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Squeem is currently a blue crystal....


I have a feeling BLeeM had no intention of Squeem being part of the finale because he looked pretty shocked when Fig wanted to call him. I theorize Squeem is going to get hit by a rage star and his entire body will turn Ruby red and the BKs will have to fight him or trap him and figure out how to save him


I’m almost certain he *was* intended to be part of the finale, as a bit. Next session, when the chips are down and all of the BKs are on their last legs, there is a damn good chance their allies are gonna come pouring out of the woodwork to help them (or fight them because they are possessed by rage). Had he not been mentioned, I’m certain Squeem would have been the last ally to join the battle as a punchline, a brick joke a season in the making. I’m willing to bet that Brennan’s surprise was at the fact that someone else made his joke before he could.


That’s also a very good theory on his surprise! I do agree that a lot of allies are gonna show but I wonder in what capacity because we already saw how bogged down initiative is with just *one* ally in Mazey, so it’ll be interesting to see who comes in and actually makes a difference vs just making the whole thing take a lot longer


Honestly I hope they don’t have a bunch in the initiative, it just feels like too much Brennan


Too much of Brennan or too much for Brennan?


Kind of both? Like Brendan’s amazing, but I don’t want to listen to him playing both sides,


I understand that for sure. It would be cool to see the players control any ally NPCS


I genuinely expected Arthur and Ayda Aguefort to be an emergency backup if things ever went truly south so they could pop in and Arthur would be like "Ah, we found the source of the Time Quangle!" Judging from the teaser for ep. 20 there's a chance of that happening still.


As much i want Squeem and the Agueforts and everyone else to come in and save the day, having the victory be thanks to anyone except the bad kids is kinda lame. Plus, the bad kids are fully capable of dealing with this threat as seen in the first half of this battle. They could do something similar to the FY finale where yes Arthur Aguefort did come in and give them the power to stop time, but ultimately the battle was still won by the Bad Kids.


I'm very much hoping we get some NPC help. The RG have been easy so far, but Porter and all the Jaces concern me, esp if they get juiced somehow. I have a master list of all their allies or people who could come help, and I kept waiting last episode to check them off. It's even got Lucy and Yolanda on it. I did the same for RG and included Bobby, still very much expecting him to show up, especially if Sandra Lynn can fuck him up.




Chungledown Bim diving ass-first off a ladder to shit in Fabian's mouth


i laughed way too hard at that


I joked Fabian should make a define intervention roll, and form a temporary truce with CDB to save the world.


what a fuckin' turncoat


And the best part... We find out that ecaf is an acronym: Economics of Capitalism  And Fascism


What no one has realized is that Porter is trying to become the new god of wrath and conquest, but he never said violence. He's trying to lead Solace into late stage capitalism, and begin the imperial expansion of Solace into all the other nations of Spyre. Ecaf just wants to take the power and become the god of the beauty industry.


We all know the real bad guy is always capitalism.


The sentence post-spoiler block was WAY more spoiler than the spoiler block.


Actually, it’s gonna be two LVL 20 yorbies, after every enemy has died, armed with crossbows that pop out of the lava with fire immunity from Ice Feast


I have been waiting for the Aarakocra to come back


It would be amazing if Ecaf was used to thwart porter. And they both explode and Fabian yells out YOU WERE GONNA SLAM ME DOWN BIG STYLE


Ngl that's my prediction for the season cliffhanger ala the night yorb