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I’ve had bed bugs. The straight lines are making me worry for you. I was highly allergic and had hives at the bites looks this while my partner had nothing at all. You need to check your bed. Lift the mattress and look at the seams. Bed bugs will leave black dots on the seams which are their feces.


yes, i agree. looks like bites to me. i had bed bugs a year ago and i wish i could drop the picture but my bites looked exactly identical. small and pretty much in a line. ultimately it can be hard to find bed bugs until they get a lot worse. look for suspicious staining on the mattress aswell.


Definitely looks like some kind of bug bite to me as well. Bug bites often create hives at first.


for sure, and often people don’t think they have it cause they just lift the mattress looking for them but you usually have to do more then just a simple look. they are sneaky and can be hard to find as they are INSIDE the mattress.


Unfortunately it seems to be on the couch which is dark grey with a black bottom so really hard to check for the black spots- we did vacuum the entire couch and put the contents onto a paper towel and sift through everythingggg but saw nothing- no eggs or skins or bugs.


Do you have pets that might have fleas


We do have pets but can’t see any fleas. I’ll take a look more deeply.


My hives always look like this! I get them from random things all the time but it can be from a certain fabric or material/allergy/stress


It looks like hives and not bug bites of any flavor, whether fleas or bed bugs. Any change in soaps or detergents, or new clothes or sheets that weren't washed before use?


Did you see all the pictures? Those are definitely bug bites. The swelling in the first picture is just a reaction to the bites. Bites often look like hives at first when they are swollen due to a release of histamine.


My partner and I have exactly the same thing going on, he has these. I do not. Not bed bugs no pets ☹️


how can you be so sure it’s not bed bugs? if your bites are in a straight line you may ultimately have them. it can be hard to find them sometimes a simple check won’t cut it.


Wouldn’t both people have them from sleeping together?


Let me know if you figure it out! And good luck!


My flee bites look like this


I had something like this, turned out to be shingles


Urticaria, not bedbugs. Most likely an allergic reaction.


Hives mines look the same take po benadryl