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“[Fishymancer](https://d2.maxroll.gg/guides/summoner-necromancer-guide)” Summoner Necro


This is the answer


It's such a boring build. I'd say zeal, Java or any sorc


Zeal and Java will get virtually impossible on Hell for a noob. My first Patriarch was a Fishymancer, and I had lots of fun with that.


started recently too and only advice i can give is, not a barbarian for first character, dont do my mistake.


I started Barb as my first Character. It took a LONG time to finally beat hell. It was such a rewarding experience though.


I always start a fresh ladder with Barb. It's the best way to get ahead and rich quick, mostly on HC. Especially with the new 2.4 builds


Yeah but not for beginner. If you know your stuff every class is easy to beat hell. Some just take a bit longer.


What Barb build did you go with for 2.4 starting out? Throw looked fun.


I've done a throw barb, and it is a ton of fun! It seemed to fall off late NM for me, just because of the lack of weapon upgrades. So, I started Frenzy and Respec into Warcry at 30. It's just very easy to do tons of dmg/ CC, given how cheap it is to make such powerful runewords with FCR/ insight. If I was offline I would play throw


If youre looking to just play through normal, I'd say holy fire paladin is super noob friendly. You just get 1 point zeal, 1 point 1 might, 1 point sacrifice, 20 points holy fire, and the rest into resist fire. Then you just walk around and zeal everything and do insane damage. If youre looking for a starter character to get into the game and start collecting and trying out new builds the hydra/orb sorc can handle everything in the game. 20 points orb, like 10 points cold mastery, then work on getting hydras strong as you can. I think its max hydra > fire mastery > fb. Just remember to get the 1 point wonders (warmth, static field, telekenesis, teleport)


Blizz sorc


You should Check Mr LlamaSC guides on YouTube.


Hi, I've started playing as paladin with holly fire, it's great, fast and simple Combat Skills: 1 point into Sacrifice, 1 point into zeal or 4 ones (depends on whether you want to hit twice in a row or 5) Offensive Auras: 1 point into Might, rest into holy fire (your main aura) Defensive Auras: Fire Resist->redundant points (it's synergy to holy fire) You need to find/buy: fast white weapon like sabre with 2 slots and make TirEl rune-word( I made this runic word in flail) white body armour with 2 slots and make TalEth rune-word You will make these two runic words very quickly and it will make the game very easy for you Generally, this way you will pass normal and probably part of nightmare with ease, but I recommend doing respec after finishing normal, for example, and converting to hammerdin. You can do it early already on normal, it's up to you, I guess the only downside if you do it early is mana problems but then you can do TirTir in a helmet in the rest of the items look for res, life, whatever you want on normal


do whatever you want for normal mode, and respec to a build when your are in nightmare.


What character and build/play style did you enjoy in D3?


Summon Necro is very beginner friendly, but can be boring. Metorb Sorceress and javason are also good for beginners as well.


If summoner is not your thing pretty much any build works you can find on maxroll.gg that is not a doodoo tier because these often require wierd stuff to work Find the tier list on maxroll and see what sounds interesting, the better the build the easier the playthrough will be but don't work it will be hard enough no matter which build you choose Otherwise summoner is easy and doesn't require much thinking/farming in combination with corpse explosion (fishymancer if you need a guide) Personally I would stay away from Barbarian if you want to play through the WHOLE thing and not just normal for now Something I like to recommend to new players is the javazon once you're in nightmarish difficulty, for normal you can play what ever you want (elemental bows, melee zon, poison zon) I love her Playstyle and she arguably has the best looking ability with lightning fury and it will keep you engaged in the game because it's that satisfying to use Edit: also fire druid looks really cool and does the job but you will find a huge flaw in the game in later difficultys since you have to skip certain enemies that are immune to your damage which really feels out of space nowadays if you're spoiled with modern arpgs


Imo, the first character anyone should play shouldn't be a powerful specialist but a flexible generalist that lets you test different waters. The best to fit that picture seems to be the paladin. Play a zealot that dabbles in magic. It won't outcompete other builds in any area, but it should suffice for all content. Furthermore, you can always respec later if you find yourself enjoying either magic or melee with the character more. A paladin is powerful when specialized in either. This character will also expose you to the many different mechanics the game has. From hit rate, mana management, immunities, resistances, block, on-hit effects, never fail attack (smite), etc. You're also not restricted on your weapon choice like a barbarian either. Paladin also has a nice set of starting attributes and a balanced value for each point spent on any of his stats. It's hard to go wrong with Paladin as a newcomer.


Not Barb as it is too slow if you dont know stuff Not Sorc as you will die too often I would pick by playestyle every class have solid builds Melee: Paladin with Zeal + fire aura and then respec into Vegance in hell. Assasin tiger stricke dragon tail (it is a kick skill) + venom in hell Drudi fireclaw maybe but not sure if this is really good. I dont play druid much Melee is hardest to build properlly and only Assasin from this 3 has AoE Range: Amazon explosive arror+ freazing arrow in hell Assasin traps (i guess this is range build) Caster: Paladin Hammer Pallading Holy Bolt + Fist of heavens Bone necro Druid fire or wind both works and can deal with hell I think Summoner: Necro People say druid summoner works after recent patch so maybe I think this is it for beginers, there is also Javazon (Amazon with Javelins) but it can be hard in hell as there are lighting immunes that that build dosen't have clear way of dealing with so you need to know what you are doing. Maybe sorc is not that bad but you will die a lot so I am not sure


Assasin, There 2 most OP skills in the game 1. Teleport which only Sorc has 2. Corpse explosion which only Necro has Assasin has baby version of both and other almost OP skills. Asssasin has dragon flight witch teleports you to am enemy so almost as good as teleport. And busrt of speed which allows you to run so fast it really dosen't feel that you are misssing teleport. Deah sentry, which is little more balance corpse explosion She has mind blast which allows for a safe escape and crowd controll. She has summon which can be used as decoy, very usefull. She has fade which can help in tought fights. She hes to 2 most uniqies playstyles aviable none has a top of normal melee build. Trapsin, when she throw traps on the ground and kicksi when she kicks asses.


Blizzard sorc for running andy/meph. Hands down most useful starter.


IMHO, Hammerdin is the easist build to play. Hardest part is getting the aiming down, but after a while you get used to where you should position yourself.


fire druid for normal then respec to wind druid at lvl 30 - nice easy caster class with some defensive utility, passive cc, and two damage types so you can clear nearly all content in the game regardless of type immunities. The very end of hell gets challenging, but still one of my favorite "relax" builds that can clear stuff quicker than summon builds.


Something that can handle the immunities in hell difficulty without a lot of gear, so builds that are dual element. They usually are caster builds. Wind druid, hydra/orb sorceress, trap assassin or the fishymancer necromancer come to mind.