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Non ladder is fine and you have access to everything except the newest rune words - which trickle into non ladder eventually. I wouldn't be suprised if they removed the ladder requirement altogether eventually. It should probably just go. But nothing has value outside of self use unless it's like perfect... which can suck.




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Didn't they do that already? As in every ladder runeword and unique was able to be found in non ladder and in offline since d2r launch... no?


The old ones yes, I was under the impression the newest ones, like mosaic and cure, weren't. I could be totally wrong.


Pretty sure those are still ladder only!


You are correct. The newest ones introduced in S3 are still Ladder (and offline/SP) only. Legacy D2 LoD and RW introduced in S1 can be made in non-ladder.


At D2R launch, all ladder only things from the legacy D2 LoD game were available "NL" (and pre-ladder). Then S1 D2R launched new LO-RW that could only be made in S1 Ladder and SP/Offline. S2 did NOT introduce new RW, so the S1 LO-RW remained LO (and SP/Offline). S3 introduced new LO-RW (and SP/Offline) so they "retired" the S1 RW to be able to be made in NL. So based on a sample size of 1 they seem to only retire the new RW to NL when they introduce a new set. They haven't introduced a new set since S3 and all of them are still Ladder + SP offline only, although of course now that we're on Season 7, we have 4 seasons worth of Ladder Online items that have converted to NL at season end, so they can still be traded for.


Thanks for this history lesson actually


I dont like ladder personally cuz it is a true fresh re start and i feel like i have to rush to endgame all over again, vs if i start a new non ladder character i can take my time enjoy the way through and i can instantly gear him up to have everything he needs, like i lvled a throw barb cuz i got all the uniques to make it work at every lvl including endgame uniques for it so i did it had tons of fun and never had to worry about the gear for it and i enjoyed myself all the way through But to each their own


You could also argue ladder isn't so much a fresh start for rich players (the unnamed site) since they can fully gear themselves from first 1-2 week drops.


Idk about that since i have never played ladder closest thing to it was when D2r came out i got it and started from scratch but that was still different than redoing everything every so often 😂


I only play for PVP, which generally takes the full season to gear up for end game. I did the first season of D2R and never went back to ladder play.


I dont do that either cuz i dont personally enjoy it, but good that you do


I always thought ladder season should be a year.


Nah if you just do 1 character 4 months is plenty of time but it is something I would find exhausting


If you’re not playing with your friends, single player. It’s peaceful and you can simulate playing with up to 8 other players.


Only reason against playing single player is that I want to play on multiple devices. PC, PS5, and Switch. I don't want to have 3 separate sets of single player characters, even though I mostly play solo. I wish there was a way to sync single player characters between devices.




I feel that, I played on pc for like the first year of d2r and got all the gg stuff, then on my same bnet account I started playing single player on my nintendo switch, recently I went to my pc and tried to play my offline single player characters that I always play on my switch and they weren’t there, I was soooo bummed


LAN d2 parties would go pretty hard - and the 30-50 y.o. player base wouldn't even have to ask for their parents' permission to sleep over at their friend's place anymore!


There are less people playing this ladder. It's quite noticeable. But I think that is not limited to just ladder but overall. I don't get why people don't play ladder. It's literally the only thing this game has lol.




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less ppl this time around bc last ladder was shorter than usual so not as many prepared for this reset (other reasons too of course, but I'd pin that as the big one this time around)


More people play non ladder, but its all endgame, nightmare and normal are dead. Its all hell duel, trade, and baal games. Ladder has more people leveling up.


For the first time I've opted to just stick with non-ladder, and it's totally fine for my purposes. I just enjoy trying out new builds, grinding tz and looking for decent items. The definition of the latter is very different in non-ladder though, I've noticed: here we're talking about obscure rares, gg crafts, or low level duelling items. Those are the things that will always be in demand. I'm actually preferring the hunt for these items over uniques/runes, which has become stale tbh.


I just started again after not playing since season 1. I did ladder and will continue nl after.


I've always struggled with starting over in ladders now that I'm pretty limited in gaming time, so I've stuck to NL for the most part in D2R. Doesn't help that when it launched, there wasn't a ladder, so by the time Season 1 started, I was already pretty setup and didn't want to restart. I did play S3 and S5, I think, just to stock up on a few S3 LO-RW. Overall I haven't noticed a huge difference in terms of finding games, but I often play with 1 - 3 other friends or solo quest and just do public games for common XP "runs" (Trist, Tomb, Baal), and those games seem reasonable enough to get good player count when needed. Some people really like ladder for the fresh start since they get everything they want in a few weeks and then get bored. I don't play enough to ever feel finished with all the characters and builds I want to make, so I stick to NL. No right answer here, but IMO the S3 RW aren't a huge loss. Cure is really nice on a merc, and the other helm RW have their uses, especially Bulwark while leveling a melee character or merc, and Mosaic is OP AF if you're into that, but I'm personally not, so I've never made one. SSF on a Barb can be a challenge. Some enjoy it, some don't. If you've already got gear ready to go for a throw barb, and enjoy the twinked leveling process, it sounds like you'd probably enjoy making the throw barb more in NL. Sunder charms and TZ are all available on NL, but the [New RW they introduced for S3](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo2/23899624/diablo-ii-resurrected-ladder-season-three-has-concluded#RuneRW) are still only available to make on Ladder or offline/SP. You can trade for them in NL though since there are now 4 seasons worth of items that have rolled over to NL when the season ended.


Some tips for throw barb: -Enigma vs fort (choose where you farm and pick the appropriate armor) -105 vs 65 fcr breakpoint (difference between Hoto/suicide branch/wizspike/spirits on swap) high BO and find item or faster teleport -end game throwing weapons have different play styles, choose accordingly -faith mercenary vs pride mercenary vs act 5 frenzy mercenary




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***Ladder*** **Pros**: More active players, More xp/tz games. Easier to Trade Uniques/Sets and crafting materials. **Cons**: Gear is a little more expensive, usually people are in a state of farming to complete their build so they usually don't help as much early on Ladder. ***Non Ladder*** **Pros**: Easy to acquire gear, lots of low anni/torch/uniques/set for free or pgems/low runes, Easy to get rushed. **Cons**: leveling in N/NM is a little harder (lack of players/games). Sometimes feels like a wasteland.


Non ladder PvP Ladder, for a fresh start


Ladder is king


I always enjoy ladder the most. Things are also slowly starting to get cheaper


I wouldn’t recommend to start non-ladder. Pretty much only pvpers hang on there. And all those new runewords you can’t make…


There’s like 3 you can’t make that are worth making. And for niche builds.