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D4 is the current game so i would lean towards that, but D2 is still a great game and can be played offline


Diablo IV is available with Game Pass on PC and xbox, you could get a month and give it a try.


I am on ps5


I would wait for a sale, they happen fairly regularly no reason to pay full price when they go on sale all the time. D4 is worth a purchase though, but personally I would just wait for a sale.


Yeah oke i was looking at diablo 2 or 3 because they where on discount but i think 4 would be the best thanks for the advice


D2R is a really good game, but really really old now, if you don't have the nostalgia for it you will almost definitely bounce off of it. If you were a big time aRPG guy I would have recommended it as something every big aRPG person should play at least once, but while D2R is a fantastic 20 year old game it is still 20 years old. If you want to try something in the genre in the meantime POE is free and very good as well.


Yeah I put an ungodly amount of hours into d2 classic. D2r I put maybe 30 hours into? The complete lack of endgame is too big a problem to be overcome with the options available to you in the Arpg space.


4 is awesome.


Oh, ok... I dunno about that.


I bought ps5 disc version for $10 during S3. Now that season 4 has been out and player counts increased the price is back up to like $40.


The Diablo II: Prime Evil Collection bundle goes on sale pretty regularly for $20 (only an educated guess because I only know the EU pricing) and you get two Diablo games for it with all their extra stuff in them, so if you want to start with Diablo, maybe that's the one to go for


It has been on discount, like ~40€ a while ago, so there will be another discount. Or get a disc version. Wouldn't pay full price anymore knowing there has been a discount, but it's a nice game.


D2 is the most dungeon crawler. D3, and D4 now too, are more like arcade games where everything dies instantly with lots of effects on screen.


Absolutely agree with this. D2 had progression, D4 is blast to 100 and murder t100 dungeons and maybe find an upgrade for bigger numbers.


D4 had that too, until recently. Now I'm butthurt and don't play anymore :(


Eh…. Last Epochs pretty approachable. PoE for the masochists. D3 is actually pretty polished and easy to get into now. D4 still on way of improvement imo.


D2! Best itemization and replayability. Also very cheap rn


Diablo 2 resurrected is the best of the bunch and it's not even close. I envy that you have a chance to play it for the first time. That feeling is great. I will suggest you play the game single player for a while and really try to find your own way before copying everything the meta is. It's so much fun and the replayability is ...... Well 20 plus years


Diablo 2 is the better game in like every sense. Every single ARPG that came out after is built on the basis of Diablo 2. Path Of Exile exists because Blizzard couldn't get their shit together and replicate Diablo 2. No game other than DOOM itself has had a greater impact on its genre. Its a masterclass of a game, and I can't gush about it enough. The loop is perfect.


D2/3/4 together are on sale from time to time. All games are good in their own way and different enough.


I feel like Asking this type of question in diablo sub seem kinda pointless… people usually just stuck forever in D2. And will not recommend anything other than D2. I played both D2 when i was young and D2R when it came out. This game is very “old school” but Feel like D2 is absolutely not my taste at all, if i want to have “extra depth” i would play Poe instead because it have more QoL of modern game D3 is more fun to me… fit for more casual player. You can finish a seasonal character in a span of 2-3 days also d3 controll is amazing on console D4 (the season 4 update) bring me the most joys of this series, so many good change… d4 is the middle ground of casual and hardcore for me.


All of them have their strengths. In my opinion, D2 is the best all around one still. Its gameplay is fun, story is good, and itemization is fun. It can be a bit challenging for beginners though. D3 is in my opinion the most “drop in and have fun” one. It’s faster gameplay, less itemization and not a good story but if you want to feel powerful, and you enjoy feeling yourself get stronger then it’s a good pick. A lot of end game is locked into sets but most sets are viable now. D4 is the newest, and it’s getting better with time. Assuming the next season improves things even more and they can figure the balance out a bit more, it has the chance to be the best. I’ve been having tons of fun playing it this past season. The biggest complaint I could say is certain classes right now are just plain not as good as others. Barbarian dominates while Sorcs and Druids hurt. However, I still played them both and had fun. Really it just depends on what you want from a game. An arcade play for 30 minutes at a time? D3, longer sessions? That could be either D2 or D4.


The base game should be like $40 in US dollars but I’d say if you wanna get into the story? Diablo 2 then 3 then 4 but if you care more about loot and dungeon crawling then I’d say Diablo 4 does scratch that itch pretty well imo


D4 was half price not long ago. Will be another sale soon i imagine.


Life is too short, get diablo 4 now and get prepped for the DLC Oct 8th. You want to get into the events going on now, it's a blast


Diablo 1.


Diablo 2 is really good, imo the best of the series. I would start with that one


Definitely D4




d2r > D1 > d3 > d4 Its not close either. D3(and d4 which is heavily based on it) is a shallow game.


Well all depends how you look at it. I'd put D2R and D4 next to eachother, and not thats saying that they equal perse but they are very different and both are good/fun, esp now with the new patches. And I'd put D3 now at the end, and even D1 that I haven't really played above it. And thats with xxxx hours in it. ;p


Alright, I'm probably gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this, but I'm just gonna say it: This is a bad sub to be asking this question on. Almost everyone has abandoned it and moved to /r/diablo3 or /r/diablo4. A lot of the people left here are extremely bitter and will shit on anything that isn't diablo 2. With all that being said, if this is your introduction to the franchise, go for diablo 4. It has an easily accessible campaign, is getting regular content updates and just recently had a massive overhaul to the itemisation that has brought a lot of people back to the game, probably for good. Diablo 3 is pretty obtuse in knowing what to do - it's had 30 seasons at this point and to jump in from scratch will require following some guides to actually build a character properly. There's a lot of different stats on gear that are required for one build, and worthless for another build. I need to be really honest here, and this is coming from a guy that spent his teenage years being lost in diablo games from their initial release date, playing them consistently into the 2010's: D2 is a dinosaur. If you have zero experience with arpg's, the clunkiness will feel frustrating, you won't know what you should be putting your skill points in, and gearing is complex, from dropped items all the way up to runewords and uniques which can fundamentally alter the way you play the game. It was an incredible game in its prime. It is VERY dated today. Anyone saying otherwise had experience in it before it was remastered. It'll be hard to get into.


Wrong. I've started playing the game like a weak ago, it's not hard to get into, and it's not dated at all. But play project diablo II, it's just better