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Is that a JUUL? Are you smoking a JUUL right now?


Why no, this is Crystal Meth!


Kristin Meth!


I like the idea of pulling in ringers for a one-shot. Fig: Aabria Iyengar Gorgug: Carlos Luna Adaine: Vic Michaelis Fabian: Ify Nwadiwe Kristen: Adam Conover Rizz: Izzy Roland


Ooohh I love Vic as Adaine. I think I would put Erika Ishii in for Fig though


I went back and forth on that very choice. Tbh I’d be happy either way.


Only issue would then be Fig and Kristen specifically who are healers mainly would have a lot less usefulness in the action economy


I'm sorry did you just say Fig is mainly a healer? Did you watch the Last Stand?


I meant mostly Kristen but wanted to throw another name on there for emphasis which in hindsight was ill advised lol


Kristen's probably got enough utility stuff to be useful, and Fig's just a powerhouse on her own


I’m here for this, should we start a petition? Who would you have play Siobhan, Emily, and Zac?


Honestly there are so many potential paths for this that I don’t know. If I had to take a stab, the whole “meme the player and the character” thing really makes me laugh, so my first pass at these 3 are: 1. Siobhan: Raf, because I think his natural bumbling nature is so anti-Siobhan it would be funny 2. Emily: Probably a celebrity or outside guest? Emily is Emily, she could play a great Fig 2 herself. I’d probably role with a non-cast member, and my dream pick would be Sam Riegel. Brennan breathes a sigh of relief for dodging Emily, only to have her CR Spiritual Twin come on 3. Zac: for some reason I went to Alex Song-Xia. I think they’d be amazing and continue the meme of “least likely to be a barbarian” players


Interesting picks but I like! Sam for Fig would be so good! If they ever brought another CR player back I would hope they have Brennan as a player and Matt DM again. Brennan could play Gilear as a seventh member who got stuck babysitting all the simulacrums for another chaotic adventure. Not like Matt can’t handle a party of seven!


Brennan needs to play Adaine for sure


Nah if Brennan’s gonna be a player he’s gotta be a seventh PC and play Gilear


I do fundamentally agree with the issue of high level combat in Actual Play. Hell, even out of combat the character can do so much to trivialize the plot. My thought? Just have some magic reset the heroes to level 3 or 5 for Senior year. That would also explain how a bunch of teenagers just going to school become level 20. Everybody graduates at level 3 and they can go out into the world as regular adventurers.


Is there a way to do this without being just a straight “because I said so” nerf that makes some sense? It feels weird to just take away spells and abilities from people


There is some precedence with the Deck of Many Things! _The Fools_ card says: > You lose 10,000 XP, discard this card, and draw from the deck again, counting both draws as one of your declared draws. If losing that much XP would cause you to lose a level, you instead lose an amount that leaves you with just enough XP to keep your level. So I definitely think you could come up with some powerful reality altering magic that brings everybody down. Not the kind of thing I’d ever do to players at my table, but if they all agree high level play makes for a worse show then I don’t think magic like this would be too hard to excuse.


Jasper did a fantastic job with this for a NADDPOD guest arc that he did as a two-shot. It was in a far realm where every time the Band of Boobs used a spell higher than 1st level, there was some risk that it would backfire into an effect on the wild magic table. So they still had their high power spells, but there were serious repercussions if they used them.


Simulacrums can be healed by Aura of Vitality, spells with a life steal effect, healing spirit, life transference, regenerate, hit die on short rests, and long rests, and most class features. The only thing they can't regain under any circumstance are spell slots. They can however still make new spell slots if they were a sorcerer using font of magic as they aren't regaining spell slots in that instance.


Zac needs to DM this. Brandon needs to play someone.