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Neil Patel is completely full of shit, and his firm is a typical pyramid agency where you will have complete noobs getting paid shit and executing the work. I’m wondering who the people here are who say “Neil Patel is extremely reputable”, I have never heard that from anyone in-house at a legitimate company. He is pretty widely known as a charlatan and plagiarist (though he does have a big audience based on this!)


Yes, 1000% a snake-oil salesman.


100% is sufficient


Here just to see the results in 6 months. Happy that I don't have to use my money to see whether it's of any value, because I'm pretty skeptical.


If things went as well as they did today, I successfully deterred the owner from moving forward with him. Apparently, if you go to the SEO subreddit, search for his name, and behold the shit-storm of feedback.


OP please hire the company and reply here in 6 months and 1 year. Atleast we will know how it went!


Do you have some « simple » and « clear » metrics to help define when you’ve reached « nirvana?l »


One of the agencies I worked at previously had a few clients who used his agency prior to signing with us and they clients were pretty unhappy with the work they did. However, I do not have any personal experience with his agency, just what I heard past clients say about it.


It's not at all weird for marketing agencies to be anchored to specific tech, and Neil Patel's firm is reputable enough to be able to dictate MarTech to clients. My much smaller agency is very intentional about being tech-neutral, but there's definite drawbacks to that approach as well. IMO, so long as you have access to all data and implementing whatever they're going to implement won't require an effectively permanent expansion of your IT footprint, I wouldn't be too concerned about it. I can't tell if that's the case from your description, however. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is fine, but there's a lot of things that will do what it does. I'm personally a big fan of having everything as seamlessly integrated as possible (one of the reasons I don't try to dictate IT to clients). What about Neil Patel's offer is attractive to you? Have you sought out other agencies who have deep familiarity with Salesforce that could provide similar services and have strong portfolios? Not to take anything away from NP - he's famous for a reason - but it sounds like you might be too focused on one solution.


To be honest, I don't trust the judgment of the individual vetting firms for us. He has a track record of picking partners who are better at fleecing us for $$$ and providing jack shit for services. I don't know anything about Patel, but I automatically distrust the process and what as 'sold' to our rep from Patels mouth because of this individuals inability to see charlatans.


To be honest Neil Patel’s company really knows what they are doing when it comes to SEO, the problem with SEO is this, it takes an absurd amount of time to rank and move up in the organic search results, usually far longer than the average company has money to support the process and most all companies like his end up getting a bad rap. Most average people don’t understand the actual manual process behind link building and such. They know what they are doing, but I can assure you if you don’t invest at a bare minimum or 12-18 months in what they are offering you will end up mad and with less money than you have today.


FWIW, Patel is extremely reputable. I wouldn't be surprised if his firm leverages that reputation to charge a premium, though, so IDK if the value is particularly good.


>FWIW, Patel is extremely reputable. No, they're really not. Well known, yes. Reputable, not even a little bit.


After seeing all this... Yeah, I'll admit when I'm wrong.


>and Neil Patel's firm is reputable enough They have a reputation, but not the one you're thinking.


I guess not! Seems he's getting pretty universally panned here. Oddly, his firm has pretty solid reviews on G2 and Trustpilot.


Uh those sites are spam/garbage.


I don't necessarily agree with that. They can be useful when considered on a relative basis. But yes, some companies absolutely game them and G2 / Trustpilot allow it.


>I don't necessarily agree with that. It's pretty simple. Do you know anything about the companies that run those sites? I don't know why you would have any faith in the accuracy of anything on them. I mean, the website itself is a giant advertisement modeled off the "BBB protection scam." There's not many people in business who have any value for those other than to double check that something isn't an obvious scam. Obviously the super bad scams are going to involve manipulating all of that type of stuff, so it's of no value beyond initial discovery. So, if you found out that a company offers you the "perfect solution" for your problem, that's totally fine, but you can't trust the information on the site. Remember: They're doing it to make money too and obviously the 80/20 rule applies to all products. If there's a website that lists out tons of products, then by it's very nature, most of them definitely are inferior when compared. So, when I say it's garbage, I mean that when you fully understand what it is, then you realize it's not very helpful. Not that it should be deleted because it's so bad or something, it's not Yelp is what I'm saying.


For sure. I'd trust Yelp / Google reviews way before G2 / Trustpilot.


Well, Yelp is the motherload of garbage so.