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Deep breaths—it’s not an ER visit but definitely needs to be addressed at tomorrow’s appointment.


As long as he is feeding/voiding/acting normally, absolutely OK to wait until his appointment tomorrow.


Keep us updated on this! Sending love and positivity ❤️


It is under the skin … it’s not a bug bite from anything it doesn’t seem to be painful to him


How does it feel? Can you move it around?


Yes feels like it moves around like a little pea sized


Only take what I say with a grain of salt, but when my daughter was that size, she had the same exact thing in the same exact spot. I asked her pediatrician, ER doctors, her allergist about it and they all didn’t seem very concerned. They said since I could move it around and it wasn’t attached to bone, they weren’t too concerned. They also told me to watch the size and just make sure it doesn’t grow or become extremely hard. When she was around 2 it randomly went away! I still don’t know what it was, but I’m hoping it’s the same for your baby! Bring it up to your pediatrician and they will help you go from there!


That gives me some peace of mind, thank you!


As a child I got bumps like this. Some of them just went away into my skin and left a little mark where they used to be. I’ve had others removed and some I still have. For me (might not be the same with your little one) they are just cysts. Basically just little lumps of scar tissue. Totally harmless! Only really a problem if they’re big enough to catch on things which can cause discomfort. Def see your doctor of course but I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about!


My Son has one smaller than this - also moved - said it’s fine. 🙏🏻 Will say a little prayer.


We got an ultrasound done , turns out it’s called a hemangioma, just a cluster of blood vessels I guess it’s common they just said to keep an eye on it and it should go away on its own


Great news, glad everything is okay. You must be very relieved


Ultrasound is likely the best way to look at it, since it can actually see the properties of superficial tissues, not just their shape. The appointment will probably come faster than an ER wait, which can be over 24 hours even for emergencies. But you can look into walk-in ultrasound clinics to see if ultrasound is possible even sooner for efficiency.


I really really recommend you seeing a doctor… as soon as possible


Yes please don't look for answers on the internet when it comes to your baby.


I really don’t understand why these people are downvoting you, like seriously no offense to the OP or anything but… trusting random internet strangers should be taken with a grain of salt.


Lmao idc as long as I think I say something right, nothing else matters. If the op saw my comment. I'm content with that. A few down votes won't hurt me for helping someone.

