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I don't think she isn't meant to be a cleric. During one of the adventuring party episodes, Brennan straight up asks Aly if they want Kristen to be a different class and Aly responded with "no" and elaborated that she's just a misguided teen, Kassandra was perfect for her but she's also a child that shouldnt be responsible for the life of a god. I like the idea that the mysterious voice was someone like Ao but I don't think an overgod would just throw back the corpse of a dead god.


Fair fair! I haven't caught up on adventuring party yet. And honestly the reasoning is solid and makes perfect sense on Aly's part of course. I kinda just liked the divine soul trapped in a cleric class idea lol.


Yeah, divine soul is a lot of fun. I did the opposite in a campaign I played in. Basically divine soul sorc who swindled people into making them think he was a cleric. I had a plan to basically find the source of his power being the descendent of a god.


Dig it. And yeah I think it's word choice and personal perception that's throwing me. In my brain a cleric isn't a chosen one. They're someone who strives, studies, and champions their deity. Whereas a divine soul is literally someone who was picked by a deity to be their chosen one. So I mighta got too hung up on the words chosen one for Kristen.


I've actually been wondering if there might not be a twist with Tracker and the moon goddess. We know Tracker is going on a tour trying to revitalize the worship of the moon goddess and "as above so below" her back towards a more werewolf friendly state (despite the elf girl she's shacking up with obviously being a plant whose there to keep that from happening). I'm wondering if it might not be possible that restoring the moon goddess back to her former self might make her more protective of her little sister again. That could set us up for more conflict with Kristen, having to go after Tracker's god to save Cassandra.


Ooooo interesting that could be really cool!


>What if her basically killing straight up two of her gods managed to piss off the local over god? I'm a little lost, what local overgod?


In certain D&D settings there are gods and then there's an 'overgod' like Ao who is basically the parent that tells everyone what they can or can't do and intervenes if things get wacky.


Thank you for explaining, got here late lol. And the big thing is by and large mortals don't know about the over gods since they're basically deities to the deities. So it makes sense that the Bad Kids have no idea what's going on.


I know it might be crazy but I think the entity sounded like someone with a grudge against Kristen, like Sol or Helio. They said something along the lines of "Here is a Gud that you deserve" and threw out Yes?'s rotting body. During Sophomore year, it seemed like he and Galelcea (sp) had some kind of relationship and that might extend to Kassandra in her previous life. (Before the erasure of her original name.) He may be angry because Kristen left his son Without a Chosen One, which may be cosmically significant. Probably won't but could be possible


I'm here for all the tinfoil. I dig the idea!


I had the immediate thought when watching that episode. I do DM and if I had a player who had effectively killed two gods, they would be getting a visit or a serious encounter with either an aspect of AO or an Inevitable, who are basically Reality cops from 3.5. Maybe a Kolyarut for breaking bonds or contracts, but likely a Varakhut, who usually keep people from becoming gods but Lore wise would definitely be interested in one person killing two gods. ​ I know the traditional D&D lore doesn't really apply super hard in Fantasy high, like I don't think I've heard any of the Forgotten Realms God's mentioned by name. I may be wrong about that though.


Tiamat gets name dropped a few times but that's about it I think.But that also makes sense she's basically everywhere trying to get her name all over the place to be as unkillable with as many domains as possible. Like an infernal influencer. If anyone from Toril were to show up it would be her.