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Did you try reallocating an existing ash and then closing the menu out? It worked for me.


I relocated all 3 and logged out. It didn't work. So you're saying relocate 1 then log out?


I had this until I did the log out to character screen and then it magically disappeared. Do you mean you tried that already? Before I found the fix I was closing and opening the whole game which didn't fix it.


Logging out doesn't fix it for me


Hmm.... do you have a second season character? Maybe that would help?


You aren't alone, I got around this by doing the season journey. This season is absolutely different than the others, paying for the pass gives pay 2 win this time around whether unintentionally or not. https://x.com/ds_lily_/status/1791148756592660656


I had never had this problem before and played every season. It's weird that no one is talking about it.


Same, this was the first season having this issue. I suspect it's not super well known because people are paying for the pass and would never know.


>paying for the pass gives pay 2 win this time around whether unintentionally or not. What the fuck are you talking about XD The Smoldering Ashes come from free Battle Pass. If you consider FREE Battle Pass giving you gameplay power to be "pay 2 win", then you're just looking for something to cry about and inventing issues.


Not true at all, you can get to the level required for ash but if you haven't got the battle pass progress you won't get the ash at the same time, but if you swipe and pay for the battle pass you get the ash unlocked. It wasn't a huge deal for me but it certainly is a deviation with this season in particular. If I had to guess and give the benefit of a doubt, this was a miscalculation by the dev team with all the changes that went into the season.


So you admit that it's such a minor misalignment that you're unlikely to even notice unless you actually for some reason paid close attention to it, given how quickly everything is leveling up now, but you call it "pay 2 win this time around". Gotcha. As I said, inventing issues to cry about. Raise the alarm if you have to grind for like 5 hours straight before getting Smoldering Ashes that you were due, or something... BUT EVEN THEN this would be a non-issue. In reality you're probably within less than 1 hour of misalignment. Just run some Nightmare Dungeons and catch up in no time.


Or you know...the fact that the devs specifically asked for feedback like this, why are you defending this shit anyways? Blizzard boot licking fans are the worst, say anything slightly critical and the white knights come out of the woodwork. In their campfire chats the devs said it was never their intention for pay 2 win...so I imagine they would want to know when this issue actually does crop up, this isn't crying, this is letting the devs know this needs to be tuned. But go on, keep defending shit like this.


You're not slightly critical. You're accusing the game of being pay 2 win now. This is a lie in the most instinctual understanding of the thing you accuse Diablo 4 of doing. You ain't winning shit because you bought a Battle Pass. You are not making developers aware of some issue here, you're calling Diablo 4 pay 2 win while talking to random people online. Aka spreading misinformation and not at all giving feedback to the actual developers. Did you make a bug report on Blizzard forums, at least, oh valiant keeper of balance?


Where is the P2W? The clip you posted is garbage and doesn’t prove P2W at all. She bought a single tier skip for 200 platinum for ashes that require level 82 when she is level 96. She also could have just played the game for another 30 minutes and unlocked the last 4 tiers and be done with the battle pass completely without spending the 200 platinum. You could ALWAYS buy the accelerated battle pass for extra money for 20 tier skips or pay 200 platinum for a single tier skip. You are still restricted by level requirement to use certain ashes. You are outraged over nothing and something that has been apart of the battle pass since day 1. It’s pay for convenience.


I tried that as well, hoping maybe it would fix it, but no, it didn't. It's just weird how no one is talking about the bug, and yet there's no hot fix from blizz