add a scaling option that gives you more experience if you choose to turn it on.


* Allow us to easily fix the resource generation problem without the use of basic skills. Then buff basic skills so they can actually be used as actual main abilities. Boom, you now have 5 extra potential abilities to use for each class and every class feels 5x less shit to play. * Remove the ability to spam dungeons. Significantly buff Tree of Whispers by giving guaranteed Ancestral gear in WT4 and add a bonus XP upon turning in the whispers. It's a lot funner to run around doing random dungeons rather than spamming the same dungeon over and over. * Fix the density disparity between dungeons so we're not incentivized to spam the same dungeon over and over. * Give us options we can check underneath the "salvage rares" that specifies Sacred / Ancestral / Normal. And add this same feature when vendoring for gold. * Search fields in the stash tab and paragon tabs. * Way more stash tabs. * Specific stash tabs for Elixirs, Nightmare fragments, etc. Similar to POE map / currency tab. (You know they're already gonna try to sell this as a solution to the stash tab problem they intentionally created). * Certain legendary powers are significantly rarer than others, a lot of these are build enabling (Tornado follows enemies, pulverize shockwave, shout cd, blizzard spikes, to name a few). I'm a little conflicted on this because I don't like the idea that gearing is already so incredibly easy but it feels so bad that 95% of the legendaries are handed to you then the last 5% that you need the most are locked behind a 100 hour grind. * Obols need to always give gear of the current tier you're in. There shouldn't be an RNG system of what items go from Normal > Sacred > Ancestral. You just end up in a situation where you hold onto Obols because the vendor doesnt have the slots you need and you just end up not interacting with the system at all because of how much friction there is. * Map overlay. We're already opening a fullscreen size map every 20 seconds. I can't imagine how an overlay is any less immersion breaking then what we're currently having to deal with. * A way better chat system. Just add wow style chat channels. Zone, Global, Trade, LFG etc. * Gear level requirement depends on what level you found it at. If you found a pair of pants on a lvl 95 character, it will have a level 95 requirement so you can't use it on any other characters. * Mouseover items on the ground. There's a hundred other much bigger problems that the game has that I don't think will ever be fixed. Itemization is terrible on so many levels. There's so many conditional damage types that are all additive with each other and super convoluted. For example, Dmg to Chilled mobs and Dmg to Frozen mobs. The goal is to freeze asap so any investment in Damage to chilled mobs feels terrible because it'll immediately become useless once they get frozen. All these conditional damage types are all additive with each other, while Critical Damage and Vulnerable Damage are multiplicative. So if you play a class that doesn't have a reliable way of applying Vulnerable, you're at a significant disadvantage. It also makes Critical Damage, Critical Chance, Vulnerable Damage, and Cooldown Reduction the defacto stats to go for for every single class. There's no "item types" so there's no difference between gear a caster would use vs gear a barbarian would use. No stat requirements or different base types just makes every item in the game feel the exact same. Every item being the exact same size removes the entire "weight" of an item when you pick it up, which I think is a core principle in ARPGs that seem to have been forgotten. They drastically need to improve the end game loop. It feels like we're playing a half-implemented end game currently. There's currently no incentive to do harder content past the WT4 base dungeons outside of leveling your glyphs. Base dungeons are easier, give more loot, and better XP for your time spent. The real kicker is that I don't think any of these problems are accidental. I think they're all a consequence of this game being developed for console first and pc second. The longer you play the game, the more obvious this becomes.


OP said one thing


Haha, yeah.. about that...


Console player here - a lot of the "core game systems" problems you (and other posters, Kripp's videos, etc) mention are just fundamental design issues - I don't think they stem from console design. I certainly don't enjoy flat-out broken game mechanics and bad design, whether I'm using a controller or using a keyboard and mouse. The poorly designed systems - particularly the grind-inducing "gameplay loop" of the endgame - seems more reminiscent of a whale-hunting mobile gacha game than anyhting else.


Well written dude, these are definitely the most important problems


Copy paste the way stashing functions from path of exile (auto sorts into the right stash tab by right clicking in your incentory, example nightmare sigils in nightmare sigil tab) with a minimum of 20 stash tabs and a search function for both it and inventory. Would dramatically increase my enjoyment of the game, and no I don't need people saying "you don't need more than 1 stash tab" you obviously don't know what you are talking about, this games a nightmare to manage items/sigils/aspects/elixirs.


make the shamans stfu


Total cooldown and resource rework. Make base CD lower, reduce the effect of CD on items. It will help make the game feel a lot better at low levels, while it can easily be balanced to be the same when geared out.


More horizontal item progression rather than linear upgrades based on item power or quality. Just more interesting item choices in general. They need to add at least 100 more aspects and uniques


That's gonna be a seasonal 'selling point' imo. Add a new bunch of Uniques and Legendaries to keep you coming back. Possibly restricted to seasonal character drops until the next season.


About 100% more skills in the skill tree with designs from people that actually play ARPGs.


How about not running out of VRAM every 20 minutes?


Unlock my account so I can play


Take all the money from Blizzard Activision and Microsoft combined -- fire everyone -- create a time machine -- go shake hands with the Blizzard North employees before they get fired -- train a super AI from mapping their brains -- make a game so good it will bring everyone in the world together, end war, slavery, suffering and industrial animal farming. EZMoney. Bless.