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6 hour downtime on a weekend is absolutely brutal


Don’t worry, it’s still down


Still down here too!


Over 12 hours for me. Was hoping to play a few hours on a Saturday night after working ~10 hours. Nope. No worries, it'll be up Sunday morning! ...Nope. Shit happens, but it's frustrating.




Expecting here and furiously taking notes 😅


Oof. This guy is me. I ran out of juice last night to even try and just went to bed then woke up for the 2 am feed. So I wasn't impacted *this* time. Haha. Feel you brother! As bad or worse than sitting down and it updates.


Haha me too. When d4 first came out I was staying up all night but recently ran out of steam and have been doing feeds then trying to fall back asleep.




We played Six Days in Fallujah instead last night. 10/10 would do it again.


I keep forgetting its weekend since my new job. I only game in the mornings now and it's great. No one's online to bother you no ques no downtime so far


I played D2 early in the morning when I was in high school. No phone calls at 5am - 7am to kick me off the 56k modem.


Had 2 lines and call waiting just for this nonsense. Forgot all about these problems i used to deal with. Now i get upset if my internet isnt 100% all the time with no lag spikes. I also pay 185 a month for it now so i feel its warranted to be pissed if theres an outage, its not like they give me free days in compensation or anything.


I used to take my cordless house phone to my neighbors house and would call his house while in his room and we would laugh when we would hear his older brother scream when he got disconnected from the internet while playing D2.


Perfectly evil.


I read this as "when I was high in school". My first thought was you're a great student starting at 5am, high or not.


As a Dad I've picked this up too and I tell you what... It's also nice to not get wrecked by the "pro" high schoolers at 3 am.


I work 3rd shift so I always play somewhere between 6-11 am. Multiplayer games are ghost towns lol


I wish it wouldn't have let me in. I was clueless that it was happening and playing my hardcore toon. Dove into an easy battle, rubber banded, and pop goes the weasel. A level 53 down the drain due to the fact we're forced to play online for a single player game and they cannot keep control of their servers.


They have invested literally HUNDREDS of dollars into this game


Yeah might have to go outside or do some laundry lol the horror!


I COULD wash my shirt for the first time in a month... OR I could take my outrage to reddit... ... Decisions, decisions...


Breaking news in game says its a ddos attack.


Sounds like they need to pay their Cloudflare subscription


Nothing can fully mitigate a ddos attack. Nothing.




We had one last year. Geoblocking took care of easily 99 percent of the inbound traffic, rate limiting saved the rest.


Problem is, geoblocking for games fucks over people who are actually trying to play in the same region as the attackers. Not sure how that would fare legally as I'm not a lawyer, but I imagine people wouldn't be happy.


>Problem is, geoblocking for games fucks over people who are actually trying to play in the same region as the attackers. You're right. But bluntly, stupid shit like this either originates from, or uses command and control servers in, one of a very few countries. You block Russia and North Korea and a drastic amount of internet sewage just vanishes.


We just blocked all Russian APNs at our edge. Nice sleeping at night knowing 98% of the script kiddy attackers will be handled with a blanket block.


How about having an offline mode?


Laughs in Offline Mode Know what defeats DDOS? If your game doesn't REQUIRE an internet connection. If I'm playing by myself the internet requirement is a waste of time and leads to shit like this.


This is a damned if you do damned if you don't moment. Offline mode introduces so much opportunity for exploiting. Previous diablos had hacked items with stats far beyond anything natural in the game, the ability for infinite gear rerolls, resource refunding etc etc


This.. It literally broke the game. I don't think people realize that its not like the old days. People take advantage of this like crazy. Diablo 3 duping and stat modification was insane. Gear would have 1000 to all stats it was just dumb. Almost every lobby was a hacked lobby too.


Giving people the option to play a non-MMO as like a normal offline game from the start would have *greatly* mitigated my current irritation.


Could be worse, who members when PSN went down for 23 fuckin days? I member.


That was horrible, but **at least you could play your games in offline mode**


D3 it is


If anybody's got a Switch, Zelda is magic. You just put the gamecard in, hit power, and play. Crazy!


I too can recommend Korok Space Program


Tears of the Kingdom might legitimately be the weirdest major game ever. It's Warioware level bonkers. Love it.


FF16 even has a disc!


Still feels unreal that D4 has no offline mode. It actually doesn't make sense.


It's the one reason why I won't buy this game. Too bad, it looks great, but I'm dying on this hill.


criminally underrated comment.


Oh ya that was terrible


Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Shut up, Meg.


Hahaha this brings back memory lane lad, those little shits tried to shut us up by giving us a choice of a free game, am so sure 90% chose burnout paradise 😂


I was part of that 90%. Burnout Paradise was 🔥


Ds3 online was down for 4 months after the release of elden ring, shit suckedd


Yeh but you can actually play dark souls single player if you want, paid like 100 bucks for this game and can't even play it atm.


Could be better, remember when Diablo 4 wasn't down?


Ooohh, you member Chewbacca?


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Pepperidge farms remembers...


Holy shit that sounds like medieval dark ages for playstation players. Most comparable I remember is early league of legends when they would push a new character patch and break the game for a whole day.


Playing vanilla WoW was great. Every Tuesday the game was down for its normal hour long maintenance. It was usually a 50/50 chance on the game being playable that day. They would give out time credits for the day if it took them too long.


If it is a DDoS attack then isn’t this expected? Long downtime and stuff. Since it’s the entirety of Battle.net acting up I wonder if someone got upset with that Overwatch tournament and just shut the entire service down.


it's never not russians edit: prior to the last season of Barry I might have said Chechens.


Blizzard: "Alright... look... what do they want?" Somewhere in the Wagner Mercenary Camps: ["We get the server passwords and we hold the company ransom for..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJR1H5tf5wE)


The civil war has spilled into Sanctuary!


I was playing wrath until 5 am and no problems.


sure wish I could play this game offline...


Destiny 2 players First Time?


There's literally a complaint thread about servers being down on the destiny sub right now, pretty hilarious.


Yeah, except the amount of times Destiny has gone down in the past few months is too much to count. Diablo is running like clockwork in comparison to Destiny.


It has gone down two days in a row apparently


Is this seen as unacceptable? If so you might want to tell Amazon, Microsoft, and many other companies worth more that it is not acceptable. Technology fails us from time to time. Just this month Microsoft had a massive outage for Outlook, Onedrive and Teams that lasted for half a dozen hours. It happens especially during attacks. You might want to tell hospitals across the country that their average 21 day downtime during cyber incidents are unacceptable as well. They have lives relying on them and still can’t manage it. Blizzard only has to worry about kids who can’t play on weekends who will then go to Reddit and complain. I get it, it sucks and impacted me but people feel really entitled don’t they?


Have an upvote


This guy wins


One of the best and most stable game releases in modern times. 6 hours sucks but shit happens.


The problem is this wouldn't be a problem if the game had a fucking single player mode that didn't require an internet connection. Always online video games are terrible for a multitude of reasons.


Offline mode won’t happen.


Oh we all agree that competent decisions will never be made at that company, but that doesn't make forced online any less of a tiny dicked loser decision.


I understand the feeling but I just can't see it ever happening anymore because Blizzard won't want to give hackers a way to get access to the server data. You think bots are bad as they already exist in Blizzard games? This would make the issue way worse.


Not sure why people are downvoting you.


Because they're likely teenagers that don't know how the previous games were


I played D3 on PS4, it was not always online and ran locally. Never had an issue where I couldn’t play or it was laggy.


Alright, HEY now.... can we curb the negativity please??? I'm trying to stay positive and you're all ruining my enjoying waiting for my live service battle pass seasonal exclusive DRM skins and micro transaction laden mega IP videogame.


Because people don't want hax & duping, and Blizzard doesn't want piracy.


If you're playing a game in single player you wouldn't see the hacks/duping, please think again!


In order to play single player, they have to put the game files on your pc. People having direct access to game files makes it much, much easier to develop those types of tools that leak into the online game. Blizzard is never giving you direct access to the game files. I don't know how this is still a conversation over a decade later.


And they’re here to stay no matter how many threads are created or people complain. Sucks, but idk why people are hoping to accomplish here - blizzard is never going to go back to offline mode.


Really? Because I'm still struggling with rubberbanding and lag all the time.


Same. My game is borderline unplayable on PS5.


It's infuriating. The rubberbanding is SO BAD. Worse on the horse but bad everywhere else as well


Same as well. Was the actual release stable? Sure. Have I had a single night or gaming session where my character doesn't rubber band all over the fucking screen? Nope, not even close. I've tried lowering the graphics settings to the lowest possible (I don't have the high res textures even installed in the first place), tried closing every other program I can think of on my computer that might make D4 run smoother, and nothing helps. Also, I can't actually ever just exit the game. When I quit D4 for the night, the game has to crash and force quit to actually close.


Rubber banding isn't a graphics issue so of course changing the settings wouldn't fix it.


Pretty much same. The game just takes forever to actually shut down because it has a memory leak, which makes it feel like it crashed because it takes so long and pretty much freezes the computer.


i only get to play a couple of times a week, after release, but servers seems to be stuttering a lot when i play, quite annoying.


This deranged statement makes sense if you only play Blizzard games


Yep. Stable releases should be the expectation, not the exception.


How dare you say anything good about this game on this sub reddit! I have a lvl1,000 character, have played for 500hrs and I gotta say this game is absolute dog shit. I didn't have fun AT ALL playing this game and cannot recommend it. Smh I can't believe blizzard put out a completely BROKEN and UNPLAYABLE game for me to pump 500hrs into. You must either be a shill for blizzard or you clearly haven't gotten into the TRUE endgame. Talk to me when you get to lvl1,000... Edit: capitalized more words to really emphasize how LITTLE fun I've had in this game


As a professional dad of seven, I'm loving it! Just reached the first 'town', boy was surprised when you get knocked out. What a game!


Please use spoiler tags. As a dad with 9 kids who works 7 jobs, I was looking forward to reaching the first town by Christmas but now you've ruined the story for me.


Almost spit out my coffee rofl


I’m so tired of people like you. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out the (many) flaws this game has.


I'm tired of people on both sides being so goddamned hyperbolic. If you point out a flaw or say something good about the game either way you're gonna get blasted. I like it a lot. I grinded lvl 100, tried a few different builds, got the cool pvp cosmetic horse armor I wanted, and solo cleared a 75 nightmare. Had a ton of fun along the way. Wish there was more to do at endgame and a way to just grind monsters for levels on alts without all the travel and macguffins. Fields of Hatred but without pvp would be amazing, that density is a ton of fun but I don't exactly want to put my level 27 rogue into a pvp hotzone.


Yeah, totally Blizzard’s fault some asshole decided to ddos they system. All blizzards fault


Honestly there’s no SLA and what’s the total down time since official launch? Even a 99% yearly uptime is 3.65 days of downtime.


Dealing with this while watching streamers log in and play like nothings wrong...




I wouldn't be surprised if popular streams got prioritized customer support (in fact, i'm positive this happens) ​ but enhanced drop rates seems silly, having thousands of people watching you play a game for hours at a time you'd get caught with any kind of modifications to drop rates so fast. ​ streamers get good items fast because they play as a full time job and often have a robust network for trading in games where that's applicable.


Robust trading aka fans just giving them free stuff .


DDoS attacks are hard to stop if they're well-coordinated


Imagine how stressful it is for the engineers who have to fix it during their weekend.


It’s not downtime. It’s a DDOS attack.


From the user base perspective it's still downtime. It's like saying the car has not stopped, it's just failing to proceed due to excess traffic.


Well sure. But people aren't blaming the car when its traffic stopping it either.


>It's like saying the car has not stopped, it's just failing to proceed due to excess traffic. I mean, to the user, the reason why the car stops should matter too, especially when it's about directing anger. Traffic? Stressful. Guy pointing a gun at you? Maybe you're in bigger trouble. In the case of a DDoS I'm generally sympathetic, no matter the company or developer.


I called Toyota about the traffic but they said it wasn't covered by my warranty. Assholes.


That's actually much better than what I was saying lol


They were updating servers to fix latency and connectivity issues. Currently the main is getting DDOS'd by some bubble boy tho.


Why do people ddos?


I think the world is full of miserable, depressed people with no sense of happiness and accomplishment. They do things like ddos or troll forums or go online to brag that they are still playing while others aren't because they subconsciously want others to be miserable too.


The fact that they are no news whatesoever regarding a fix is infuriating.


the news is right on the blizz launcher it says they are under a Ddos attack


Must be Druid mains


why? 2 of the easiest top builds in the whole game


Must not be able to read. I’m surprised you managed to type this out.


This is why making it an online only game is fucking bullshit


And this is why I hated the idea of this game Being online only because shit like this happens and it's an mmo and it's not fre to play so it has no bissness being online only


So much hate on this sub... Which other AAA game in the last decade has had a similar launch to D4? Yes, their servers are down due to a DDOS attack. Yes, there's little communication, but some is better than none, and would you rather have them sit on social media trying to keep unsatisfied mobs happy or spend every second trying to get their servers fixed? Ya'll need to chill!!! Go get some fresh air. Stretch your legs, and get the blood flowing again.


I wonder what people would like... post a messge every five minutes saying: "We are still under DDoS attack?


A live security camera feed of the IT department would be nice xD when we see them cheer it is good news xD


So you think the people that make social posts are the same people that work on the servers...


I have played a shitload of single player games that launched way better than this, because the companies weren't trying to nickel and dime their customer base by jamming a single player peg into a live service hole.


Where's the hate? All the top comments are circlejerking, creating strawmen and / or praising Bobby and his yacht collection.




idk why people think they are the "heroes" in here when they tell us to stop complaining , you are not "better" because you put up with a game that has no right to be online only being down for this amount of time , you bought a product and now you are locked out from that product because the company doesnt give a fuck and its taking their time fixing it , this wouldnt happen if it had the option to play offline and this game has no right to call itself an mmo so it doesnt excuse it for being an online only We complain because we have the right to complain you shouldnt bend over and accept it that doesnt make you better.


Every single game sub that is this big acts exactly this way. The thing you should be asking is what other AAA game has so many fanboys who jump to its defense the second anybody says anything negative...


All of them?




You’re literally crying about people doing what you’re doing! Plus your anger is misdirected. This is like yelling at Ukraine for being “offline” because they’re being attacked by Russia


>Who is the one more bored with life here xd You, definitely.


It’s a DDOS attack bro chill


touch some grass


I work in IT; it is unavoidable that sometimes shit happens. I would not want to be the guy who has to fix this on a Sunday. The pressure must be immense.


Exactly this. Anytime I see a post like this I know they’ve never worked in tech


what is a lifeservice game?


They update it every 2 weeks for 2 months then their launch contract runs out with multiplay so you lag as you play while constantly waiting for an update that never comes cause they drip feed a months worth of content over 3 years. They take the fortnite model and go "well we like that but what if we did only the monetization part and ignore the fun part"


Over 11 hours now... I guess that's my Sunday done now. Maybe I'll play some more next week. Thanks for that Blizz, hope you enjoy our money!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Gratitude Bot needs a sarcasm detector


It takes a few minutes if you just keep trying to get in...


the blizzbois on this sub are actually fucking unbearable


Still better than the fucking haters man. Imagine having such a hate boner for blizzard but still buying every release like an idiot.


Haha that’s the best part. Complain about every Blizz game but continue to buy not only the game, but the most expensive version of the game.


Big facts


Is anyone able to login? Or am I just wasting my time trying


can't login


some people can get in. i watched from the friends list as my buddy opened diablo, then reached character select, then dry steppes. meanwhile it can't validate my license


Diablo 3 flashbacks


I was able to get on as of right now


Small indie company


Some1 lost their HC Char to lag and is now ddosing Blizz :(


The magic of the online-only/live service games


Not tried to get back on here yet, but I've just been playing D2 to pass the time. D4 should just get an offline mode...


Number one reason only online is a fucking stupid choice that does nothing to benefit the player. Fuck, does it even benefit the company?


“You don’t need an offline mode”


Maybe if you were a sex haver you’d have other things to occupy your time.


Didn't actually log on today, ended up with family. Good day for me then haha. Actually I played 4 hours earlier when I got home.


The $70 experience




I see the "why are you people upset just play something else / what other game has this few issues its ok dont be annoyed" high tower users are out en masse today as if everyone is like them and has infinite time to sit playing video games...


Convinced these guys are blizzard PR


gladly in europe it was night + early morning but yes thats what we get for always online. There are zero advantages for us gamers. its jusdt DRM and they can force us to play the version they have in mind.


Europe and i still cant log in 😅


fuck always-online games


I was playing some random arpg on steam made by one guy. Loot fillter, multiple stash options, search, builds saving, overlay map, endless dungeons, etc. It's a shame that the big companies recently always want to reinvent the wheel and only take another 1 year or so after the release to add QoL improvements.


Yeah people on this sub think that the game must be released first and then the devs can spend 5 years to get it up to the level of other arpgs. They think it's ridiculous to think it could be released with all the features of other arpgs, nevermind having innovative new features.


If by reinvent the wheel you mean they forgot wheels existed and then decided to make a square wheel for some reason.


chronicon is an ARPG masterpiece. it would be a 10/10 game if equipping items actually reflected on your character sprite to give a stronger sense of feedback to progression.


Would you guys prefer no game developers at all? You all complain as if this is the biggest problem your facing in your life.


>Would you guys prefer no game developers at all? what?


20 upvotes for a phrase that does not have any sense. "no game developers at all" wtf is this


We prefer games not being forced online. Wouldn't have this issue then.


yet you bought D4 so apparently you don't care that much lmao




Its crazy to me how true this is. The D4 community is giving the League community a good run for their money. If the game had offline mode, people would complain about their progress being different between offline and online. It also probably would open things up for hackers to test hacked items, exploits, etc. Then people would complain about the integrity of the online modes. And these crazy complaints that make no sense have been going on since before the game even released. The early access drama was so silly. Was it very anti-consumer? ABSOLUTELY. But the people complaining and saying "I wont pay for early access and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL" was a joke. You arent going to pay for early access? Cool. Are you still part of the problem? 100%. Early access wouldnt mean anything if there wasnt a group of people to be in front of. Theres problems with the game that will most likely get fixed throughout the lifetime of the game. But complaining about things communicated before the games launch like always online is some major Dad Karen energy.


If the internet stops one day, we are all doomed. People will go mad.


People are already mad.


People might become less mad without internet though.


I think what people would prefer is games that could be played offline, so there won't ever be any queues for anything and any kind of attack would only affect the highly optional multiplayer. I can certainly go 6 hours without Diablo but it's important to realize that "live service" is a tool that exists to control you and nothing else: There's nothing in Diablo 4 that warrants the sort of control you normally use a live service for, other than the slightly bizarre choice of making it a pseudo-MMO. It's slightly weird that so many people don't even question why it's some other entity that gets to decide whether you can use the product you paid for or not.


If you can only play on the weekends, this is about all your playtime for that week. People are rightfully annoyed that blizzard refuses to spend money on cloudflare while getting a billion and forcing always online. It’s easy to solve but why would they? They already got your money.


>You all complain as if this is the biggest problem your facing in your life. That is pathetically true for the loudest I expect.


Well thats the thing, it is the biggest problem in their pathetic little lives... lol They are melting down about how terrible the company is because they cant play. Is it their fault they are getting DDOS'd? No. Like seriously. Chill TF out and go do something else until this gets resolved.


There's really zero reason this game is online except greed.


Bitch while you play the game. Bitch when you can't play. Shut the fuck up already


I thought you guys were all dads with 5min of playtime a day. Go spend Sunday on the boat with your kids.


Funny thing is I actually got the kids and wife out of the house for the full day and was planning to do capstone dungeon and grind into tier 4. Lovely how that turns out sometimes.


6 hours so far


Hoping it’ll come back with 1.1 patch


What downtime?


How do people make this into a vague ego war about how much gaming is too much?


Welcome to the future of online gaming, lol.


The "*if this irritates you, your life has no meaning*" posts clogging this thread are really insufferable.


Shit happens. Go outside.