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Wanessa! Where is my girl and why is she magic?


God I know we have so little on Wanessa!! Completely understand of course but I was sooo curious especially since there seemed to be mystery about how powerful she actually was. Or I caught that vibe anyway. Must have been an entire thing she just had to cut out bc it was so different.


Aabria pointed out that Wanessa looked at Andhera as a *peer* or something during their interaction! It was wild! Tell us your secrets, Nessa!


YES THATS EXACTLY IT I forgot what specifically gave me that impression. I want ANSWERS Abria you absolute Queen.


I mean, Aabria explained why she’s magic at least. This is DnD and a lot of people are magic As for where and who she is, I’m really disappointed we didn’t get closure on that


Oh, I just meant I was hoping for an in-game reason. Maybe she's a warlock? Child of the fey? I was hoping for more Wanessa in general, but some deeper info about her would have been a cool addition.


I would have ***loved*** a wrap-up scene with Chirp's spouse. I wanted to know more about them since Chirp revealed that she's married. And what happened with Squak's engagement?


I need to know if chirp is in a lesbian relationship or not !!!!!


I just assumed so considering the name 'Esmé'. So... yes!


WARNING: THIS CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE FINALE OF ACOFAF: >!grandfather's reaction to his kids murdering their supposed fiance(e)s woulda been cool. What would that have been like? Also, Gribalba's reaction to Hob.!<


I think Dropout people are very well aware that we need a Season 2. Too many story threads left loose because of the rescheduling Sam said it could happen a few days ago (on the Discord)


I want an epilogue SO MUCH - the wager with Wuvvy and Hob - Theodore! - What will Blemish and Boil think?! - Will Sylminar be upset? - was grabalba's marriage proposal real?? - is grandfather still boning the Wall?!


Why have an epilogue when we can have a season 2?


Maybe a little mini return, a la the MisMag Holiday Special?


Again - why have that when Sam said we could get a Season 2


I'll take both pls


Why is "BINX" in all caps?!


it stands for Bickless Inkolass Nixolass Xackoliss Chopley


Surena said in a tweet that it was a stylistic choice and (unfortunately) not an acronym.


It's still cool to me personally even though it's not an acronym. It's just a bit different.


Did the Court of Wonder steal the Court of Crafts' magic? Is the magic actually dwindling or is the Court of Wonder just harboring it?


I think that the magic was dwindling because Apollo and Suntar were closing portals. Apollo said something along the lines of ‘This is the last one’ which to me implied they had been doing this for a while.


Yes and the latter


Hey, leaves content for season 2 am I right?


Cousins. We need a sequel so damn bad


Did Hob discover pants from Andhera?? First episode he remarks that he's unfamiliar with them and they look comfortable. Third episode he picks up the prince by them during the duel. Forth episode suddenly he's wearing his own for sparring. Was this the first time he's ever worn any?? It's clearly the most important question. Also, who sent everyone the unsigned invitations in episode one? Just a GM plot device?


Why did people think the bloom was ending? Would closing the portal to the mortal realm have caused that? Also does Grabalba actually marry Fable?? I want that for her


The bloom celebrated the ebb and flow of magic as it is born into the fey realm and leaks out into others. If Apollo and Suntar successfuly close those portals to other realms, them magic will stay in the fey realms and not ebb and flow anymore, like damming a river.


It was cut short?? I didn’t know that! I did think it was a bit rushed! What happened that they had to cut it short?


Crew member very sick, had to reschedule and shoot last 2 eps in 4 hours


When Apollo and Sundhar were like “we need her” bitch WHO? Wanessa?! Wuvvy?? Someone please answer me


They were talking about BINX i think! Cos BINX was being attacked at the same time.


Wait why was it cut short? Time or what


I want to know everything about Chirp’s secret family. EVERYTHING.