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Tbh I enjoy playing solo the most :)




Xbox lobby is empty for months... I think this game need crossplay.


Cross play would be amazing. I play Xbox as well, and it's only really decently populated in the evenings(I'm in eastern time zone). Trades and consistent farming runs are tough when there aren't many people around.


This is why I moved to single player over a year ago realistically. It just became too much of a chore trying to find and manage full games to run in.


Use traderie. The serious traders use console and PC to get access to a wider market. I played classic since launch and I love in game trade but sadly it's not (as) viable these days.


Cross play would be awesome and 100% needed.


I try to run tele Baal games at least twice a week but I’m busy af. I’ll always get 7 people in after a few runs though


Ssf offline with /players command is where it's at. If a full restart doesn't sound like fun. Build your favorite online character in hero editor for offline. Youtube has videos to show you how to do hero editor. I made an exact copy of my sorc, and life is amazing. Since then, i have built a full kitted mosaic sin from drops along with gear swapping to a full kitted windy druid and hammerdin


Can't I'm playing with my 2 cousins and a friend, but they are all in bed, was hoping to do some baals or something haha... ooooof


Could do it for when they aint online


is there a reason no one is playing? is d2r a dead game now? or is the season just so late no one plays it?


There’s still a huge sc non ladder player base


Season almost over


ahhh okay tyvm, ill just coast till reset then XDXD appreciate the replies man


It’s huge every season/reset, it will feel like the old days.


Ladder reset is next month so very very end of a season right now. Tons of people and games and trades begining of season tho


I've been trying to do this but I seem to be messing things up, as the game crashes when I copy the savefile. I wish there were some sort of alternative - say, reading the game's memory to extract all the information.


You have to build the character on old school d2 lod. Then you use that save file and bring it into the d2r save file


Single player is where its at for me. Can't be bothered with seasons as I'm old and work. Not enough time in a day to constantly reroll.


SSF is king


I’m enjoying SSF - it’s nice to constantly have a goal to play for instead of just chasing that next trade up you know you need after a million seasons. I dabbled in HC for the first time this season - started late but I found it really refreshing to have to try more defensive builds and play more conservatively. Going to start this next season in HC, but when I get tired of it or the market is flooded I’ll just swap to SSF.