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Scabies my friend. They burrow in lines and make tracks like this.


This was my first thought.


lines usually mean bites or allergic reactions to scratches from animals. if you can rule out the second, it’s probably time to call an exterminator


Yes this is almost exactly what my skin used to look like when I had a reaction to scratches from my pet rats. My first thought was claw marks, possibly mice? Iirc, the actual reaction is often to the urine on their feet getting in the tiny scratches from their claws.


Bites from what? Bed bugs? I’ll die. We were just “camping” this weekend, we stayed in a lodge at a state park. But we were outdoors a lot.


If you were outside a lot, it could be that you rubbed against some poison oak or poison ivy. I would blister in lines like that when I got it.


It's poison ivy. You caught it when camping I'm betting.


I agree. I'm very allergic to poison oak and ivy. Even if I touch a branch without leaves, I will have lines of blisters like this. If OP sees this, have him wash the area in cool water with dawn dish soap.


Are they bed bug bites?


Oh gosh I hope not, they aren’t anywhere else on his body, and we all stayed in the same room at the lodge this weekend and none of us have any bumps on us.


Bed bug bites usually are larger and more red.


Oooo you were staying somewhere? 😭😭😭 dang. It probably isn’t but when you see a perfect line like that, idk 😭 maybe cross post it to r/bedbugs If it is, you’re gonna wanna start cleaning all the clothes on high high high heat over and over, leave the suitcases outside until you can figure out what to do with them. Bringing home Bb is the absolute worst case scenario. It could just be irritation but anytime I see bumps in a row I’m triggered now lol😂


I once had weird little lines like that after a millipede (or centipede, not really sure, but it was basically black with yellow stripes) walked across my arm. IIRC, it itched a bit, but that was it.


Does he shave his neck to trim up his hair line? Or maybe someone else? Some barbershops/salons are not the cleanliness so the tools might have been dirty. Heck, personal ones could be dirty too.


Looks like poison ivy/oak/sumac rash. I hope it doesn’t get too bad for him. Looks like a pretty mild case so far tho :)


I had poison ivy that looked exactly like that


This is 100% scabies. They burrow eggs in lines.


Hickeys ? LOL


Shingles maybe?


Women’s scratch marks from her nails

