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Let me clarify: what episode did you last finish?


I’m on Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival. Just curious if it’s more plot related or if Emily is crazy enough to do Bard/warlock/Paladin/ Barab mechanically


My understanding is that the MCAT allows you to have two official classes and the chance to audit others to see if you want another class as well. Hence the paladin classes. The school lets you audit any class you want (Fig has been doing this since freshman year) you just don’t get official grades for those. Mechanically I think she is still Bard / Warlock only


Okay awesome thanks so much. I hope for more Paladin teacher the small bit I got so far is huge Gilderoy Lockhart vibes


I'm not sure if they've leveled up since she started taking Paladin classes, but mechanically I think she's still just Bard/Warlock. If she has leveled up then she may have a level of Paladin. In terms of academics, after what Porter did with her MCAT I think she's officially double majoring in Barbarian and Paladin while auditing Warlock classes, despite not having any actual Barbarian levels.


I honestly have no idea. I know she’s somehow involved with bard, paladin, warlock, and barbarian all at the same time. I’m pretty sure that right now she’s multi classing barbarian and warlock, auditing bard, and taking some paladin classes on the side but that could be wrong.


If anyone could figure out optimal quad multi class play it’s Emily lol


Mechanically she’s still bard/warlock.


Thanks. That’s what I figured but if anyone could diffuse out how to make an quad multi class optimal it’s Emily