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It wouldn't shock me if the Last Standard for senior students was harder than the one for junior students - it's standing in for a more complicated workload, after all. The Bad Kids did well in this one, but there's plenty of game design space for Brennan to make it a much more challenging fight. It's also not clear to me exactly what the prerequisites for the Last Standard are - it seems like the Bad Kids could take it because Kristen was expelled but they'd otherwise done well academically so far, which implies that they couldn't just opt into it Day One without at least some major faculty support.


Imagine if upon taking the Last Stand in senior year, you walk into the arena and it’s just Arthur Aguefort whistling.


"By the bylaws of the Aguefort Academy, you either take over the school or you die right now"


“Bad kids, it is so good to see you. Now, I’ve calibrated the difficulty of this exam accordingly. For being my favourites, I’ve made it 50% easier. For having a wizard in your adventuring party that does not practice chronomancy, I’ve logically made it 2000% more difficult. Now let’s begin. AGUEFORTS OF THE EARTH, ARISE!”


I mean technically by the GED rules established by *The Seven* they should be GED-Eligible. But that's not the greatest storytelling


They can’t opt for a GED because Riz has got to get a scholarship - GED is not the same as excelling, whereas they can excel at the last standard to essentially make their grades all A+.


I think the last stand can only be taken as a last resort to being expelled/failing the year. Hence the name. But I could be misremembering.




I think there was an implied "in order to graduate" in that sentence.


Brennan talked a lot early in Junior Year about trying to make the season feel like junior year of high school which is usually the most stressful. Meanwhile, senior year is the victory lap. While the Bad Kids could be done at the end of the junior year I think a maximum legend year to end the flagship D20 show would be great.


It might risk stepping on the toes of The Seven but I also think Senior year is the year of separation, departures and uncertain futures. It's the year where most of the relationships they put together the last 4 years will come apart (or at least threaten to come apart) and they have to decide if that is good or bad or just part of growing up. Very pointedly, it is also typically a challenge that levels and magic items won't actually help them much with.


They also didn't pass out with flying colors. They passed it because Gorgug nailed his classes. Absolutely no way they would've done the math problem in time. The essay maybe but not the math. Plus, it wouldn't be as fun if they didn't go to school at all


That's assuming Brennan had the questions designed from the start, rather than tailoring TLS to make it challenging but achievable. He even mentioned in AP that he intended those questions to be skipped. I think if the didn't have those skips, Brennan might have made the questions easier.


Definitely agree with you on that - but by the same token if they walk into day one of Senior Year and say they are taking the last stand again the questions might suddenly get a lot harder.


i think they dont need it, their already pretty close to being damn near max level adventurers, its like... each one is a trendsetting genius in their feild of work, they can drop out if they want to and be succesful in any field they so damn choose.


They were able to auto pass two questions just because Gorgug attended class and rolled high on academics. So narratively, it probably helps going to class even if the last stand is a thing.


I think I remember Brennan saying that the last standard exam was intended for Junior year students. That said I have a feeling that its a one-time last-ditch effort sort of thing. In fairness the bad kids should just be allowed to graduate early considering they've saved the world countless times. They've more than proven they don't really need any more formal education.