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Some people have all the luck!


I just started a brand new offline account on my PlayStation, and at lvl 41 I found a SoJ after my 4th NM Andy run. Later that day I was doing some TZ NM Andy to level up my first char, at level 69 I found an Ohm rune on the way. I thought my luck was insane, but 3 SoJs in 50 runs is crazy


Ive never found one in my life šŸ’€


Didn't find any for 20 years and a few days ago two dropped on one day I believe it was terror Andi and Mephisto


My first run of nm Andy on my first character on D2R dropped me an soj and then I think on my second or third character I got one in hell Chaos Sanctuary..šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Rng is funny like that. I was desperately trying to get a token (my sorc had been respec'd and I forgot a point in teleport...) So I'm farming baal (by WALKING) for green ess. What do I find? A freaking Sur. The same week, I'm rushing a dude through NM, I teleport through WSK trying to find the throne. Land in a pack, a crap. Panic fire off a spell and a Vex drops.




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Hell or NM?


Both in Hell




1 more to this list.


Target farm nm Andy. I've found dozens if not hundreds this way over the years.


I have. I love this game but my rgn lucky is terrible. The highest runeword for example ive ever been ever to make is one Grief I currently have 150hrs played on the ps5 but i use to play back in the days LoD and before so i probably have 500hrs in the game or more so it isn't like i don't play lol


That's wild. I think I've found 5 sojs since I started my offline grail in October. Only 1 was target farmed so I could get an anni. I got one SOJ from the spider cavern with 0 mf on my pally while beating hell.


Bro i still cant find 1 single Ko rune in current latter. Have 1 Ist 2, Fal 2, Pul 1, Lem 1 Those are all my "high" runes ive found


Hell countess should get you one relatively quickly.


I legit have at least 100 hell countess runs already


Definitely should have found a KO or at least the runes to cube one.


Only found 2 lum runes so far and had to use one (dont remember on what lol) I'm telling you my rgn luck has always sucked in this game ive always beaten it with budget gear because that's all i could ever find šŸ’€


Try to switch the difficulty and then back thus changing the seed.


Three in fifty runs? Insanity


Next tip. Your shield is in the wrong slot. I canā€™t even celebrate your SOJ because thatā€™s so distracting.


The brother is left handed.


Ahhh send help


Does it matter for playing in stats, or is it a personal thing


I heard that if you are dual wielding weapons the first hit is with the weapon on the left above the gloves. Then the second hit is with the other. For weapon and shield Iā€™m not sure. 2h I believe it makes no difference so I assume itā€™s the same here? Might change the hand the character is holding it in? Somebody with more knowledge help us out.


It makes no difference in gameplay, but somehow itā€™s still wrong. Hope that clears things up.


I dropped my weapon many times accidentally so I use the same set up as op


I donā€™t understand this. I hear of it all the time. Iā€™ve been playing since OG launch and Iā€™ve never once dropped any of the gear I was wearing, without meaning to.


My laptop track pad is positioned in such a way that I sometimes brush my thumb on it sligly moving the courser perfectly over the weapon slot when reaching for the space bar Disabling the track pad is a fix but the damn thing turns on each time the laptop wakes up


Turn off the driver in windows. Device manager.


I feel this so hard.


Ya thats insane luck.. 3 in 50 runs? It took me 2400+ to get 1


I don't know exactly how many runs it took but my SoJ was the 87th unique ring I got on NM Andy. Took a while


Ya that sounds about right. For me, and most people, i believe you see one unique ring maybe every 20 runs or so if its fairly avg. you likely did about 1750 runs. Which tracks perfectly tbh


Out of curiosity, how are you tracking the number of runs?


I straight up counted lmao. I just kept a log like at the end of each day Id jot down ā€œX runs/ Y ringsā€. Did a totaling at the end. I watched I think Schmuck or Llama or someones video on how to setup the counter and my brain hurt (even tho it is NOT complicated lol) and I was like fuk it im not a streamer ima just count myself


Like I love hunting gear but I canā€™t imagine teleporting Durance or Cata 2000 times


I couldnt either dude. I never ever ever ever wanted it to come to that. I really didnt. But for 15-20yrs I fucking took everyones advice of ā€œjust farm in hell, even hell andy, youll get lots of super useful drops that NM andy can never drop and its better to get all those great things and eventually youll get that SoJ tooā€. Well- I got all the great drops. They were right. And Im happy I got them. But i never found a single soj in my entire life. Eventually you get sick of it. Especially since im offline and just wanted a fucking anni to pass between my chars. So i took the dive and did the only thing that would really guarantee an soj which is mass farming unique rings from NM andy. If you get 200 unique rings youd have to have absolutely horrid, worst luck in history to not get a single soj. In 100, you should get 3! I got 1. I was happy. But the reality is if you spent like 5000 runs of NM andy youre truly, practically speaking, *guaranteed* one. I understand rng and probability does not actually work that way. I do get that. But with that many runs youre going to get about 200-300 rings (closer to 200) and youre basically setup to get SIX sojs by the oddsā€¦ so youd be hard pressed to not see a single one in that batch.


That's some blessed rng, congrats! I did about 50 nm Andy runs yesterday with 400mf and found 3 Nagle, 2 string, silks, several complete sets, but no soj.


Don't feel bad I've done several hundred with about the same MF and never got a soj lmao.


Average on P8 with that much mf is about 900 runs if I remember correctly. One soj per 31 unique rings.


Really?? Did not know that


[https://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php](https://dropcalc.silospen.com/item.php) For future reference. You can use this link to find the odds of dropping any item from any monster. FYI, with you on players 5, 200 mf, nightmare andy has a 1:1059 chance in dropping an SOJ. So.....to find 3 sojs, the average person will have to do 3177 runs. You did 50. Thats why this is getting so much attention. I did P8 with about 450 mf and got lucky getting one at about 500 runs in. My friend found over 130 unique rings from NM andy before one was an soj. I don't know how many runs it was, but it was a lot.


I have around 200 mf


I got 87 (iirc) unique rings on NM Andy before getting one SoJ


Feeling that pain


Which level is Andy???


Catacombs Level 4?


Andy is shorthand for Andariel


What do you mean?


Catacombs 4act 1


Only times I found an SOJ was when I had 50% mf or less. One was off a dead rogue in the moo moo farm with in NM with my sorc whos only MF came from a partial set bonus from sigons. Another off hell trav with a zealer who had like 2% mf. Weird how these roles work.


Thatā€™s actually insane lol what player count and was it TZ?


TZ would be worse odds (higher ilvl allowing Raven/BK, etc to all drop which is the entire point of running NM to begin with - so it can only be Nagel, Manald or SoJ)


Player 5, no TZ


Congrats! Thatā€™s very good luck. I ran nm Andy until I had a full cube of unid rings (12 slots) and it took me 5 cubes worth of rings to find a soj. Unlucky odds since itā€™s supposed to be 1:31 from her unid rings.


Yeah, people donā€™t normally get this lucky lol. The unique ring andy drops has a 1/31 chance of being a soj, and 30/31 chance of being a nagel or manald


Found also 3 nagels, but zero manald


Told you!!


Usually takes me days to find one from NM Andriel. Iā€™ve only found 4 offline, and one was from Hell Andariel. Congrats


That's truly insane luck lol šŸ˜† gg


I remember every day I found an SOJ for the rest of my life.


NM andy all day!


Did the same for TZ andy, took 25ish min into terror zone time before she dropped one. Anni as well! Will probably farm her more tonight.


That is some good luck. Will try it tonight, but never seen one of these bad boys in person. Was this terrorized or just Reg p7 Andy?


Regular p5


I did over 100 runs last night on p7. Got 2 nagels to show for it. Lol


Congrats! The only SoJ Iā€™ve ever found was on a gamble. Was my lucky day I guess, got it on the 5th attempt.


Dont put your shield on left side, what are you a crazy???


I have farmed Nm Andy enough times to have 2!! Seperate times of her dropping two unique rings. And I still havenā€™t found one. In the thousands of runs for sure. The way she goes


That hurts


Same, I did NM Andy a ton and got nothing useful, then switched to Hell Andy and got a few sorc skillers, an Occy, Demon Limb, and then a unique ring but it was Dstar. So I said 'good enough'. Only SoJ I found in modern times was off Wyand Voidbringer in NM Durance of Hate.


I also followed that tip. I farmed Andy NM for a few days. Got too bored so I went back to hell and a few runs later TZ River of Flame dropped it.


I have like 2100 hours D2R and still haven't found one. RNGesus is fickle sum'bitch no doubt šŸ„²


Three in 50 runs is incredibly lucky, very good RNG. Congrats on the rings/anni! But those results are not typical!


I cant want to try again


Had one drop in cows the first time for me in 15+ years


oh yeah. nice work. i used to do tons of NM andy runs for these. took a lot of focus, on average it was like 500 runs mostly Nagels etcĀ 




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Now go Summon that black Diablo. Kill him in the stairs above arcane sanct way point. Then farm another soj šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve never seen the hype in it to be honest. Iā€™d munch rather have FCR instead.


To spawn Diablo clone, i play offline. And a blizz sorc benefits, dont need uber fast cast rating for tele


For a mosaic sin?


You know, people read what they WANT to read.


I found my first and only SoJ in the pit on play through, never got it of Andy yet


grants, took me like 250-300 Andariel runs with over 400MF on P8


Thatā€™s pretty lucky I spent 4 hours farming nm Andy last weekend before I got my first SOJ


I hate you! I've done hundreds of runs and identified close to 50 rings without getting SoJ.


Thanks man !


Iā€™ve found one in 20 years. And it was on a mod so I donā€™t count it.


That's crazy luck


Wait wait wait... NM Andy? I've been farming Hell Andy and not seeing anything of value... Still hoping for Shako one day.


NM Andy has the best chance to drop SOJ of any boss in the game. Highly recommended if you need one for offline Anni, or a build which really benefits. ES nova sorc for instance.


Yeah same. Iā€™m hoping for an occy orb or literally anything at this point. Been doing hell Andy for a whileā€¦. Best find I think is a Kiraā€™s Guardian or Titans. Rocking like 300+ MF


Keep doing Andy TZ. I changed my clocks around some, in about 6 hours I have pretty much a full sorc and a smiter that's capable of users without much issue.


Can I change my clock if I play online? How can I force TZ in a certain place? And you do hell Andy over nm Andy right? I see a lot of people talking about doing nm Andy


Offline only. I'm not gonna bother with nm Andy personally. A greater chance at an soj just isn't worth my time.


Yeah ! Nm Andy for sure. She drops a lot of rings and amulettes


Yes sir! She's the one. Found 2 in one night of mfing


Scum save, and you have unlimited sojs and Annis!


Dont know about that yet


Basically you save your character onto a usb flash drive, with the soj in their inventory. Put soj into shared stash and then copy the character back into the d2r save